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Shelton Mason County Journal
Shelton, Washington
August 9, 2012     Shelton Mason County Journal
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August 9, 2012
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Mason General recieves 2012 'Most Wired' award again For the fifth consecutive year, tal award for information technol- security breaches, employing more improve the patient experience and Mason General Hospital & Family ogy (IT) that implements systems to tools to protect patient data, hospi- outcomes." of Clinics has received the "Most ensure quality and improve efficien- tal officials said. They monitor their The Most Wired Survey is con- Wired" hospital award, cy in the delivery of patient care. IT performance more closely, and ducted annually and publishes its This year, the hospital compet- Hospitals & Health Networks monitor their health system's over- findings and the names of the na- ed with 1,570 hospitals surveyed uses theMostWiredSurveytoeval-all performance more thoroughly, tion's Most Wired hospitals and across the nation in information uate IT systems across four catego- as well as engaging more patients health systems in "Hospitals & systems capability. The Hospitals ries: infrastructure, business and online in social media sites. Health Networks" magazine, a pub- & Health Networks' Most Wiredadministrative management, clini- "We continue striving to stay on lication of the Journal of the Ameri- Survey identified MGH & FC as one cal quality and safety and clinical the leading edge for the most ad- can Hospital Association. of 215 hospitals in the country that integration. It focuses on how hos- vanced information system avail- Mason General Hospital is ap- were given this designation, pitals use information technologies able," said Eric Moll, CAD for Ma- proved by The Joint Commission, Mason General received the Most for quality of care, customer service, son General Hospital & Family of and is a licensed and accredited Wired Rur, al Hospital award in 2008 public health and safety, business Clinics. "This award is a testament acute care hospital with a level and 2009. In 2010 the award was processes and workforce issues, to the dedication of the Board and • four emergency trauma designa- reclassified to include all hospitals Most Wired hospitals have bet-our staff to maintaining the most tion. There are more than 100 phy- nationwide, ter drug formulary checks and drug efficient exchange of patient infor- sicians on staff in 19 specialties. Every year since then MGH & FC interaction alerts than hospitals in mation possible, that maximizes For more information go to www. has received the Most Wired Hospi- general, and are better prepared for the coordination of care in order to Call 426-4412 to have the Journal delivered to your home or business. Washington's Wild Cat Sanctuary from Lions to tiny Gordon's Cats Each wild cat is special and has a need for a safe and comfortable place to live out its life happily, peacefully and with dignity, Mail your tax-deductable donation to: Wild Felid Advocacy Center of Washington 3111 E. Harstine Island Rd. N. ' Shelton WA 98584 Buy & Sell! Vendor Space Available Open 10:00 a.m.- 6:00 p.m. 7 Days A Week 831 West Golden Pheasant Rd. • (360) 791-0448 • (360) 915-4637 Journal photos by Jane Metzger Kathryn Myrsell of Westpoint Aquarium displays marine animals in touch tanks where observers can see and feel living creatures. Here she holds up a skate, a coldwater native from the shark family• that is also related to the stingray of warmer waters. ShellFest Continued from page B-1 2012. In a hands-on way, visitors learned how bivalves, including oysters, clams, and mussels, help to keep the coastal waters clean. Bivalves also filter out ex- cess nitrogen from the water and their shells produce a chalky, alkaline sub- stance that balances the water's acidity. Small tours of the beach at low-tide were guided by Teri King, marine water quality specialist from Washington Sea Grant, which funds marine research and promotes the sustainability of ocean and coastal resources. Information booths that lined the beach included the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA), a major sponsor and source of funding for Sea Grant's college programs and pro- moter of public awareness of the need to restore coastal and marine habitats. In another booth, Matt Malapica, a Shelton High School student and volun- teer with Sea Grant, used a small-scale environmental model to demonstrate how animal waste, motor oil, pesticides and other man-made substances can run into rivers and streams and pollute them, if not controlled. "It not only endangers our health, but kills marine life," Malapica said. Westport Aquarium brought in touch tanks containing live marine animals such as starfish and sea cucumbers that attend- ees were invited to see and feel them. Kids' craft tables were available for children to do beadwork and make fish Lynnea Pearson and Natalie Nicholson of Taylor Shellfish Farms show what is' left of the chowder and Manila clams after lunch was sold out at the Potlatch ShellFest on Saturday. stamps. Lunch was provided by Taylor. A se- Bill Dewey of Taylor Shellfish Farms lection of shellfish dishes prepared by explained how commercial enterprises Xinh Dwelley of Xinh's Clam & Oyster and waterfront residents could gTow House in Shelton was free in exchange their own oysters, clams, mussels and for a donation to the Washington State geoduck from shellfish seeds purchased Parks Foundation. from Taylor Shellfish. Entertainment was provided by Kent "The shellfish industry is the sec- and Carol Mesford of Spanaway, who ond largest private employer in Mason sang a selection of maritime folk songs County," Dewey said. on the beach. Goldsborough Creek Apartments is accepting wait list applications for seniors ages 62 and better. HUD subsidized, controlled access, garden setting, minutes from downtown shopping. Non-Smoking Property. 23 1-Br. and one 2-Br. 303 S 7th St., (306) 426-3903 i • ............. ........ • .......... .... Diego Drc go shrek I 360-426-7167 -800-675-7167 2911 E. Brockdale Road .... ::::::::::::::::::::: • Work Injuries Newman Family • Car Accidents ° Wellness Care qlYChiropractic Accepting Medicare Sarah Newman, DC and most Insurances OPEN 6 DAYS A WEEK 2211 Jefferson Street, Shelton WA 98584 health, wellness * fitness 360-427~3189 e 2505 Olympic Highway North, Suite 140 Behind Shelton McDonalds in Olympic Gateway Center, OUR 2012 FOREST FESTIVAL BOARD: LORRAINE SHEFFIELD - SECRETARY, PAM SCHLAUDERAFF - CORONATION/ROYALTY CHAIR, JESSICA GRAY- CORONATION CO-CHAIR, KAITLYN FREEMAN - ROYALTY CHAPERONE, KAY PEARSON - FAMILY FUN NITE/CARNIVAL CHAIR, MICK SPROUFFSKE - LOGGING SHOW/FIREWORKS CHAIR, SHERYAL BALDING & CENTENNIAL HOSPITAL GUILD - GOLDSBOROUGH CREEK FUN RUN CHAIR, RANDY HOWARD & NJROTC- CAR SHOW-OFF, PAT AYERS & THE OPTIMIST CLUB - FAMILY & PETS PARADE, KATHY BURBIDGE & CAROLYN OLSEN - GRAND PARADE CHAIRS, TOM PRIESKORN - SCHOLARSHIP CHAIR, DALE ELMLUND - BUTTON SALES CHAIR, CHUCK ROBERTSON - PUBLICITY CHAIR, STEVE MARTINELL-VENDOR CHAIR AND LYNNE FREEMAN - PRESIDENT & FLOAT CHAIR. OUR FESTIVAL SPONSORS WITH OUR SPECIAL THANKS !! Lt EEK '%~I~OP~r~ ,,~ ...... : : :i:~:~: NEWSRADtO THE PHYLLIS & DUANE GUENTHER MEMORIAL FUND - SHELTON KIWANIS - MORNINGSTAR LIONS - HOOD CANAL LIONS- BONNIE PORTER - ALDERBROOK GOLF & YACHT CLUB- ALPINE WAY RETIREMENT CENTER -ALYESKA CEDAR WORKS- ANYTIME FITNESS OF SHELTON - BLACK STAR GRAPHICS - CFM AUTOBODY- CITY OF SHELTON - CITY OF SHELTON POLICE DEPARTMENT- CITY OF SHELTON PARKS & REC- COOPER STUDIOS- CUT RATE AUTO PARTS- DIGITAL PRINTING - EDWARD D. JONES & JANIS BYRD - EXTREME AUTO BODY - GATEWAY RENTAL CENTER- HACKNEY FAMILY DENTISTRY- HERITAGE BANK- HOOD CANAL COMMUNICATIONS- GILLIS AUTO CENTER- GROOMING BY GEORGIA- BARBARA INGRAHAM-- KAMILCHE TRADING POST- KAPOWSIN LAKESIDE INDUSTRIES- KRISTMAS TOWN KIWANIS - LES SCHWAB TIRE CENTER- LYNCH CREEK FLORAL- MARIANO'S FINE JEWELRY - MASON COUNTY HISIORICAL MUSEUM - MASON COUNTY PUBLIC WORKS - MCCARTY & ASSOCIATES - NAPA AUTO PARTS - NORTH MASON LIFE - OIL CAN HENRY'S- OLSEN FURNITURE - BRIAN OLESON, DDS- OLYMPIC MOUNTAIN ICE CREAM - OUR COMMUNITY CREDIT UNION - PARADISE AMUSEMENTS CARNIVALS - PASCHER CONSTRUCTION - PENINSULA CREDIT UNION - PORT OF SHELTON - PROBUILD OF SHELTON - ROOSTER'S FAMILY RESTAURANT- SAGE BOOK STORE -SHELTON CHIROPRACTICS-SHELTON CINEMAS- SHELTON MASON COUNTY CHAMBER OF COMMERCE - SHELTON LIFE & STEPHANIE ROWLAND- SHELTON MASON COUNTY JOURNAL- SMOKING MO'S- SOARING BIRD ENTERPRISES- SQUAXlN ISLAND CHILD DEV. CENTER - STEVEN'S ON RAILROAD - TABATHA'S HAIR DESIGN - THE DANCE SHACK - TOZIER BROTHERS INC. - THE STRIP STEAK HOUSE-TRANSMISSION PLUS-VANDER WAL'S GARAGE FLOAT SPONSORS- 4B TIMBER CU~ING, LLC- COLUMBIA STATE BANK, BELFAIR BRANCH - MCLENDON'S TRUE VALUE - BELFAIR Shelton-Mason County Journal - Thursday, Aug. 9, 2012 - Page B-5