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Shelton Mason County Journal
Shelton, Washington
August 9, 2012     Shelton Mason County Journal
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August 9, 2012
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Shelton Mason County Journal HARSTtNEISLANDNEWSTM WHAF'SCOOKIN' SHS's Apple recognized for club al President just months apart in 1969, of ADTSEA, when Apple was a senior at ~ '~'~ is currently Western Washington Univer- By NATALIE JOHNSON with teachers from Vermont,~~ 1 president of sity, also shaped his later fo- Hawaii and Michigan. ~'~ ~ the Wash- cus. -----:--~ "I got the award ... in Wis- ~? ~ ington Traf- "I had a couple friends in consin at the national (Ameri- ~~ ~ tic Safety college that decided to go out Gerald Apple has had a can Driver Training Safety ~~¢i ~] Education and drinkanddriveonaFri- busy July. He learned last Education Association) ADT-~ Association day, Saturday night," he said. month he won two national SEA conference," he said. ( W T S E A ) "One was killed. That had a teaching awards. That same week, Apple Gerald and now big influence on me." Apple, best known as Shel-learned he was picked as the Apple works with Then on Halloween night ton High School's StudentsAdviser of the Year by the Educational that same year Apple was Against Destructive Deci- National Student Safety Pro- Service Dis-driving to get pizza with sions (SADD) Club adviser,gram (NSSP). trict 113 (ESD 113) to coordi- friends when they noticed received the 2012 teacher ex- "That was a big weekend," nate drivers' education pro- something strange on the side cellence award in. July from he said. grams, of the road. the National Road Safety Apple has spent the major-Early on, he was inspired "We saw a little girl on the Foundation. ity of his life promoting traffic by his mother, a teacher,ground with black clothing on Of the 30 teachers who safety, and his father, a Washington '... she had been run over by applied, Apple was selected In his 42-year career, Ap-State Patrol officer. among the top four, along ple has served as the Nation-Two traumatic experiences See Teacher on page B-7 Journaq photos by Jane Metzger Teri King of Washington Sea Grant shows Stan and Libby Hammer. how bivalves produce a substance that helps to balance the pH levels of coastal waters. Individuals had a chance to learn about all kinds of shellfish during ShellFest, held Saturday at Potlatch State Park. ShellFest educates, entertains at Potlatch By JANE METZGER Special to the Journal The first ShellFest, hosted by Washington State Parks was held in Potlatch on Saturday and the heat was no setback to family fun. The saltwater shoreline of Pot- latch State Park served as a sunny venue for the event that featured low-tide walking tours, marine touch tanks, ecology information booths, children's crafts, live maritime mu- sic and food. The event was part of Gov. Christine Gregoire's Washing- ton Shellfish Initiative to restore and protect shellfish beds in Puget Sound. The importance of maintaining Washington's coastal environment and how it has shaped its history and Culture was the theme for ShellFest See ShellFest on page B-5 An intern of Skokomish tribe and her two young helpers demonstrate the effects of contaminated water running into rivers and streams on this small-scale model. Thursday, Aug. 91 "was in town at the store the other day and the person ahead of me the counter said, "I can't be- lieve it's already Aug. 1." And the clerk replied, "Did we have a summer and I missed it?" Well, I'm pretty sure we've had some summer because my garden has been growing well. I have one prob= lem however -- my broccoli grows just great then bolts. Does anyone have a way to keep the broccoli from bolting? The Harstine Community Hall ten- tennial celebration is fast approach- ing and the Historical Preservation Committee is hard at work making plans. They are in need of histori- eal photos of people and events at. the hall over the years. If anyone should have any to loan or donate for • scanning into the records, please con- tact Sandy Murphy at 427=1327. The committee is confi- By MIKE dent there are some CALLAGHAN great, historical photos out there in albums, boxes and drawers so please share them. Remember to attend the monthly community club meeting on Fri- day. Members are still needed and the yearly fee is only $15. The doors open at 6 p.m. by some very friendly people. This is a great way to meet islanders and have some fun. The Children's Carnival is the next big event. The carnival will be Sat- urday and it will run from 11 a.m.-2 p.m. In last week's column the com- mittee was asking for help and for volunteers -- they still need help and volunteers. I hope you had time to think about that and have decided to donate some of your time. This will be Jennifer's first time in charge, so if you have ideas or help she would like you to call her at 426-1861.One of the main ideas of the carnival is that the games are set up such that every child wins something no matter their skill level. From 10 a.m.-noon during the week of Aug. 13-17, the Bridge Com- munity Church will be holding Vaca- tion Bible School. All local children from ages 5-12 years old are invited. The theme is "Knowing,Christ." The church has been working hard to develop programs for the community and this is another great example. If you have any questions call Pastor Howard Spear at 426-5221. A bunch of you attended the re- cent Senior Lunch so you probably know the next menu, but for those' that didn't, here it is. Looks like they are planning on hot weather to continue as the main menu item will be a cool salad trio of chicken or fruit or pasta along with some croissants and brownies. So, just before noon on Aug. 22. be at the community hall and bring $3 for a donation. The Women's Club enjoyed a love- ly sunny noon time lunch on Pat LaClair's deck overlooking Picketing Passage. She had several tables set with lavender nosegays at each place setting and bouquets of colorful flow- ers at every table. The hostesses pro- viding dessert at the brown bag lunch affair were Billie Fish, Judy Graft and Bobbie Conley. Dianne Dawley is already think- ing about the November Holiday House and is asking vendors who are interested to get in touch with her now to fill out paperwork and secure a spot. Patti announced the nominees for new officers for the com- ing year. Kayce Benson and Della Rogers will share the office of presi- dent. Judy Graft will be taking the office of vice president and Joye Rob- inson as secretary. All voted in favor of the new officers and the motion was passed. Kathy Doherty is willing to take charge of being treasurer See Harstine on page B-7 2012 - Shelton-Mason County Journa! - Page B-1