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SIIELTON.--MAg0N COUNTY JOURNAL-- Published in (Chrislmastown, U.KA.", Shelton, Washington
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Union Families Entertaining Visitors, Taking Vacation Trips
By Ginny Johnson
UNION At Aide[brook there
has been a new addition to the of-
flee staff. Miss Alice Beyer of
Shetton has recently become em-
ployed as an evening secretary.
Mrs. Bill Timm and family have
returned home from Snohomish
where they were visiting .her par-
The Episcopal Church services
this summer at St. Andrcws House
are front 9 - 10
MERRIT Stark arrived home
from the hospital where he has
been confined for the past three
weeks. He will eonvelesce at hi
home in Union.
Sixteen-year-old Bill Coer of
Seattle was a house guest of the
Waldo Chases for a few (lays.
YVhile he was there he borrowed
the Chases Kayak and went for
a Kayak trip down the canal. He
Once Again You'll Find
Now available for your convenience
in self-service refrigerator at
left with little food and no tent. Fritz Dalby who paints marine
On(, day because of strong winds scenes oils and water colors is
and torrential rain he was forced to displaying his work at the first
go ashore. After getting to dry Federal Art Galery in Eeverett.
land he ingeniously turned over his Dalby is a member of the Ednmnd
Kayak and stayed under it to keep Art Galery. He has recently exhi-
dry. After thin tireing experience bited his work at Edmonds. Ever-
he ceturned home safely m the ctt and other places in the Seattle
relief of everyone, area,
Mr and Mrs. Hank Bacon of (IERTRU1)E and Hal Williams
Seattle and their family and friend have taken a trip to Canada where
have arrived Snnday on 1heir boat they plan to have a rest-filled
the "4 B's" and will stay all of vacation.
August, Every summer for the last Interesting visitors at Union
lhree or four years the Bacons Prof, and Mrs. Gabril Draehman
have brought their boat to Alder- scholars and Educators. originally
1,rooks I)ock and have become good from the University of London
friends of many people on the England. and of late of the Univer-
Canal. Before the Bacon family sity of Chicago, where he is a gra-
moved Lo Seattle they lived in duate student in preparation for
Shelton. his Doctorats in languages, are at
MR. AND MILS'. Jesse Epstein Union and located at Sportsmans
entertained with a Salmon bake Haven for the nexl few weeks in
Sundny. Mrg, Niel Anderson wore order to be close to the Skokomish
an autengic Skokomish Indian cos- Reservation. Dr. Drachman is on
tume for the affair, an asmgnment of six weeks, and
Mrs. Jean Moore her son Mike. while here. will be studying the
and .lohn Flecker are going to hinguage of the tribe in order to
Camhle Rivet' Lodge at Camble make translations from the old
F{iver on Vancouveh Island. There tribal tongue, into English. The
they plan to stay there for a few University assignment may extend
days and fish for "Coke" Salmon. into a three-year period, and in-
Let's hope the weather s nice for clud Coastal tribes, and also
them! [hose of Eastern Washington, Mon-
The Otto \\;¥ojohns have been tana ere. Mrs. Draehman. a native
gone two weeks in California and of Greece, is also a linguist, and
$¢Iexico. They have sent cards to will be studying the Skokomish
local friends. In her absence from people, and their ancient culture.
the Post Office Marian Richard- As the Draehmans have onebieyele
Lake Nahwatzel Families Entertain
a dinner at their h°me' last Satur" isitrs Take Vacation Trips
day. i
Lloyd and Elaine' Cook will be!
leaving for Europe about Aug. 14. !
They plan to make the trip over By ,Ioann TUl)l)er
and return via plane. Included in, LAKE NAHWATZEL - With
their itinerary are London Pa.ris fishing still good at Lake Nahwat-
and Rome and side trips about zel and people catchina- their lim-
its, Robert Jackson, Aberdeen last
the country side stopping off at
interesting places. As both are
former faculty members of Wayne
State University at Detroit where
he was also vice President. they
will make a tour Universities along
the way studying and also writing
on them while aboard.
They plan to return some time
in November.
son has been her' replacement, to share in traveling about the
HcCONKEY'S DRUG CEHTER Bill Tinmr and family left for a Canal some of their side trips may
camping and fishing trip at Lower necessitate use of boats to and
Lena where they will spend a night from the reservation, lgolks---keep mateheg
Evergreen Square Irom children!
Second Story Office and will also spend a night at the Dr. and Mrs. L. A. Cook enter-
, !_rpper Lake.__ _ rained Prof. and Mrs..Draehman
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Smokey Says..
-$HELTON BRANCH-LAWRENCE A. CARLSON, MGR,-Sth and Franklin-Phone HArrison 6,829
"Wednesday caught a nice 16 inch
Visiting the Tuppers last Thurs-
day were Mrs. R P. Reck of Shel-
ton and Mrs. Mae Allen of Milton.
former owners of the Resort. They
also visited at the home of Mr.
aud Mrs Hector Barbour.
Mrs, Clifford Reeve and child-
ten. Randy, Rodney and Paula ac-
companied Mrs. Reeve's sistm
Mrs. Edward Claney and children.
Seen and Kai of Olympia to the
borne of Mr. and Mrs. Ted Heilala
or Astoria, Ore. for a few days
last week.,
Over the weekend the Reeve
family enjoyed can/ping out at
Sunrise, near Mt. Rainier.
Mr. and Mrs. Lee Hale of Hood-
sport were "Wednesday afternoon
callers at the home of Mr. and
Mrs. James Bleeker. Also visiting
the Bleekers was Owen Simpson of
THURSDAY afternoon Mrs.
Laura Van Epps, Shelton, and
Mrs. Herb Pete, Hoodsport, visit-
ed the Bleekers. ..
Dayton Families
Have Visitors
From California
n-DdAtYT? y F?bi, naltna(12: ° tJthi n
A o
home on Highland Road which
they have purchased from Mr. and
Mrs. John Dining.
Mr. and Mrs. Bill Gilmour and
son, Billy and his friend, Glen
Lambert and Nancy Neal all of
Oxnard, Calif. arrived Saturday to
join little Debbie Gflmour in the
home of Mr. and Mrs. Seab Combs
for a visit.
Arriving Thursday from Calgary,
Alberta, Canada were Mr. Cliff
Armitage and son, Eric who spent
the weekend with Mr. and Mrs.
A. E. Lemke.
Monday throngh Wednesday
guests of Mr. and Mrs. Cliff Combs
ve;e Mrs. "Walter Bozarth and
children of College Place.
The Cliff Combs family were
really busy entertaining guests
last week as Mr. and Mrs. Hadley
Looney and Janice, of Oxnard and
Mr. and Mrs. Donald Mires and
Doug of I Rio, Calif. arrived
Friday for the weekend. Then
Monday of this week Sharon, Deb-
bie and Donna Rmffro came from
Garden& Calif, for a two week
s;tay. .
ONE HUNI)RI,D and ninety
two Mason County 4-H members
camped at Panhandle Lake last
week. Dayton members enjoying
the weelc there were. Doris Hick-
son. Bill Roberts, Dennis Combs,
Jack and Mike Rumpff, Mike An-
derson. Dom!y Kenny and Melvin
Evans. Bobby Tibbits, Bonny Rick-
ards, Jos Chuck. Barbara and Bev-
erly Brown, Sharon and ,Carol
Evers and Patsy Miltenberger of
ghelton Valley. The sahnon baRe
Friday was attended bY what is
believed to be the largest crowd
Mrs. Gerald Needham was hap-
pily surprised on her birthday Fri-
day to receive sells from her daug-
hters. Mrs. Leah Allen of Pelican.
Alaska and Bernice Bunko of Las
Vegas. Key.
Weekend guests of Mr. and Mrs.
J. W. Stoner were her brother and
sister-in-law. Mr. and Mrs. Earl
King and sister, Mary Davis, who
is visiting with the Kings.
Sunday dinner guests of Mr. and
Mrs. A. E. Lemke were Mr. and
Mrs. Burbette Loitz and Sharylin
of Ketehikan.
Jamie Hiekson is spending this
week at the Blaek Cake Bible
Camp with the group from the
Baptist Church.
Mr. and Mrs, "Warren Williams
and girls joined the Gary Cole
family of Chebalis on Sunday for
a trip to Mt. Rainier. Andrea
Brown of Shelton accompanied the
Mr. and Mrs. Charles Edward
and Mauriee Pearson of Seattle
were weekend guests of Mr. and
Mrs. Scab Combs.
Saturday drop-in guests in the
James Hickson home were Mr.
and Mrs. Lyle Everest and Bobby
of Shelton
MRS. ALVIA Chapman and chil-
dren called on Mr. and Mrs. Wes
Sloan of Shelton on Sunday. Mr.
and Mrs. Allan Ford attended the
Seattle dog show last week and
v, howed Charlie and Jennie, Aust-
ralian Terriers, taldng first place
in their classes.
Sunday evening callers in the
home of Mr. and Mrs. James Hick-
son were Mr. and Mrs, Bill Riet-
dorf and Sandi.
Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Wolden
and children of Seattle called on
her parents, Mr. and Mrs. A, E.
Lemke on Monday,
Mr, and Mrs. Doyle Howard and
children spent the weekend in Is-
saquah with his mother. Mrs. Thel-
ma Howard.
Mardella. Leslie and Mike Nich-
ols are back from spending two
weeks at Lake Boron Summer
Rocky Howard is spending this
week at the Black Lake Bible
Mr. and Mrs. Jesse Aldrich dined
Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Arnold
Nelson of Eagle Creek.
Mrs. Merlin Rickards and child-
ren returned Tuesday from a six
week vacation trip visiting rela-
tives in the east.
Mr. and Mrs. Pete Bloomfield
enjoyed the salmon barbeque at
Lurene, Marlene. Rusty and
Tammy Hulbert spent the week-
end with their grandparents, Mr.
and Mrs. Alvin Hulbert.
Mr .snd Mrs. Nldon Todd and
Eldon Jr, and Bill Strope were
Sunday dinner guests of Mr. and
Mrs. L. A. Todd.
Dinner guests last Saturday at
• the home of Mr. and Mrs. Hector
Barbour were Mr. and Mrs. Glenn
Gardener of Shelton.
Drop-in guests at the Barbours
last Saturday were Mr. and Mrs.
Bill "Nrig'ht mtd Mrs. Don Vghn
and Jim Boyd, all of Brady.
E. J. Schaler of Fort Lewis vi-
sited J. L. Bryan. resident a the
Resort. for a few days.
and girls on a
last Wednesday.
returned to
after spending
Last Saturday
Mrs. Dick
dance at
by the Nimrod
I)ancc el
the puhlie rcsponee'
fying and the dance
profit for the CluD,
A week ago Tuesday, Mrs. Fred
Phillips returned from visiting in
gremerton witt] her son. Fred. Jr.
She also spent several days in
eattle visiting friends and rela-
'_ives. On har return she was a-
eompanied by lhe L. H Lemierix
amily, whose daugbter Edith and
on Jotm remained to spend a few
weeks with her.
Friday evening dinner guests at
he home of Mr, and Mrs. Ralph
pringer were Mr. and Mrs. Fred
Springer of Brinnon. They return-
d Jndy and Janice who had been
spending a few days with their
grandparents. Later that evening
Mr, and Mrs. Ronald Thomas of
Shelton visited the Springers.
MR. AND MRS. Amel TveiL
motored to Mayfield to visit
friends. The Tveits were former
residents there.
Spending a few days at the
home of Mr and Mrs. Clifford
Ford were Mr. and Mrs. Dick
Booth and son. Kirk and Mrs. Den-
nis Reed all of Seattle.
Monday, Steve Crape and Tobie
O'Brien, Seattle visited with the
Mrs. Myrtle Cameron of Shei-
ton accompanied Mrs. F. E. Hew-
son to Olympia to do some shop-
ping, later that afternoon they
visited at the new hmne of the
Phil Parker family in Olympia.
Last Wednesday Mrs. Frank
Cooner spent the day at the home
of Mr. and Mrs. Lee Hunter at
Camp" Grisdale.
Sunday visitors at the Cooer
home were Dr. and Mrs. Graham
Watkins and children of Shelton. Light
Mrs. Lawrence Hansen and her
mother, Mrs. Edith Profit[ attend- Magna
ed the Salmon Barbecue at Pan- mower
handle Lake last Friday. Ouietest
Friday visitors at the Hansen -Oversize r
home were Mr. and Mrs. Herb noise.
Breymeyer, Jr. and family of Mat-
leek. Safest o
Resort are Mr. and Mrs. James
Duree and boys, Pat and Mike of l-lllleS
Raymond. Duree in an attorney in Super-poW
Raymond and Aberdeen. Also va- smootter
cationing at the Lake are Mr. and Easiest
Mrs. Robert Ord and children, Wi- Vacuum s
ndy, John and Debbie of Olympia
and Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Alkire and clippings__il
children Lucille and Lorie, of Lyn- ,,,.irh ."lw..
Last Tuesday, Mr. and Mrs. AI LAWN-BOY is
Tupper and Mrs. Tupper's brother mower on
and family, Mr. and Mrs. Will De- Priced
vis and girls, Linda and Peggy of [
Dallas, Texas, motored to Eldon to
visit John Tupper who is station-
ed there with the State Forestery
Mrs. A1 Tupper and son, Alan
and granddaughter, Susan, accom- On
ranted Mr. and Mrs. W'ill Davis
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