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Shelton Mason County Journal
Shelton, Washington
August 8, 1963     Shelton Mason County Journal
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August 8, 1963
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8, 1963 StlELTON MASON COUNTY JOURNAL--Published in "Ohrstmastown, U.S.A.", Shelton. Waslfingt0n PACE 6 COST HOME LOANS i REMODELING PURCHASE Reducing Balances No Commission Charges Savings &amp; Loan Assodalion .E INSURANCE BUILDING • SHELTON O HARDWARE • PAINTS 1 mile. off highway on Cole Road Road Builder's Supply Ph. 426-8224 Harstine Isla,d Social Club Plans Dance, Midnight Supper For Aug. 31 By Donette Glaser HARSTINE .... The Harstine Island Social Cluh dance (,ommit- tee has comI)leted the arrallge- menls £or the dance AuRust 31. There will be live mume hy tile Four Sharps, a dance band froln Ehna, Members of the committee are. George Waifc Jr. AI Pridham, Gunner Johnson, Ella McAuliffe nnd Florence .lerrells. Also plans for the Midnight Sapper are com- pleted Harstine Island Sol:eel Board will hold its regular men Lhly meeting one week late. instead el Monday, Aug. 12 it will be held Aug. 19 al 7:30 p.m al the School. The Jack Meeks and Mrs. Edith Smalley are sure happy this week as Loise's Sister and family Mr. and Mrs. Clay Chapin and Bryan of Redondo Beach. Calif. hqve ar- rived and will vacation here. Reene and Clay purchased a lot at Island Shores. We are all looking forward to the day Reene and Clay will be numbered alnong our permanent residents, GEORGE 'AND Maxine Waitc and children camped out on their lot at Island Shores Saturday night. Wednesday George and Max and Mac and Tom Tierney left for Or(ms Island. They Will boa)'d the Sailing Craft. Idle Hour. for u weeks lour of Pllget Sound. The ships captain is Carl Me- Breyer, sorry we didlft learn the llanle of the meal important Ineln- her of the crew the "Ships Cook" Ben Voyage you lucky foresome, Tile aid l*aunsgards have as their "helper" this week their grandson Ricky Burkhaulter ot Lakewood. The Paul Chaffier had a house- ful this week. Odeynes brother, the Ernie Byers of Seattle, their daughter Betty Radelet and chin dren of Elms and also daughter Pat Marhle and children of Sparks, Nev. While here Pat had her bir- thday Aug. 2. Happy Birthday Pat from all your Island Friends. We have a few Island Statis- tics to elfin" you this week. 1,500 persons visited the Garolds Cove State Park during the month o* July. Also overnight Saturday 44 were tied in at the State Park dock. Ferry.count for the week ot July 28 -Aug. 3 was 673 with 136 cars crossing on the 28th alone. Last Sunday, ugust 4 145-ears crossed, considering each trip the ferry can only handle 8 ears. our ferry crew really workad hard. GRANDMA DUGDALE has her sister Reba Diekie of Seattle here EY,s g ""°" iim|ted time off d raperies MADE TO YOUR MEASURE fabrics BY THE YARD from our custom fabrio colleotion • choose from hundreds of samples •beautiful prints! solid colors! • handsome weaves! new textures! • Stockily Built Hurry in. choose from our magnificent collection of decorator fabrics for draperies, slipcovers, up- holstery . . . a superb group all specially ordered for you from the top decorating fabric manu- facturers in the country! All fine• first quality, all )he latest, loveliest colors, styles, weaves! Don't miss these savings! Pursues dead-beats. Be sure to bring your measurements for drapesl 3 DAYS iol! famous long-wearing cotton muslins COTTONS twin 72" x 108" flat or twin Elastafit bottOm sheet .................................... full 81" x 108" flat or full Elastafit bottom sheet ............................ pillow cases ' 2 for PENG,ALE ® famous, fine combed cotton percale WHITE twin 72"x 108" 00179 flat or twin Elastafif bottom sheet =199 full 81" x 108" flat or full Elastafit bottom sheet pillow cases .......................................... WHITE PASTELS ,24s =273 2 for 99 ° for2 $121 for 7 to 14 ]CKS, PLAIN 'N COMBOS COLORS ! 12 STYLES purchase on Penney's part could dazzle you so! big and little sizes sister in the new dark-tones SChool, behave so well! Jacket dresses, shirtwaists, b°tfffants . . . all the school-favored prizes. Pick a enough for an extra dress. Goes for in- FERRY RE()E1PTS Receipts from the Harstine Is- land Ferry for the week ending Aug. 3. were $275.50. the Mason County Engineer's office reported. with her for two weeks. Also visiting Grandma were Mr. and Mary M. Knight Alumni Association Elects Bill [ingery As Presideet by Dora Hearing MATLOCK The Mary M, Mrs. MeQuin }rod daughters Sheryl I officers at the picnic at Minerva and Cathy. Knight Ahunni held election ot The Harold Seberings were pleased to have Harold's sister Mr. and Mrs. Dawson and son Bill or Menlo Park. Calif• as their guests from Saturday to Tuesday. Sunday guests of the Larry Jer- rells were Florences ex-boss and family. The A1 Seotts and daugh- tel' Beverly and son Bob and his wife Stlzie all of Black Diamond. Sunday overnight guests were the Binghams of Seattle and their two sons Dan and Bill who stayed till yesterday. Herb and Oeneveve Spahr of Ta- coma and Enema and Jim Lohrer spent the weekend at the Ocem beach, clamming and beach comb- ing. MR. AND MRS. Bruce Hair and sons Dale and Glen of Seattle are spending a few days visiting the H. V. Glasers. Mrs. Hair I Gwin Burlingame) made her home with the Glasers when they lived at Pa- cific Beach. One of the first rules a corres- pondence learns when writing a cohlmn such as our weekly one zs never to use the word I, but at this time I would like to wish my Mother Mrs. Don Eddy of Ho- quiam, a very 'Happy Birthday Mama" from your family alia friends of Harstine. SUHHER CLEAN-UP Womens Swimsuits REDUCED Mens Swimsuits REDUCED 99' & '199 Girls Swimsuits REDUCED Boys Swimsuits REDUCED 88'& '144 Mens Sport Shirts SHORT SLEEVES Womens Blouses SLEEVELESS ,1so , ,11 Chaise Lounge Pads REDUCED ,4ss Girls Sportswear 2 PC. SETS & SLACKS REDUCED ,lOO Womens Sportswear JAMACIAS & SLACKS REDUCED $144 Men's Dress Shirts LONG SLEEVES WHITE & COLORS s288 Womens Sun Dresses REDUCED ,lOO Rain Coats MENS & WOMENS '888 Park a week ago Sunday. Bill Kingery was elected president Ed- die Hollatz vice president and Al- ice Larson secretary and treasur- el', Mr. and Mrs. Edward Ew, rs sold their home here on the Mar- tin River and moved to ,%atsop last week. They purchased the Rankin house there. They will be greatly missed hv their friends here as they lived' here 39 years. Mr. and Mrs. Charles Coleman and two children of Spokane spent three days of last week with Mr. and Mrs. Dave DeFoer. MR. AND MRS, Dave DeFore and sons are vacationing for two weeks now and will spend some time with Mr. DeFores folks m Idaho. Mr. and Mrs. John Blankenhorn of Boseman, Mont. and Mr. and Mrs. N. P. MeLeod of Seattle were Sunday dinner guests of Mr. and Mrs. Elvin Hearing. Mr. and Mrs. Richard Coekburn went to Sunnyside to spend a cou- ple weeks with relatives they left Friday. Mr. and Mrs. Lud Rossmaier and Mr. and Mrs. Robert Trench- mann attended the Democratic picnic Sunday at Maple Beach. MR. AND MRS. EDWARD Val- ley spent Satur(h.ty ewming with the Fred Crabtree family. Those that took in the Sahnon barbecue at Panhandle last Fri- day evening were Mr. and Mrs. 1. C. Ford. Mr. and Mrs. Lud Ross- mater. Mrs. Lula Olens and Mr. Givens. Mr. and Mrs. Herbert Helin spent last Thursday at Port Or- Southside Family Takes Trip To PortLudlow by Mrs. Ray Kratcha SOUTHSIDE Mr. and Mrs. Ted Bare and Kenny of Arcadia and Mr. and Mrs. C. H. Binks o Oakland. Calif. spent July 27 anct 28 visiting Mr .aqd Mrs. Frank Harrier of Port Ludlow while there Mrs. Ted B'?re caught a twenty pounder and "m eight sahnon fishing at Port LIMIow. Darlene Holtorf celebrated her fifteenth birthday last week in the cabin of the Fusy Bells at County 4-!-I Camp. Mrs. Drew Cole baked and decorated Darlene's birthday cake real pretty. Helping Darlene celebrate were the Busy Bells 4-H Club members. Pete Roberts has resigned as president of the Bell Riders Sad- dle Club and moves John Oakes up into Club president and Leo Bishop is the new vice president• Bell Riders Saddle Club along veith the Silver Stars hope to partici- pate at the Fair. Visitors of Mr. and Mrs. Wal- ter Krateha. Linda and Susan Sunday were Mr. and Mrs. Glen Kratcha and family of Siletz, Ore., Mr. and Mrs. Chuck VThitt ann family of Warmer Robin, Mrs. Roy Kimball, Mr. and Mrs. Doug Perrine and Leah of Paekwooa, John Krateha Jr., of Bremerton and John Kratcha of Siletz. VISITORS OF MR. and "Mrs. John Holtorf. Darlene. Shells and Bobby were Mr. and Mrs. Chuck Staley of Arizona Last Sunday visitors of Mr. and Mrs. Walter Krateha and fam- ily were Mrs. Sylvia Montour and children of Aberdeen and Miss Sharon Winnings of McCleary. Bob Quimby, Cliff Riekards, Robby Jackson, Ray Braey, Steve Tibbets and Carl Wilson of the Southside Eagles 4-H Club, attend- ed 4-H Camp at Panhandle last week and all had a good time while there. Visitors of :Mr. and Mrs. Alfred Kadoun, Steve and Kim spending the weekend were Mr. and Mrs. Glen Krateha. Michael and Shelby of Siletz, Ore. Mr. and Mrs. Waiter Kratcha and Linda spent last week east of the Mountains fishing. Mrs. Veta Holtorf. Darlene• Shei- la and Bobby spent last week at Panhandle 4-H Camp. Visitors of Mr .and Mrs. Ray Krateha and Janice Sunday were Mr. and Mrs. Chuck ,Vhitt and family of Warmer Robin. Mr. and Mrs. Glen Kratcha and family, of Siletz, Oregon. Mr. Roy Kimball, Mrs. Stella Kadoun, and Linda, John Krateha Jr.. of Brem- erton and Dan Cormier. Spending last week with the Ray Kratcha's was John Kratcha of Oregon. chard with Mr .and Mrs. Alfred Anderson and took A1 Anderson and Sandy ()lsen home. The boys have been helping Mr. Helin hay. MR, AND MRS. Ernest Bootll of Shetton were supper guests el the Herbert Brehmeyer Sr. fami- ly on "Wednesday. Mr. and Mrs. LeRoy Booth and family of Hoquiam and Mr. and Mrs. Herbert Brehmeyer Jr. and I family spent Sunday at the I. C. 1 Ford home. David and Tyler Booth returned home after spending two weeks with their grandparents. Mr. and Mrs. Don Sackrider of Montesano spent Snndny with Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Howard. Mr. and Mrs. Itomer Adarns called on Mr .and Mrs. Gene Brown Friday evening. Friday Mr. aud Mrs. Gene Brown and baby shopped in Olympia. ana then visited Mr. and Mrs. Victor Minkler at Picketing. Saturday the Gene Brown fam- ily attended a picnic at the New site on Mountain View where the Latter Day Saints Chm'eh is to be built. Mr. and Mrs. Gene Brown and baby, spent Sunday at Spencer Lake with Mr, and Ivlr, Ervin Clay. New Phone Books Coming Out Next Week Mailmen will tote heavier mail- bags next week with the delivery of Pacific Northwest Bell's 1963 telephone directories. Some 5,245 books will be delivered to custom- era in this area by Aug. 17, That's an increase over last year of 273 books issued during the initial de- livery, manager John M. Doyle said The telephone book includes 4.300 alphabetical listings and 64 yellow pages. There also were 158 more listings in the 1963 directory than in last year's, reflecting a slight growth in this area. THIS YEAR, in support of Coy. Albert D. Rosellini's "Tour Wash- ington" campaign, the directory cover is a salute to the State's natural beauties. A colorful photo composite of XVashington's recre- ational varieties will be used State wide on more titan two-million hooks under the banner "For Year 'Round Family Fun .... Tour Wash- lngton." Settings shown are Hur- ricane Ridge, Olympic Nationul Park: Lake Chelan; fishing a mountain stream in the high Cas- cades; the San Juan Istands, and boating on the Snake l.iver in southeastern Washington. Perhaps one of the most impor- tant pages in the new book is the inside front cover wlere a large block of space is set aside for emer.a'eney telephone listings. Sev- eral fire department numbers are given so it's important to know which area ehch department ser- ves. The applicable number should be written in the "emergency" block for instant reference should the need at'me. THE NEW directory includes listings for Hoodsport and Union in addition to Shelton. If you haven't received your te- lephone directory by Aug. 17. call the telephone business office for one, Shower Rro,p Honors l00other by Judy Von Osten ALLYN -- Mrs. Celie Amacher was honored Mrs. at the Replin- ishing Shower last Tnesday even- ing. Celie collects owls and she received a real c.ute dinner bell in the shape of an owls head. She also received other cute owl fig- ureines, lovely dish towels, set of mixing bowls, cqsserole dishes and many other lovely gifts. She serv- ed cake and a delicious fruit salad. nut and date bread and coffee. Harriette Chiplak is next. :Mrs. to be honored on Aug. 20. Mr. and Mrs. Leonard Peter- son and family and Mr .and Mrs. Gene "vVatson and family had win- ters from Indiana. They were Mrs. Russell Allen. Mrs. Betty Detar and daughters Leita, and Norms Peterson. Betty is former sister- law to Leonard Peterson and Mar- .tha Watson and she spent her time visiting between the two hmncs. MR. AND MRS. Howard ,Vynn and children enjoyed several love- ly days camping out at Lake Cushman They swam. fished, cooked out doors and really had a wonderful time. Richard Hemphill son of Mr. and Mrs. Jerry Hamphill of Seattle las been spending the last two weeks with his great Aunt and Uncle, Mr. and Mrs. Steve Boyee of Al- Ign. Last Wednesday while Rich- ard was playing along the beach he noticed a large Devil fish up on the beach. He showed his uncle and then the Devil fish swam away. Quite a sight for this young man to sec. Mr. and Mrs. Walter Marigeau and daughter Judy spent the week- end with her folks. Mr. and Mrs. Sam Clements. Joining them on Sunday were Clements other dau- ghter, Pat Baumgartner and fam- ily. Spending last Friday with the Sam Clements was daughter Shir- ley Verclics an huab'al)d Jim and Lu Anne and Danny of Spokane. WE WERE SORRY to hear Mrs. Echo Matson was taken to Shelton Hospital last week for a couple of days. Hope she is better now. Of interest to a great deal ot Allyn residents is Terry and Edna Valley are back to stay. They are staying with their daughter and faimly Barbara and How ard Wynn and four children until they find a permanent place. Visiting his parents and bro- thers and sister is Clifford Griffey from Oklahoma City, Okla. Last Saturday night all the family got together for big beach cook out. Familiar faces in Cambers store are those of Frank and Martha Jolley. The Cambers are vacation- ing. Dinner guests last Thursday evening at home of Sam Ctements were Mr. and Mrs. Steve Boyee, Mrs. Boyee's sister. Grace Paulson of Portland and her grandson, Richard Hemphill of Tacoma. Attentio, All Elks BIG HEXlCAH FESTA Special Menu Featuring All Mexican* Food Specialties Friday Night, Aug. 9 CHECK SMASH H IT USED CARS AT JIM PAULEY'S H<> """ HI.'- ,¢= cRza V,M/ttA Local ice cream fancie prefer Darigold, With your first bite, you'll agree •.."Darigold Makes It Better, makes better ice cream Starting 6:00 P.M, -- $2 Per Person -- Limited Reservations DANCING UNTIL 2:00 A.M. TICKETS AT ELKS CLUB OFFICE, Olympia