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Shelton Mason County Journal
Shelton, Washington
August 8, 1963     Shelton Mason County Journal
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August 8, 1963
Newspaper Archive of Shelton Mason County Journal produced by SmallTownPapers, Inc.
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8, 1963 SHELTONmMASON COUNTY JOURNAL-- Published in "Christmastown, U.S.A."Shelton, Washington PAGE 3 For 1964 For Jay-ells ' Ilecord Number Of Tilts the 1963 American baseball slate was in the history initiated by Fred ll-and-20 won-lost on the sur- a little more lustre of the opposition 31 games is con- opponents this four teams the state tourna- in Centralia. Shelton de- District playoff, TIVO, were Kent played for Selah taking Puyallup of beating round, losing mt four-run ninth Friday night. Puyallup from Saturday. Kent in the fin- Longview 4th of and lost twice weekend trip to the tcher Robert Miller efforts wer- to cope with 12 as the Valley 13-12 decision to SOUnd Indian Lea- demolished Skoko- out five hits triple, two in six trips couldn't Ward and ,ort affield away. Ped off to a 2-1 but that was it ever saw. doubled scored Gouley wal- rst and second singled outs later. back for a frames on four and three sing- asted a bases-full SCore Ward Ray in the fourth. twice 'in both panels to Skokomish the fifth when round-tip- SUnday bat was .wo more runs in he tripled in Adams. Tom scored in had sing- in the scoring he doub- with Ray but three bat- the game one X was a night- Tahola bat- pitchers two home spots in the Miller. who single and Miller., who )lated once. Other Sko- has a busy It plans rbeque, base- at Dayton a%rea: r h c 222 12 17 12 21x 13 11 4 and Penn, r h e 00 3 6 3 22 20 5 east side early in June. On the same trip was a game with Ya- kim, which was second only to Selah in the Yakima Valley junior legmn conference and split six games with Selah during the sea- son. SHELTON ALSO defeated two district champions during the sea- son -- splitting two games with West Seattle. the Seattle titlist, and dividing a pair with Aberdeen, 10th District champion. The vic- tory over Aberdeen was the first loss up to that point for the Har- bor club. Another split was with Morton. which placed second to Aberdeen in the regular 10th dis- trict schedule, and still another was with Rainier Beach, third place finisher in the Seattle league. Shelton lost doubleheaders to Burien's Connie Mack team. sec- ond in the King County Connie Mack league, and two Burien's junior legion team, second to Kent in the King County district. SHELTON PLAYED 18 differ- ent 'teams during the schedule, in- cluding two adult clubs, splitting 2 decisions with McCleary's town team and twice beating the Sko- komish Indians. Others not alraady mentioned included Hoquiam, E1- ma, Raymond, Longview, and Olympia beating Elma and Long'- view in single games, losing once to Hoquiam and three times to Olympia. Leaky infield defenses proved Shelton's Achilles heel. Of 181 opponent runs, only 109 were ear- ned during the 31 games, or 60 percent. On the contrary, of Shel- ton's 110 runs 74 zns were earn- ed, or just short of 70 percent. Prospects for 1964 are bright. Sloan's loss will be the hardest to replace with his key role in the pitching and batting ranks. BUT THE EXPERIENCE gain- ed in the extensive schedule this year should show up in improv- ed play of the returnees next year. Rose. Snyder and Towle figure to be the nucleus of a strong pitch- ing staff. All have now had two years of Jay-ell competition. Other returnees with two years past experience include first base- man Ron Landis, catcher Terry Kadoun. outfielder Terry LaBis- soniere, and utilityman Tim Shee- dy. Catcher Jim Richards and in- fielders Denny Bailey and Larry Powell showed promming potential in their first flings with the junior legion this year. 1964 could be a big year for Shelton's team. Trophy Awarded Goat Exhibitor Jack Smith of Arcadia was re- cently presented with a trophy for being the oldest man exhibiting dairy goats in this area. The Tri County and Olympic Peninsula Dairy Goal Associations awarded the trophy to 71-year-old Jack as a result of the dairy goat exhibit- ing he did in June. Mr. Smith has been raising and exhibiting Toggenburg dairy goats for the past 26 years. Last week he purchased a French Alpine goat for the first time. GOAT PERMIT DRAW FRIDAY A public drawing to determine successful applicants for the 1963 mountain goat hunt will be held at 1 p.m. August 9 at the county courthouse in Wenatchee the State Game Department announced this week. The deadline for submitting ap- plications for the hunt is already past. The department is now sort- ing the applications by unit num- ber. STARK FAH JUDGE Gene Stark, formerly of Union and an Irene S. Reed graduate of 1938. will judge horses and ponies at the 1963 Spokane Interstate Fair Sept, 11-15, the Spokane Chronicle said recently. Stark is field secretary of the Washington Horse Breeders Assn. He was graduated from the Uni- versity of Washington in 1948 with his master's degree in animal science. CAFARD AND OWNER Harry Boetk shows off one of the many trophies the grey three-quarter Arabian gelding won last year. The two-year old Shelton horse has a fine ring show record at halter against Pacific Northwest competition. Shelton Horse Impressive In Re©enl Competition Cafard, a promising two-year- old grey three-quarter Arabian gelding owned and shown by Har- ry Boelk. Shelton, has been com- piling an impressive show ring re- cord at halter against some of the finest competition in the Pacific Northwest. Owner and horse just returned from Oregon's Half-Arabian simw at Canby where Cafard took a first place blue ribbon and trophy over a large class of colts the same age. LAST MONTH Cafard was nam- ed Reserve Champion Half-Arab of the Portland Meadows three- day show after placing second it_ his halter class division. In June the Shelton horse was named Champion Half-Arab at the Oreg'on All-Arabian horse show after winning first, place over geld- ings of all aTes. Tills was the lar- gest All-Arabian horse show ever held in the United States with a:bout 400 horses from the western states participating. Cafard was bred. foaled and raised in Mason County. Boelk is Darleen Gray, Tom Lowe Gel Hationai Track Recognition Darleen Gray and Tom Lowe were among 11 Puget Sound area track-and-field athletes who re- ceived honors for placing national- ly in the 1963 Amateur Athletic Union Junior Olympic program at the Seafair Junior Olympics meet at Edmonds Sunday. Darlcen the HoQdsport flash, was rated fivth natiormlly in the girls' 10 and ll-ycar-otd 50 yard dash. Jeanne Peterson. another Hoods- port fern, accepted Lowe's award rated fifth nationally in the girls' mediate 14 and 15-year-old) 100 yard dash. Lowe was most present. In the regular meet Darleen was second in the girls' 12 and 13-yar- old 50 in 6.7. The winner wa clocked in 6.5. Darleen also par- ticipated in the 75 and the broad jump, but did not place. Jeanne entered the same three events, but failed to place. Next action for the girls will be the Hi a'hland Games at Wesl Seattle stadium Saturday. 1)lanning competitive trail ride competition for Cafard in the fu- /.liFe. L Peterson, War will end when nations are p, obt. Miller ripe 1'or progreSl-"'11-- idN iller. -- Mary Bake Eday R8 I FINAL WEEK I111 SAtE !!l, WOMENS ;L IH:It :: • k SUMMER SHOES SEAT 'EM AT ltlVElt NOW WE'LL BFAT'E AT ITAIL! $388 - Remember that last showdown? Plymouth left Ford and Chevrolet in the dust in 8 out of 10 official tests made at Plymouth's re- quest at Riverside, California. Now it's Showdown Time at your Plymouth-Valiant Dealer's. Plymouth 'is gunning down the league at retail. Low prices! Terrific deals! =. ,Yoer Authorized Ph(moI!th-VaTiani Oealeffs War- r Y ' k .(,,,,,p n 1963 cars has been e×pndod to inch .... € ant agalr, st de/eels lr, qlater ii alrd W0r i,. eplaceprellt or repa,r, Wlthou! charge |0rlq;;;d arts or labor, for5earsoraO,O00m o ". " " • S, %0rcn- P - o.mes first on the (Ilp]ll block head 1 -.Wmr- i,er..','rt';"a"so"s°° c, a,, i.te,.a, ,,', ALL SALES FINAL ............... .oa, c,.,c,); ,or..e eoovo.., o.,e sha.. ,,.ie,.., 5.^'"Y'"- , :E.du s coverS) rearaxleaoddlfferential andrearwbr. !°mls'excmu'!'..:thevehlclebasbeensc{vcc( at re'asonahle n;;" bearings, p, rovuvu . .Plvmouth.V a iaut Cerbfied Car Care s-.^,'',,'" BOOTERY r KIHBELO°° ...... lWOTO,$ i ...... fie ii het 707 S. 1st St. , ton, Washington i =, . i REG BROWN, THE APPLIANCE MGR. AT MILLER'S SAYS--I have just purchased 2 Carloads of New 1964 General Electric Appliances at terrific savings and am passing these savings on to you the people of Shelton and Mason County in the biggest Appliance Sales event of the year, We do not as yet have enough \\; L.: • ::;: ,{ G : floor or warehouse space to handle all of this merchandise so 25 of these units MUST GO this-weekend.--The prices below are the delivered and installed price and as an added feature I have been authorized to make the first payment on all purchases made during this sale not due until OCTOBER. Inveterate Kidder. REMEHBrER - NOBODY BEATS A "HILLER DEAL" " 13 CUBIC FT. REF. FULL PORCELAilIIZED CRISPER DOOR STOPS 4( DIAL DEFROST STRAIGHT LIHE DESIGN FREEZER 12.5 cu. fl. 420 pounds cap. SPECIALS 18 cu. ' 720 pound cap. s268oo 2 SPEEDS 3 CYCLES 3 WASH 2 RINSE Temp. 12 Pound - FILTER- FLO S OwO,, MATCHING ,.,.,.,,,. ;, 168.00 w/t .... & STEREO SPECIALS 19 INCH G.E. PORTABLE00 TV '138 °° ¢oN00o00, ,l:00R00 HEW G.E. II in. PORTABLE lV.....s99 % REMEMBER-EASY CREDIT-1st PAYMEMT OCTOBER