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Shelton Mason County Journal
Shelton, Washington
August 8, 1963     Shelton Mason County Journal
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August 8, 1963
Newspaper Archive of Shelton Mason County Journal produced by SmallTownPapers, Inc.
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8, ]963 I{E, LTON--MA0N COUNTY JOUPNAL -- Published in "Ch'ristmastown U.S.A." helton glen PAGE 15 FF',R SALE OF "Eli ICL I,L GIVEN that of August. a•n. at An- Yn. Washington, ] described vebic- Sedan Mir No. No. nnknown. Doran Lgton I described ve- ND. 68-180115, Wn, Said day at Shel- Washington, I dgscribed re- No. 68311965 Wn. SHERIFF ashingion 8/8 It TOO LONG brick front excellent dis- This one fee- S room with fire- cozy compact razed bedrooms, Well landscaped of flowers. It's at $12,000. be good. ' ROy DUNN HEo WHEN is rent receipts! that money a payment on brand new 3 $1.00 cash OW PHA terms eat attached area. Pric- We show you I0Y DUNN_ NIFTy[ m all 3 bed- is keyed The fireplace the carpeted garage. The y neat. It's and a steal FHA terms Call now. 'bUCERs 2 bedroom Excellent corated. $16,- 9 unit apart- could ).Per Year. Quick area - one Excellent will con- home. $10,- district. A 2 3 bedroom location - ' l0y bURN i%TM ENT is area's finest has poten- home dollars chance frontage asking any longer . ' I0y bUNN RETIRED for those new COt- Zy fireplace. Setting ov- Complete and go south in A real ................ 426-8074 .426-4601 Legal Publications NOTICE OF SALE OF TAX TITLE PROPERTY (55) NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that pursuant tO and ilk eonf(rnlil y with all order of tile Board nf Couaty (onl- missioners Of Mason Count)', State el .Vashin'lon. duly made and en|ered on tile 17ilt daY of July, 1963. ordering lhc undersigned to sell. in the manner provided by law. the undersigned will on Friday, ehe 9th day of August, 1963, at the hour of Ten O'Clock. in the forenoon of said day, at the front door ot the Courthouse nl tile City of Shel- ton. Raid County and State. offer lor sale at not loss tban tile lninJlnuln price as set forlll for each description, plus advertisin_  costs, to tile higllest and best bidders, all the right, title, and interest of said llason County, and containing further tile exceptions and reservations sol. ont in Chapter 19 of Session Laws nf tile State of Wash- ington for 1943 or as anlended m nnd to the following described real property, situated in said County and S|ate. to-wit : Lot 5. Block 38, Plat of Detroit No. 2. 'tason C(bnllty Washington, accord- ing to the Official Plat thereof, re- eo'rded in Vohune 1 of Plats. page 23. in the Office of the Auditor of Mason County. Washington. Appraisal $50.00. JOHN B. COLE Treasurer of Mason County (SEAL) Treasurer of Mason County 7/25 8/1 8 3t FOR YOU-- A spacious 3 bedroom Mr. View Rambler in a quiet suburban set- ting. A pretty fireplace, electric heat, attache'd garage and con- venient rrangement are just a few of this home's fine features. See it today at $1,500. WOODED HIDEAWAY-- Here is a large attractive 2 bed- room home hidded off the road on 4 wooded acres. Large living-din- ing room with fireplace and a wife-saver kitchen. Good drilled well and double carport. A good suburban buy for $8800, WANT ACREAGE? Then see this 16 acre spot between Shelton and Olympia. Good 2-3 bedroom house that needs just a little inside paint. Excellent creek and a large double garage. Easy contract terms. VIEW AND GARDEN If you want a compact easy to care for home, this is a must see. This cozy 2 bedroom is lo- cated on a =/2 acre Angleside View lot with lots of fruit trees. A-1 condition inside and out. Just $6¢ 750 with contract terms. MR. HANDYMAN [ ' See this now[ Here is a real good buy for just $2950 with $250 down and $35 per month. There are bedrooms, large living-dining ar- ea and even a full basement. LOW IN COST[ HIGH IN VALUE! This dandy Hillcrest home can be yours for only $5000. Surround- ed by a fenced yard, it has 2 bedrooms, cozy living room, nice kitchen-dinette area. Also a good roof and concrete foundation. Con- tract terms. STEAL THIS TODAY[ [ This large 3 bedroom home has been priced below market value for a quick sale. You will find everything you could want for the active family, including a large yard, spacious rooms and it is close to school. It is in excellent condition and has a concrete foundation and a new roof. Call Vince Himlie at once as this bar- gain will not last the week at on- ly $6,000. MANN REAL ESTATE CALL 426-6592 ANYTIME Legal Publications ('ALL 1,'O1t BIDS Noliee is herel)y given that tile Board of Conlmissmners ,)f Public Utility District No, 3 of Mason County, Wash- ington, does hereby invite sealed pro- posals ior supplying a three phase voltage boosting auto-transfornler ill accordance with S1)ecifications No. 103 obtainable ft'mn the District upon re- quest. Proposals for furnishing this trans- former lnUSt be sealed and file at the District's office in Shelton. Wash- ingion on August 191h, 1963 at 1:00 P.M. Pacific Dayligllt Time. Each bid shall be accompanied by a bid bond. in an amount not less than 5% of the "lmount bid. wilt1 a corp- orate surety licensed TO do business in this Slate. and no bid will be eon- sidered unless aceonlpanied by such a bid bond. At the time and place nanled, such bids will be opened and read and th Comnlissioners will pro- ceed to canvass tile bids and may let tile coutract Io tlle lowest resi)onsihle bidder upon the specifications. The Conlnlissioncrs reserve the unqualit:ied right in their sole and absolute dis- eretion to reject any and all bids. and to accept lhe bid which in their sole and absolute judgment, will under all eireums/ances best serve the in. terests of the District. Public Utility District No. 3 of Mason County EDWIN W. TAYLOR. Secretary 7/18-25 8/1-8-15 5t The scientist is the lover of truth, for the very love of truth itself, wherever it may lead. Luther Burbank EXGEPTIONAL VALUES LOCATED ON ARCADIA 5 minutes from Town. Little under one acre. Three bedrooms plus a sewing room. Nice size living room with separate dining room. Lots of room m this yard. Large garage with workshop. Priced for quick sale--S8900. EXTRAORDINARY AND BUILT FOR A HAPPY FAMILY This trim and neat home has three large bedrooms. Lots of lin- en closets. Tiled and easy to care for bathroom. Living room design- ed with wall space. King size utility room. Sunny and bright kitchen with lots of cupboards. Garbage disposal and all the ex- tras. Located on Mt. View for $14,250. Lot 90 x 100, FARM NESTLED AMONG THE TREES 3 bedrooms. Living room. Kit- chen has many cupboards. Utility porch. Separate garage. A whole acre. Just a few minutes from town. Excellent well, All this for $6500. TRAILER BOUND FAMILY This convenient home has two bedrooms. Living room. Modern kitchen. Utility room. Electric heat. Completely furnished for on- ly $6500. Better hurry. OWNER MUST SELL OWNS TWO HOUSES This appealing home is ready to move in immediately as it has had excellent care. Three bed- "rooms. Carpeted living room with fireplace. Modern easy care kitch- en with dining area. Easy to heat. Large garage with lots of storage room. Outdoor patio and fenced yard. Good neighborhood. $12,500. IDEAL FAMILY HOME CLOSE TO SCHOOLS Three bedrooms. Living room with fireplace. Separate dining room. Compact kitchen. Basement with garage. Coal stoker furnace. Easy to heat. Corner lot. Range and refrigerator included in thi buy for $8500. FOR SALE -- OR LEASE Three bedroom summer home on Hood Canal. Enjoy the rest of the summer. Lovely private beach. $50 per week. FOR RENT Small apartment. Furnished Ideal for single person or couple. $35 per month. 121 Railroad Ave. @ ANGLE AGENOY SH E LTON Real Estate -- Insurance EVENINGS CALL HERB-- Phone 426-8272-- DICK VINCE HIMLIE--426-6501 SUE DANIEL8 KURT MANN--426-3228 DONALD (Bean) DANIELS 426-343¢ • -- i i .i Legal Publications NO. B416 NOTI{'E OF llEARING I:INAL RE- PORT AND PETITION l"OIt DIN- TRI IIU TI ON IN TIlE SUPERIOR COURT OF THE STATE OF WASHINGTON FOR MASON COUNTY IN PROBATE IN THE MATTER OF"I{E ESTATE OF GEORGE "W. BOLIN. Deceased. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that VIVIAN BOLIN. Executrix of the Es- tate of Georgc . Bolin. dec, eased, has filed m tile office of tile Clerk ,)! said Court a Final Report and petition for Distribution. asking the Court to s('ttle said r('porI distribute the property to tile l)er.,ms thereto entitled and dis- chat'u'e the pctitioner as ExecuIrix : and that said t'eport and petitiou wilt be heard on tlle 61h day of Septemher. 1963• lit 10:00 o'elocl( ill tbe forenoon of said day. or as soon thereafter as tile In/liter can bc lloard at tile coln'l. roonl of Ill(' above entitled court, in tile Courthouse in Shelton. il, Ia s o n County, ,Vasllillton. at which tiloe and place ally i)erson interested in said Estate Ilia)" appear and file objecti(nls lllet'eto and t:(lltest tile sallle. DATED this 2 day (,f August, 1963. LAURA M. rAGENER Clerk of said Court tiy TECKLA VERMILLION Deputy GLENN E. CORREA .ttorney for Estate Bell Buildin 121 South Fourih Street Shellon. Washington 88-15-22-29 4 t LaBISSONIERE Star Values. * WATERFRONT HOMES We can offer you choice wa- terfront properties; 2. 3 and 4 bedroom homes. Located Hood Canal, Arcadia Shores and else where. Check with us for fine unimproved waterfronts. * 125' HOOD CANAL 125' Massive bulkhead, tide- lands. Nice 7 room home. Fire- place, boat shop, garage. Well located West of Twanoh. Price reduced to wind up estate at $27,500. Immediate possesmon. Purchase for $6,000. down on Insured Mortgage; in cludes loan costs. * 150' HOOD' CANAL 150' concrete bulkhead, tide- lands. This superb property sleeps 12 with guest house. Im- med i ate possession $49,500. Terms arranged. * I/2 ACRE, 3 BEDRMS, 2 1/, miles out. Real nice coun- try home. Spacious living room. Modern wood heater. Spring water. An excellent buy at $4,- 950. Purchase on Insured Mort- gage for $970. down; includes loan costs. * 3 BEDRMS. DOWNTOWN Corner lot. Easy walk schools. Fine living room 14' x 24' with fireplace. Washer. dryer includ- ed at $7,950. Insured Mortgage with $1.350. down includes loan COSTS. ROOMS EDGE TOWN Neat 2 bedroom home. Gard- en. lawn. A fine buy at $3,950. only $350. down. $40. monthly. FARM HOMES, RANCHES We have several excellent pro- perties to offer right now: 1-160 Stock spread, home, big barn. concrete floor. $29,500. 1- 160 Acre tree farm at $85. per acre cash only. 1-140 Acre ranch, nice 3 bedrm, home, large trout stream for only $19,500. 1-140 Acre horse rancl on Freeway w/creek $31,000, 1- 35 Acre farm 6 room home, ex- tras, $7,500. 1-20 acres 3 bed- rooms. $9,500. 1-81, acres, 2 bedrms., 165' well $7,750. Ap- prox. 80 acres, 1500' on big stream, 3 bedrm home, bottom land. 1-120 acres, bottom, ditch- ed, ranch home $31,000. CALL 426.4666 LaBissoniere A G E N C Y REAL ESTATE INSURANCE 119 So, 4th  Shelton, Wash. Eves: John Devereux 426-8544 t, lanager, broker PHONE 426-6642 -- HOME PHONE 426-3530 I°Y Ritner, Herb Rotter Associates, Inc, Accounting & Bookkeeping .Walter George-- PreferredbyProperties Waterfront Realty E, garage, close to shopping center, $4500 payment $1,000, $50 per month. 3 bedrooms, garage, Lot 60' x 120' basement, furnace, fireplace, corner lot, just -'-$13,500. E, fireplace, carport, large utility room and $11,200. three bedrooms, fireplace, electric heat 60 ft. of waterfrout, close to town. $12,000 acres, 1½ acres cleared. Other outbuild- 317 Railroad Ave. Call 426-8277 TAKE OVER FHA CONTRACT! A lovely family,sized home in excellent residential area. You'll enjoy the three-bedrooms, large living room plus sep- arate TV-family room. All on one floor; fireplace and many other desirable features. Let's look today! A REAL SPECIAL! On a large corner lot, the BEST buy in a two-bedroom up-to- the-minute home. Many extras! Hardwood floors, formica coun- ter tops, tiled bath, wall furnace. And priced at just $6950 - terms of course. DON'T MISS THIS ONEI Attractive. nearly new, three-bedroom home in excellent Mt. View location. Large living room with lovely drapes and fireplace; dining room; well planned kitchen has built-in range an more features for co with hood and fan" m Y , _ _:_ mfort and con- " this 'one today. ow FiIA terms at $14,500.00. vemence. See LOOKING FOR A BARGAIN? A compact cozy two-bedroom home on large lot with room for gardening. This is for you if you are short on cash' Just $150.00 down and $45.00 monthly on this one! Full price $3500. MS, dining room, fireplace, garage and car- $18,500. b, 4-bedroom house. One acre of land, spring Uble garage, workshop -- $9,500. ME, corner lot, hot water heat, fireplace, .d, on Angleside  $10,500. IMk farm home, 9½ acres, 250 ft. waterfront LOADED WITH VALUE! All on one floor; excellent room arrangement; three-bed- ard and patio with ba rooms; nice fenced y  ,,^ ..... rbecue; two-car ga- rage and work shop Well insu,acu azm lncIudes carpets and drapes. FHA terms. $8850.00. __ E#enings Call --- Marden Stroud .................... 426-4000 Dick Belling ........................ 426-8162 Real Estate ] NO. 3119 NOTI('E OF II EAIlING FINAL RE- I'ORT AND I'ICrITION I"OR 1)IN'rRI- nl:TION IN TIlE SUPERIOR COURT OF'THE STATE OF WAStt INGTON b'O{ MASON COUNTY l N PROP, ATE TN THE MATTER (IF THE ESTATE OF SOFITS HANSEN. Deceased. [ NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN tilat I LAURA J. tIANSEN. Executrix of the el)eve entilled estate, llas filed in he office (d the Clerk of said Court a Final Report and Petition for Distri- bution, asking tile Court lO settle said l'eport, distribute the ])roperly 10 the persons lherelo entitled and to dis- eharue tile petitioner as Executrix; and that Raid r,'tn,rt and petition will be beard on the 6111 day of September, 1963 at 10:00 o'clock in tile forenoon o1 said day. ,,r ZlS s(atn lhcreaftor as tile tnaller Call bc heard al. tlle court roonl el tlle above entitled court, in the Courtbouse in Sllelt on. Mason Courtly, Washington. at 'tlich time and place any person interesled ill said Estate may appear and file ob- joel ions tbereh) and conies] the sanle. DATED this 6 day of August 1963, LAURA WAGENER Clerk of said Court GLENN E. CORREA Att,)rney for Estate Bell Building 121 Souttt Fourth Street Shelton V, rashington 8/8-15-22-29 41 NO. 27121 NOTICE OF SALE OF REAI ESTATE 1N THE SUPERIOR COURT OF TItE STATE OF WASHINGTON IN AND FOR YAKIMA COUNTY IN PROBATE IN THE MATTER OF THE GUAR- DIANSHIP OF VESTA BERG an in- conlpetent person, NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that SEATTLE-FIRST NATIONAL BANK. a national banking association, in its capacity as Guardian of the Estate of the above named incompetent person will sell at private sale the Iollowing dcserihed real estate: The west haft of tlle northwest quar- ter of Section 22. Township 19 north. Range 6. West V. M.. situated in Ma- son County, Washington to the high- est and best bidder. Bids must be sub- nlited in writing and may be left witb the Guardian at 101 North Second Sh'eet. Yakinla. Wasbington. Bids will be received until the date of sale. The sale will be made on or after August 26, 1963. The Guardian reaerves the Legal Publications NO. 8085 NOTICIC OE SllI,:RIFE', ,ALE OF I{ I':A L I';S TA'I" I,i Under (It, nero[ Execution IN THE SUPERIOR COURT OF TIlE STATE OF WASHINGTON FOR MASON COUNTY ARNOLD REX and BERNICE REX. husband nnd wife. dba REX FLOOR COVERING. Plaiutiff vs, IDA A, BO- QUIST aka IDA BOQUIST. individ- ually slid as ]rustee for her n/thor children. Defendant Under and by virtue of a general execution issued ouL of and under the seal of the Superi(w Coln't of tin, Stat." of Washington. ill and for said County, on the 2nd day of August 1963. Ul)on a judgolcnl rendered ill said Court on lhe 30ih day of N weniber 1961. in tavor of ABNOLD REX and BERNICE REX. husband and wife. dba REX FLOOR COVERING. and againsi IDA A. [=OQ1JIST aka IDA BOQUIST indi- vidually and as trustee Tor bet n/inor children judgmenl debt,)r for the sum of Four hundred forty-one and 15/100 Dollars. togctllcr with attorney's fees. i]lterest, cost and increased eosls. and Io mc direeled and delivered I did on the 2nd day o( Augllst. 1963, icvy upon all the right, title and in- terest of said judglnent debtor ill and lo Ill{' fdh)win," described property to satisfy said judgment, to-wit: A tract of land in Govt, Lot 1. Sec. 28. Twp 22 N. R 1 West, W.M., Mason County, Washington particularly des- eribed as follows: Beg at a point on the East line sd Govt. Lot 1 which is 411.36 feet South ,'ff NE cor thereof: ht South alg sd East line 50 feet to a car axle nlarking the NE eor of a tract of land owned by Wilbur L. Mil- liron and wife : runuing th alg the North line thereof West 600 feet and South 82°30 ' West 266,70 feet to a .eac axle marking the NW cor of sd MAlliron tract IDeated on the meander line: then- ce North 9°45 ' West dig sd nlcander line 50 feet to the SW eor of a tract of land heretofore sold on contract by the granters herein to Cortland W Johnson and wife; run th alg the South line of sd Johnson tract North 8230 ' East 300 ft. Inore or less. Io a pt which is 70 ft soutb of the NortlI line thereof; th East 580 feet more or less, to the POB, subjec.t to pipeline easenlent as contained ill deed froth F.. M. Sisson & Clara E. Sisson to Fred B. Sisson, dated Feb, 20. 1923, filed for record Mareh 5, 1923 as Audi- tor's fee No. 40039. and recorded in Book 41 of Deeds on page 374. records of Mason County, Wasliington, EX- CEPT THAT portion of sonic lying easterly of Stale Highway No. 14B. NOW THEREFORE. NOTICE IS right to reject any and all bids. HEREBY GIVEN. That on Friday tie SEATTLE-FIBST NATIONAL BANK 6th day of September. 1,'}63. at 10 a national banking association By VERNON L. FISHBACK Assistanl Trust Officer L. B. & MAX VINCENT 330 Miller Building Yakinla. WashinR-ton 8/8-15 2t Hood Canal 250 ft. on Hamma Hamma Riv- er, 2=/2 acres, 2 bedroom home. View and fruit trees. Beach Homes 3 bedroom and guest house (fireplaces) $27,000 2 bedroom, fireplace, 108 ft. beach $15,500 Off the Beach 175 ft. lot, 2 creeks, large family home ($14000). 3 comfortable 2 bedroom homes to choose from (Hoodsport) $4,900 and up. 2 bedroom, garage, storeroom, landscaped, creek, 148 ft. beach $18,500 Trailer lots $2000 & up ,"=- No bank beach lots $200 an, Skokomish Valley 4 bedroom home, approximately 3 acres on creek $11,750. Business Property with 3 bedroom home, 2 baths and garage. Will take small Shelton home as part payment. IIOOD CANAL REAL ESTATE HOODSPORT Phone 877-5211 or 877-5575 Evenings o'clock in the Forenoon of said day, I will sell the above described pro- perIy, el' so nlucb thereof as may be nt-cossary to satisfy said judgment, to- gether witil attorney's fees. interest costs and increased costs• in all amoun- ting" to the sum of Six ]lundred five and 95/100 (605.95) Dollars, Said sale will take place at the East door of the Court House at 4th and Pine in said County and State. and will be at public auction for cash in hand to tlle hillest and best bidder. Dated at Sllelton Wash., thin 2nd day of August. 1963. D. S. CLARK Sheriff of said County. By THORA BASSETT Deputy 8/8-15-22-29-9/5 51 NO. 3414 NOTICE OF HEARING FINAL RE- PORT AND PETITION FOR DISTRI- BI:T1ON IN THE SUPERIOR COURT OF THE STATE OF ArASHINGTON FOR MASON COUNTY IN PROBATE IN THE MATTER OF THE ESTATE OF FLORENCE GROSHONG. Deceas- ed. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that BARBARA JANE ROESSEL, Execut- rix of the Estate of Ielorence Groshon, deceased, has filed in the office of the Clerk of said Collrt a Final Report and P0titi,)n for Distribution asking the Court to settle said rel)ort, distribule lhe property to 1he persons thereto entitled and to discharge the petiti- oner as executrix: and that said re- port and petition will be hoard on the 6th day of Seplember. 1963. at 10:00 o'clock in the forenoon of said day, or as soon thereafter as the nlatter can be heard at the court room af the above entitled court, ill the Courthouse ill Sholton. Mason County, Washington, at which tittle and place any person intet'estod in said Estate may appear and file objections lil,reh) and contest Ill0 sslnP, DATED this 2nd day of August, 1963. LAURA M. WAGENER Clerk of said Court By TECKLA VERMILLION Deputy GLENN E. CORREA Attorney for Estate Belt Building 12] Soutl Fourth Street Shelton, Washington 8/8-15-22-29 4t Men love to wonder, and that is the seed of science. -- Ralph Waldo Emerson BRITE STAR REALTY Small 20 acre farm, Agate area, 12 cleared. 3 streams, fenced and cross fenced. Old home and good barn. Owner just cut 12 tons of hay. $7950, $1500 down, $45.00 per month. 5 acres Dayton Valley Road. 2 bedroom home, large garage, lots of timber, lt acres cleared, small stream. $4750, easy terms. 5 acres Hammersley Inlet area. 450 ft. road frontage, stream. drilled well, 2/ acres in large second growth timber, several out buildings, $4600, $600 down. $40 per month. 18 acres Agate area, fine terrain, considerable timber, 400 feet of blacktop road frontage, $3500. $500 down $40 per month. 40 acres Hoodsport area, fine view, lots of growing timber, excellent terrain $4500, $1000 down, $50 per month. Route 1, Box 135 Phoile 87-5439 Hoodsport, Washington This excellent home has a neat living room with fireplace, beautiful birch cabinets in the large kitchen, a dining room and two lovely bedrooms. It is of fine quality in eonstruction and in perfect condition• Hardwood floors, plastered walls and is heated electrically. This house could be expanded to house a large family for it has eight foot ceilings in the attic. Owner leaving for Europe and says . Sell complete . . . All the furniture and many household items are included in the selling price. This home must be seen to appreciate. All interiOrs and furniture are like new. Call now for an appointment. With only a low down payinent and small monthly payments you may buy either of two . . . three bedroom houses both lo- cated near schools. Dining rooms, living rooms with fireplace, large kitchens and three bedrooms. Only $7500. BILL PEARSON REAL ESTATE 125 No. 5th Dial 426-3132 ANYTIME Evenings Call Sylvia Carey 426.6556 Legal Publications Legal Publications NOTICE OF HALE O!" TIDE LANDS NO. 1;90 N'rATIC (IF %V,%NItlN(;'rON N()'rl('l,; TO (I{E1)ITOI{ 1}I';PARTMICNT OF NA'I'I'I{A1] H.ENOURt'I£N IN THE SL'PEI.IOI COURT ('iF THE STATE (iF WASHINGTON l,'()l{ Berl L Cole. Conlmissioner of MASON t:cUNTY IN PROIATIC Public Lands i Ill the Maltcr el lth,•Estate ol ED- NOTICE IS !IEREBY GIVEN, That \\;VIN JUSTUS 1)ALBY, Deceased. cn Tl ('sd V, lbe 27tb day of August. 196. conlmencin at teu o'elo(,k in the NOTICE IS ttEREBY GIVEN that :[orenoou t)t said day, al tile Coun|y the nndersiglled has been apptinted Court Ilouse ill the eity of Shell Ii :lnd itas qualified as 1lie Executrix el th' Estale t,f Edwin Jtlslus Dal ):v, de- eotlI;,t V Of ]as(}a. Slate of Washing- ton. ])y llle ClUlli v Audilor of said ( r,as,d : IIhqi all ]¢'FS(tllS ba\\;'inE c]ailus - ;tuainst sai(i (leut'ast(ol are :lol'e//y re- county, the foll,)win- des(,ribed tide lallds. IoKet]ler with tile illll)r,velnell]s siiuaied tb,'reon, will b,. sold al pubtie ;tu(!lilll to 1he lli£hest bidder lbercf(,r, to-wit : NOTI';--No one exccl)t ,'ilizens of the United States. or l)crsons xvlh) ]nlvc de- elated lhpir inlenlion to buconic S/lob. can t)nrcbase Slale lands. Application No. 13722 The tidelands of tlle sec(,nd class. owned by fhe Stale of Washington, silnate in froul .,if a portion of Govcrn- lncnl Lot 3, Set-lion 14, \\;Township ]9 North. Range 3 Wesl r.M. lying sou- th of 1tie norlh line of suid Govern- IneUl Lot 3 el•educed easterly, the produced line heinu" llle south lille of a tract of tidelands c,)nveyed by the State of Vasilin'ton for llte culti- vation of oystern under lhe lrovlslons of Chapter 21. Laws of 1895 to H. G. Rieilardson through deed issued Ap- ril 4. I902 under Application No. 2844 and north of a line running parallel with and 228 feel sooth of the north line of said Governnlent Lot 3. pro- dnced easterly with a frontage of 3.- 46 lineal chains more or less. ap- praised at $50.00 per lineal chain or $173.00. Except. therefrom any of the above described tidelands conveyed by the State of Wasbington for ibe cultiwl- lion of oysters under lhe provisions of Chapter 24. Laws of 1895 to Port Blakely Mill Company through deed issued March 25. I896 under Application No. 1866. Located on Torten Inlet about 4 miles east of Kamilche in southeastern Mason County. Purchaser nmst also pay a $5.00 stat- utory fee. To. he sold at Shelton.  County Seat, on Tuesday, August 27, 1963. at 10 o'clock a.m. BERT L. COLE, Commissioner of Public Lands by Don Lee Fraser 8/1-8-15-22 - 41 NO. 3482 NOTICE TO CREDITORS IN THE SUPERIOR COURT OF THE STATE OF WrASHINGTON FOR MASON COUNTY IN PROBATE IN THE MATTER OF THE ESTATE OI CLAIR A. HAMMOND. Deceased. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that Ihe undersigned has been atpointed and has qualified "as the Ex'eeutrix of the Estate of Clair A. Hammond de- ceased: that all persons having elainls against said deceased are llereby re- quired lo serve llle same. duly veri- fied. on the undersigned Executrix or ller ath)rncy of record at lhe address t)elow stated and file the same with the Clerk of tile said court, together with proof of such service within six montbs after the date of first publi- cation of this notice or the same will • be barred. Date of firat publication: Au'ust S. 1963, VERA M. HAMMOND Executrix GLENN E. CORREA Attorney for Estate Bell Building Shelton. Wasltingtou 8/8-15-22-29 4 t qnit',d to serve (he sallle, dill)" veri- fied. ,)ll til*, lllldtq'slgned Ex*¢utl'ix or h.l" lllt¢t'tlt'5" f r..vord al tile address boh)w slaI[*d and fih, the same with tile Clerk (1 /11(, said cc)ut'l IogOlller "4Mh I)roof of all(.h service within six nlolltlls after 1ire dale of firat i)uhlica- iioa of i}lis llotJcc or the aane will h I,arrod. Date of first publication: August 1, 1963. ETHEL DALBY Executrix GLENN E. CORREA Attorney for Estate Bell Building SItclt(m, Washington 8/1-g-15-22 4t NO. 3-180 NOTICI,: TO CREDITORS IN THE SlrpERIOB COURT OF TIII4 STATE OF WASHINGTON IIASON COUNTY Iu lhe Matter of the Estate of ZIIL- VER . I:UBA. Deceased. Notice is hereby given that the undersigned has been appointed nnd ('eased: that all I)ersons havina" elailns aainst said deeea.ed are llerehy re- qnired 1o serve the sonic, dilly veri- fied. on said Co-Adminis]rator at lile address below stated, and file lbe same wilh the Clerk of said Court. together willi proof of such service within six months after the date of firs1 pnbti- cation of tllis notice. )1- the salll" will be barred. Date of first publication AUGI'ST 1, 1963. JOHN C. RAGAN Co-Executor of said eslate. 5OHN C. RAGAN Title Insuran,-, .uilding 122 Raih'oad Avenue Shellon, Washington 8/1-8-]5 3t Foursquare Church 910 East Dearborn Sunday School ............ 9:45 a.m. Morning Worship .... 11:00 a.m. C. Y.'s & Cadets ........ 6:00 p.m, Evening Service .... 7:00 p.m. Bible Study (Wed.) .... 7:90 pro, Lewis B. Wysong, pastor 1/31 tin MT, VIEW Alliance Church Washington and J Sts. Sunday School ............ 9:45 a.m. Morning Worship .... 11:00 a.n% A. Y. F ......................... 6.00 p.m. Evening Service ........ 7:00 p.m. Prayer Hour (Wed.) 7:30 p.m. Robert S. Wick, Pastor i FIRST BAPTIST CHgRCH Rev. E. C. Knautz, Pastor 5h & Cota Recv. Alfred Sandoval, Minister of Christian Education SUNDAY, AUGUST 11 8:30 a.m.lst Service "TWO KINDS OF" PEOPLE" 9:30 a.m.BIBLE STUDY IN GROUPS 11:00 a.m.--2nd Service BROADCAST KMAS (1280) 6:0 p.m.YOUTH AND ADULT PROGRAMS 7:30 p.m. "THE DEVIL'S TRAP" WED. AUGUST 14 7:30 p.m, GROUP BIBLE STUDY SHELTON ASSEMBLY OF GOD 130 East Pine Street Mason Younglund, pastor Sunday School .......................................................................... 9:45 A.M. Morning Worship .................................................................... 11:00- P.M. Christ's Ambassadors .............................................................. 6:00 P.M. Evangelistic Service ...................................... . ........................ 7:00 P.M. Wednesday ................................................................................ 7:00. P.M. i LUTHERAN CHURCH FAITH 7th and Franklin Street ' 8:15 and 11:00 Morning Worship Services 9:o0 Sunday School and Adult Bible Class CARL J, CARLSEN, Pastor Affiliated with American Lutheran Church THE METHODIST OHURGH I ' ' North 4th and Pine Streetl .. / REV. HORACE H. MOUNTS, MINISTER" I 9:30 a.m. Sunday SchooI and Morning Worship. I 11:00 a.m. Morning Worship 6:30 p.m. Youth Fellowship .11 i r • / .... , , FIRST CHRISTIAN CRCH Arcadia and Lake Boulevard Charles D. Wigton Bible School ..... 9:45 ram. . Youth Meeting 5:30 p.m, Worship ............ 11:00 a.m. Family Service 6:30 p.m. Wednesday -- Bible Study and Prayer  7:30 p.m. Child Care Service Availuble at 11:00 Service FIRST GHURGH OF 0HAler, SOIENTIST 302 Alder St., 8heltn, Wash. Sunday School 11:00 a.m. -- Church 11 a.m. Wednesday evening testimony meetings 8 p.m. Reading room located In church. Reading room hours 2 to 4 p.m. Mon. & FrL Wed. evening 6:45 to 7:45, MT. OLIVE LUTHERAN CHURCH MISSOURI SYNOD Olympic Hwy. So. & Cascade, The Rev. Gerald Herman, Pastor Sunday School .................................................................... 9:45 a.m. Adult Bible Class ................................................................ 9:45 a.m. Morning "Worship ........................................ 8:30 a.m. & :[1:00 a.m. ST. DAVID'S EPISCOPAL CHURCH J Fourth & Cedar, Shelton,  ashington | The Rev. Clarence A. Lody, Priest I 7:30 a.m,--Holy Communion. , , ! 9:00 a.IU,---Divine Worship, St. Andrew s House, Hood Cailal. / 11:00 a.m.--Diviue Worship/ | ..... : .... The O,hrch is atways open for meditati0n arrff-pray4F, l