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Newspaper Archive of
Shelton Mason County Journal
Shelton, Washington
August 8, 1963     Shelton Mason County Journal
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August 8, 1963
Newspaper Archive of Shelton Mason County Journal produced by SmallTownPapers, Inc.
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For Fair Contest VIN&apos; WOMAN--Mrs. John Holtorf, Route 6, Shelton, icing for about a month for ne Women's 'NaiI-T to be held during the Mason County Fair August the new fairgrounds at the airport. Her son Bobby, m this Journal photo. Mrs. Holtorf is experienced She and her son Dick, now 18, built the fence horse corral six years ago. Mrs. Holtorf is good at winning things. She won the Journal Who's s last Week. The prize for the top nail-driver is $5. Gas Use Should Next Month will drop by natural gas O. M. Jones, Natural Gas of Shelton people Alderbrook Inn Lion for those who gas service from for Sept. 1. gas should about 30 of Septem- its part Shel- her now de- Ga. Co., ural gas by William Plait. director of safety and training for Cascade. Platt said the "lighter than air" quality of natural gas and the safety devices on modern gas ap- pliances make iL a safe fuel to use. Jones also commented on the delays on getting natural gas in- to Shelton and Bremerton. a pro- ject which has been in the works for several years. BUILDING PERMITS Building permits approved by the Mason County Commi.ion Monday included F. J. Dubler, dock, $350; C. R. Gudger, shed, $750; Harry F. Evans. wood cabin, $1,000; Don Oft, dock, $300; Fred Hendry and Fre<l.ThLmdcau, drive- in theater $18,000; Theodore Beck. garage, $500; Jack E. Cartwright, w0od residence, $6,700; Lawrence D. Keller. addition to residence, $1 000. uction AW A demon- of nat- Percy M Pio 6017 S.E. 86th We Tortland, Ore Thursday, August 8, 1963 Entered as second class matter at the post office at Shelton. Washington, 10 Cents per Copy under Act of Marclt 8, 1879. Published weekly at 227 West Cote. 77th YEAR--NO. 32 Published in "Christmastown U.S.A.', Shelton, Washingtmz 16 Pages -- 2 Sections Shooting Incident Takes Life Of Lost Lake Woman , Mason County Sheriff's officers are investigating a shooting inci- dent Tuesday afternoon which took the life of Mrs. Emily Fruitchan- tie, 41, Rt. 1, Box 283. Elms, a resident of the Lost Lake area. Mrs. Fruitchantie died Of a .22 caliber bullet which struck her in the left chest about 3:30 p.m. Tuesday. She died a short time later. The shot was fired by a 17-year- old girl, the Mason County Sher- Her husband, Joe, told officers iff's officer said. The name of the he was shingling a barn when one girl is being withheld pending of the children came and told him further investigation.  "'mommy has been hurt." No charges have been filed un- til the investigation is completed, the sheriff's office stated. Mrs. Fruitchantie was picking peas in of the. fmnily home near Lost Lake when she was struck by the bullet, the sher- iff's office said. Committee To Study Open Range Question Mason County Commissioners, after hearing arguments on both sides on closing the "open range" area in the Matlock vicinity, vot- ed to appoint a committee of three persons from each side to study the problem and make a recom- mendation to the commission. Members suggcsted for the com- mittee, from those who spoke in favor of keeping the open range, are Bob Trenchmann. Helen Mor- row. an Boney Loertscher an from those seeking to have the range closed. Ken Frank, Buck Arm- strong and Bill Looney. ABOUT 50 persons attended the hearing at 11 a.m. Monday. The meeting was moved from the com- mission chambers to the court room to make room for the crowd. Ken Frank, speaking in behalf of closing the range, said that tree farmers have an investment of more than $100 an acre in land when they plant it to trees and believe they n e ed protection against damage by wandering cattle to new tree stands. It is only while the trees are small that they are damaged he said. Bill Looney, tree farm manager for Sinpson Timber Company, said that Simpson owned about 63 per cent of tim land in the area on which the closure Was asljcd , and said that the company was supporting the closure to cut down on damage to tree plantings. BUCK ARMSTRONG, repre- senting the Northwest Christmas Crowd Turns Out For Salmon Barbecue orowd turned out to eat and look over the work on the young campers who had been on their an- nual outing since Monday, camp were Mrs. Arthur Bakke Shelton; Mrs. Laurence Bedell, Shelton; Mrs. Joe Bourgault, Sko- komish Valley; Mrs. Ray Bracy, Southside; Bert Day, Belfair; Mrs. Ben Drake, Mill Creek Road; Mrs. Eugene Evers. Shelton Valley; Mrs. Jerry Hill Mason Lake; Mrs. John Holtorf, Southside; Mrs. Richard Kelley, Igamilchc; Mrs. John MacRae, Shelton; Mrs. Ar- thur MeI1. Southside; Mrs. Joyce Snyder, Shelton; Mrs. A. H. Wet- Keep Washington Green princess, at Camp Assembly. "Wednesday - Trooper Russell E. Sherman Washington State Pa- trol. spoke on youth safety. CAMP EXCtIANGES were from Lewis County this year. TheY wer Carol Boonc: Cowlitz Prairie, an Bill Klusman, Onalask. They stayed in camp all week and were excellent campers. , 1 s Ruby Camp cooks xcre M'.. d 81n art, Mrs. Lavina Pulsifcr, an Mary Alice Crossan all of the Sko- komish Valley. At the Awards Program Friday night, the Live Wires 4-H Club, led by Mrs. Frank Wolf, won the Simpson Trophy for camping ex- cellence with 783 points. Tlle Time V/atchers, led by Mrs. Laurence Bedell and Mrs. Arthur Mell, came in second. The club was only two points behind the winners 4-H members leant a S salmon off the wire 4-H salmon barbecue at the Camp Friday night. A good LtLke annual SaN were 160 Lronl all parts adult leaders. Committee cn Drake, Mrs. ehe; Mrs. Skokomish Moll, South- Matlock. Guest speakers were: with a total of 781 points, h Monday - Karen Wolf. South- Robert Whitmarsh, Skokomis , , Valley, business agent for Local side, Who short ed colored slides and spoke of her 1962 trip tO the 4-H 38, IWA, directed the Friday Club Congress at Chicago. I "ght fun party for the older 4-tt Tuesday -- Lorraiae bender, club members. Tree Growers Association. sup- ported the closure, stating it should be the privilege of the h, nd owner to control the use of his land. Bob Crapo, speaking in sup- port of keeping the range open, said that there were only about 500 head of cattle in the area. and that there were many more deer in the area than cattle and the deer were doing much of the damage to trees. Boney Loertscher, supporting keeping the range open, said that grazing cattle kept the grass down and reduced the chance of fire. BOB Trenckmann. supporting keeping the range open, said that most cattle owners tried to keep their livestock confined on their own property, but, wanted to keep the range open to have protection from liability if the cattle did get out and get onto a road and get hit 1)y a car. Several other speakers spoke along the same lines, that thc ct- tle owners did not want to have their animals running at large, but, wanted to retain the open range as protection against lia- bility. Several said that the small amount of income they got out o their cattle operations would not be woFLh the risk if the range was closed. Union CompJetes Balloting On ProposedCon tract Local 3-38, International Wood- workers of America, members here completed voting on the pro- posed contract between the nnion and the Simpson Timber Company Tuesday and the ballots were sent to the union's regional headquar- ters in Portland for counting. All IWA and Lumber and Saw- mill Workers union members era- by the Simpson operations in Washington, Oregon and Cali- fornia voted on the contract. Announcement of the result of the vote will come when counting has been completed by regional union officials. The Simpson contract, the only one so far in the Pacific North- west Lumber industry was worked cut in negotiations in Portland earlier this month. Ilems Taken In School Break.In Are Recovered A nulnbcr of items, taken from Mr. View School in a break-in Sunday night, were recovered by Shelton Police in the bmmh a short distance from the school Monday afternoon. Police were notified of the break- in by Ed McPhcrson, janitor at the school, when he arrived at tlle school MOnday morning. Entry had been gained by re- moving a Piece of plywood used to cover a broken sky light on the roof of the building. The hinges on the door to the principal's office were removed to gain entrance there. • Included in the items which were' taken, and recovered were two telephones, two adding machines, an audiograph, three speakers, one power trait for a loudspeaker, one nficrophone, and mx mirrors. Who's Who Pot Is Won Guess we're making this contest ust too dalJl easy. ,on,_2 . rained ih.e Who's Who when':.[,'. 3acpot of $e4 this week old "Su e correctly identified Hal'- all 24 (:rland as our subject with Clues. WITII ,IUST two weeks left in the contest the jackpot is down to $34 back for next ;,eek. But don't feel to self-confident. "Vc're out to fool you this week so keep YOur eyes open for some surprises. Last Week's complete list of chzes was : Combs hair straight Horn-rimraed lasses One daughter, Kathy (coathmcd on ,page 2) the Camp ter, Southsidc; Mrs. Robert Whit- Were Tom marsh, Skokomish Valley; Mrs. President, Roger Williams. Skokomish VaN Vice- ley; Mrs. Don Wilson. Soutlmide; Sal- Mrs. Frank Wolf, Southside. side; Ro- The Sahnon Barbeque Friday Kay afternoon was prepared by Mrs. and Kathy Georgia Miller, assisted by Bruce Miller, and Mrs. Jeanne Plant, all Don Fennel, of Skokomish Valley. ,!stant by Zehe, and El- members in atLending MRS. FRUITCHANTIE was born in Seattle June 27, 1921. She had lived in the Lost Lake area about two years where she and her husband operated a dairy farm. Funeral services xor Mrs. Fruit- chantie are pending at Batstone Funeral Home. Survivors include her husband, Joe, three sons, Frank, Dan and Tom. all of Lost Lake. and five daughters, Mrs. Mary Ann Swan, Hoquiam; Mrs. Joanne Morgan, Germany, and Dens. Mona and Nancy, all of Lost Lake and one half sister. Fire Burns Over 39 Acres Near Camp Govey A forest fire. which flared near a Simpson Timber Company ope- ration near Camp Gooey Saturday, continued to smoulder under con- trol early this week. The ffre burned about 39 acres in cutting unit W3 on Walter Creek, a tributmw of the middle fork of the Satsop River, ten Flower of the U. S. Forest Service said. The fire apparently tarted from logging equipment, probably front a haulback line rubbing on logs, Flower said. It broke out about 3:40 p.m. Satm'day. The fire spread rapidly at first. Flower said, and for a time trapped some logging equipment. Tuesday there were three tan- kers using water to keep the blaze uder control, About 65 men.from the Shn W" son Timber Company and 18 from the Forest service along with 7 tankers and two bulldozers were used in bringing the fire under control Saturday night and Sun- day morning, TVO PLANE loads of borate mixture were dumped on the fire Saturday night. One plane loaded with the borate mixture arrived from Wenatchee were dumped and a second loaded atthe borate mix- ing plant at the Shelton airport on the blaze helping bring it under control. Flower said there was some da- mage to timber which had been felled and bucked in the area over which the fire burned. About 45 percent of timber volume of tle unit was hit by the fire. he said, but mnch will be salvageable, The blaze reached little standing tim- ber. Flower said this was the first fire of any size which had occur- red in thd National Forest in the Simpson Timber Company opera- tions since 1951. As a note of caution, he added, that while the cool damp weather the past fen, weeks has kept the ground moist, what is above the ground is dry enough to burn fast. City Gets Bid On Insurance The Shclton City Commission eccived two bids on liability in- surance for the city when it met Tuesday. The two bids were turned over to the city attorney for study and recommendation: Bids were received from the Shelton Agent's Association, $1,- 645.91 and the Farmer's Insurance Group, $1.673.63. The commission will act on the bids at a special meeting at 10 a.m. Friday. ON THE RECOMMENDATION of Police Chief Paul Hinton, Frank G. Danford was named city night radio man to succeed Sam Ebin- ger, who has resigned to accept a job with an Olympia radio station. The commission voted to ap- prove leases with the PUb 3 and the County Civil Defense office for their space in the new radio build- ing at the water tower on Angle- side. City Engineer Pat Byrne told the commission that he had com- pleted cost estimates on improve- merit of Seventh S1;eet from Al- der south, and that is appeared if that project was doric, most of'the city's gas tax money for arterial streets would be used up. The com- mission, instructed Byrne to pre- pare cost estimates on work need- ed on Pioneer Way and Fairmont Street. TEACHERS NEED HOUSES Several Hen teachers need hou- ses for rent, Shelton Supt. of Schools R. W. Oltman announced this week. Anyone having a house rental available is asked to call the Evergreen Grade School at 426-828L Construction On Correction Center is Making Progress STEAM-HEATING PLANTThis steam-heating plant at the Washington Corrections Center near Shelton should be completed by Sept. 1. This Jour- nal photo shows a back view of the plant. Those are boiler stacks sprouting from the top of the ISy Denny Iihtton What's it like to be turned loose or a couple of hours to wander o.roilnd on your own at the con- truction site of the $13 million Washington Correction C e n ter seven miles northwest of Shelton? This reporter had that oppor- tunity last week. but after once getting started I didn't get very far. I was halted on my journey not by force, but by facination after Visitirtg only two projects of the immense 22-building complex. ON ENTERING the institution for the first time. I checkcd in with Ted Knudson. general mana- ger of Mutual-Valle Construction Co. to get permission. Knudson pointed out two interesting pro- jects, the soon-to-be-completed County Assessed Va/uation is AlmostUnchanoed Assessed valuation of property in Mason County was about $1,000 lower in 1963 than in 1962 Willis Burnctt. County Assessor, said this week. ]1 While real property showed some increase, personcl property value declined. THE VALUATION does not in- elude utilities and railroad pro- perty, which is assessed by the State Tax Commission on a state- wide basis. Real estate valuations 'made by the assessor for 1963 nn which 1964 taxes will be paid totaled $20.535,955 as compared to $20,- 344.520 in 1962. Personel property valuations n, ere $4,745,110 as compared to $4,937,575. BURNETT SAID the decrease in property valuations was due largely to depreciation of equip- ment in Rayonier's idle pulp mill here. The total real and personal pro- perty valuations in the county for 1963 were $25.281,065 compared to $25,282.095 in 1962. building. That is an ash silo on the left front with the larger coal silo behind it. The plant should be put into operation bY Oct. 1, Ted Knudson, gen- eral manager of Mutu_l Valle Construction Co,, said. steam heating plant acl the water tower, from whcre I could start my trip. But that's as far as I got after realizing that two hours had slipped by unnoticed while visit- ing the two sites. "The plant will be capable of providing steam power for opera- tion in anofier month." Knudson said. It shonld be completed to provide steam by Sept. 1 and be put into operation by Oct. 1. d said: ................ The plant contains two silos,'t" large one for coal and a smaller silo for ash. Located along side lhe building is a huge coal bunker. TiIEN I YVAS OFF to the con- struction of the water tower -- and what a construction! In talk, ing with some of the tower work- men one told me that I could get much better pictures, even one of lhe entire institntion project, from a perch atop the tower. My ae- eepance would have meant a long climb up to he top on the open stairs and I thought a tong fall back down, too). I'm sorry but this reporter isn't quite that in- quisite (or brave} and declin- ed the offer. But I did find out a lot of in- teresting information with my two feet glued to the ground. The tower when completed will scale 173 feet with a 300.000 gallon tank on the top, Knudson explained. WORKMEN WERE scampering] around way up there in the sky as calm as if they were sitting behind a. desk. making ready for the hoist of another 24-foot exten- sion of the mast of the derrick for construction of the tank. How those workmen can concentrate on their work while over 150 feet above the ground I'll never be able to figure out. Knudson said the water tank is scheduled to be completed in about two and one-half months. I returned to the Mutual-Valle office to talk more with Knudson and Lyle Lloyd; assistant project manager for Mutual-Valle. "The institution is not open to visitors at anytime because of the inherent danger involved witl/ the unfinished project." Knudson re- minded prospeciive sight-seers. In came Conda Dick, the watchman. He and his dog are there after hours md on weekends to see that nobody tries it. County Sets Hearing On Curfew Ordinance with W. A. Norris and Mrs. Ruby Davis, appeared to discuss the building permit for which Norris lad applied and which the COmmis- sion had turned over to the plan- ning commission. Ragan protested that his client was not properly notified that dis- euSsion of the permit had been de- layed for two weeks after a group of property owners in the area had appeared at the commission nleet- ing July 29 to protest. NORRIS HAS APPLIED for a permit to build a used auto parts building at the corner of Mill Creek Road md Highway 101. Residents of the area have peti- tioned the commission not to ap- prove the building permit. THE COMMISSION approveo he plat for Shorecrest Terrace Third Addition. A hearing was set for 11 a.m. on a. plat for Agate Beach Estates. The board appointed Delbert Stormo to the board of Fire Pro- tection District No. 5 on the rec- ommendation of the board. He suc- ceeds Robert Anderson, who re- ;figned because he was moving ,u of the count, The Ma:on County Commission has set Aug. 26 at 2 p.m. as the Ume for a hearing on a juvenile non-loitering ordinance proposed to them several weeks ago. The hearing was at the request of Marvin Christensen, juvenile probation officer, who had sub- mitred the proposal to the commis- sion on behalf of the county In- teragency Group, made up of so- cial serviceand law cnforccment agencies, which had prepared it.. TI4E COMMISSION set a hear- ing on emergency appropriations for the sheriff's office, juvenile probttion office and for repmr work done on the downspouts anti drainage at the court house. The hearing was set for 11:30 a.m. Aug. 26. A proposed lease on the coun- ty's share of the radio building recently constructed by the city at lhe Angleside water tank, was received from the city. The pro- posal was for $90 a year for five years. The commission delayed ac- tion on the lease, asking that cost figures on the building be provid- ed by the city. John .aa, aLtozmy aloag WATER TOWER -- Workmen were hoisting a 24-foot extension of the mast of the derrick for construction of a 300,000 gallon water tank at the Correction Center last week. The big tank will come later. When complet- ed, the construction will be 173 feet high. Former She/ton Man h Killed In Alaska Martel Allan Jackson. 39, a former Shelton resident, died of an accidental gunshot wound aboard his fishing-boat. Argo. neat" Ket- chikan, Alaska, July 31. His wife, Hester, told officers in Alaska that sbe was loading a gun aboard the boat when it wen off accidentally. The couple's two children were also aboard at te time. MRS. JACKSON notified offi- cials by marine radio and a Coast Guard plane picked up her hus- band and took him Lo Ketchikan General Ho pital where im was dead on arrival. His parents, Mr. and Mrs, Ctaudc &kson, live in Shelton. Born April 21, ]924, Jackson had lived for several yea\\; m Shetton. He formerly workcd as a, car- penter and served in the Navy during World VCar II, He had lived in Alaskt for the past seven years. He is survived by his wife, Hes- ter Jackson, now of Shelton. ma children Johanna and Robbie. al- so of Shelton. He also has four children 'in Olympia, Stcphanie, Melanie, Jennifer and Day. His parents are M]'. and Mrs. Claucle A. Jackson of Shelton. Funeral services were held at 1.o0 p.m. yesterday at the Selene & Eros Mortuary in Olympia with Roy. J. Burton Salter of St. Joln' Episcopal Church officiating. In- tcrment in the Masonic Memorial Park £ollowcd,