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Shelton Mason County Journal
Shelton, Washington
August 8, 1963     Shelton Mason County Journal
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August 8, 1963
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SIIELTON MA0N COUNTY JOURNAL-- Published inffChrist:mastown, U.KA.", helton, Washington = i , ,, PACE 13 I" Social Even ts begin at 10 new Tum- in Tumwater. Society Editor • Molly Murder • Phone 426-44.12 marker, whiel of the Simlnolls party T/inlv;a ter i in the park. )e Cream will be All des- Troll tills n ed to come ann Sunday al Nebraska held at the Point De- August your picnic nd meet old punch will be • Will be prizes, all. P,e there fun will be- 00 noon. IHHR TAYLORS TO CELEBRATE +" GOLDEN WEDDING ANNIVERSARY Thanks ary No. 2079 who con- mmage sale and a SUCcess. The 2 and 3 at i P4₯1 I ,00st Shop hat We Sell" SS 'V ERVICE 426-3172 PIlnlps s CO. cos- cOSmetics 426-3327 trees leveling 'NCAPIN G 426-4718 MARRIED 50 YEARSMr. and Mrs. Eugene Taylor will be honored at a golden anniversary celebration to be held from 2 until 4 p.m, at the Progress Grange Hall at Kamilche. (Photo by Dean's Studio) Florence Waldrip, daughter ot :Mr. and Mrs. Joe Waldrip, and Eugene Taylor. son of Mr. and Mrs. Edwin G. Taylor, were untied in marrmge Augus 13. 1913 at the home of IVill "Waldrip on Oys- ter Bay. They retm'ned from their vedding trip to Mo, mt Rainier to Settle in Kamilche Valley, whero they have resided for the past 50 years. To commemorate the Waylors' 50 years of marriage, a golden anniversary celebration will be held in their honor on Sunday, August 11, from 2 to 4 p.m. at the Progress Grange Hall at Ka- milche The Grange Ladies will serve. Pteae do not bring gifts. Mr, and Mrs. Taylor are both active in community affairs. Mr. Taylor is a past master in Ma- sonic Lodge, past patron of East- ern Star. a charter member ot Progress Grange and director ot the Southwest Washington Pro- dnction Credit Association. He is also active in the Olympia Oyster Association• Mrs. Taylor is a past matron of Eastern Star and a member ot Progress Grange Kamilche Wom- en's Club, County H.omemakers and the Historical Soeiety. DIRECTORY Floor Coverings , Linoleum • Tile . Carpeting • Formica REX FLOOR COVERING Mr. View Ph. 426-2292 Radiator Repair • Boiling out • Soldering • New cores BOON'S PLUMBING HEATING, SHEET METAL 623 S. 1st. Ph. 426-3483 Florist • Plants for all occasions . Flowers EVERGREEN FLORISTS 4th & Birch 8 to 8 426-8479 Auto Glass • Expert Installation JIM PAULEY, INC. 5th & Railroad Ph. 426-8231 Draperies • custom made • free estimates • work guaranteed J. C. PENNEY CO. 305 RR Ave. Ph. 426-8283 They hay( two sons. Edwin V. Taylor and Justin E. Taylor. and three grandchildren. Spirit Subiec! Of Scientist Services A Bible Lesson on "Spirit" from the Christinn Science Quarterly \\;\rill be read this Sunday at the Sheltnn First Clmrch of Christ, Sci(-nlisI. I{,'ve R(.qdino hy tile eon- rorc,t/tion will include this Scrip- tur:H l):lsa.2e Iron II Corinthians ,3:1.7}: "Now the Lord is that Spi!'il : and where the Spirit af the Lord is. there is liberty." One of /he references from "Science and Health with Key to the Scriptures" by Mary Baker Eddy v,,i:l be this: "Man is tribu- tary ta God, Spirit. and to nothing else. God's being is infinity, free- don. harmony, and bohndless bliss. '₯Vhere the Spirit of the Lord is, there is liberty' ' (p. 481). VFW PICNIC SLATED 'Phe V.F.\\;V. Pos and its Auxili- ary will hold thei.r annual picnic this Smlday at Delight Park. Those attending should bring pot- luck dishes. Coffee, pop and ice cream will be furnished. The V.F.W. Auxiliary Is busy planning for a rummage sale, which will ha held September 6 at the Memorial hall. Members wishing more information may contact President Josephine Sparks or the chairman of the ways and means committee, Vi Brumbaugh. VETERANS TO MEET The veterans of World War I, Barracks 1462. and its Ladies Auxiliary will have a potluck sup- per at 5 p.m. tonight at Kneeland Park. A meeting at 8 p.m. at the Memorial hall will follow the sup- per. The distinctive aroma and taste of garlic are only released by mois- ture. For this reason, garlic chips and other dehydrated garlic pro- lucts have almost no odor. Don't be deceived into using to much. Once in contact with the moisture l in food. tile flavor release is in- stantaneous. Kamilche Couple T0 Be Hon0red On 50th Anniversar) KAMILCHE - Tile children of Mr. and Mrs. Eugene E. Taylor are honoring their parents Sunday, with an Open House at. the Grange Hail to commernorae their 50th VVedding Anniversary. The hours which they will be receiving auests will be from 2 p.m ko 4:30 p.m. Phey were married Aug. 13. 1913 at the \\;Vill \\;,Valdrip home where the Olympia Oyster Company m now located. They request no gifts. Coming from Hood River. Ore. last Sunday to visit at tim Martin Otto home were Mr. and Mrs. Low- ell Hahn. Mrs. Howard Fuller spent three days visiting friends in Seattle week. Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Moffett and two children and ]\\;h'. and Mrs. Procter Heffington all of Ta- coma were guests at the Eugene Taylor home last Sunday. OVERNIGHT campers at the ocean beach lasl Friday evening Were the Phil Simmons family and the Rev. A. V+ r. Graham family of Tacoma. Miss EfiLa Mac Hqrtnlan of Port- la'qd spent the weekend aZ her par- ents home, Mr. and Mrs. John Krise. The Edwin Petty's attended the Simpson picnic at Mason Lake last Smday. There will be a 6:30 p.m. pot luck dinner at the grange Friday of this week. Aug. 9. Guests at the Cecil Blackwelder home this week are Mrs. Ron Mar- tin and son of Lafayette. Calif. The Ed STUD'S participated in a colorful ceremony last. Sunday at Suquamish when they attended the yearly celebration. Chief Seattle Da-. A play was presented por- traying the life of Chief Seattle from birth to death. Earl Peck. a nephew of the Sigo's was Chief Seattle. Dewey Sigo took the part of Chief Kitsap and Florence Sigo the part of the old lady. ']'HE AMERICAN Legion pre- sented a rocking chair to the tribe which was almost an exact replica of the chair used by Chief Seattle. The Pirates from the Seattle Sea- fair presented a wreath for the grave of Chief Seattle which was accepted by Ed Sigo for the tribe and placed on tim grave. The To- tem pole made by Joe Hilaire was also dedicated. One of the high- lights of the celebration was the salmon barbeque at which hundreds of pounds of salmon was prepared and served. The Kamilche church was the scene of the lovely wedding Satur- day evening of Ralph Adair, son of Mr. and Mrs. Vincent 3. Adair of Shelton and Clara Marshall SLm'geon, daughter of Mrs. Mabel Marshall. The bride wore a tur- CARD OF APPRECIATION The kindness and sympathy of neighbors and. friends in our re- cen sorrow will always remain with us as a precious memory. Our sincere thanks and gratitude for all those comforting acts. Nina. None and Andy Jack Harris * High School Spotlight * FUTURE PHARMACIST--Bruce Gardner looks forward to a ca- reer =n pharmacy Lnd plans to attend Yakima Valley Junior College and Washington State University. Track is the favorite sport o llaving eazmed his letter in track the boy in this week's high school I in both his junior and senior years, 'potligtit,. Bruce Gardner. Black-| he plans to try running the two haired Bruce is well lnown for his] mite at Yakima Valley Junior Col- ability to run the mile. | lege next fall I ,+ • :  pead,. MerCy Trill,. SCOTSMAN 1 dldlvlw equ|valen ef o 4 lip I I .wprmllOOZ nl0, Coma   .----- __ : :- -- s+' +++-S ......... 139 o Saeger Motor Shop on Hillcrest After attending junior college at Yakima for two years, Bruce hopes to complete his education at Washingt,,m State University. He has decided to major in the fields of math and science and eventually enter pharmacy. Bruce says he enjoyed chemis- try and secoud year French the most this year. His other senior NEW BLUE OX FRI. - SAT. - SUN. OPENS 6:45 ONE COMPLETE SHOW o a1"auewooD o 0 ; vI:,v POE coP- 0 subjects were trigonometry, civ- O0 IILMLI N o o IV. He was elected vice president ,o o o oLULd"] o000 of the senior class and also serves on tile "S" Club executive board. Since Bruce is working at Simp- son during the weel’ and at the J & J Richfield service station on weekends, he has little time to go camping. He also wishes he had more time to play tennis and wa- ter ski. , Born April 26 1945, Bruce has lived in Shelton for most of his 18 years. The Gardner family spent four years in Spokane. This acttve green-eyed lad lives on Hillerest with two younger sisters and a brother. t CERTAIN ClI00UMSTANOES have prevented us from making the contacts we had planned to sell our Ambulance Club Membership cards, we are sorry to say. However, the following Merchants have agreed to handle the cards for US so you may get yours at SHELTON STATIONERY EELLS & VALLEY MODE ODAY J,C, PENNEY STORE NBLs PHARMACY MdlONKEY DRUG CEilTER or phone 426-8254 for a personal call from a representative of the TORSAK AMBULANCE SERVICE FOR STEAKS VaLUEi i • L, SIRLOIN 98' • • [] • ili • II • • [] PORTER STEAK HOUSE ROAST BONELESS • • • • • • • • • $| 19 BONELESS HAM • i • • • • • • Introducing Ό, V2 or whole The Finest 89 € 890 Quality LB. Anywhere All Beef Choice or Good Skialess Wieners Vorif,ne lb. 49 + I I Tickets on Sale Here For BRIAN STERNBERG DAY Professional Football Kansas City Chiefs vs. Oakland Raiders University of Washington Saturday, Aug 17 Each Seat $4 TANG Nailer's Toss 'Em All 32-0z. Jar CHUNK TUNA PORK & BEANS Tastewell Light Meat 6',OZ. Tins OAMPBELL'S SOUPS NABlSO00RACKEli$ FOLGER'S COFFEE OARAMEL KURLS A,, .eat Poultry- Mu,hroom 6/Sl - ...................................... 1OVa oz. Tins Crisp and Crunchy ................................................ 16oz .ox  1-Lb. 59  o,p or 2.Lb. ++1+ Tins Reg. Tins JL Tender 'N Chewy SHUR-FRESH ................ Poly Bag of Six 35 ’ EAFA,R MAAZ,.. NOW ON SALE 50* EAC. raouse to " HAVEN Z, Box 100 ' 426-8546 lift s repairs 426-4673 Electrical • House wiring & rewiring • Electric Heating • Trouble Shooting • Licensed & Bonded Contractor JIM EINARSSON ELEC. Star Rte. 2, Box 37, 426-6520 Ambulance • Radio Dispatched • Oxygen Equipped • 24 hr. service Torsak Ambulance 2119 Adams St. ! 426-8254 Printing • o+ity Work l of All Kinds THE JOURNAL 227 Cots Phone 426-12 quoise, street length gown and car- {" ' | tied an orchid corsage. Site was - mill II l i + i i given awaYsister,bY herMrs.Uncle Lewis BumbleBig " ----- Cants oupesl Powers. The matron of honor was the bride's 'Irene White 1 and tile best man was Kenneth Coh acmberlin. Flower girls were 29 oz ;-+ mm the ring bearer, Mike Marshall; ushers were B. J. Whitener and Thick Moated, The Peak of lll/€+4 Gary Marshall, the candle lighters,   the Season X 4il Richard Marshall and Juanita Marshall, the wedding music was played by Wanda Marshall. Donn!,e book; Marshall dining r°°m at which Car°ly L Whitener A. reception Sharon imd sanga followed Huisingh charge solo, in "Trne of opened the the church Love. gues the MMAID E IUT 'RANG li:MIIMMtl: 11,111 AA Fancy EII6S Frozen Quality Dozen Whole ............ extra Ig. " =48 R0100AINE ,,, .a+ o.+, .o.: ALl 00111 !. 13t p gifts; Leona Lee cut the wedding ",,mwmvuuul, 6-oz. Tins ............... q/ J- cake; Betty Marshall poured punch NIBLETS _,,,,.._h,,,o Locally Gl'own 41 / .nd Shirley Chamberlin pourea { .ne "eaffee. The covpie left. on a -- vvuunl Kernel ........................ 12 oz. Tins , / ,L UMKII Mmo Green Slicers ea,--/l- motor trip to Long Beach, Calif. SCOT TOWEL regular . , ’ Finest Fancy Quality ''h+,, ,,,ill make their home in S Asst Co,ors ................................ 3/59 Oherry Tomatoes ........ :..• Ea. ;25 ’ +re++'ton where he is $EEHL’ "l'Ae"m'n nca.m+ ,rre,u,ar A/$4 Fancy Girdled Thompson employed in the SafeTay store " . + /14D/it. ......... :.. 29-oz. Tins ]/ J- thcre. Seedless Grapes Lb 23 RESH aPPLE JUICE zz. Bo.,es .................... 4/$1 , ,, ,, ,,,, JourJ W'A- Pay SHUR .........