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is Josiah's best event.
McKenzie said that when she's
throwing the shot put, she thinks
about what's written on the back
Being ranked fifth in the nation of her shirt to help her concentrate.
wasn't what McKenzie Salazar-Fox When she turned around, the back
expected when she left for Balti- of her shirt read: "I bust mine to
more last month, kick yours."
"I was hoping to win it," McKen- After Seattle, the Salazar-Fox
zie, 9, said. siblings traveled to Bend, Ore., on
She competed in the shot put at July 6 for the USATF Region 13
the USA Track and Field (USATF) Junior Olympics, where McKenzie
Junior Olympics on July 23-29.won the shot put and Josiah tied for
With a distance of 26 feet, 1 3/4 first place in the pentathalon.
inches she took fifth place and came McKenzie won the shot put with
home a little disappointed, a distance of 25-2 3/4. This victory
"She competed really well," said qualified her for the trip to Balti-
Mike Fox, McKenzie's grandfather more.
and coach. "She was hoping to win Josiah tied in the pentathalon
it, though." with Spencer Smith. Both boys had
During the summer, McKenzie 1,869 total points.
and her brother Josiah Salazar-Fox, During the pentathalon, Josiah
12, trained with their grandfather won the shot put with a distance of
and Shelton High School track and 32-3 1/2and tied for first in the high
field coaches Doug Sells and John jump with Eric Floyd with a cleared
Sells. height of 4-5. He took second place
The Salazar-Fox siblings com- in the 1,500-meter run with a time
peted at the 2012 Pacific Northwest of 5:32.19. Finally, Josiah took third
Junior Olympics Association Cham- place in the 80-meter hurdles with
pionship June 17-24 in Seattle at a time of 16.20 and third in the long
the Southwest Athletic Complex. jump with a distance of 13-6 1/4.
There, McKenzie, competing in Though Josiah qualified for the
the 9-10-year, old age group, took national Junior Olympics, he did
second place in the shot put with not get to go.
a distance of 23-3 1/2. The girl who "I went to nationals last year
won first, Alaina Brady with a dis- and it was a lot (of money) to go this
tance of 25-9 1/2 won the national year," he said.
triathalon championship. Although he did not go to Bal-
Josiah competed in the timore with his sister, Josiah said
ll-12-year-old age group and won he was not disappointed, since he
the outdoor pentathalon with two competed in nationals in Wichita,
first-place finishes and three sec- Kan., last year. During the 2011
ond-place finishes for 1,939 total nationals, Josiah collapsed on the
points, track during the 1,500-meter run
Josiah took first in the shot put due to the temperature registering
with a distance of 31-7 1/4 and first at above 100 degrees.
in the high jump with a cleared "(McKenzie and I) had a good
height of 4-4 1/2. trip to nationals," Fox said.
His second-place finishes were"We got to go to D.C.," McKenzie
in the 80-meter hurdles with a time stated.
of 16.02 seconds, in the long jump Fox said the two of them went on
with a distance of 31-1 1/2 and in a night tour of the monuments.
the 1,500-meter run with a time of "It took five hours and then we
5 minutes, 17.23 seconds, ate dinner at midnight," McKenzie
"When I run the 1,500 meters, I said.
can't wait for it to be done," Josiah The Salazar-Fox siblings were
said."It's hard and it hurts."the only Shelton children to par-
"It's hard because you say it's go- ticipate in the junior Olympics this
ing to be hard," McKenzie threw in summer.
~While Fox said the 1, "We're trying to get a youth pro-
Journal photos by Emily Hanson
Above, McKenzie Salazar-
Fox, 9, shows off the
ribbons and medals she
won competing in the
Junior Olympics earlier this
summer. Josiah Salazar-Fox,
12, fans out the ribbons he
won while competing in the
Junior Olympics earlier this
summer. Around his neck
are two medals he won as
gram going again," Fox said. "There
,used to be the Pacers, most of the
track and field kids from 1995-2006
came through the Pacers ,but then
they disbanded.' ........
Erin Ranney, far
right, rows for
Washington State
University on
the Snake River.
Ranney, a 2009
Shelton High School
graduate, will row
her final season for
the Cougars this
year as a senior.
Courtesy photo
said she doesn't think she'll continue the rowing team, she also focuses on
rowing after college, school.
Continued from page C-1 "There have been girls who've For the second year in a row, she
moved on to the national team, but has earned Pac-12 All-Academic ac-
bittersweet. I'm not at that level," she said. "I still colades. Last school year, her GPA
"I'm sad about my last season but have a year to decide what I want to was a 3.51, earning her a spot on the
I'm excited for it, too," she said. do." Pac-12 All-Academic First Team.
With her bachelor's degree in wild- Though Ranney spends a lot of her "It's pretty exciting," Ranney
life ecology nearly complete, Ranney time training and competing withsaid.
Beast tion change trail.
"It's a very difficult
Continued from page C-1 mountain trail race," John-
son said. "The people who
possibly with national and finish fast on that terrain
international competitions." are talented endurance ath-
He said the organizers letes."
and some of the runners The overall male winner
were disappointed by thefor the 20K run was Craig
trail closure. Dickson, 45, from Olympia.,
"It's been a few years with a time of 1:58:45. The
we've been talking about it," master's mate winner was
Johnson said. "Some people Daniel Saul, 58, from Olym-
said they'd come back next pia, with a time of 2:21:13.
year so they could do the Two women participated
summit run." in the race. The overall fe-
Johnson had another male winner was Samantha
reason to be happy with the Jeremiah, 30, from Tacoma,
run. His daughter Sarah who finished with a time of
Johnson, 20, was the first 2:25:35.
woman to cross the finish The 2-mile kids' race
line. Her time was 51:43. had three participators this
The next woman to finishyear. Will Johnson, 11, from
was Dolores Montgomery, Shelton, won with a time
47, from Port Orchard. With of 14:56 while Courtney
a time of 57:43 she was the Burke, 13, from Shelton,
master's female winner, finished in second place and
The master's male win- first for the girls with a time
ner was Kenneth Skora, 41, of 17:25.
from Parker, Colo., with a "We try to make it fun
time of 1:01:06. for the athletes and make
The 20K race had 12 run-sure they have a good time,"
ners on the 3,600-foot eleva- Johnson said.
Journal photo by Emily Hanson
Sarah Johnson, 20, comes out of the woods
toward the final straightaway of the Beast of
Big Creek 10K on Saturday. Johnson finished
fifth but was the overall female winner.
By EMILYHANSON playmaker for the U16
er~i~y@E~C~¢oncou~(~'.eorn boys and that he leads by
......................................... example on the field.
Lack of playing experi-
Alack of experience was ence made the game dif-
the difference between first ficult for the team, just as
and second place at the it has for the rugby sevens
state championship for the season.
Shelton boy's U16 rugby "We leaned on Brian and
team. Awe too much for my tastes
On July 28, the Seattle but it's what we had to do,"
Vikings defeated Shelton Duchene said. "Hopefully
33-12. next year we'll be able to
"It was a really close perform better."
game, despite, what the Despite the team's rela-
score says," head coach tiveinexperience, Duchene
Josh Duchene said. "We said the boys took advan-
had a couple tries taken tage of situations well.
back because of mental "Seattle had a lot of
errors. We moved the ball permlities called against
well." them and the way we
Everyone on the team moved the ball from them
touched the ball during the impressed me," he said.
game and the team was led With the summer rugby
by Brian Nault and Awe sevens season now over,
Tahurie. Nault and Tahurie plan to
"Brian is a very vo- try out for the Washing-
cal leader," Duchene said. ton Loggers U17 team this
"He knows the game well week.
enough to tell everybody "If they make the'team,
what to do and they listen they should be competing
to him." in a tournament or two this
He said Tahurie is a fall," Duchene said.
Kings hit the field
Journal photo by Emily Hanson
Nolan Palmer, 7, bear-walks across the field as
part of a drill during the first day of football
practice with the Shelton Kings. The Kings
practice at 5:30 p.m. five days a week. The
Kings' jamboree is scheduled for Aug. 25 at
Stewart Field and the first games will be on
Sept. 1.
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Shelton-Mason County Journal - Thursday, Aug. 9, 2012 - Page C-3