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Newspaper Archive of
Shelton Mason County Journal
Shelton, Washington
August 8, 1963     Shelton Mason County Journal
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August 8, 1963
Newspaper Archive of Shelton Mason County Journal produced by SmallTownPapers, Inc.
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PAGE 14 SHELTON MASON COUNTY JOURNAL --Published in ¢¢Chrismastown, U.g.A.", Shelton, Washington Thursday, ALL / i A -4 j u lid For Sale FOR SALE -- Practically new Kodak Verifax copier. Ideal for bulletins. letters, statements, etc. Cost $200 new. Yours for $75• M. O. McGuire. 125 S. 4th. Phone 426-4742, Shelton. 8/8-22 FOR SALE -- Balloon wringer type, Kenmore washer, good shape. Phone 426-3489 or see 635 Fairmont. B 8/8 THOMAS electric cord organ $65.00. Good condition. Phone 426-6739. M 8/8 SEASON CIA)SEOUT -- All lawn mow- ers and Fertilizer spreaders, 20 per- cent off regular prmes. Shelton Ma- rine Supply, Hillcrest M 8/8-15 ,FOR SALE Young Mallard ducks and Golden Seabright bantams at Dalby's Water Wheel Place, Union. 8/1-8 itV- EXCELLENT BUY in Spinet piano this area. if interested. Phone Credit Manager Tallman's Piono- Organs. 4759 University Way, N.E., Seattle, LA 2-5859, 8/1-8 FOR SALE -- Large Carco Logging Arch. ruhber tired. Also Paise log- ging trailer, steel reach; full set Aberdeen bunks. Phone 426-2440. A 8/1 tin 18 SHEETS of Masonite. cream sep- arator, dairy hot water heater, re- frigerator, electric stove, switch box- es, doors and windows, bath tubs. wasil bowls, and toilets. Boat and trailer, also used furniture. Garden Shop, Rt. 1 Box 48. 426-3710. 8/1-15 TRY OUR CATALOG SERVICE -- Many thousands of items to choose from. Large deseounts. We pay freight. Shelton Marine Supply, Hill- crest M 8/8 tin CEMENT planter boxes, steppmg stones, fountains, and bird baths. For directions phone 426-3608. H 8/8-9/12 For Sale Lost & Found :BLUEBERRIES -- 20c per lb, We pick, 10e you pick. Follow signs from Elma Fairgrounds. Tobey Ranch. Phone Ehna 482-2934. T 8/1-29 IF YOU CAN afford the best get 35ram Agfachrome. Cost le per shot more Ziegler Studio 7/11 tln BLUEBERRIES --- 25e per pound. 14 pounds $3.25. Eberhardt Blueberry Nur.eries, Rt. 1 Box 392, Olympm, Steamboat Island Road. 352-8031, 7/25 tfn FUSCHIAS and Tuberous Begonias. Hubbard's Fuschla Garden. 1211 Railroad Ave. H 5/30 tin BUY BIG sizes in quantity to cut food costs. Complete line at BJ Mart Mt. View. 6/20 tfn EMERSON TV's for sale. Easy terms. Johnny's Music Box,: 205 Cota St. 7/4 tfn ()LD GROWTH WOOD for sale, $16 per cord, Slab wood. $12.50. Call 426-3747. S 8/1 tin Sporting Goods FOR SALE -- 1950 Internat;onal Metro truck. Ideal eamper has four fold- ing bunks and camp stove. Good rubber• runs good, $350. Phone 426- 3035 evenings. A 7/25 8/8 "-OR- SALE ----Glas-s-runaboat. 35 h,p. Evim'ude all-rice, motor, trailer; 15 ft. trailer-house, like new inside and out : refrigerators, dryers stoves, furniture. Herb's Second Hand Store, Mt. View. 8/8 tin O'N'E 30:06 Winchester $60. One 30:3( Savage $35. Call 426-8342. P 8/8-15 LOST: 8 foot pram broke away from moorage. Red and blue. Please call 426-4602. S 8/8 LOS T-I'Jo t-on "-]as-ek--Tue s day gold filigree bracelet. Call 426-2225. C 8/8 LOST in downtown vaeinity, 31/2 caret diamonds set in platinum with gold band. Reward. Phone 426-6065. R 8/8 tfn Students Wish Work HIGH SCHOOL BOY wants odd jobs. Yard or lmuse work. car washing anytime. Call Terry Carpenter at 426-2134. C 6/13 tin HIGH SCHOOL BOY wants work in- cluding odd jobs, yards or house work and car washing anytime. Call Brad Joslin at 426-6373. J 6/13 tin COLLEGE STUDENT would like work as seamstress. Experienced. Would also do ironing. Call 426-4916. W 6/27 tin Pets, Livestock , WEANER PIGS 59.00 Top quality. Holstein heifer calves $40. Call 426- 8343. G 8/8-15 GUERNSE r -C(J W-f Fesfi--i n- J u n e $125• Phone 426-6739. M 8/8 9 YEAR old spirited black gelding, ex- perienced rider. Phone 426-6903. M 8/8-22 Wanted WANTED Listings -- We bavc buyers FOR--SALE -- $325.00--ZL--id--ft--('edm: for homes, fayms and acreage. Con- boat. boat trailer with :road lights, tact Syh'ia Carey -- Bill Pearson -OP-SOIL. gravel, fill airt. F. E, Ogden. 426-6156. 2/12 tin WHOLESALE PLUS 10% clearance on Polaroid cameras in stock at Zieglers Camera Shop. 124 S. 2nd. 7/25 tin Bar-Din Enterprises, 526 Franklin, open Fridays. 7/25 tin SPOIL YOURSELF--Agfaehrome 35ram film. The best eosts only le per shot more. Ziegler's Studio. Z 7/11 tin IAVh FM RADIO in your home, con- sole stereo units or component parts. Easy terms. Johnny's Music Box. 205 Cote St. 7/4 tin LOWREY ORGANS -- New and us: Terms. Johnny's Music Box, 205 Cota St. 7/4 tin GROCERIES in institutional sizes nd by the dozen, or case lots. BJ Mart, Mr. View. 6/21 tin LOCKER AND CANNING h-piE l,rker Beef, Economy size grocery liens. BJ Mart. Inceland building, Mr. View. 6/20 tfn LARGE plate glass windows,--i-nd-ow franles, aluminmn windows, door 12 h.p. outboard motor with gas tank. Phone 426-2298 after 5 p.m. Y 8/8-15 151, FT. JEWEL travel trailer for sale. $795. Ray Franklin, Lake Nahwat- zel. Star Route 2, Box 144, Shelton, 7/4 tfn EVINRUDE and I-omeIte outboards. Sabre Craft boats. Sales and service. Hood Canal Marina, Union. Wash. Phone 898-2252 3/21 tin BOATS, MOTORS, TRAILERS, equip- ment at Walt's Marine Supply, on beautiful Hood Canal. Phone Hoods- port TR 7-5244. 1/19 tin For Rent 3 ROOM unfm'nished house at 1510 Sumlnitt Drive. Inquire 1511 Olympic Highway or call 426-4577 C 8/8 tfn T I-iREE--B-EI)K(YOM---ho[]sc - for rent. Real Estate 426-3132, C 8/8 tfn room home. Call 426-8605. Unfurnish- ed. C 8/8-15 WANTED: Sderetarial hell), 3 after- noons a week. Typing skill required. If interested write C/o Jom-nal Box 50. L 8/8 tin WANTED by Sept. 1 two bedroom home with basement Rent with op- UGh to buy giw address and rent exp*,cted furnished or unfurnished write P. O. Box 278 Shelton L 8/8-15 TIDY YOUNG COUPLE want to rent an(1 nmintain sunlnler bolTle during wiuter near Hoodsport. 426-3149. B 8/1-22 to assisi working parents with child care. Housework and store work. __Ph,:n26--816a_ - ....... s 7/3_}  WANTED -- Used cars and trucks. Classified Service HOUSE TRAILER towing anywhere in state. Phone 357-5358 or 352-4940. Robert Shmnate Olympia. S 8/8 tin HORSESHOEING. Ca! Poly, Ken Heart• Phone 837-2781 Vail Washing- ton. H 8/8-22 FURNACE CLEANING, repairing, in- stallations, oil conversions. Shelton Sheet Metal Co., 321 So. Third. Dial 426-6121. REFRIGERATORS and freezers, re-. conditioned, reasonable. Shelton Re-I frigeration Service. 315 Cote, phone l 426-8082 day or night. 1/18 tin expert help available, day or night, I weekends, holidays. Roy Getty, 1014] Franklin. Phone 426-4850. G 5/2 tin FOR EXPERT MASONRY, fireplaces, chimneys, planters, call It. E. Mason. 426-2278. 3/1 tin C-I h I N - SAW-- S-H_ IPE--N  G, speed accurate precision grinding. Now at Saeger Motor Shop. HiltcresL Phone 426-4602. 1/15. tfn WE BUY scrap iron, batteries, radia- tors, copper, salvage of all kinds. Shelton Junk Co., First and Mill Streets. Phone 426-8626. S 4/7 tin LET'S MAKE a date to decorate. For expert painting and wall papering, call Bennett Painting Company, 426-3248 B 11/8 tfn RO--O'NG, blown roclc wool--lnula: tion guaranteed. Ph. 426-6417. 6/20 ttn JEROME BURKE Garden rotovating, field plowing, well- aged older sawdust, pit-n gravel. Phone 426-3678. B 10/4 tfn EXPERT AUTO GLASS ltallatlo - Jim Pauley Inc, 501 Railroad Ae. Phone 426-8281. 4/28 tin I 0-I-STUAE- PROBLEM S CU=IkDW correct the cause of peeling 'paint and weeping windows, Be sure to check with us before you paint. For information and a free estimate. call your friendly neighbor. Tom Savage, 426-8584. S 7/18 tfn Real Estate FOR SALE 2 bedroom louse newly decorated. }lot air furnace in base- nmnt. Call 426-3134 evenings. H 8/8 tin NEW 5 bedroom $58.000 Colonial home near Olympia Country Chlb. to trade for Waterfront acreage with small house, Call for aPl)ointment 943-0976 Olympia. W 8/82  ABOUT € acre of ground on blacktop road. It bas small stream and gravity water available A real buy at $750. Legal Publications CALL FOR BIDS Renewal of Small Boat Moorage Pull and reset piling (Approximately 19) Nineteca Construct new main float. 412 ft. long and 6 ft wide on floatation plank. This float to run 117 ft. south from City Dock. on est end of moorage to a point 26 It, north of Pine St. and to  join with a section 285 ft., long running east 26 ft. north of Pine St. Construct 22 finger floats 30 ft. long by 3 ft. wide on floatation. Remove boats to temporary moorage. Remove old floats and place new finger floats. Place and secure on to new float the outer east end section now in use that was installed in 1962. This ex- tends a distance of 45 ft. along Pine St,. then it makes a right angle turn and runs north for 81 ft. to join a "T" float running 81 It, east and west. Cut this float at the right angle and swing it to run east, thus, ex- tending the float running 26 ft. north of Pine St, another 81 ft. and making the "T" float run north and south. Construct a 40 ft. long by 4 ft, wide boarding ramp and install it in place. Return boats to new nmorage. Place standards for light and power lines. Install water line and moorage cleats. 16 of the finger floats to be installed on the inner (North) side of the main floats. 6 on the south side. (the Pine St. side. west end) Skid-gard Plywood is to be used for decking. Bids can be left at the Ford Garage 5th & Railroad, Shelton. Wash. All bids will be opened and read at the regular monthly meettng of the Port Com- missioners August 15, 1963 at 8:00 p.m., Mason County Court House. The Com- missioners reserve the right to accept or reject any or all bids. Real Estate SECLUDED -- Large 4 bedroom older Angleside home with view. Full basement, two baths, fireplace $16.000. Phone 426-8120. 6/20 tin It-sines. lawn mowers, garden trac- tors, rototillers, table top hot-water heater, cabinet sink, frigidaires, stoves, many articles. Herb's Second Hand Store, on Mt. View. 4/25 tin " 'r-CHRISTMASTON, TJ.S.A;" rubber stamps for sale at the Journal, $1.25 each. 227 West Cote. 12/1 tin C---I]I'Cb--A--12, fertilizer, dog food in the money-saving 50 pound sacks. Save at, BJ Mart. Mt View. 6/20 tin ELECTROLUX SALES, service d sulpDes. John Rice. Phone 426-6108. Free damoatratiom. R 117 tfn WaTT, 116 volt light plant, trailers, boats, campers. $198.50. 8aeger Motor Shop, 426-4602. 12/7 tin ICE, PICNIC 'SU---PP--L-IE-S, large  canned goods, save money at BJ Mart, Kneeland Building. Mt, View, 6/20 tin -OU CAN P more water -a-d longer with Fatrbanks Morse pum aps. See them nt Shelton mctrm we.. 419 Railroad. 3/16 tin FOR SALE -= Used steel, plates, pipe, pulleys aria shfts. All types sal- vage. Shelton Junk Co., First and MIIL, phone 426-8626. 9/8 tin LOCKERBEE,  ]a-{ size frozen foo-d's will save you money at :BJ Mart. Mt. View, 6/20 ifn FOR SALE -- Large selection o£ re- ondttloned ranges, refrigerators, washers, dryers. Eells & Valley Ap- pliance Center. 615 n SEE  OUR FINE stock Of fireplace equipment. From fireglow to Frank- lln stoves, grates to glas coors. Carlsons Tile and FireplaCe. Mt View. 11/15 tin SLAB WOOD for sale. You haul $9,50 per cord. We haul $12,50 cord. Length desired. Call 426-4363. Niell on Olympic Htway So. Mac 10/11 tin VAN DYKE mobile homes! Quality at a practical price! DeTray's Mo- bile Homes. 1617 Fones Road, Olym- pia, Wash. Phone 352-2907. 2/21 tin iRIGGS and STR2TTON" replaeem-ent engines, short blocks, parts in stock Cooke's Feed and Hardware, 219 S. Fir.t. Phone 426-2412. 3/28 tin 120 BASS Enrico Rosselli acco'di, pink and gold, Phone 426-8377. $300. tI 4/18 tfn NEW F-IS-H, new turtles and' 638 Arcadia 426-4378, call evenings. V 4/4 tin IR SALt Pole wood 16 id-ov' $16 per cord, Phone 426-4867 - 1/31 tin i1 J Warehouse Prices New Furniture Matched DININGROOM CHAIRS, all solid hardwood construction, Lyre back design, cloth covered seats, walnut or blond. groups of 2 $1 8 00 BOOKCASES walnut or mahog- any - finest construction, three shelves 38" H - 24" W - 12" D $19 95 RECLINING CHAIRS extra large, He-man size, cloth backed nauga- hide with nylon seat and back, fa- mous brands. Beige or Brown were $159;50 3only NOW $9950 TABLE LAMPS all sizes, ana styles. First come, first served. Only  EACH$4 °° FLOOR LAMPS all remaining $10,00. Olsen Furniture 328 Cota St. 426-4702 FOR RENT: three bedroom Yurni:d]ed house. Contact Bar-Din Entelprises, 526 Franklin. Pimne 426-8113. B 8/8 tin single person. 218 No. 1st. Call 426- 4481 or 426-4895. Apt. furnished. ............................ 9_ 5(2_ Vn SLEEPING ROOMS, wlth kitchen pri- vileges, for rent. Inquire 720 North Fourth, phone 426-3487. R 4/19 tfn I.AV/T-0N---A PA-R T M E N T S_ - -aciilSi" units, suitable 1or one or two. Corn- pletely furnished. All utilities in- cluded, Reasonable. 7th and Pine. Phdn 426-2121. 5/16 tfn HOUSEIEEPING rooms sleeping rooms and 2-room apartments. Lin- ens, dishes, utilities supplied. 426- 2081. a 2/28 tin L-API.. furnished and un- fllrnishL.d one bcdri,onts alHS. An)ple storage. All utilities included except lights, Reasonable. 7th and Pine Sts., Phone ,t26-2121, 5/16 tin TWO BEDROOM house for rent. Call 426-2092. A 7/18 tin ONE BEDROOM furnished or unfur- nished apartment. Adults only. 311 North 1st. 426-3025. P 6/6 tin TO AGED O RETIRED couple, a eonl fortable four-roonl hollSC near bighway, $25 a month. Phone 426- 3649. 13 7/18 tfn 426-6779. L 5/30 tin FOR RENT  Ree Apt. 2 bedroom, unfurnished, garage, yard. Call La- Bissoniere Agency, 426-4666 or 426- 4836. D 3/29 tin FOR RENT -- Two bedroom unfurn- ished apartment. Hot water heat, city utilities, range and refrigera- tor furnished. Holly IIill Apts. Con- tact Apt, No. 2 or 426-2493, or 426- 2446. B 5/18 tfn Used Cars 1948 CHRYSLER t-dr. sedan, r & h. new rubber, make offer. Fair condi- tion, 123 :Birch. Phone 426-6633, $7/25 8/8 1958 SIMCA, 4-door. Good condition. Call 426-2061 or see at Rauseher's Richfield Service station. R 8/1-15 FbR--qXLE--'lq-54--C-aail=aL.'- Clean. good condition. 4 new tires, reasonable Call after 5 p.m. or weekends Union 898-2270. 1954 Ford 2-door. Very good condition. Phone after 6:00 p,m, at 426-3290. 0 8/8-15 Business Opportunities OTtIER interests force sale. 24 lavor Ice Cream store ill Lacey. Also serve hmehcs and have donut machine. Will accept real estate, boat or hduse trailer as down payment. Phone 357- 99917 or 352-8832. D 5/2tin WE HAVE .,. . Mercury Outboards MerCruiser Stern Drives Glass Par Boats • Pacific Marina Boats SANDE'S BOATS & MOTORS 8/1 USED APPLIANCES 2-Beds complete with $'50 springs ............................ -,=1 1-Kelvinator refrigerator $8950 very good ........................ 1-GE refrigerator $50 very good ........................ V 1-2 door Refrigerator $4 '00 freezer .................... 5 c. Dinette, like new $50 a very, nice set .............. 2 Sewing machines $'50 New Homc Consoles & $99 '5o Kelvinator Dryer 3 mos. old, Repossesed. Was $149.95 guaranteed ......... NOW $995° U-fix them T.V, Sets at $10,00 Oil heaters ............................ $7.50 Olsen Furniture 328 qota st. 426-4702 Masonry work. Planters, Patios, odd jobs by contract. Osborne 426-6241. 7/4 8/8 FOR SALE BY OWNER -- Located on Spencer Lake• three bedroom mod- ern home. Dining room with slid- ing doors to patio, fireplace. 90 ft. of waterfront. Call evenings 426-3444. S 6/27 tn FOR SALE -- Large 4-bedroom home full basement, fireplace, two baths three lots. On Angleside. 426-8120. G 6/6 tfz FOR SALE -- Three bedroom house. Legal Publications NO. 8455 SUMMONS BY PUBLICATION IN THE SUPERIOR COURT OF THE STATE OF WASHINGTON FOR MASON COUNTY JAY HENDERSON, Plaintiff, vs. IMOGENE HENDERSON, Defendant THE STATE OF WASHINGTON TO THE SAID IMOGENE HENDERSON DEFENDANT : You are hereby summoned to appear within sixty (60) days after the date of tbe first publication of this sum- mons, towit: within sixty (60) days after the 11th day of July, 1963, and defend the above entitled' action in the above entitled court, and answer the complaint of the plaintiff, and serve a copy of your answer upon the undersigned attorney at his office below stated; and in case of your failure so to do, .mdgment will be ren- dered against you according to the demand of the eomplair., which has been filed with the clerk of said court. That the cause of action herein is for a divorce between the parties above named wherein Plaintiff alleges cruel treatment on the part of the defend- ant. GLENN E. CORREA Attorney for Plaintiff Office & Post Office Address: Bell Building 121 South Fourth trcet Shelton, Washington 7/11-18-25 8/1-8-15 6t CALL FOR BIDS The Commissioners of Mason County PUD No. 3 are calling for sealed bids for one Line Truck Body, equipped with fully hydraulic turret type boon], and hydraulic digger. 8/1-8 2t Complete specifications can be ob- tained from the PUD office in Shel- ton. Washington. Bids will be received up to 1:30 P.M., August 19, 1963, at the PUD office, 3rd & Cots Street, at which time they will be opened and publicly read. The Commission reserves the right to reject any and all bids and to pur- chase the equipment which in their judgment will best serve the require- ments of the District. A certified check, payable to the District, of 5% of the amount bid must accompany each bid. EDWIN V. TAYLOR, Secretary 7/18-25 8/1-8-15 5t Separate dining room. partial ce- ment basement. 426-4522 weekdays, 426-4917 evenings. E 6/6 tin Jim Pauley Inc. 5tit and Railroad, Phone 426-8423. W 8/8-22 ..................................... Phone 426-8231. 6/27 tfn ......................... BUILDING REPAIRS -- Cemcnt and 2 :BEDROOM house for sale. cheap. 190 ]" ACRE, Skokomish Valley. House with large Iiving room, kitchen, bath x[90 it. Covered with Eastern Bird- and utihty, two upstairs bedrooms. rock siding. Substaneial down pay- New roof. New septic tank and men and the rest like rent. Inquire drainfields. Reasonable. Phone 426- Albert Nordquist, Rt. 1 :Box 85 or 8303 D 3/28 tfn phone 426-8851. N 8/8 tin ................................ WATERFRONT HOME -- By owner, WOMAN wants housework or ironing. Call evenings 426-4378--638 Arcadia. V 4/4 lfn TREES TOPPED. trimmed, removed. Larry's Tree Surgeon Service. 426- 4823. 2/13 tin SAW FILING, grinding an{1 re-tooth- ing. All work guaranteed. Ted Ber- ry, 627 Wyandotte, phone 426-2433. 3/8 tfn WANTED -- 1000 recappat>le tires. OK Rubber Welders. Mt. View. 1/10 tin Robert Shumate. Olympm. 9/20 tm HANDY MAN -- Odd Jobs! If you think it can't be fixed call Henry Landis. 426-8098. 2/12 tin WILL do iromng in my home. down- town area, $1 per hour. 426-8514, Mrs. Charles Lombard. 2/14 tin WANTED: Alders and maple logs, 10 incl]es and up. 8. 10. 16. and 20 foot lengths. Also alder stumpage, Phone Union 898-2457 or Port Angeles 452- 2175 after 7 p.m or write 104 Co- lumbus st. Port Angeles, Wash C 1/24 tfn WATERFRONT wanted. Tacoma pro- fessional family disires unimproved waterfront. Cash or contract with interest No realtors. Write Box S, e/o The Journal. 2/21 tfn FOUNDATION work. repairs leveling, re-posting, Reasonable. free estima- tes. Call Olympia FL 2-8551. C 3/14 tin WN T  :-- T 0--B U y----T hiTe e-d oz- New Hampsi]irc Red Pullets. Phone 42_6-887L . ............... G 7/18_tin NOW TAKING applications rot R.N,. L.P,N. experienced aids. cooks and mainteuanee. Call in person. Shelton Manor Nursing Homc. Route 1 Box 105, formerly Botts Nursing home. G 7/11 tin Miscellaneous FOR FUN ON HORSEBACK come to Alderbrook Stables on Hood Canal. Moonlight rides• overnight rides on scenic trails. Excellent borses, new management. For reservations Phone 898-2265 Union. R 7/18 tin M:E_Tr- -b L ITG--. c--u t-ng-- an el-- wr-a p = ping. Phone 426-6779 Lemke service. L 2/7 tfn STORY AND CLARK PIANOS. Easy terms. Johnny's Music Box, 205 Cote St. 7/4 tin learning! If yuu are over thirty and believe you haTf latent sales ability and ('all work tFOln prearranged ap- pointments. Constitution- Seaboard- Reliance Agency will consider your application for part time or full time lifetime, position. With ear allowance. fringe benefits, and probable $7500. per year earnmgs. Write full details to Area Manager, 11002 Pacific Ave. Taeoma, 44. C 8/8-22 FREE. one gallon of A & W root beer to Donald Johnson Rt. 2 Box 145, upon suitable identification at Min- or's A & W Drive-In on Mr. View. A 8/8 Classified Service , r HAVE GUN WILL SPRAY! Exterior and interior. Free estimates. Work aranteed. Bennett Painting Co. one 426-3248. 5/10 tin TWO BEDROOM HOME, full base- mont. furnace heat Small down pay- ment to right party. Phone 426-2250. P 7/25 tin TWO BEDROOM brown shaked bung- alow m private location Oil % am'e. six miles out right to restrict, Call 426-8788. J 7/25 tin 125 ft. beach, approximately 1 acres ci'eared Three bedroom, uLi]lty, at- tached garage. See to appreciate. 426-3265. P 6/13 tfn FOR SALE -- Older three bedroom home, two lots. garage with storage room. Call 426-8524 after six p.m. H 6/27 tin MT. VIEW 3 bedroom home patio, %VATERFRONT stucco home, NorLh of £ireplace, electric heat. Phone 426- Twanoh State Park for sale by 4504 after 6 p.m. H 3/28 tin owner. Rt. 1. Box 415, Belfair CR ........ ..................... 5-5456. M 4/11 tin FIVE ACRES on Cole Road. Fronts 4-BEDROOM. fireplace, carpeting and draperies, double garage, room over garage, wmuh room and fruit trees, Large corner lot, 426-6510. ]3 4/11 tin LARGE 3-bedroom home. on corner lot. Radiant heat. fireplace, newly re- decorated• Phone 426-8073. S 4/11 tin FOR SALE: 4- bedroom modern home located near hospital. Excellent double garage, spring water. Phone 426-4648. M 3/14 tin FOR SALE - Beach cabin at Stet- son's on Hood Canal. Completely furnisied to sleep eight. Call :Port Angeles 457-6030 or Hoodsport 877- 5529 after Thursday. M 7/18 tfn OLDER 3 BEDROOM ouse on Angle- side for sale. No Friday night or Sa- turday calls. 426-8563. A3/7 tin MODERN 2-bedroom home. att double garage, electric heat, patio. Mt. View. Phone 426-842 Z 4/11 tin MODERN, comfortable luur-bedo-0-m home., beautiful view Olympics, near scnooi, excellent condition, living room -- dinette have wood paneled fireplace wall. Family kitchen, birch cabinets, dishwasher. Double carport, 1 baths, private patio. Must see to appreciate. Phone 426-442. 3" 1/17 tin ANGLESIDE CORNER lot, 90 x 120 for sale, Phone 426-8563. No Satur- day or Friday night calls, please. A 7/4 tfn LOOKING FOR A DOG? • Friendly, frisky Toy Collie pup- ies. For sale or trade for anything we can use. • Interested in raising Peking- ese? For sale or will place on partnership basis one pair of registered pekingese, sable, one year old. • Toy fox terrier puppies from registered parents. One male, one female, six weeks old. Will sell unregistered at a reduced price. • Stud service-Toy Fox Terriers, Toy Collies, Pekingese and Aus- tralian Terriers. TEANN KENNELS St. Route 2, Box 137 Ph. 426-6940 F. 7/18 tfn Prompt - Guaranteed Service WHEATLEY & KEARY 317 S. 1st 426-4553 BOOTH CONSTRUCTION CO. HOUSES MOVED, RAISED and FOUNDATIONS Phone 426-6441 3/27 tfn i, i i, NEED A FENCE? Beautiful, Ion g-lasting, western red cedar fences of distinction by Versapanel. Installed or do-it- yourself with nothing down, usual- ly $10 per month. Fast guaranteed service or de- livery. FREE estimates. Glen Watson Ph. 426-3170 V 7/26 tin on blacktop, 2½ miles from town. $2500. Call 426-3579. J 7/11 tfn FOR SALE Estate of Inez Shorter Approximately 106 feet Waterfront near Bayshore with two bedroom home Sacrifice at $8500 Phone 426-3545 8/1-8 QUIOK CASH FOR REAL ESTATE CONTRACTS Any Size or Location - call- J. L. HENDRICK Tacom=t MA 7-4192 Evenings - SK 2-6044 METROPOLITAN MORTGAGE & SECURITY COMPANY, INC. 2525 So. Tacoma Ave., Tacoma WANTED UI Furniture Will Buy or Consign KELLY'8 FURNITURE Phone 426-2411 HAND SAWS & TABLE SAWS SHARPENED 200 E. PINE 426-4867 H 4/4 tfn iii i,i 1 Art's Bulldozing ! Excavating  Cement Gra vl [ Fill Dirt Art Indahl Ph. 877-5454 Hoodsport, Wash. 5/17 tin .. . _ ..... , _! "Strike at me -- and we'll see if hls dog Will do what thel Waa & ,aid atd dol" JOURNAL WANT ADS GET RESULTS BEALL'S AUTO REPAIR •Complctc Auto Rebuilding , Towing Service . New & Used Parts Phone 877-5284 - Hoodsport 6/2?7 tin Experienced Waitresses over 21 Year around steady work Apply Alderbrook llln 5/16 tfn The JOURNAL Legal Publications MATERIA NO. 3477 STATE NOTICE TO CREDITORS TO DEPART PRESENT AND FILE CLAIMS Cole, IN THE SUPERIOR COURT OF THE Bert L. yublic STATE OF WASHINGTON FOR MASON COUNTY (IN PROBATE) Notice is In the Matter of the Estate of 1VIAR- day, the z ION E. BERTELSEN, Deceased. conunencing noon of NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that trict lhe undersigned, Oscar Berteisen, has County of been appointed and has qualified a ington, by Executor of ti,e Last Will and ,Testa- tor of said n!ent and of the estate of Marion E. the following Bertclsen, deceased; and tbat all per- be sold at sons having claims against the said est bidder, estate or the said deceased are hereby required to serve the same duly veri- fied in duplicate with the necessary Fosens vouchers attached, upon the uncr- imateiy 25 signed Executor or his attorney of sale is record at the law office of B. Frank- marked sale lin Heuston, Angle Bnilding, Shelton, Washington, and file such claims to- gether with proof of service with the Clerk of the above entitled Court with- in six (6) months after the date of the first publi¢,ation of this notice, ft. to-wit: 18 July 1963. or all claims not lock; and so presented and filed will be forever , or a total barred. Minimum OSCAR :BERTELSEN, Executor, Timber installment Estate of Marion E. Bertelsen, be rem Deceased. 1964, Address: Shelton, Washington On or B. FRANKLIN HEUSTON, 10:00 a,m., Attorney for said Estate, minimum Angle Bldg., Shclton, Wash. $5,00 bill 7/16-25 8/1-8 4t $509.75 in der or shall CALL FOR BIDS ' n'aised The Commissioners of ason Coun- ty PUD No. 3 are calling for sealed bids for one truck and chassis with a minimum GVW rating of 26,000 bid price pounds, less trade in of 1957 Interns- if the tional 4 wheel drive chassis, of sale, Bids will be received up to 1:30 P.M., August 19, 1963, at the PUD office, 3rd & Cots Street. at which full bid pry time tiny will be opened and publicly estimate, read. shall not be The Commission reserves the right balance to reject any anl all bids and to pur- check. Pu chase the equipment which in their within 30 judgment will best serve the requirc- ty bond o ments of tim District. pliance A certified check payable to the sale. All District of 5% of tim amount bid, arc to bc must accompany each bid. missioner EDWIN W. TAYLOR, Secretary Accessibil 7/18-25 8/1-8-15 5, partment Complete Christmastown Salon of Beauty 114 S. 4th St. Ph. 426-8643 Do-it-yourself-ers Why Lake a chance with the home kit? On MONDAY of each week until further notice we offer a fine permanent wave expertly cut and curled $5.oo You set it yourself. Get your appointment in early for these! NEEDED 5OO RABBIT FRYERS WEEKLY CONTACT E. M. McCOWAN Route 2, BOX 159, SHELTON AGENT" 426-3626 CHUCK'S RABBIT PROCESSING 6/20 tin Lem Warren Refrigeration ALL APPLIANCE REPAIR We Service All Makes Refrigerators, Freezers Washers - Dryers - Dishwashers - Ranges ALL WORK GUARANTEED For Fast Courteous Service Call 426-2445 "It's The Service After The Sale That Counts" GENE McLARTY ROUTE 1, BOX 28 . Belfair, Washington • Blocking and Complete Hook-ups • Prompt Service Set and Reset Expando' "LARGEST TRUCKS IN THE AREA" BELFAIR CR 5-2207 & CR 5-4191 3/28 tin GET A "HILLER DEAL" ON YOUR APPLIANCE SERVICE CALL 426-8215 and "DEAL" your service worries to us! Miller's of She,on ' 3rd & Railroad CALL GASH PAID FOR Good, Glean, Used Furniiure and Appliances KELLY'S FURNITURE 426.2411 be rs, and office of Lands. Olympia, To be sold quarters, 63, at 10 sale is ,ked 255 and total of 62 Minimum Timber :insLallment be re 1964. On or 10:00 a.ui., nlinhnul/1 $5.00 bill 441.00 in or certifie, constitute praised P!' the bid price if the tin!e of to bring laid by CompletC To be sold quarters, 63, at 10 Any sale for which o'clock p.l. Said sold for nc is nOW Auditor Terms mcnt Co,mnis by NOTIC: 1N THE MASON Iu KATI ceased. John It. fate, has final repO! ution, aski petiLLon v day of C( ly ion. Re:BERT Tl!e 'l'abtt glas011 for Oil(? S I€)(I bL1S nlen|s. s( paraiely. 8:00 p.m. ant tlu'n 1, Tim SehO' t° 1 phylli: