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Shelton Mason County Journal
Shelton, Washington
August 8, 1963     Shelton Mason County Journal
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August 8, 1963
Newspaper Archive of Shelton Mason County Journal produced by SmallTownPapers, Inc.
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PACE 2 BORED WITH GOING INTO ORBIT EVERY TIME YOU WANT SERVICE ? ASK US ABOUT THE POLICIES WITH THE P.S: *Personal Service ANGLE AGENCY Herb and Dick Angle ANGLE BUILDING Phone 426-8272 HEADQUARTERS FOR AETNA CASUALTY INSURANCE SHELTON--MAg0N COUNTY 30URNAL--Published in."Ohristmastown, U.S.A.", Shel[on, Washington Social Even ts Society Editor • Molly Murdey ,. Phone 426-4412 ii i i i BARBARA JEFFERSON MARRIES BARBARA JEFFERSON, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. F. L. Jeffer- son of Shelton, became the wife of Philip C. Hiralez, son of Mr. and Mrs. Hiralez of Oakland, California, on July 20 in Oakland. The bride is a graduate of Irene S. Reed High School and attended Washington State University. The couple will settle in Oakland where they are both employed. I I I USED ArPPLIAHCE SALE Used Appliances - Reconditioned - Guaranteed All Sold With .... ...... A: "Written Warranty " ..... Priced to sell quick because we need more space. 30 inch Kelvinator Range - 2 yrs. old. 2 Frigidaire Automatic Washers. Belongs to Defeated Candidates Club 1 Kenmore Matching Washer & Dryer. I Kenmore Auto-Matte Washer - 5 wash temp. 1 Deluxe Frigidaire Refrig. - Auto-Defrost One Year Warranty on Unit I Deluxe Norge All Refrigerator 5 yrs. old. 2 Chrysler Air-Conditioners one year old. 4 Years Warranty left on Unit 1 8 hole Frigidaire Ice Cream Freezer. Refrigerators of every size and age. Prices start at $20 WCTU Holds Meeting The Woman's Christian Temper- ance Union met last Friday at the home of Mrs. Manilla Galloway. Two new members were welcom- ed into the Union. After the no-host luncheon, at which Mrs, Palmer Roberts serv- ed a delicious fruesta, President Marian Johnson condncted the bu- siness meeting. Mrs. Nena Rober£s reported on the recent held in Olympm and Mrs. Arvilla Wiley ga¢e the devotions. "Fun-A Family Affair" was the topic of a paper presented by Mrs. Olive Quartier. The meeting was closed with an open discussion on "The Place For W.C.T.U. in the Community". Shelton General Hospital Mr. and Mrs. Daniel Cowles, Box 115. Union, a girl, August 1. Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Harrris, Box 237, Quilcene. a girl, August 2. Mr. and Mrs. David Johnson, 320 Grove, a boy, August 3. Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Endicott, Route 2, Box 182, a girl, August 4. Mr. and Mrs. Richard Allen, Box 101, Union, a boy, August 6. Mr. and Mrs. Robert Ristine, Route 2, Box 676A, a girl, August 7. CLINIC HOSPITAL Mr. and Mrs. Fred Venzke, Ar- cadia Loop Road, a boy, August 4. Mr. and Mrs. Gerald Kaare Pot- latch, a girl, August 4. Salty Sashayers Plan ,Square Dance Ben F0rbes of Port Orchard will be calling at the Salty Sashayer Square Dance to be held at 8:30 p.m. this Saturday at the Memorial hall. Dancing wil be foll(wed by potluck supper at 11:30 p.m. kll square dancers are invited to tttend. Works on science are profitable; for science is not human. It is LEH WARREN REFRIGERATION 127 S. 2nd Street Phone 426-2445 "Its The Service After The Sale That Counts" spiritual, and not material. -- Mary Baker Eddy PITTSBURGH SUN PROOF" HOUSE PAINT • Iqo primer needed for most repaint, work when surface is sound. • J o Dries in just 30 min- utes. • Paint over damp sur- faces-sudden show- ers won't delay paint- ing. • Colors stay brighter longer. • Sun-Proof Latex Paint resists blisters. HORGAH, EAGRETT LUMBER James Family Attends Reunion Last Sunday :More than 100 descendants of the first settlers of Mound Prairie. Sanmel and Anna James (1852), attended the annual reunion of the James Family Association last Sunday at the John R. James farm nerlr Grand Momd. Recognized for :'longest dist- ance" were Mrs. Edna Foxwell Parrish of Long Beach, California• who taught in the Grand Mound schol 50 years ago: Richard James and family of Smith River. Calif.; Mrs. Elton Divelbiss and family of Marina. California, and Mrs. Gertrude Brewer Clark of Chicago. Mrs Flossie James Parker. only surviving granddaughter of the original settlers, was honored as picmc queen. Mr. and Mrs. Chester Richardson of Olympia will represent the James Family Association at a centennial gathering', of the F0.- well family to be hld this Sun- day in Elgin, Iowa. The two fam- ilies are related by a marrmge in Cormvall, England, prior to their sailin Io settle in America. Re-elected as officers of the Asso- ciation were David James or Seat- tle. chairman: Mrs. Lois James Sorrell of Olympia, secretary: Mrs, Louise James Galkowski of Olympia, editor, and Mrs. Mildred James Barnett of Wenatchee, as- sistant editor, Marrir.ze Licenses Applying for marriage licenses at the Mason County Auditor's office during the past week were: Jerry R. Bell, 21, Shelton, and Verma Henry, 19. Shell:on. William L. Anderson, 46. Bremerton, and Vera Holmes. 41, Bremerton. Robert W. Marcy, 19. Shelton. and Sharon K. Laney, 17, Shelton - _ -_ _ COOK OF THE WEEK This Week Edee Larson has chosen her recipe for Tuna Oat- meal Fritters to share with the readers. The Larson family re- cently returned from a week's camping trip to Alta Lake in eastern Washington. As a veterinarian's wife and mother of four children, Mrs. Doug- las Larson appreciates a simpli- fied recipe that is quick and easy to prepare. As she puts it, "it's al- ways nice to have a recipe you can fLx at a moment's notice if you have to." Her recipe for Tuna Oatmeal Fritters meets all the re- quirements of a good time-saving recipe, besides being nourishing and tasty. Doug and Edee Larson and their four children, Shayne, 14; Scott, II; Mike 10 and Mark, 7, have two favorite sports which they frequently enjoy together. These are snow skiing and horseback rid- ing. The Lars0n's now have four horses, which they keep at Island Lake. Edee says she doesn't have a chance to do as much riding as she'd like to. Her other hobbies are reading and sewing. Serving as secretary of the Moun- tain View P.T.A. last year, Edee also belongs to a bowling team and a bridge club. She enjoys working once a week at her hus- band's veterinary hospital. She is active in the Methodist Church and has taught Bible School there for the past three summers, t The following recipe makes abou 20 fritters, which, as Mrs. Larson uays, "is plenty, even for our six he • ,, arty appehtes . She suggests that the tuna be left undrained, as the tuna oil adds a special flavor to the fritters. Tuna Oatmeal Fritters 1 cup biscuit mix 1 cup rolled oats 1/8 teaspoon salt ½ cup shredded cheese 2 eggs beaten slightly ½ cup milk 7 ounces (1 can) tuna Add fat to electric skillet and heat to 360 degrees. Combine bis- cuit mix, rolled oats. salt and cheese in mixing bowl. Stir to mix. Add eggs and milk and stir lust until dry ingredients are mois- tened. Fold in tuna fish. Drop roun- ded tablespoonful of mixture into hot fat and cook until browned, about five minutes, turning as needed to brown evenly. Serve with quick tomato or mushroom sauce. To make sauce blend a can of either" tomato or mushroom soup with A can of rich milk or cream. Heat until very hot. Don't boil. -- ----  .... m, uL, ,, 40 & 8, 8 & 40 INSTALL NEW Announce Birth Of Son OFFICERS THURSDAY EVE NEW RESPONSIBILITIES--Virginia Wallin and Roy Clinton as- sumed new duties last Thursday evening when they were installed as Le Petit Chapeau of the 8 & 40 and Chef de Gate of the 40 & 8 respectively during ceremomes in the Vets Club. 18 partners of Mason County Salon 508 Eight and Forty, were I the August 1st guests of the Ma- I son County Forty and Eight for a buffet dinner at the Shelton Hotel. Following the dinner, an installa- tion of Eight and Forty officers and the appointment of commit- tees for the coming year were held• Installing officers were La Cha- peau Departmental, Olga Roberts. and La Secretaire-Caissiere De- partmental, Corn Brown. Both arc of Tacoma. Mrs. James Reedel was pianist. THE FOLLOWING officers were installed: Le Petit Chapeau Vir- ginia Wallin: Le Demi Petit Cha- peau Premiere, Mattie Backhmd; Le Demi Petit Deuxieme. Lillian Norvold; L'Aumonier. Lucy Ed- ralston: La Concierge, Ann Levin; L'Archiviste. Merle Smith; and Secretaire-Cassiere. Shirley Clin- ton. Appointed as committee chair- men vcere: child welfare. Agnes Alexander: ritual and emblems. Jenny Hoff: constitution and by- laws, Mary Dobson; fun and fel- lowship, Lillian Norvold; trophie. € and awards, Marie Brickert; part- nership, Mattie Baetdund and Ann Campbell; nurses' scholarship Fran Luhm; publicity and scrap- book, Martha %Vitslers; financ chairmen. Mamie Earl, BeeTle Fau. bert and Mary Sykes: music Bet Johnson; La Petit Surintendante Merle Smith; and L'Avocate. Ra. Melcum. EIGHT AND FORTY partner from Tacoma. Olympia. Tenino Centralia and Oakville were pre- sent. Shirley Clinton. L'Archivist Departmental and Mamie Earl l)epartmental Scrapbook Chair man, were introduced. Le Petit Chapeau Passe Beryle Fauberl thanked all the officers and com- mittee chairnan who had served under her during the past year. Mattie Baeklund, Virginia Wat- lin and Mary Dobson attended the ennual Eight and Forty conven- tion in Yakima this week as de- legates. L'Arehiviste Departmn- tal Shirley Clinton and Depart- mental Scrapbook Chairman Ma- mie Earl also attended the conven- tion as delegates-at-large. WILL GATHER AT PARK The members c the Shelton Business and Professional Wom- en's Club will have a picnic Wed- nesday, August 14 at Kneeland Park, The picnic is scheduled to begin at 6 p.m. WHO'S WHO (Continued from page I) New officers of Mason Count 40 & S Voiture 135 were installed last Thursday night during cere- monies directed by Grand Chef de Gare Ray Petermeyer of Tacoma in the Vets Club i]mnediately fol- lowing installation of 8 & 40 of- ficers. Petermeyer was assisted in the installation ritual by Bill Palms. Grand Cheminot Olympm, acting ts installing conductcur. ROy Clinton accepted the gavel as tl{e new voiture Chef de Gare, relievetng Frank Travis Jr. His supporting officers include Jay Umphenour, Chef de Train; Ed PauberI. Correspondant; Delbert Weston Conducteur: Bert Hoard, Commis Intendant: Phil Durand, Guard de la Porte: Harry Pizorski. Lampiste; Buzz Phillips, Commis Voyageur; Dr. R. %V. Norvold Aummonier; Dr. B. N. Collier, Me- _icin: Glen Correa. Avocat; Bill Dickie, Guarde la Prissonier; John Luhm and Ernie Campbell. Chemi- nots. Clinton announced tl]e appoint- ment of Campbell as child welfare chairman. Luhm as nurses' train- :rig chairman. Faubert as birth- day dollars chairman, and Dickie :as publiciste. Voitnre 135 was host to all mem- bers and guests• including the 8 40 ladies• a a dinner in the Shelton Hotel preceding the in- ;tallatiou ceremonies. Dancing to !ire music folh)wcd the izstallation Leca! Couple O=e Of Hew Tesl $00amps Mr. and Mrs. LeRoy Moore "The Pines". Shelton have one o! .he new hmiseent air mail stamp which are being tried out by the Post Office Department at th( Dayton. Ohio. Post Office. The stamp was on a letter from ]]is roster. E. Catherine Moore, ol Dayton. Ohio. She enclosed a news- paper clipping on the stamps from a Dayton paper. She said the stamp was one of the first of the new type purchased. The stamps are being used in a 60-day trial ' there to see how they will wo'.:k in sorting through ul- traviolet light in a sorting machne, the clipping said. SHERIFI S OFFICE ARRESTS Arrests at the Mason County Sheriff's office during the past week included William Milligas, Seattle. disorderly conduct; Felix Broeau. Shelton disorderly con- duct: Alan liddleton, Bremerton. disorderly conduct; WML Hoskins: Bremerton. disorderly conduct; Joe Melson, McChord AFB. minor in posession and consuming liquor; Frank G. Gosser, Shelton, minor in posession and consuming liquor; Rick J. Henry, Bremerto, reck- less driving. Journal Want Ads Pay U. S. Army Lieutenant and Mrs. Lynn Bender announce the birth of a son. Floyd Allan. weighing 8 lbs.. 6 oz.. on July 24 at Fort Da- vis in the Canal Zone. where Lt. Bender is stationed on active duty. Lt. Bender was graduated from the U. S. Military Academy at West Point i 1962 and is a Shel- ton High School graduate whose school record in the mile run still stands. The grandparents are Mr. and Mrs. Jack Bender. 600 Park Street, Shelton. ........................... I,O1TZ'S TO CELEBI{ATE (;OLI)EN ANNIVERSAIY An open reception for Mr. and Mrs. Charles Loitz ill be held Saturday, August 17. a the Moun- tain View Alliance Chapel. All friends and neighbors are cordi- ally invited to attend between 7:30 and 10 p.m, ATTENTION TREEHOUNDS The %Vestern Washington Tree Hound Association will meet at 8 p.m. tomorrow at the Grays Harbor Community Center between Aberdeen and Hoquiam. All mem- bers and those interested in trees are urged to attend. VISIT tlENRICKSONS Visitors at the Adolph Henriek- son lmme last weekend were Mr. and Mrs. Clair Gatchell from Taco- ma life long friends of Mrs Hen- rickson. Relatives from Edmonton, Canada. Mr. and Mrs. Howard Cross. also visited, Journal Want Ads Pay HAROLD SUTHERLAND Who's Who Kathy graduated this year Blue eyes Food dispenser Busy man Hard worker 4-door Mercury XAC-420 Parliament smoker The fringe is getting gray Ruddy complexioned Fast talker Often wears apron Kathy parade horses Shriner and Mason Wears Masonic ring Lots of empty boxes Chamber of Commerce Downtowner Will sell y6u chewing toOacco Brown hair 200-pounder Hi Used '62 Int  Ton piC speed - der- Real '62 Ford F-1 up - 3 speed { cyhnder- '60 I %_ Ten Panel. Power- LoR. '60 WiI1  Ton Hubs - 4 '52 I Ton base - 3 '52 Studeb  Ton speed. '50 I Ton Cab Engine - 4 Kimbel Chrysler I 707 So. First SL Savings made by I will earn interest from SAVE AND SERVE Y compounded four times Shelton Braneh Thurston Savings & Loan Accounts Insured to $10,000.00 bY 9 A.M. --4 P.M. Monday 10 a.m. to 5:30 p.m. Home Office 5th & Capitol Way • 313 Olympia, Wash. SAFE DEPOSIT BOXES  Privato, SPEND AN EVENING W August 9 and 10 and the fol- lowing weekend August 16 and 17 have been set aside as SPECIAL EVENINGS ENJOY A BUFFET your selection m prior to CHICKEN, STEAK OR SEAFOOD at prices you can afford. When You can dance BEFORE, DURING, AFTER YOUR DINNER No Increase in prices, No additional charge. .Olympic Inn give you to meet OF Managing and we will enjoy (Who BRINNON Telephone 796-2351 YOUR SAVINGS at current m,:€ EARN DIVIDENDS ",1