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Newspaper Archive of
Shelton Mason County Journal
Shelton, Washington
August 8, 1963     Shelton Mason County Journal
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August 8, 1963
Newspaper Archive of Shelton Mason County Journal produced by SmallTownPapers, Inc.
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8, 1963 Of Lilliwaup Is Related M. Ahl permission from) Kitchen Kapers) About 90 years was dotted tiny row boats were seeking or anx- employment at romp, Lilli- Indians as big bay and moved from which had under thick, and which had or generations no trace of decaying of on big have been Possible our of 1855, a new Reservation. soon to be mail. 'a only brief visited timber into it quickly was the first logger to om his own camp and cookhouse. I have no record of the date o£ his arrival. Hay was hauled by scow from the Skokomish Reservation for his oxen; his beef came from the Willy farm at Oakland Bay by ox team to Union, then by boat to Lilliwaup taking three days to deliver to his camp. The R. Wilkenson family were the first permanent settlers, com- ing in the early 1870's. He develop- ed a homestead below the falls, cleared wide fields and a big orch- ard, and lived there for many years. He later sold to Winfield Taylor and moved to Skagit Coun- ty. FOLLOWING the completion of the railroads to the West and the proposed survey along the Canal to Port Townsend, there was much publicity in Eastern papers of the many opportunities in this area. This publicity was greatly stimu- lated by the steamship lines and land promoters. Captain Troutman, then owner of the ship Delts, centered his in-i ]crests at Lilliwaup. He bought the big farm, where his widow lived for over 25 years. He also purchased a tract of land on the little bay, where his daughter built a big house. A Stlbsidiary of P. N. Hirsch & Co. Published in ¢'Chrstmastown, • ",ur I,p I ,, O. Kittelsby located acPoss the -- river on the norI1 srae of the big bay, built a cabin and planted an orchard adjoining his homestead. John MaLtson built a permanent dwelling on the point, known to old timers as Mattson's Spit. John Sund built a log cabin on the south bay of Liliwaup and developed a stone quarry. IN 1890 TtIE Lilliwaup Fails Townsite Company purchased the logged off land along the little bay and platted a big city. Almost like magic, large buildings sprang up; hotels, saloons, a dng store, a department store, a lumber yard, a cabinet shop and stone quarry. A long dock was built. A bridge was built across the little bay. Wide streets were put around the point to the residential section and school. The Delta made daily trips from Seattle carrying mail, pas- sengers and freight. Property be- cane valuable. It was quickly pur- chased and quickly sold for large sums. The boom lasted only one ),ear, then people disappeared as quickly as they had arrived. Many of the buildings were left to tum- ble and decay, others were sold and moved away to other parts of the Canal. Those who remained at Lilliwaup down through the years were George Ante, Furnace, Dora Trout- man, John Sund, John Mattson and Thomas James. AUGUST artex Towels FIRST QUALITY SOVEREIGN BATH regular $1.98 '169 HAND regular $1.29 WASH OLOTH ARTEX PETIT POINT TOWELS BATH HAND WASH CLOTH regular $1.99 regular $1.39 regular 59¢ '1 Sl'" 49' MUSLIN  ........ i .... 8229 ,% .............. r -i, ..... , ................... m -- ea, ' ... $198 &MOUS DAN RIVER bERCALE SHEETS First Quality I  Multi.Stripe ' I'%- ' .............................. eaoh , ,2ss '"" " C " 1" " .............................. ca h 1N uli 8258 ]lNb .................................... each 8258 "" .................................. ech, ATCHING CASES SHEETS w....o. i,.,.,--€,]IiII li== i =.. - : ---::zv:  ii:}?;.. .))li I • "::"::: :::::::'::::::::"'x¢':::':'::::'. x ".  -",1 ..... ::, '*" ' :ii::]:i '.,' ."::".. %! ........ .:.: :" ...... :} ....:. SPI{INGMAID BRAND COMBED PERCALE SHEETS No. I Seconds 81 x 108 DOUBLE .................................... DOUBLE FITTED ...................................... 72 x 108 TWIN .......................................... TWIN FITTED ........................................ '23So. '2Zq00o. '2ZS.o. MATCHING CASES '178 'lie Pair Pair ""' RUBBER.BACKED RUGS 100% Viscose rayon pile for heavy traffic $11866 areas in your home, Regularly sold at $1.98 ................................... l U.S.A.", Shelton, Washington i i I i. SHELTON--MASON COUNTY 30URNAE-- i i i i , i , i CLEARA00I¢,E A Subsidiary of P. N. Hirsch & Co, SWIM WEAR ONE GROUP GIRL'S AH Boys' And Men's 3 to 6x -- 7 to 14 % OFF / Ladies Summer HATS $2.95 to $5.95 Values HALF PRICE FINAL CLEARANCE @ Men's Dept. @ Kiddies Korner Dept. LADLES SWIM SUITS Jantzen and Rose Marie Reid Values from $10.95 to $23.95 LADIES SUMMER DRESSES • JUNIORS $5.95 to • MISSES $29.95 • / SIZES values FINAL CLEARANCE @ Ready-to-wear Department @ SPORTSWEAR One group boys & girls 3 to 6x and Girls 7 to 14 V= PRICE @ Kiddies Korner @ One group ladies BLOUSES - T-SHIRTS - SKIRTS - SHOE DEPT. A Subsidiary of P. N. Hirsch & Co. Operated and Managed by CHRISTENSEN'S For Shoes, Bremerton SEMI-ANNUAL SHOE SALE Final Clearance Famous Name Brands To Choose From At GREATLY A SHOE FOR EVERY OCCASION IN THIS SEASON'S STYLF AND COLORS Connies Mandarins Naturalizer Shoulders WOMEN'S FASHION SHOES ' reg. values 10.95 to 14.95 Cangemi Coeds Citations Ciralmo a Feathered Friend Town and Country Dress $790 2 pair ,1SOO SKOOTERS SHINDIGS WOMEN'S CASUAL reg. values to $8.95 $59° 2 pair slO °° Glamour Debs Show-offs Paris Fashion Connie Skooters WOMEN'S CASUAL, " $A90 .o w,uo .o... & 2 pair s6oo $290 2 pair $5oo SUMMER FOOTWEAI{ KEDS, KEDETTES AND PARIS FASHION reg'. values to $4.95 Broken Sizes PAGE 9 i CAPRI PANTS - SURFERS - JAMAICAS 1/= PRICE One group ladies BLOUSES - T-SHIRTS - CAPRI PANTS - SKIRTS - SURFERS - JAMAICAS % OFF @ Ready-to-wear Dept @ One group Boys Wear BOXER LOHGIES and SPORT SHIRTS $1oo EACH @ Kiddies Korner Dept, @ • _ . _ _-_ _ - _ BERMUDA SHORTS Men's $4.98 Value Boys $3.98 Values ,31, ' $2 4, Business Requires Court Action SPORT SHIRTS One group HALF MEN'S PRICE SPRING AND JACKETS SUMMER One group BOYS o.o group 1/3 O MEN'S O MEN,'S DEPARTMENT • One group SPRING an su... ½ OFF BEACH TOWELS Reg, $1.99 Reg. $2.98 Reg, $3,98 Reg. $4,98 *1'" '2 *3" *3'" @ DRY GOODS DEPT. @