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Shelton Mason County Journal
Shelton, Washington
August 8, 1963     Shelton Mason County Journal
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August 8, 1963
Newspaper Archive of Shelton Mason County Journal produced by SmallTownPapers, Inc.
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PACE 10 • ii Farewdl Party SIIELTON--MA0N COUNTY JOURNAL-- Published in COhristmastown, U.g.A.", helton, Washing(on From Grapeview Attend Salmon Barbecue I Several ovo00.ni00h00 mers enjoyed having a Saturday conodtions they had to drive is Given For Couple By Mary Valley SKOKOMISH -- A Valley wide farewell party was given in honor of Mr. and Mrs. Max Latzel last week at Menerva State Park The party was planned by Mr .and Mrs[ Stan Johnson and Mr. and :Mrs. Jim Hunter. A large sign over the table read "Bon Voyage", with a boat as a center piece and two deck chairs with Max and Bra's name on then]. The group presented them with a picture screen. The Latzels left Sunday for an extended trip to Europe. Mr. and Mrs. Glenn Gee are the proud grandparents of their first grandchild, a son, born to Mr. and Mrs. Frank Nelson Mr. Vernon, Aug. 5 and weighed 6fi lbs. and was born on his fathers birthday. Mr. and Mrs. Stan Lyman have had as their house guests the past three weeks Mrs. Lyman's mother drs. Marion Pederson of El Segun- do. Calif. Also visiting at the Ly- man home is Mrs. Lyman's sister and hnsband Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Shiple and daughter Jeanne also of Cahfornia. 3,r. and Mrs. Lyman and Brad, and Mrs. Peterson drove to Kent to visit Mr. and Mrs. Brian Schoening and daughter Tammy and Mr. and Mrs. Fred Wright. MR. AND MR,% Jim Valley and daughter Vicki of Bremerton, and ir. and Mrs, Steve Valley and daughter Tammy of Seattle spent the weekend with their grandpar- ents. Other callers at the Valley home Sunday were Mr. and Mrs. [)el Solinger of Parldand and Mrs. Mintie Ahern of Shelton. Mrs. VVilliam Handle and Bobby Poole of Monroe were overnight visitors of Mr. and Mrs. Stan John- son recently. Mr. and lrrs. Alex .Donaldson made an extensive trip recently which took them as far as Alberta. Canada. Mrs. Gladys Lozier ac- companied them as far as Ken- newick for a visit with her daugh- ter Mrs. Doris Batson. The Donald- sons also stopped at Deer Park for a visit with Mr. and Mrs. George Grant. Then going on to Edna in ton Alberta Canada, and spent some time with Mr. and Mrs. Ivan Fithen and Mr. and Mrs. Daryle Fithen. They stopped in Aahmont, AlberLa. Canada where htey visited Mr. Donaldson's bro- thers and family, Mr. and Mrs. Benny Sloan and family, Mr. and Mrs. Robert Sloan and Mr. Leslie Slosh. AFTER BIBLE study last %Ved- resday evening a farewell party v:as held for Bey. and Mrs. WaN lore Bell. Coffee and cake was serv- ed. A wishing well of cards and gifts was presented to the Bells, Mr. and Mrs. Alex Donalds}m drove to Sunset Beach Sunday and visited Mrs. Pearl Watson and Mrs. Gertrude Elson. Mr. and Mls. Roy Cable sold their home in the Valley and have bought a place on Mt. View. Cm't Hnnter is spending a week at Black Lake Bible camp. N:r. and Ms. Chester Valley were Sunday dinner guests of Mrs. Mintie Ahem in Shelton. This Friday evening there will be a 'pot luck" supper at the Sko- komish community church start- in K at 6:30 p.m. in honor of the new pastor. Rev. and Mrs. John Hadley. The Hadleys have a baby daughter and are from California. A colorful invitation is extended to everyone, Use Journai W-aani Ads cHEc SMASH HIT USED  CARS AT JIM PAULEY'S GRAPEVIEW -- The ]963 ses- sion at Panhandle Lake 4-H Camp came to a happy conclusion Friday evening with the campers sharing the traditional and reliably deli- cious salmon feast with relatives and friends. From Grapeview came Mr. and Mrs. Ed Okonek. Fred Nelson Mr. and Mrs. Bill Spooner, Mr. and Mrs. Don Query, Mr. and Mrs. Jubie Hicks Mr. and Mrs. Myron Polk the Art Nieklauses. the Walter Claytons Sr., the Don Pogrebas, the Orville Kagers, Howard Somers and Mrs. Ivar Opdal as well as a number of Noun- get brothers an¢, sisters of the Campers. Following this, every- one was invited to the recreation hall where a number of humorous skits were presented by cartons 4-H clubs. Dancing filled the rest of the evening for those who wish- ed to stay but most of the younger members were ready for home, bath and bed, tired but happy after a very busy week. In the Grape- view "cabin" this year, leader Mrs. Suzanne Hill had two extra boys bunked. David and Curtis Mac@m- her from Tab@lab. Teen-age as- sistant Ginny Freeman did a fine job as well as Robert Spotmer and Elaine Zehe who besides being life guards, also helped out. Young Don Pogreba got his turn at camp life when he left Monday for the Methodist Church Camp at Deception Pass with Bremerton friends to attend this week's Jun- ior High .School session. Two other Grapeview teenagers going on a somewhat briefer camp- out were Liz Somers and Pare Clayton. With 15 other members of the Shelton group of Rainbow Girls they left for Twin Harbors State Park Friday morning where they camped until early Saturday afternoon. Fair weather greeted them and made outdoor living seen] quite attractive, the ocean more facinating than ever and ap- petites absolutely ravenous. Serv- ing as chauffeurs and chaperones along with three Shelton mothers were Murial Somers and Salli Clayton. Upon returning home early Sa- turday evening Salli and daughter Pare were surprised and delighted to find that Walt had returned home from three weeks of Army Reserve duty in California. PROVIDING friends with an op- portunity to meet or renew ac- quaintances with brother Chuck Staudt and family, Bill and Judy Staudt hosted a little get-to-gether at their Benson Lake home Satur- day-evening. Chuck who is on leave from his duties in Jidda where he is pilot to King Scud of Saudi Arabia, brought along with him his ,charming and attractive German-born wife, Cathy and two sweet little daughters, yivacfous Patty and tiny Lisa, Both Chuck and Cathy fascinated the group with their amusing and colorful accounts of life in the Near East. Music and dancing also helped to comiSlte the evening and a deli- cious pot-hick dinner brought the pleasant evening to a close. Those friends able to attend were Ed and Louise Okonek, Joe and Shirley Engen, Russ and Ruth Wells, Don and Shirley Pogreba and Art and Ernestine Nicklaus. Brother Bill, who is on vacation this week has vohmteered to help brother Chuck build a porch onto his trailer house which has been serving, as their Benson Lake re- mdence--Pretty generous offer! Weekend guest of "Chick" Staudt was fellow airman Tom Kowalski who is also stationed at McChord Field. Tom, who is from Chicago, was much taken by his first visit to this section of the Great North- west. Fishing, boating and roam- ing the area kept the boys well occupied until departing Sunday night. Spending a week's vacation at the Claude Mason summer cottage last week was the Masons' daugh- ter and family, Mr. and Mrs. Bill Brunstad and two boys. The Brun- sleds are from Hoquiam and live next door to the Clayton residence there, so a drop-in-visit to Mrs. Walter Clayton St., while here, was much ejoyed by both ladies. Sunday dinner guests of Mr. and Mrs. Merrill McKinstry here in Crapeview at their, summer home Were Mr. and Mrs. Stanley Brown and son Stuart Of Colma, Calif., Mr. and Mrs. John Jones and sons David and Bradley of Kirktand, Ret00nnee wtth #s-Go00 o. the road to debt-free ownership this easy way. Our loan counselor can help you plan monthly payments to fit your income . . . give you more margin for comfortable living. Inguke today, without obligation, of course. Low Interest Costs Prepayment without Penalty  Inulin I l I |Bml HOME OFFICE -- OLYMPIA IN SHELTON  SEE: LOAN-COUNSELOR KURT MANN -- MANN REAL ESTATE II II II II [] II Mr. and Mrs. Palfl Benton and children Mary, Patty and Don of Bellevue. Happily enough, the pleasure of the afLernoon was heightened by beautifnl weather which enabled everyone to enjoy the natural beauty of the aea. A I)EIdCIOIIS barbecued din- ner prepared by Mrs. Richard Schneider and Mrs. Bernard Tres- ner at their Slllunler cottages on Soule's Cove greeted Mr. and Mrs. Dave Johnston Sunday aftern'oon. the occasion being the Johnston's silver wedding anniversary. All three families are near neighbors in Tacoma's University Place area Back in Grapemew at their sum- mer honle @nee again are-the Ted Middletons, Ted. Ethel Debbie and Ann spent two weeks at the Lone- some Cove resort on San Juan Island where they did a little fish- ing, a little swimnnng and a lot of relaxing. A congenial group of ladies drove in to the big city of Seattle last Tuesday for a shopping spree, Mrs. George Garland. Mrs. Joe Engen. Mrs. Bill Staudt and Mrs. 3ubie Hicks. Going ahmg for the fun of the ferry boat ride and "eating out" was David Hicks. whose tender years kept him from attending 4-H camp with his bro- ther and sisters. Meanwhile at Panhandle Lake, brother Clifford, perhaps a little over-enthusiastic. managed to carve a gash in his hand in wood-carving class and had to have it closed with three stitches. Thursday the Myron Polks wel- comed their three Gold City, Ore. grandchildren for an extended vis- it. Cheri. Stella and Steve Polk are enjoying this change of atmos- phere while their parents, Mr. and Mrs. Bill Polk, are in the process of moving from Oregon to Cali- fornia. MRS. WALTER Clayton Sr. was happy to welcome former neigh- bor, Mrs. Harriet Konopasek and her mother, Mrs. Hildur Backlund when they drove up from Hoquiam to spend Tuesday afternoon with her. Lunching and leisurely visit- ing soon made the afternoon dis- appear into nothingness and no sooner had the ladies departed when other friends, Mr. and Mrs. Walter Kreuger of Montesano stopped by for a drop-in visit. Retirement can apparently enliven ones social life. leaving no time for boredom. The Arthur Zehes, who have been working so industriously on the upper level of their Stadium Beach home, took a brief respite rom their labors Sunday to make a trap to Vancouver. This tap af- forded them an opportunity to make a visit to Elsie's aunt and uncle who are moving to Califor- nia very shortly. Elsie is enjoying the second week of her vacation from the Seattle First National Bank in Shelton. Art Nicklaus's vacation came to an end last weekend7 Hax, ing done a little travelling the first week and re-roofed their picturesque storage cabin last week, they spent the rest of their time aronnd home re- laxing or working as they saw fit. U. S. Coast Guard Cadet Laurie qomers and fellow classmate Doug Teeson have been squeezing as many activities as possible into the ten days Doug J s spending here in Prapeview with Laurie. Among tiese activities they were able to ('rive up Mt. Rainier. take in the Aqna Folliers in Seattle. visit the Seattle City Center with special ttention being ptid to the apace Leedle and Science Pavilion. They ,tared the University of %Vash= agton campus, attended several ::arties given b.y Laurie's Shelton :lighsehool classmates. Monday, Doug was especially thrilled by a deep-sea fishing trip aboard ttle thirty-one foot charter boat Kami- o, skippered by Laurie's former basketball coach Jerry Vermillion. Although their catch was poor, I.,aurie having caught a rather un- appetizing sea bass. a not-to-pret- ty mud shark and of course that salmon that got away, coach Ver- million saw that they did not come home completely empty handed. BILL AND I.EONA SOMERS were most willing baby sitters this weekend for pretty little gTand- dughter Lori Dee while her daddy TIDES OF THE WEEK Computed for Hood Canal Oakland Bay tides are 1 hr. and 50 rain. later and pluB 3.0 ft. Friday, August 9 High .............. 8:02 a.m. 8.9 ft. Low .............. 2:43 a.m. 3.2 ft. High .............. 9:10 p.m. IlA ft. Low .............. 2:29 p.m. 0.0 ft. Saturday, August l0 High .............. 9:08 a.m. 8.4 ft. Low 3:34 a.m. 2.2 ft, High .............. 9:47 p.m. 11,2 ft. Low . ............. 3:17 p.m. 1.4 ft. Sunday, August 11 High .............. 10:26 a.m. 8,0 ft. Low .............. 4:31 a.m. 1.4 ft. High .............. 10:27 p.m. 10.8 ft. Low .............. 4:01 p.m, 2.9 ft. MOnday August 12 High .............. II :57 a.m. 8.0 ft, Low .............. 5:31 a.n% 0,6 ft. High .............. 11:13 p.m. 10.5 ft. Low .............. 5:14 p.m. 4.4 ft. Tuesday, August 13 Low .............. 6:34 a.m. -0.8 ft. High .............. 1:36 p.m. 8.3 ft, Low .............. 6:30 p.m. 5.5 ft, Wednesday, August 14 High .............. 0:06 a.m, 10.1 ft. Low .............. 7:37 a.m, -0.4 ft. High .............. 3:01 p.m. 9.1 ft. Low .............. 7:51 p;.m. 6.2 ft. ghrhUrsday, August 15 - ' .............. a,m. Hz 1:06 9.9 ft. Low .............. 8:38 a.m. -0.5 ft. High .............. 4:07 p.m. 9.8 ft. LOW ...::.::= ..... 9:08 p.m, 6.1 ft. MILLO'S DINER on Hooa Canal near Potlatch On lighway 101 BREAKFAST -- LUNCH  DINNER -- Our Specialty -- • BROASTED CHICKEN (finger-licken' good) We feature SEAFOOD, too! Phone 877-9488 -- Take-Out Orders! - _ _ _ - _ _ DAIRY QUEEN 221 In:NOrthsheltonlSt St, Recognized as THE place for thick SHAKE8 and smooth SUNDAES, and NOW from DAIRY QUEEN'S kitchen- HAMBURGERS and FRIES. Phone 426-8091 - _ - _ _ THE GROVE CAFE Ighwy 101 less the. a mile South 'of Hoodsport LUNCHES  DINNERS STEAKS -- SEAFOOD  CHICKEN DINNERS OPEN 11 A.M. TO 12 MIDNIGHT Phone 877-5571 -- Fred Williams, Prop, THE OYSTER HOUSE s Iniles West of Belfair on Hood Canal We Take Pride in Our HOMEBAKED BREAD anti PASTRIES • Complete Variety of DINNERS SEAFOODS GATEWAY CAFE  mile, Soth Of Shelton on the Olympic Highway BREAKFAST- LUNCH -- DINNER • Prime Rib ahd Steak • eafood • Homemade Pies Dinner Parties Invited Open daily 6 a.m. to 10 p.m. MAMIE'S GRILL 1934 Olympic igaway Norm oa Mountala View BREAKFAST  LUNCH - DINNER Special Dinners Daily  FHed Clams  Oysters • Buckwheat Hotcakes Anytime • WE MAKE OUR OWN PIES! night out. Upon their return to Grapeview Sunday to pick up Lori Dee. Harley and Judy dropped in on the Howard Somers for a tamily visit and to see cousin Iaurie nnd meet his cadet friend. Our "Friendly Grocer" Julie tock and wife Doris tucked Clare and Mary Lou Peters into their car Saturday afternoon "rod head- ed oeeanward. Weslport was 1heir Vrst destination where they, at their leisure, visited the fi'shing warves and various spots of inter- et there including the colorful !?'Sour Dough Lil's". Having arriv- b]ck to Aberdeen for toe night. Sunday, their wander'inKs took them seaward again this time to Ocean Shores. Copalis Beach and nearby areas. After spending the best part el" the day on the ocean beaches satisfying lheir wander- hlst and e.llrioqity they ]rt'tllrlled .O Grapeview by evening. It is indeed encouraging to learn that Clare is able to be up and around again. We're glad to see Lynn Slevens back in Grapeview again after spending several days in the Clinic Hospital in Shelton with a severe ear infection NOTICE!! Elanne's Beauty Salon 6th & Laurel WILL BE GLOSED August 9 through August 26 Please remember to pick up MERLE NORMAN Cos ph. 426-4582 "'WHO'S WHO" IN MASON COUNTY YOU GAN WIN THIS WEEK IF GORREGTLY IDENTIFY "WHO'S WHO' AND FIND ALL THE GLUES! ALL AWARDS PAYABLE IN "JOURNAL SCRIPT MONEY". REDEEMABLE FOR MERCHANDISE AT ANY SPONSORING STORE. Rules: 1. This is a family fun contest! One entry per per- son (family of four could submit four entries). Any- one may enter unless a mem- ber' of your family is em- ployed at the Journal. 2. Nothing to buy--use any slip of paper for entry blank. Not necessary 'to be present to win. Not neces- sary to be a subscriber to the Journal to enter. 3. WHO'S WHO may be anyone in Mason County. Clues for his (or her) iden- tity will be found ONLY in aiiS of sponsoring merchants (either those, below or else- where in the paper). If. by coincidence, the name of the WHO'S WHO (or other 410 N. HARRY COLE MOBIL SERVIGE "We Grease To Please" 1st St. Phone 426-3906 Wheathy & Keary Co, Brother lives in Mexico "Service and Quality First" in PLUMBING  HEATING SALES & SERVICE CONTRACTING 317 S. First Ph. 426-4553 MELL CHEVROLET GO. "QUICK SERVICE" CHEVROLET  OLDSMOBILE CADILLAC -- Hair is graying 426-4424 First & Grove PREPP'S REXALL STORE 'In Business for Your Health' SHELTON, WASHINGTON facts about him or her) hap- pen to appear in news items. editorial matter or other plaCes in this newspaper, these will not count as clues in this contest. 4. To enter, write down the name you thi n k WHO'S WHO is. List all the clues you can find in all the ads of Sponsoring Merchants an this issue. You must list all these clues. Don't forget to add your name and address. Then drop your entry in the box located at the Spon- soring Merchants whose ads are heavily bordered in this issue. 5. There is no other place where entries will be accept- ed. Mail entries will be ac- cepted only from families RESIDING OUTSIDE MA- SON COUNTY. Mail these entries to merchants whose ad is heavily bordered. Any member of the family may bring in all the entries for that family. Children under 12 must be accompanied by an adult. 6. This w e e k's contest starts when you receive this issue and closes at 5:00 p.m. Monday. 7. At that time, (5:00 p.m. next Monday) all boxes will be taken to one of the three stores, and a drawing will be held at approximate!y 5:00. The first entry drawn which co r r e ctly identifies WHO'S WHO will win $4.00. If THAT entry also lists ALL the clues hidden in ALL ads of Sponsorin g Mer- chants, a BONUS of $30.00 will be added. Whenever this BONUS is not won, it will be added to TAL for and will co until it is 8. Every tion will be typogr; might but CANNOT TEED by lisher of t judge his Family you a the jac ht eyed young= clue that yc Got any you? Think you contest? • can't win Plumbing, Heating & Sheet Metal Oil Burner Service Gutter & Downspout Supplies BOON'S 8EL OUR NEW LOCATION 1916 Olympic Hwy. No. 426-3483 Shelton-Mason County Journal @ Since 1886, Mason County's Most Complete News & Advertising eoverage • Job Printing Phone 426-441 KITSAP-MASON DAIRY "Good Milk Is Good Food" • Milk & Cream I @ Ice @ream • Cheese • Butter Ex-pug Third at Grove 426-4473 NELL'S PllAllttA¢ Pug-osed "BETTER FOR Fourth & Railroad MINOR'S A & W DRIVE-IN 17 Olympic lqfghway N. on Mt. View Farnum & Lilly Loitz, New Owners "COME AS V O0 ARE. WE SERVE ,N YOUR CAR" Wingard's Sport Shop • FOOD and DRINK ORDERS TO GO HAMBURGERS & FRIES Complete Hunting and Fishing Supplies FOOT-LONG HOT DOGS All Resident & Non-Resident Licenses LAKE CUSHMAN RESORT , mites from Hoodsport ;210 Olympio Hwy. N. 425-8672 on Lake Cushman Dine Over The Water in the Panoramic Dining Room %' • CHAR-BROILED STEAKS . SEAFOOD., . CH,CKEN ...=M0r00an - Eacreti Lumber 'vr,".r Cocktails in the LIARS D.EN Banquets- Parties k\\;-J[ Phone 877-5388 for reservations if desired 1, miles East • BUilding Materials WALT'S ROBIN HOOD LODGE of Union on the Canal • Pittsburgh Paints AN ENCHANTING ATMOSPHERE • Builder's Hardware --FEATURING-- "If It's Lumber, Call Our Number" HOME MADE PIES AND PASTRIES On Hillcrest 426-4522 • QUALITY FOOD AT REASONABLE PRICES • BREAKFAST SERVED ANYTIME MERV'S TIRE GAP "Recapping Specialist" "SAME OAt RECAP SERVICE" First & Cots 426-8104 D & E ENGO FINE CAR SPECIALISTS IN: • Front End Alignment • Lubrication • Minor Repair "Shelton's Newest & Nicest" Shelton Ph. 426-8002 SALES  SERVICE TV  RADIO - - RRDlO Fourth & Cota "Your Our Bu Wife runs his ' FOR OVER 24 yEARS McGonkey's FREE PARKING AT EVERGREEN 306 Railroad Les Fields Auto Parts INC. Complete line of Parts for All Cars & Trucks Automotive Machine Shop Tools- Batteries 229 S. First 426-3351 Rex Floor FlOOr, 1723 Olympic Hwy. N. 123 South 2nd St. 426-6311 "LOOK TO THE AT Eells & APPLIANCE 123 SO. Second 201h ;Oen00ury Thriftway "Where Every Customer Is Important" HILLCREST M. and S. RebeRah QUALITY FOOD " L Free 120 Cots PENNE¥'S AI.WAY FIRe=T QUALITY Just say... "Charge it !" SHELTON "Friendly ServiCe Odd Fell0¢ Lem Warren Refrigeration GIBSON --- TAPPAN -- SPEED QUEEN -- REFRIGERATION & ALL APPLIANCE SERVICE "IT'S THE SERVICE AFTER THE SALE THAT COUNTS" 127 SO. 2nd 426-2445 Exclusive 129 Railroad