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Barbara "Joyce" Smith
November 3, 1938 ~ July 16, 2012
Virginia Cleveland
Virginia Cleveland, 88, a
resident of Olympia, died of
natural causes at home on
July 29, 2012.
She was born on May 6,
1924, in Collinsville, Okla.,
to William Oakley and Ol-
ive T. (Farr) Caudle,
She entered the Army
Air Corps in 1942, served in
Africa, Sicily and Italy and
was wounded in action on
Jan. 31, 1943. After spend-
ing time in various hospi-
tals, she was discharged,
She married Melvin E.
Cleveland on July 26, 1944,
in Brigham City, Utah. He
died on Nov. 2, 1982, at age
Cleveland went to busi-
school in
Okla. She
worked for
the Shel-
ton Bar
and Grill,
VirginiaWard Co.,
Cleveland Safeway
and in
management. She was a
resident of Shelton for more
than 40 years.
She was a homemaker
who enjoyed cooking and Russell Norris of Shelton, death by her mother, father
baking, crafts, crocheting Jason Watters of New Bern, and 14 siblings, her hus-
for family, friends and the N.C.. Jeremy Watters of band and grandson Robert
American Cancer Society. Olympia, Tyler ClevelandNorris II.
She was a lifetime member of Los Angeles and Chel-A memorial will take
of the VFW. sea Cleveland of Seattle; place at Veterans Urn Wall
She is survived by great-grandchildren Mi- in Shelton Memorial Park
daughters Marlene Norris chael, Scotti and Stephen at a later date.
of Summerfield, Fla., and Norris, Gavin Watters; and Inurnment will be ar-
Janice Noren of Olympia; great-great-grandchildren ranged by Forest Funeral
son James Cleveland of Brayden Norris. Home under the direction of
Lynnwood; grandchildren She was preceded in Dave Lucas.
Memorial donations can
be made to VFW, LAM
foundation or the American
Cancer Society.
Lucie Courtemanche
Lucie Courtemanche, 48,
a resident of Shelton, died
of a heart
~attack on
July 29,
2012, at
St. Peter
in Olym-
Lucie was born
~che on Sept.
11, 1963,
in Bridge-
port, Conn., to Muriel
(Lemerises) and Leonard
Courtemanche is sur-
vived by sisters Danielle
Bigley of Shelton, Celeste
Courtemanche of New
Haven, Conn., Giselle
VanBlarcom, of Allendale,
N.J., Nicole Brookings of
Windham, Maine; brother
Leonard Courtemanche of
Waterbury, Conn.; brother-
in-laws Mark Perkins of
Waterbury, Conn., Steven
VanBlarcom of Allendale,
N.J. and Matthew D.
Brookings of Windham,
Maine; nieces Merina Big-
ley of Seattle, Carrie Anne
Bigley of Shelton; nephews
Aaron VanBlarcom of Jer-
sey City, N.J., Daniel Van
Blarcom of Allendale, N.J.,
and Zachary Bigley of Shel-
A memorial sevice was
held on Aug. 3. Cremation
ashes were scheduled to be
scattered on the coast.
A memorial service and potluck 251 Loertscher Road. p.m.
for friends and family of Hartley Lo- A potluck is scheduled for noonFor more informa.tion, call Denny
ertscher will take place Sunday at and a memorial service will be at 1 Loertscher at 426-2320.
ti will be held at The Pointe's North sic played there at Fresh Start. The
Hars ne Beach. Club members whose namesVibe Tribe is coming with their didg-
Continued from page B-1 start with K through Z are asked to eridoos, Tibetan singing bowls, and
bring side dishes and the women's club other native instruments. Music starts
for another year. The membership will provide thehot dogs for our an- at 6:30 p.m., however you can get
thanked the outgoingofficers, Patti nual roast at the beach, there a little early for Happy Hour .
Chapman, Donna Hamilton and Kathy The sewing group will meet at Mar- which starts at 4 p.m. They wilt also
Bykerk for their services during the lene Echaniz's home on Aug. 28. be serving up steamed clams and fresh
last two years. The Sept. 6 meeting Sounds like there will be some mu- sourdough baguettes.
Our loving Mother, Sister, Aunt and Friend
passed away on July 16, 2012 after a courageous
5 ½ year battle with cancer. Though cancer
claimed her body, it never defeated her spirit.
She was born in Star Valley, Wyoming on
November 3, 1938 to FAd Middaugh and Irene
Lippold Middaugh. Joyce married young and
had 4 children; she always said she grew up with
them; Deborah Smith, of Texas, Tammy Gustin of
Oregon, Richard Polston of Hawaii, and Pamela Mayfield
of Montana. She was an avid reader and wrote poetry, she loved gardening,
painting and baking lovely cakes. A successful entrepreneur, Joyce owned a
shoe store in Reedsport Oregon, she and her late husband Ed Smith owned and
operated Gump's Construction Company and the Dew Drop Inn of Shelton Wa.
Never finishing high school did not stop her zeal for education, she attended
beauty school, obtained her reai estate license and fulfilling her late husband's
wishes, obtained her contractor's license and completed and sold two homes.
She had a very generous heart and a stubborn ornery streak that didn't allow life
to take advantage of her. Her drawings, sense of humor, smile and laughter will
be sorely missed.
She was preceded in death by her parents, brother, Robert Middaugh, and
sister, Eunice Friend. She is survived by her sister, Layle Tahja, brothers Ronald
and J Middaugh, also by her four children, eight grandchildren, and eight great-
grandchildren, many nieces, nephews, great and grand nieces and nephews.
Celebration of Life to be held at her home September, 8, 2012, 1 l:00am to
1:00pm 449 E. Mikkelsen Rd. Shelton Wa 98584
-- Paid Obituary Notice --
Nanci Lee Hueske
Nahci Lee Hueske passed away August
2 leaving behind a large extended
family and a multitude of friends. Born
in Yakima July 6th 1946, Nanci spent
her life entertaining those around her
with her quick wit and zany humor.
She attended high schools in Naches.
Moses Lake and Anacortes before earning
a degree in Cosmetology where she won
national awards for her hair designs. She worked
in many jobs in the Seattle area. and moved in 1970 to Trussville
Alabama where she lived for 12 years.
When her family moved back to the Northwest her love for life spread
throughout Mason County wlfere she worked at her family owned
restaurant Fearless Freddie's in Potlatch. and The Ritz Drive-In and as a
florist at King's Ransom in Shelton.
Although she worked at many places and with many creative outlets she
was most proud of her role as mother to five children and grandmother
of fourteen. She also opened her heart and her home to many surrogate
children throughout the years.
Nanci had many varied interests including her love of giraffes, daisies.
and cooking. She enjoyed laughing with family, friends, even complete
strangers while exploring the boundaries of her sense of humor. She
worked hard to pass this love of life on to her grandchildren, where
gluing penmes to the wall. dancing in glitter, and doling out sugary
extravaganzas were the norm.
Nanci is survived by her husband Dan Hueske. five children: Michael
Pratt (Kelly). Kettle Fails: Tiffany Hueske fNew Jersey }: Lori Goodburn
(Carl); Daniel Hueske: and Steven Hueske of Shelton: five sisters and
brothers. Norma Ruxton. Scottsdale. Tobin Ruxton (Daphne). Sedro
Woolley,'Boni Killion [Brad). Mount Vernon, Ma(gie Chamberlin
(Darrell) Shelton: Fred Manvellor. Anacortes: and 14 grandchildren. She
was preceded in death by her parents Fred and Virginia Manvellor and
Clifford Ruxton.
Celebration of Life was held on Wednesday, August 8, 2012 at the
Family's Home. Contact McCombs Funeral Home for more information
at 360.426.4803 or
Paid Obituao N°tice
Continued from page B-1
someone and left for dead."
Since then. Apple has
worked tirelessly with high
school students and safe
driving organizations to re-
duce the occurrence of such
In addition to working
with high school students,
Apple also trains teachers
to be drivers' education in-
structors. To date he has
trained 70 teachers to lead
such classes.
Apple listed his mentor-
ship of the SADD Club as a
project he is most proud of.
At the ADTSEA confer-
ence in Wisconsin. Apple
also learned that the Shel-
ton SADD club was named
the No. 2 such club in the
nation, and earned the hon-
or of Project of the Year for
its Little Stars program.
In the Little Stars pro-
gram, students in the SHS
SADD club talk with first
grade students about bike
and traffic safety.
Apple also mentioned
the success of the new
Teens Against Tobacco
Use (TATU) program at
SHS. Earlier this year,
14-year-old Danielle Sali-
nas met with U.S. Surgeon
General Regina Benjamin
and a panel of students at
the University of Wash-
Among his greatest ac-
complishments, Apple
listed the Project Ignition
grant from State Farm
Insurance that the SHS
SADD Club has used to
place anti-texting while
Rhubarb and Strawberry Pie
t cup whi£e: Sugar
1/2 cup aH*ptlrpose flour Toss with: sugar and ~our gnd let
t poundfresh:rhubarb,i chopped .... stand for 30 minutes
2 pints :fresh: strawberries P~ur filling in ¢o pfe crust. Dot top
1 :recipe p~stry for :a 9~!nCh: double wi~h butter and cover with top crust.
crust pie Sea! edges of top and bottom crust
2 tablespool~s butter with Water.
heir ::(200::degrees Celsius}~ In a large Bake at 400 degrees fo~35 to 40
b0Wl, mix flour and :sugar~ Add straw- minutes or until bubbly and brown.
berries and chopped :rhttbarb. Coo! on rack.
"Some kids tell me there's not enough
things to do in this community° At the
school a student can get as invotved as
they want."
driving advertisements There s a lot of good Between his other re-
on buses, produce a shortthings about Shelton High sponsibilities, Apple is also
video on texting and driv- School," he said. "Someworking to promote state
ing and soon, to put up bill- kids tell me there's notHouse Bill 1635,which
boards warning about the enough things to do in this would allow highschool
dangers of cell phone usage community. At the school a drivers' education teach-
while driving, student can get as involved ers, in addition to the
These programs offer op- as they want." Department of Motor Ve-
portunities for students to Apple is no stranger tohicles, to administer the
feel empowered and teach recognition for his work. In oral and practical tests to
their peers, he said. 1998, he appeared onABC's students.
Apple said he hopes his "Good Morning America" to "I work 12 hours a day,"
recognition will encour- talk about what then was a he said. "I don't get paid
age people to look at the new program, and today is for that. It's my passion. I
positive things the Shelton commonplace -- restricted think the key is good edu-
School District has to offer, drivers' licenses for teens, cation."
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Shelton-Mason County Journal - Thursday, Aug. 9, 2012 - Page B-7