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Shelton Mason County Journal
Shelton, Washington
August 9, 2007     Shelton Mason County Journal
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August 9, 2007
Newspaper Archive of Shelton Mason County Journal produced by SmallTownPapers, Inc.
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Fire chiefs x00'0000rking on merger p lati By JEFF GREEN the fir(; department during that from within the city or some corn- "HUMAN ENDEAVORS can't vice decades ago, Knight Talks continue between the Shelton city commissioners and Fire District 5 commissioners about the possible consolidation of their two fire departments. The two commissions held a joint meeting on Thursday, Au- gust 2, at the fire district's main station. The next meeting will be at 10 a.m. on Wednesday, August 15, at the Shelton Civic Center, 525 West Cota Street. At last week's meeting, Shel- ton Fire Chief,Jim Ghiglione said the city and fire district will have to bargain the impacts of annexa- tion of the city into the fire district with the two firefighter union lo- cals and bring interim agreements back to the joint commission. Also, negotiations have not yet begun with Shelton for the use of the new city fire station to be con- structed at Second and Franklin streets, Ghiglione said. THE CONSULTANTS who studied the proposed annexation have recommended the Fire Dis- trict 5 Commission be expanded from the current three members to five. That move will take a sepa- rate election, the fire chief noted. There are six recommendations from the consultants that will have to be met before Ghiglione and Fire District 5 Chief Richard Knight could ask the joint com- mission to move forward with a ballot measure asking city and fire district voters to authorize the annexation. Knight suggested the city and fire district aim for an an- interim period at a level to be re- quested. The consultants also recom- mended that: the city and district move fi)rward with the annexation; the fire district establish an orga- nizational chart of the combined departments and share it with the city; the city and tire district en- ter into an interim contract for all fire and emergency medical ser- vices while the annexation process continues. Such a contract would include the transtbr of all city fire department personnel into the fire district. CURRENTLY, ALL three fire district commissioners are elected on an at-large basis. There was some speculation that if the com- mission was expanded to five mem- bers the two additional members initially could be appointed from within the city and then stand for election later. It" the fire commissioners con- tinued to serve at large - mean- ing there were no commissioner districts created as is the case for county commissioners and school board members - they could all be elected from within the district or LAKE CUSHMAN cabin Sept. 4-May 30. 2 bedroom, 1 bath, furnished. All utilities paid. $1,200 monthly, $500 deposit. Pet negotiable. (360) 631-8170, R8/9- nexation election next February. 16 Ghiglione said if the measure ............................................................................................................ passes, it would take the Mason County Assessor's Office nine months to transfer city properties into the tire district. He said the city would have to agree to fund College will give tests, talk money Olympic College Shelton will hold financial aid workshops and college placement testing on Mon- day, August 20. The financial aid workshops will be held fl'om 1.2:30 to 2 p.m. and 5:30 to 7 p.m. It is not too late to receive finan- cial aid for fall quarter. Financial aid advisors will be on hand to an- swer questions and help students apply tbr financial aid. To accelerate the application, students should bring their 2006 tax return to the, session. In addi- tion, if students are under the age of 23 and not a veteran, married or a parent, they will need their par- ents' tax return. Students interested in attend- ing classes at the college can sign up for the placement test, which will be held at 10 a.m. on Monday, August 20, by calling 432-5400. BURMESE TEAK (old growth), indoor/outdoor furniture. Gorgeous. Indestructible. Available nowhere else. (360) 427-6062. B8/9 68" HIDEABED, $50, used very little. (360) 427-2937. R8/9 BY OWNER: beautiful 1 acre in area of gorgeous new homes. Creek running through property, 2 bedroom, 2 bath mobile with newer carport and roof. Plenty of room to build dream home while living in mobile. Please call owner at 490-2342 or 426-9738. Or drive by 3672 Dayton-Airport Road. $115,000. $8/9-16 IT'S A Doozie! Johnny's Auction this Saturday, August 11, at 4 p.m. (preview noon-sale). Lladro, B&G, Goebel, Steiff. Stunning antiques. 2 stacker bookcases, vintage clocks. Art from Fox to John Owen. Beautiful modern furniture. Oak wall phone and abundant collectibles. 3 showcases of jewelry, ivory pieces, Indian collectibles, bead work, trade blankets, etc. Info and instructions at or (360) 791-6085. J8/9 CAREGIVERS - NORTHCLIFF Place Adult Family Home is looking for that special CNA or NAR who enjoys caring for elderly while running household. All shifts available, competitive wages, pleasant working environment. Pick up application at 1109 Northcliff Road. N8/9-16 EXPERIENCED, RELIABLE breakfast cook, full time. Apply in person, Monday- Friday before noon. Taylor Station Restaurant, 62 SE Lynch Road. T8/9 There is a $15 testing fee and stu- - ........................................................ dents receive their results at the SHELLFISH HARVESTER, experience completion of their test. Students may then attend the financial aid workshop from 12:30 to 2 p.m. Olympic College Shelton is lo- cated at 937 West Alpine Way. required. (360) 789-3401. $8/9-16 BIZARRE GARAGE sale. Aging couple getting married. Huge surplus. Capitol Hill - 541 E. Birch. Thursday-Sunday 9 a,m.-8 p.m. P8/9 Once you commit to work for a better future, make sure it's with a university that shares your commitment - Troy University; here on the Kitsap Peninsula or anywhere in the world. Affordable tuition (TA, VA, Financial Aid accepted) * Flexible night and weekend classes . An opportunity to earn your graduate degree in 14 months NOW ACCEPTING APPLICATIONS Degrees include: Master of Science in Management (Bremerton) Master of Science in International Relations (Fort Lewis) A range of undergraduate (1 5) and graduate (9) degrees delivered via Distance Learning s and A SITY qf opportunities since 1887. tro' Page 28 - Shelton-Mason County Journal - Thursday, August 9, 2007 bination thereo/: But according to an employee in the Washington Secretary of State's office, state law allows cre- ation of commissioner districts by a simple majority vote. Those com- missioner districts would have to contain approximately the same number of' residents and no two commissioners could reside within the same district. If the annexation is approved by voters, city residents would be covered immediately by the fire district, Ghiglione said. be built on mistrust," Knight said, adding the fire district will do ev- erything it can to provide coverage to the city. Shelton eventually will need a second fire station, on the north end of the city, Knight said, adding it will be in or near the fire district. "Why not work together?" he said. "I think we can do this better together," Knight said. In the case of a mill fire, the combined depart- ments could put more personnel on it who are better trained. When he started in the fire ser- person who was fire mend at the time taught in one-man fire attack. be done these days. Now, er two firefighters enter a building, two others must outside. "Any benefit is and the district," Ghi The two commissions ning to begin holding ings a month, September. Those m tively will be held on the third Thursdays. Our current mayor, John Tarrant said tha public officials need to be transparent anl held accountable for their records. Okay, Gary Cronce has looked at the recor and he has some concerns. So should you. O Over the past eleven years, why have we seen the city! @ general fund spending increase by over 100%, while Shelton'l population increased by just 12% over this period? Why have the city's legal expenses risen by over 200% in j the past four years? i O Why, while the citizens' number one priority is paving thei residential streets, did the mayor approve the 2007 budget only $80,000 designated for this purpose? That same budge i gave animal control (the dog catcher's budget) $89,000. Vote For Hello, my name is GARY CROlUCI0000 and I want to be your next mayor.E . "i  "Proven leadership with common sense" ' ] Paid for by Committee to Elect Gary Cronce [ !' P.O. Box 2228, Shelton, WA 98584 • (360) 490-0569 * I , 1 Fire chiefs x00'0000rking on merger p lati By JEFF GREEN the fir(; department during that from within the city or some corn- "HUMAN ENDEAVORS can't vice decades ago, Knight Talks continue between the Shelton city commissioners and Fire District 5 commissioners about the possible consolidation of their two fire departments. The two commissions held a joint meeting on Thursday, Au- gust 2, at the fire district's main station. The next meeting will be at 10 a.m. on Wednesday, August 15, at the Shelton Civic Center, 525 West Cota Street. At last week's meeting, Shel- ton Fire Chief,Jim Ghiglione said the city and fire district will have to bargain the impacts of annexa- tion of the city into the fire district with the two firefighter union lo- cals and bring interim agreements back to the joint commission. Also, negotiations have not yet begun with Shelton for the use of the new city fire station to be con- structed at Second and Franklin streets, Ghiglione said. THE CONSULTANTS who studied the proposed annexation have recommended the Fire Dis- trict 5 Commission be expanded from the current three members to five. That move will take a sepa- rate election, the fire chief noted. There are six recommendations from the consultants that will have to be met before Ghiglione and Fire District 5 Chief Richard Knight could ask the joint com- mission to move forward with a ballot measure asking city and fire district voters to authorize the annexation. Knight suggested the city and fire district aim for an an- interim period at a level to be re- quested. The consultants also recom- mended that: the city and district move fi)rward with the annexation; the fire district establish an orga- nizational chart of the combined departments and share it with the city; the city and tire district en- ter into an interim contract for all fire and emergency medical ser- vices while the annexation process continues. Such a contract would include the transtbr of all city fire department personnel into the fire district. CURRENTLY, ALL three fire district commissioners are elected on an at-large basis. There was some speculation that if the com- mission was expanded to five mem- bers the two additional members initially could be appointed from within the city and then stand for election later. It" the fire commissioners con- tinued to serve at large - mean- ing there were no commissioner districts created as is the case for county commissioners and school board members - they could all be elected from within the district or LAKE CUSHMAN cabin Sept. 4-May 30. 2 bedroom, 1 bath, furnished. All utilities paid. $1,200 monthly, $500 deposit. Pet negotiable. (360) 631-8170, R8/9- nexation election next February. 16 Ghiglione said if the measure ............................................................................................................ passes, it would take the Mason County Assessor's Office nine months to transfer city properties into the tire district. He said the city would have to agree to fund College will give tests, talk money Olympic College Shelton will hold financial aid workshops and college placement testing on Mon- day, August 20. The financial aid workshops will be held fl'om 1.2:30 to 2 p.m. and 5:30 to 7 p.m. It is not too late to receive finan- cial aid for fall quarter. Financial aid advisors will be on hand to an- swer questions and help students apply tbr financial aid. To accelerate the application, students should bring their 2006 tax return to the, session. In addi- tion, if students are under the age of 23 and not a veteran, married or a parent, they will need their par- ents' tax return. Students interested in attend- ing classes at the college can sign up for the placement test, which will be held at 10 a.m. on Monday, August 20, by calling 432-5400. BURMESE TEAK (old growth), indoor/outdoor furniture. Gorgeous. Indestructible. Available nowhere else. (360) 427-6062. B8/9 68" HIDEABED, $50, used very little. (360) 427-2937. R8/9 BY OWNER: beautiful 1 acre in area of gorgeous new homes. Creek running through property, 2 bedroom, 2 bath mobile with newer carport and roof. Plenty of room to build dream home while living in mobile. Please call owner at 490-2342 or 426-9738. Or drive by 3672 Dayton-Airport Road. $115,000. $8/9-16 IT'S A Doozie! Johnny's Auction this Saturday, August 11, at 4 p.m. (preview noon-sale). Lladro, B&G, Goebel, Steiff. Stunning antiques. 2 stacker bookcases, vintage clocks. Art from Fox to John Owen. Beautiful modern furniture. Oak wall phone and abundant collectibles. 3 showcases of jewelry, ivory pieces, Indian collectibles, bead work, trade blankets, etc. Info and instructions at or (360) 791-6085. J8/9 CAREGIVERS - NORTHCLIFF Place Adult Family Home is looking for that special CNA or NAR who enjoys caring for elderly while running household. All shifts available, competitive wages, pleasant working environment. Pick up application at 1109 Northcliff Road. N8/9-16 EXPERIENCED, RELIABLE breakfast cook, full time. Apply in person, Monday- Friday before noon. Taylor Station Restaurant, 62 SE Lynch Road. T8/9 There is a $15 testing fee and stu- - ........................................................ dents receive their results at the SHELLFISH HARVESTER, experience completion of their test. Students may then attend the financial aid workshop from 12:30 to 2 p.m. Olympic College Shelton is lo- cated at 937 West Alpine Way. required. (360) 789-3401. $8/9-16 BIZARRE GARAGE sale. Aging couple getting married. Huge surplus. Capitol Hill - 541 E. Birch. Thursday-Sunday 9 a,m.-8 p.m. P8/9 Once you commit to work for a better future, make sure it's with a university that shares your commitment - Troy University; here on the Kitsap Peninsula or anywhere in the world. Affordable tuition (TA, VA, Financial Aid accepted) * Flexible night and weekend classes . An opportunity to earn your graduate degree in 14 months NOW ACCEPTING APPLICATIONS Degrees include: Master of Science in Management (Bremerton) Master of Science in International Relations (Fort Lewis) A range of undergraduate (1 5) and graduate (9) degrees delivered via Distance Learning s and A SITY qf opportunities since 1887. tro' Page 28 - Shelton-Mason County Journal - Thursday, August 9, 2007 bination thereo/: But according to an employee in the Washington Secretary of State's office, state law allows cre- ation of commissioner districts by a simple majority vote. Those com- missioner districts would have to contain approximately the same number of' residents and no two commissioners could reside within the same district. If the annexation is approved by voters, city residents would be covered immediately by the fire district, Ghiglione said. be built on mistrust," Knight said, adding the fire district will do ev- erything it can to provide coverage to the city. Shelton eventually will need a second fire station, on the north end of the city, Knight said, adding it will be in or near the fire district. "Why not work together?" he said. "I think we can do this better together," Knight said. In the case of a mill fire, the combined depart- ments could put more personnel on it who are better trained. When he started in the fire ser- person who was fire mend at the time taught in one-man fire attack. be done these days. Now, er two firefighters enter a building, two others must outside. "Any benefit is and the district," Ghi The two commissions ning to begin holding ings a month, September. Those m tively will be held on the third Thursdays. Our current mayor, John Tarrant said tha public officials need to be transparent anl held accountable for their records. Okay, Gary Cronce has looked at the recor and he has some concerns. So should you. O Over the past eleven years, why have we seen the city! @ general fund spending increase by over 100%, while Shelton'l population increased by just 12% over this period? Why have the city's legal expenses risen by over 200% in j the past four years? i O Why, while the citizens' number one priority is paving thei residential streets, did the mayor approve the 2007 budget only $80,000 designated for this purpose? That same budge i gave animal control (the dog catcher's budget) $89,000. Vote For Hello, my name is GARY CROlUCI0000 and I want to be your next mayor.E . "i  "Proven leadership with common sense" ' ] Paid for by Committee to Elect Gary Cronce [ !' P.O. Box 2228, Shelton, WA 98584 • (360) 490-0569 * I , 1