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8, ]963.
9HELTON--MASON COUNTY 30URNAL-- Published in "Ch, ristmastowh U.S.A." Shelton, Washington
Tilt Tonight
LEAGUE View scored 40 runs in its two
9 2
9 2
7 4
1 9
1 10
l Result.u
illerest 2
thside (tonight)
Crest , Wednesday)
of lopsided
edged in to tie
A Lea-
set the stage
till. on Corer
ay) at 6
Samples handcuffed Matlock
with only two hits while stomping
Matlock 23-1 earlier in the week.
He fanned 10. Ed Dawson slammed
three-run homer for Mt. View
in the fom'th inning. Bob Bryant
had three hits for the winners in-
games to its opponents 1 whlle
Southside scored 58 runs in three
games to 11 for its opposition.
Winning flinger Butch Bowman
registered 11 strike outs in South-
side's conquest of Hillcrest. South-
sider Dave Puhn supported Boxw
man's pitching efforts with three
hits in four appearances at the
dish. while Bowman himself got
two hits in four times up. Tom
Fredson had two of Hillcrest's
five hits.
KAMILCHE GOT to Southside
pitcher Mike Carper for four runs
in the top of the first frame, but
then ran out of gas as Southside
pounded away for a 16-6 victory.
Carper led Southside batters with
four hits including two doubles
and Jack Shuffenhauer hit a dou
ble and two singles.
Every Southside player hit safe-
cluding a double.
The short scores:
r h e
Southside 002 0(12)1 0 15 7 3
Hillcrest 000 001 0 2 5 8
Batteries: Bowman and Shuf-
fenhauer; B. Masteller. T. Fred-
son. K. Masteller.
r h e
Kamilche 400 011 0 6 6 3
Southside 30, 10 201 xl6 11 1
Southside 3010) 201 xl6 11 1
and Renecker. Ray. Carper, B.
Jackson and Buckley.
r h e
Southside 037 32(]2) x 27 18 2
Matlock 230 00x x 5 3 12
"TIGER TOO"--This 225-cubic
inch cabovec hydro, designed by
Ron Jones, Shelton, set" a new
world's limited record of 81.521
miles-per-hour on Seattle's Green
Lake Sunday. Jones designed
A silver cock elltel'(l bv .Tim
Bennett trimlphed in I-tic Shelton
Hoeing Pigeon Chlb's fo[llth yollug
bird face orig'inathg item SIIIt,D1.
Ore. Sunday.
Bennett's winning biFd \\;v:s l i-
ed ill 1098.841 yards pcf hlinlllO
over n 155•024 mile c)urse.
THI]I{Iq %VEI{E ONLY 53 birds
fronl five lofts repres,u;cd in tile
Paul Bigley. v,'h( entered 19
birds, picked up a second wilh his
blue hen. and fourth wilh his blue
cock. They were timed in 1025.,929
and 927.399 ypm t'esp,,cth'el::.
Dick Giles' silver cock \\;v:ts lhh'd
in 945.278 ypm. There wad no re-
porl from two other lofts.
and built Tiger Too for Harry :Men's Simpson Lca-ue b(\\;vlel's
Schneider, Pale Alto, Calif. will meer August 1;5 at 7:a0 pro.
its owner and driver in the pic- t.t the Simpson Building.
ly in its 27-3 win over Matlock. Batteries: B. ,Iackson, and Hart- =--====="""w"vw==t=="*"a="=========n==mp"=tt'''t'="'=nn=='"=tN=" ture. The 171/2 foot hydro is
ears were shoe- Bo\\;vman amassed four hits and weU; Valley, Stodden, Buchanen _ powered by Ford. Desigmng and
of the title race scored six runs and Steve DeMiero and Chappll. I . building boats is a hobby Jone's
"0 m games the hmes for the winners. Mt. View 010 3 7 10 0 11'%1 ITr//'IBC spare time. He is an engineer for .11 lr
MT. VIEW'S ,Roger Samples Hillcrest 000 000 0 3 0 ]rl tJLJ|LlJtJi& -I Mutual Valle Construction Co. at -B'V , '
VIEW or Nouth- twirled a three-hit shutout over Batteries: Samples and Sc Swi- r,lIklPl_L.] m "" = " -=-I the Correction Center near Shel-
Lances with the Hillcrest Monday while hls mates sher; B. Masteller, T. Predson, Dan ] =1 ton. Jones also redesigned and =_. __ l___=__
ring the chain- g'athered 10 hits and 17 runs. Scott.. Barrom and K. Masteller. ,,l/ rebuilt the sponsons on the un- LIVP. ||Jfl
its grasp. Mt. Swisher" smashed two round-trip- r h e t' IN MASON COUNTY il limited hydro Miss Bardahl be- = w .==
____ pers and samples a homer and two Mt. View 637 304 23 14 0 _ fore she won the Gold Cup
. l me -- I singles for Mt. View. Ervin Her- Matlock 000 001 i 2 4 mlllllu=mlmm,.,m,mlmmm,,mm,,mmmw,,,muumaummlmuullHumm=] Race in Detroit last month. Miss e|ll u
.. ill [ '@ " I roll got the only extra base blow Miss Bardahl set lap, heat and lllMgl /11= g
Stodden and Chappel,. T'It';;)%,,IS ;ct: e°[g"Buonmno, (g:8 chink; race speed records at Detro,t.
. | [ for Hillcrest, a double. Batteries: Samples and Swisher; ............. e 18 10 kin- Hoods '
:IIEliT .................
lil IIlll=ll¢lll? ........ llllllrlrl ........... l]P,.t,t r "galmon. by the dozens" were re- Wayne. Clark,. Tacoma, 4-0 hnnlhmnpy'," [ 9:00 p,m, l0 2 a=m,
......... ported caught out of Hood Canal Bill Trine, Tacoma, 4-8 1). [ Good nutrition .--including trace "
v mat a ranumgs . , o " Bill
W L during the past week. Matt Van Laanen, 10-0 king; t mineralized salt - can add -years Members Only
s te ,- _ '| Ruth Heuston took" top he ors Mt View 11 1 Two young brothers stole the Fieber, 5-8 humpy, and Nancy[ of productivity to the life span of ' It
'ent D,c.- un and ] in ladies' play for putts Tuesday Hii'lcrest 9 3 spotlight from the "old pros" by Higgens, Calif., 5-0 humpy. Clark [ a herd bull. "
,, • ezevision [ on the Bajshore Golf Course. Skokomish 6 6 boating two of the largest salmon also had a 6-8 humpy Friday along ]
Am...m! ss|Ons [ Ann Correa won a women's play Southside 3 9 reported, off the month of the with George's 4-12 fmlnpv. [
'R|" [ flag tournament July30. Hamlr/a Hannna River Saturday and unaay tarv tsusacl 15, " "
Latest Results " • - . . ' . Hoodsoort way with reportei sco-[
---imv I In men's play Homer Woodard, ==
Mr. Vmw 12, Hfllcrest 9 ............ • 1 ^ ^ res froln Bob Mlnty. 4-0, humpy, [ PROFITABLE TRIP -- K e n
E00RIn / a member from Port Orchard, " • " " hooked a 19-0 king Saulraay and - • • .
M nls Drotner beott, II, naa an u
--H= | joined the hole-in-one fraternity t. View 10 Southside 2 . - %¥. E. Smith, 3-0 humpy; Hub l
42 with an ace on the seventh hole
6-6602 [ " , '. , . . unday. \\;¥oodard, 3-0, 3-8 and 4-0 humpies; [ Rose, Route I, Shelton, daughter [
Mt. View's B League Tigers THE BOYS were fishing with Charles Minnard, 5-12 and 6-4 I Marth't and son Tim made a ]
; wrapped up the Twilight Little their father BillBusaek and Paul humpies; Berta MeKiel' 6-4 andl pr°fitable fishing trip t° the I
League championship during the Hinton. Hinton caught a 7-0 sil- 4-4 humpies; Joe McKiel, 5-0 ehinkI Hoh River over the weekend. ]
I past week by downing Hillerest ver Saturday. . and 3-4 blackmouth; Glenn Hawk, I Their 22-fish catch featured a I
RAYS HARBOR Other re orted Sunday fmh went 7 8 hum and Mzck Keenan 13 Ul tp i
t112-9 and finishing up with Souti- • P - PY, " , " I variety including a steelhead, ]
, side 10-2. to Hank Boysen, 14-0 king,. Union; 0 king, Union. ] two humpies, 18 rainbow and a l
A g league title-holders the Ti- John Swanson, two humpms, Un- Thnrsday successes were record- I dolly varden. Tim is pictured I
l °'ers will host the best olaver ion; Roy Asleson 4-8 humpy ed ()tit of Hoodsport b Mrs Jim ff
, , . , _ _ s ' ' Y ' er non-fishing sister Janice. [
from Hillcrest Skokomish South- Hoodsport and Harvey Greenwood Schumate 7-0 humpv' A] Hart-] witch the fish along with anoth- ]
side and Matlocr in the annual 7-0 silver, I-Ioodsport. Asleson had n]an, 3-8 hunpy; Ben Barber, [ (photo by Ver!s Sport Shop) ]
FAIR ; all-star game On L°0p Field Fri- a limit variety Of a 6-0 slVer''7-0 4-0 chink; Rusty RhOdes' 7-0 . !!
' [ day at 6 pm - humpy and 11-5 king baturuay, chink, .rod three fish to 5-0 for| OLYMPIC NATIONAL [ Jl
, All-star coaches are Joe Bour- Boyson also had a 4-8 humpy Sa- Ralph Hilligoss. Mrs. Shumate had] FOREST [
gault and Alex Kuhr. Tiger coa-Iturday • a 7-0 blackmouth the day before. / RECREATION REPORT I
]ches are Ray Densley and Glen More Saturday salmon all out The report was completed by J.] Shelton Ranger District: [
• " Parr. 'of Hoodsport were hauled in by E. Jarver's 5-0 silver near Hoods- The high steel bridge on the[
/ -- port and Bill Rutherfm'd's 8-0] Skokomish River is 73 per cent I
WEEK i .SIOa ........... hnmpy. Both fish were caught| complete as of August 1- CaIp-,
] n, nee(ly, wlngar(1, wagner Monday. [ grounds are receiving moderate]
Legionnaires To Lose 0nly Four Skokonlish is sLill reporLea,
use. Fishing on the south fork ot
< good. Fire caused apparently by
/For 1964 Baseball Campaign logging operation burned o9 acres .. ..
August 3. Wvnooehee trails above
" Wynoochee 15alls campground has !iii!i!::i::! :,:: ..................... :*':9!!i!}i!ii{!i[ii
SCHEDULE not been maintained. Skokomish "61 ii
Shelton American Legion junior [%Vingard 28 88 10 21 9 .239 the park boundary.
baseball squad will be lost through ] Coehran 8 30 3 7 1 .283 Hoodsport Ranger District "
age-eligibility for next year's cam- LaBiss(miere 28 8.3 6 19 12 .229 All roads are open and in good
- elect Your Favorite Entertainment" paign. " Richards 26 65 5 14 7 .215 condition. All campgrounds are in
:IAYS HARBO AIR HAs excellent condition. All trails are MERCURY
; R F IT! " Among the returneses are leading Kadoun 20 3,1 6 7 2 :b6 open. Improvement Work is con:
bitter Brian Snyder and leading Landis 23 63 9 12 4 .190 tinuing on Mt. Jupiter Lrail. Most
pitcher Tim Rose. Snyder, with Densley 5 6 1 1 I 167 of Lhe h)wer elevation lakes are
two years of eligibility remaining, T. Sheedy 14 23 I 3 2 131
usi 15-7:30 p,m,
er 12 Free to Grounds all day)
Auto Destruction Derby
16-2:00 p.m.
d Show)
g, Augusl 16-
4-H & FFA Cattle Parade
Augusl 17-2:00 p,m,
of PoIack Bros. Circus
Augusl 17-8:00 p.m.
Evening Show by Polack
18-12:30 p.m.
r 12 Free to Grounds all day)
Dairy Parade
del (1961-1963) Car
Steer Auction
18-8:00 p.m.
r 12 Admitted Free)
Star, Brakeman Bill"
Entertaining Variety Show
Fireworks Display
15-16-17-18 i
swung his bat for a .340 average
this year to lead all regulars, while
Rose, a lefthander, headed the
pitching staff with a 5-and-1 re-
The depalting squad members
include Bill SIoan, who was second
to Snyder in batting at .310 and
had the best earned run average
among the pitchers at 2.82 as well
as pitching the most innings at
77 2/3 with a won-lost record of
3-and-7; infielder Tom Wingard
and outfielders A1 Wagner and
Mike Sheedy.
PLAYING IN ALL 31 games on
this year's schedule, Sloan led
the batting statistics in five de-
partments times at bat 100.
l%ins scored 17, runs batted in 19,
home runs 2. and total bases 47,
Snyder had the most hits at 32,
most doubles .at 8, most sacrifices
at 3, and was on base more than
any other member of the team
at 47.
In virtually all cases where Slo-
an led Snyder was second and
where Snyder led Sloan was sec-
ond. Sioan also led the batters in
another category, most strikeouts
at 25. Mike Sheedy drew the most
free transportation with 21 trips
to first base either on walks or
by being hit in the 28 games he
played. This gave him third place
in total times on base at 35.
Terry LaBissonniere led two de-
partments with his five triples and
seven stolen bases.
The batting stats:
ca ab r h rbi ave
Kimbel 2 6 2 3 0 .500
Snyder 30 94 16 32 13 .340
Miller 1 3 0 1 0 .333
Sloan 31 100 17 31 19 .310
Rose 19 35 8 10 4 .286
Wagner 20 63 7 17 9 .270
Towle 15 18 2 2 1 .111
Bailey 22 44 3 4 0 .091
Powell 16 34 4 3 1 .088
:Robertson 2 3 0 0 0 .000
Getty ] 3 0 0 0 .000
Droseher 2 2 0 0 0 .000
D. Sheedy 1 t 1 0 0 .000
Totals x 867 ]!2 201 89 .232
HR-Sloan2 Kimbel.
3-b LaBissoniere 5, Sloan 3, Rich-
ards 1 M. Sheedy 1, Rose 1.
2-bSnyder 8. Sloan 4 Wingard 4.
Richards 3, Wagner 2. Rose 1,
Cochran 1. Powell 1.
SH-Snyder 3. Sloan 2, Cochran 2.
LaBissoniere 2. Bailey 2. \\;¥in-
gard 2 M. Sheedy 1. Po\\;vell 1.
SB-LaBissoniere 7, M. Sheedy 4.
Kadoun 3. Landis 2. Richards
2. Wagner 2, Cochran 1. Sloan
1, Snyder 1. Powell I.
BB-M. Sheedy 21, Snyder 15. Win-
gard 13, Richards 12. Sloan 12,
Landis I0, "ragne r 9. Powell 8,
Kadoun 8, Rose 7. Towle 6. Bai-
ley 5. Densley 5. T. Sheedy 4,
LaBissoniere 3, Cochran I, Kim-
bel i.
.O-Sloan 25. Wing'ard 23, Rich-
ards 21. Wagner 20, LaBisson-
(ere 20. IV[. Sheedy 17. Snyder
15. Powell 13. Landis 13. Ka-
doun 12, Towle 10, Rose 9, Coch-
ran 9, Bailey 8. T. Sheedy 6,
Densley 4. Robertson 3. Kimbel
2. Getty 2. Droscher 1.
NOTE: These statistics include
very player Who appeared even
for a single time at bat during the
1963 season. Several were not re-
gular members of the squad, either
dropping out in the early part of
the season or being recruited dur-
ing player-shortages at one time
or another during the season such
as Kimbel. Miller, Densley, Coch-
ran, Getty, Droscher and Dan
Sheedy }.
Rose .................... 11 43 2/3 5 1 39 15" 5 1 24 4,9,
Sloan .................... 15 77 2/3 3 7 64 22 5 6 25 2.82
Towle .................. 11 32 2/3 2 4 20 13 3 4 20 5.50
Snyder .................. 14 58 2/3 1 7 48 41 3 9 33 5.06
Droscher .............. 2 4 1/3 0 1 5 5 0 0 7 14.34
Wingard .............. 1 1 0 0 0 1 0 0 1 9.00
Legend: G-games in which pitched; IP-inning pitched; W-won; L-
lost; SO-strikeouts; BB-bases on balls; HB-hit batters; WP-wild
pitches; RRF-runs responsible for; ERA-earned runs allowed per
nine innings.
Complete Stock of
Check the low prices
• Buy Now for hunting season
• Immediate Delivery
.ChargeSEARSIt on a SearsCATALoGRev:lvingSToAeCo;,]i
Evergreen Square
RON LeGARDE hooked this
four-pound rainbow Sunday at
Lake Leland. (photo by Win-
gard's Sport Shop)
yeiding six-eight inch fish• with
larger fish being taken on flies.
Bear hunters have been spotted
in the lower remote valleys looking
for bear which ha ve come down at-
tel" Lhe first ripe berries. Berries
are getting ripe in lower elevations
and are expected to be ripe in the
higher elevations soon.
Apply instant-dryin T-4-L You feel
il take hold to cheek itching', burning,
in minutes. Then m 3 to 5 clays, watch
infected skin slough off. Watch healthy
skin replace it. If not pleased IN ONE
IIOUR. your 48c back at any drug
SIt)l'C. NO\\;V at {(Conkey Drug Cen-
oo.,,oo ,1295oo
(Shown here)
Size ........................................ 15' Stove Hood ........................... std
Model .................................. 1500 Oven Range w/reg ........ std
Length .................................... 15' Sleeps ........................................ 6
Width .................................... 85" Vinyl Floor ............................ std
Inside Height ........................ 74" Baggage Doors ........................ 1
Inside Width ....................... 79" Toilet .................................... jiffy
Weight ............................ 1500 lb. Bumper .................................... std
Hitch Weight ................ 140 lb. Hub Caps ............................ std
Tire Size ........................ 650x15 Hitch Ball ............................ std
50 lb. Ice Box .................... std Car Connector .................... std
6 volt or 12 volt ceiling lights
First and Mill Streets Phone 426-2411
Meteor 800 4 door hardtop
One owner - low mileage - Ncwest
used car cver - real sharp - loaded
002195 °°
2-d00r deluxe Sedan
No. 1 economy cal' today. New paint,
exceptionally good shape.
ql95 °°
'60 FORD
'58 FORD
'55 FORDS (3)
Dealership - 5th & Railroad
Used Cars - 5th & Cota