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Shelton Mason County Journal
Shelton, Washington
August 9, 2012     Shelton Mason County Journal
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August 9, 2012
Newspaper Archive of Shelton Mason County Journal produced by SmallTownPapers, Inc.
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" ¸ :: Jumpstart gets 21st Century grant Thel Shelton School District's Jump- plete various missions automatically. start program has taken off to the Each year FLL holds a competition world ~f robotics, for students in tile program. The cam- EdUcational Service District 113 petition includes three main sections (ESD 113) has awarded its 21st Cen- that are judged. The first section is ro- tury Grant to the Shelton School botics, in which students do a compe- DistriCt's Jumpstart after school pro- titian on a mat. The second section is gram. ! the Team Presentation, which is based ESD 113 representatives called iton a different theme each year. This an exciting opportunity that gets kids year the theme is Senior Solutions. engaged. The third section is Gracious Pro- The robotics program, used by fessionalism, which means teamwork, Jump8tart was created by Dean Ka-good sportsmanship, and most impor- men, who invented the Segway, a two- tantly, the core values. wheeled, self-balancing, battery-paw- This program helps kids do better ered electric vehicle, in school, while making engineering, Thd program, called First Lego science, math and technology options League (FLL), which uses Lego Mind- available for their thture. It is a club storms pieces. Lego Mindstorms is a that gets kids excited. To join con.- box of Lego parts with motors, sen- tact Kamala Budge, at Olympic Mid- sors, and a small computer called the dle School, 462-6671. To learn more brick0r NXT. about the robotics program go to: Students program the NXT to com- C HOIC E applications available New students who wish toPartnership. successfully complete this attend CHOICE Alternative The application is due by orientation process. School this fall need to stop Aug. 17, and students will be Students or parents who by the school, located at 807 required to attend the sum- have questions can contact W. Pine St., and pick up an met orientation from 8-11 the school at 426-7664. Re- application. This applies for a.m. on Aug 20-23. turning students need to fill all of the school's programs, Students who intend to out a re-enrollment packet. including CBE and Itome begin school on Sept. 5 must The office opens on Aug. 13. MGH offering diabetes class Mason General Hospital & Family of The class is also open to family members/ Clinics has a team of healthcare providers significant others who can offer great sup- who teach "Living Well With Diabetes." The port to their loved ones with diabetes. Due next two-day session is 12:30-4:30 p.m. on to limited space, advanced registration for Sept. 18-19 in the Skokomish and Washing- the class is required. Make reservations by ton rooms at the hospital, calling Sue Barwick, R.N., certified diabetes Studies show that those with diabetes educator, at 426-1611, ext. 3301(fr0m Allyn can enjoy a normal, healthy life by learn- 275-8614, ext. 3301). ing effective self;management and use of Diabetes education is a covered service professional support. The hospital's team under most insurance plans. of professionals who teach the class cover MGH is approved by the Joint Com- the diagnosisandtreatmentofdiabetes: its mission and is a licensed and accred- medications, proper meal planning, exer- ited acute care hospital with a level four cise, prevention and treatment ofcomplica- emergency trauma designation. There tions, stress management, living well, and are more than 100 physicians on staff for engaging support people and a healthcare 19 specialties. For more information go to team. SHS Class of 1997 reunion scheduled Dr. Samuel Blake Family proctice. Family core. Samuel Blake, M,D. began seelrlg c)a~,enrs ,l~ JUId 41 MGH Shelton Family Medicine. Dr. Blake WhO m ooara euq Die. le( P~,,,e(.1 his medical degree from rne unwersH tfVenr:,nt ( .~lleap Medicine ~" 2009, and comole[ea his resider~cv a[ "q l'e/er w," ' ' Fami[, Medlc,ne Residency Prog'am ~mn a -- )()1; To maKe ar aDDO,/tment wltl Dr Blake call Shelton I antily Medicine at (360) 426-2653. Mason Genera[ t./ospit / Shelton @n:ih: M:di h., (360) 426-2653 --"" V/gel 9~9Mtn. ew Pr % Shelton .... ?38t ~ wwwMasonGeneral,com STORE & DELl SPECIALS-- AUG 9- 15 Wiuston ...... .,..Coors & Coors Light ,~arton~~ 18pk. 12~. cans ;~ °SKOKOM3H O°OOOOI..,,,U,L,°I,.,I,o, PA~K.;',1%,..~llI~ NOW OPI=N ~]) ~1 ~ :°] "z ~ ;1 '~I"~ :~