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Newspaper Archive of
Shelton Mason County Journal
Shelton, Washington
August 11, 1949     Shelton Mason County Journal
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August 11, 1949
Newspaper Archive of Shelton Mason County Journal produced by SmallTownPapers, Inc.
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KIt,. qIN HALSER i FOrmerly at the Robin Hood Gift Stlop NNOUNCES THE NEW LOCATION OF HER WEAVING STUDIO WALI)O CIIASL&apos;S WORK SIIOP WEAVING & LOOMS European Copper and Brass & Curios - Waldo Chase Paints &. Water-Colors ARE CORDIALLY INVITED TO CALL One Block West of Alderbrook Inn lYnion, Washington Star Route Box 103 1, 1<4. St-J,TON-MAON eo 30rrNAL Yo;: lmncii, mark itcap, mr, - - I A MflM£ VflllR MIRPll AMTq e news wide and far. II'IIIIIU/I|U 11t,/I./1% lVlltllIUlll3kll I'UI ['S !+" ..... .... *1 l:,,ihi ,namhar nt'ftl, F(p, SAI,E: used Launderall autnm,'l- t ............................................. I ..... -l,,,',.,,iv,+. ,,u,.u r,'"" .................. ' . > .. w.lsll,r,. . ( I c' l I tLnn.q.qlql>nfn, SAI'EWAY REDLCOIIAI' 'El) Muller. T .... Blskerxille, Rohert ] second excItlllg BAZAAR,! _ sl,): ....... ""li : ..... iron's a- t 13<mtptlm L L Hoff and Vern ".r#'trl,wlllr,il  • ct llr (!I!ltTAINS plain or ruffled, hen(l- Joe ,',Jcanlon, :ne . b, Iew{y 1:+ .... ' ' ' IN ll,' IPaNillraliv ;) 1 Jlq:) / n I, ". 1 :ized a n, d strot(,hed, merchant r'rince has been taxed .,a,,,,. ' th,m,, '4J-M ('8-ill. ;. , v . '. ;" :S ,. . Clint left Monday morning for .--  " " ' " ........ ..=- --iiT.---:-'--± to tile capacity o[ nts enel'¢,y ;tOil - ....... l;'()l¢. SAI,E; w I .qtlel'lll(q' ]9tI Tr t nlph talent this week hardin  and di his Sillnnler vacation. :'1 e( twin coral)lately overhau ed. , . , s " Recently Gay went to Seattle to ill s,,ll (n' trade, for cal'. Write Frcd irecting the efforts of a group of see the new radio and television painters and decorators. The First models in the Admiral line and re- SHOW DISPLAYS Adulls 50e, aOe, lnehldlng ax | 8bows: Adnlts $1.25, including lax HARBOR COUNTY FAIR RACING .t1:a0p..[.SHOW FRle " SUN e t8 p. M. Aug. 19.21 FAIR GROUNDS AT A ELMA YOU dealt. do this... | Shaw. Jr.. 5662 So. Park Ave.. Tu- ,. c-na.. .......................... 8 - 1 l____.Ll_g_ WI!:ANli3It l:'l(IS: $12.00. John Ervin I,h{nie 215-J-,t. $-lt-ll F()I RENT: 2-ro31n ai,artmeil:tsui[-' ;lhh' for bat(,holer O/' COLIDIO. PhollP 401< A8-11 isho(t. I;:loctric l'ango. H.cfrigerator. Call 766- R-2. D8-1 :()in(, furniture Call lg9-M ....................... ITS"? l F()}. SAIA;,': 35 acrct and |'Ollr-l'OOlll' ()n l lar.tino Island. lteaon- aid,'. Pllone 1024. H8-II-25 REI,IkBLE ] 7-year"old glrl" wanis Stl'll(i)' *!11} plov Illelit In honle as h(illsf'k¢'ep(:r OF taking care of chil- (h'en. Write Box 238A. Rt. Ii Shol- tm Valley. Lois Mcltenry. c-o del'- :dd Lang. 8-1l LOST : sm'all "Rod "(,o-:kel 7 i)d'P'P);( a11J swering to name of 'CtlIH'iie.'* Last sepn at Airl)ori accompanied with <;*wman Shepherd black with tan. Reward. Call ,12-t-R. TtI-ll iiii i[I i CAR1} OF TllANKS We wih to t,xien(I our sincere grati- tudt, f()r thP kindness and synlpathy, the Masses offered and the beau= tiful fh)ral lliecos recPived In our re- (:('Ill I.leroavemmt of our beloved hus- hiln(I and father. Mrs. E. J. Malavey and family, Mrs. ICllcn Stuck. [£G00L P S In the Mattier of ' COUNTY ROAD PRtiJECT ,NO. C-133 IT IS HEREBY RESOLVED by the }}card of County Commissioners that i is their intention to construct Sec- li()n l ,if the James Road or Bald P,)int-Dowatto Road, from Rendsland (!reek mn'th to tile line between Sac- thins 7 and 18, Townsilip 22 NortiL Range 3 West, W.M.. which work Jnrhidt.s clearing, grubbing, grading and drainag,*, over a distance of about g3 stations, BE IT Ft)'RTH'ER RESOLVED that tile ab(Jve described county road pro- ject is necessary and proper, and the estiinated costs of said project ar( iler,"with set out In detail aS follows: Items uf work: day lahor (gas tax) ;SJxl),0o. Total $5,000.00. The cunty road project herein de- scrihed is HEREBY DECLARED to I)(, n puhlic necessity, and the County R.llld Engineec i. ttEREBY ORDERE1) AND AVTIIORIZED to report and procuml tlier(.+)n a. hy law provided. BE IT FURTIIER RESOLVED that this project bc I)erforlned by super- x'iof ill a(.cc, rdance with thl:! Standard Road and Bridge Specifications 0f the State of Washington a. adopted I)y I }1 i. B,,ard. AD(.)I'TED this 2nd day of Atlgust, l.q,t9. BOARD OF COUNTY COMMIS- SIONERS OF MASON COUNTY, WASt.IIN(ITON LYLE O'DELL. Chairman ROY MITCHELL. Coin wd,q ions r POY CARR. t_Ollllllistdonor Attest : SUSIE E. PAULEY. Clerk ()[' l,>()ar'd. , 8-11---It. The firofession of acting was confined entirely to men in an- cient Greece, according to the Encyclopedia Britannica. you toss a burning match into the woods, you're a fire lug, just as surely as though you had set fire to a house. Most of the houses in America today.. • and most of houses of tomorrow.., started as growing trees. Trees by forest fire don't build houses, or make paper, or thousands of other products we make from wood. They create jobs or pay taxes. fi It's up to every one of us to prevent needles forest res.., for mdst of them were caused by us in careless %inents. One blazing match can destroy thousands of acres f growing trees. RAY, ONIER INCORPORATED ROY J. KIMBEL ENTERPRISES lVl. GRISDALE CONSTRUCTIONC0. and Raih'oad store is being given ports that they are outstanding a general refurnishing which has in high quality and low price. Tay- necessitated closing tile store un- lor Radio Electric handles the A(I- til tonight, miral line. The doors will be open Friday ........................................ morning presenting to Safeway patrons a greatly, improved inter- ior appearance, in addition to in- creased store space; a new daily refrigerated case and the addi- tion of another checking stand. For Friday and Saturday's busi- ness and in recognition of the event, special sales offerings will be made on a large,scale. Mr. Scanlon invites the atten- tion of Journal readers to the Safeway advertisements in tilts edition, calling attention to the week end price-saving vahies. q, $ * REMODELING SALE SUCCESS A Remodeling Sale at Taylor Radio Electric Friday and Satur- day brought many persons to the store to inspect the new 12 by 22 foot display room, to take advant- age of some good buys, and to walk away with door prizes. Partners Gay Taylor and Clint Willour were pleased with the suc- cess of the occasion. Heinie Hilderman won the first award in door prizes, a table mod- el radio; Bob Holt, second prize, electric Iron; George Earthman, third prize, electric corn popper. Winning $5 merchandise certi- Heads Plywood Industry. Frod" Snyd*r of fieates were Nina Miller, Herhert Cromer, Fred Stuck, Edith Bell and Larry Kelly. And ten per cent discount certificates went to Mrs. R. Freeman, Minnie Judkins, Henry McClanahan, George An- drews, Mrs, C. W. Quinn, Mrs, Ed NEW FOREST FIRE GROUP ORGANIZED FOR NORTHWEST Director J. A. Hall of the Paci- fic Northwest forest and range experiment station has announced formation of the statlon's new for- eat fire research advisory com- mittee. The first meeting el the group was held in Portland on July 28. The new committee will review periodically the status and prob- lems of forest fire control in the Pacific Northwest region. Pur- pose is to insure that plans for fire research will meet existing' needs and that selection of I)ri- orities for the- program of re- search is sound. In organizing the group Hall emphasized that its individual members were chosen not as rep- resentatives of specific agencies but as individuals experienced and skilled in the techniques and research requirements of forest fire control. Similar regional ad- visory committees are planned for other parts of the west as well as an all-western forest fire control and research committee comprised of members selected from the several regiomtl commit- tees, according to Hall. Matl00k By Dora ltearing Mrs. Arthur Martin and Mrs. Clara Stevens of Crow, Ore., spent the past week with the Kingery families, and Mrs. Jay D. King- cry retnrned to Oregon with them for a visit with friends and relatives. Mr. and Mrs. Tom Rowe and Mrs. Belie Hopkins of Shelton and Mr. and Mrs. Forrest Green spent Thursday evening with Mr. and Mrs. R. E. Bradberry. David and Sammy Valley re- turned home last week after spending a week with their uncle and aunt, Mr. and Mrs. George • . .,, Kelley Dolores Rossmaier is staying for awhile at Rochester with her grandparents, Mr.l and Mrs. L. RSssmaier, Si. ' t b q Mrs. M. G, Crisp, accompanied by her son-in-law and daughter, Mr. and. Mrs..Edward Haskey and family of Wishkah Valley, spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. James Carstaffs. Mrs. Lud Rossmaier and chil- dren and Mrs. Vera Ware, of Lakeside spent Saturday at Rocl- ester. Matlock, Grange took in nine new members Saturday night, They include Mr. and Mrs. Clar- ence Martineau, Mr. and Mrs. Leo Bishop, Mr. and Mrs. Larson, Mrs. Erma Butler, Clarke Butler and Arthur Bidley, Mr. and Mrs. Kriss Muller and sons spent Thursday evening with Mr, and Mrs. James Carstairs and family. Mrs. Vera Ware of Lakeside is here for the week end .visiting Mr. and Mrs, Lud Rossmaier and family. Those attending the Centra]ia[ picnic of the Nye family from [ here were Mr. and Mrs. Don Nye I and sons Gene and iDale, Miss I Rose Makoviney, Mr. and Mrs, | Ed Valley and family, Mr. and Mrs. Lud Rossmaier and family and Sa Nye. The picnic was held Sunday at the Harry Lee home, Mrs. Herbert Helin entertained the Young Ladies Guilds of the Christian Church of Elma Tues- day. Covers were placed for 18. Mr. and Mrs. Aardal and faro, lly of Hollywood are visiting the letter's parental Mr. and Mrs. D. Tack. " Miss Winona Cook of Aberdeen spent the week end with her folks, Mr. and Mrs. L. Cook. Matlock Grange Ladies Club met last Thursday with Mrs. Madge Kingery and Mrs. Nina Bradberry as hostesses, Two visi- tors were Mrs. Martin and Mrs. Clara Stevens from Crow Grange, Ore. The Matlock ladies are piec- in a quilt to award to finish pay. ing for art oil tove they pup cl&sed. They will have a canning contest this fall and prizes wil; be given. POST 230 AMERICAN LEGION TO ASSIST IN INSURANCE PAY" Hood Canal Post 230, Anleri- can Legion, will assist all |Ü('Ill veterans in aPl)lying' for National Service IAfe Insurance divilh,nds, Conlnian(ler (] Ol'(Ion Bayes il]- nounced, Veterans in the Shelton area may get application blanks for NSLI dividends from the Fred B. Wivelt American Legion Post 31. Post 31 Comnlander Vern Eaton said that at the end of All:q'li;;t the forms will be given out. The Veterans A(hninistra tiun expects to .pay out approximately $2,800,000,000 in refunds. Pay- nlents per vetel'tn ;tl'e epeeted to average about $175, according to the VA. Legion Commanders l;aton and Baycs said that "the VA esti- mates that some 16,000,000 are entitled to NSLI rei'nnds. Actu- ally the VA has the home address of only six millions of eligible veterans. The American Legion will help it locate 10,000,000 eth- el's." Southside Grange By Opal Hardie Attendance at the last grange meeting here was good. Our next meeting' will feature a birtltday party for those born in the months of July, August and September. A nice program is planned. Carol Evans was al)pointed chairman of a committee appointe(I to put up a booth at the 4-H fair Augnst 22 to 25 at the new grounds in Shelton Valley. Pae ,t ...... _ Ill I I II I IIlllll I I I III IIII 00gleeb00ie00 Apl)liances-- Supplies-- Fixtures , HEARINC AID BATTERIE LAMPS - 6 to 000 Watts * A GOOD BUY If you w3nt to install your elec- tric hot water tank in your base- ment, attic, small closet o," under your kitchen work tables, you cnn S00Vl00, 00<,0.00 with the oo,y t=.,e top ca.... £%¥1N model built in 50-g:il. size, Price ,p,#w ww with all the insulation. Build your own cabinet. Thls same tank with regLllnr white enamel casing complete sells at $155.00. HOT WEATHER? FANS for cireulatloil HOT PLATES for Lunches I EIAi:CTI.ICITY . Your D, cst and Cheapest Servant! I E A Carr Title lnsuraneosuildl.i "' i ' • • PHONE 645 Shelton . I SALE OFFICE AND STATIONERY SUPPLIES -- AT -- This Friday night our grange me,,iho."s .re visit,,,,00 • plywood m*ker end pres;denf of the Valley Grfine, They will eondtlct Vancouver (Wash.} Plywood Co,, is thl the lecture period. new pr,sldent of the Duglas Fir Plywood .%(luthsidc granger. have started SALE Auo¢iaflon, the trade promotion organ- Work "oil a caretaker's cabin at WAS PRICE izatlo, for pane[ makers in Oregon, Walker Park About a dozen per-   • Weshlnlton end Northern C.llfo,nia. sons spent Saturday afternoon and $I APLEKS ........................... $1.60 $1.00 Sunday ,ch.aring and leveling the CARTER'S INK .................. 25 .10 AMMONIATED TOOTH groun(L This coming Sunday the group is planning a work-day pic- GLUE ....................................... 15 .05 PASTES STILL IN hi<: at the park, and those inter- BOOKKEE'PINC, SYSTEMS 3.50 2,00 EXPERIMENT PHASE ested are invited. Bring potluck  " r Ammoniated tooth pastes and dinners. (,OLIJMNAR PADS ........... 60 .30 powders are still in tile experi- " ............................................. MANY OTHER BARGAINS mental stage, so don't exl)ect too JOURNAL milch from them. This is the ad- ..<-.o ......... ":" THE vice of Dr. w. Philip Phair, head o o..~,rv, of the State Health Department',; o.,,=, dental health program. ! ._._ Although two brands are now i ,,,v'.r,,<s..,,.o,,.. recognized by the American Den- tal Association, they do not bee! .... this organization's regular "seal of approval" bat rather are "ac- ..,= ,o, e,,n,,, ,.i,,." o,. HERE'S A PIOTURE OF YOUR HOME Phair ,said. • Ill "If yon buy a brancl which has the ADA's nanle on it, you are assured of three things," Dr. s ' (,are. Phair explained. "Fh'st, the pre- If You're a Person Who, Doe, n t "' paration is safe to use, Second, it may be an aid in ctitting down tooth decay. Third, no wild or unjustifiable claims are made for it." Although preliminary studies indicate that ammoniated pow- ]4ers are effective in cutting down lactobacillus acidolt)hihls, it will it be several years hefo)'e dental authorities come to a conclusion , * as to their worth. Lactobacillus is a tiny organism associated with tooth decay. • . . Two preventive measures (1o MMMMM... There really isn't any home tiiere * ) ) have the recommendation of den- 4. tal authorities. Cutting' down on But -- If You'd Like to Coinple00e (::he Picture sweets has been proved a simple, direct method of reducing tooth SEE OUR COMPLETE LINE OF TOP NAME BRANDS IN decay. Second, extensive research has shown that applications of  r   sodium fluoride to children's ROOFING SHINGLES - PAINT Ii'L()Ol (,0% ERIN(,S teeth reduces diecay substantially. Treatments can be had from al- most any dentist, A dental team And Lawton Lumber is demonstrating this technique in Shelton this fall under supervi= KNOTTY CEDAR sion of the State Health Depart- ment and the Washington State Dental Associatio n. PANELING Owned ,<rod Cl)r:,ted i)y Evurett Dili(m and ,](u Simpson ...................................................... OPEN SATURDAYS UNTIL NOON Between 1601 and 1609, lJ,000 "$7.50 per 100 bd. ft. Frenchmen of noble birth fell in 420 South First St. Phone 56 duels, according to the Encyclo .... , pedia Britannica. Wondertial New ComfoI'00 j<g :< ./Z,<,\< , e / :: New Convenlenlel Easiest ear ever made tp .WI {iih) tilid (nit ,){'. Wnlncn enter and leave wilh (linily, ('i)iiiln(nl)eii.e llgiiieerhlg of wi(Icr (l(ioi':lV. ail(t llHIIlrill le i.hl P, li- lral iliilke, ii qli?lll ebb4111'( (.w(r 1o have h) whistle y()ur we)' ill and Üill of a car° , New Wider Chair.Height Sea|ll We  don t fÜ d you il I) hkc" a jackkni . You sit comfortably in S'eats the height of your easy chairs at holne. W(2ve mDre headroom, legr'oonl, and shoulder room for yl)o. And no olher car has'ever been so conl- letely enginecre( t froln the fulidaliielllal lip or your colnfol't, your COllVenielico) your peace of inked. Now Eaaler Steeringl in lille (![' the great advallCl;14 since Ihc war, we gi%e yiill ii('w cel It ( )1 tr I sh)Crlll. l%r lhc lirsi Jhnc, lie r.ds of equal lenglh gie w,u tmhlnl2ed control. There's uÜ wlleel fig it. T iere's grealer road stallilltv, easicr handlhig, tes road shock. Ycs, and grealcr safely, illÜ -r()r cei'v- tilin al)l)tll this (:at" is d(;siglil:d fin' safer (lri',ing. New I'orkcr 4-,h, or sedan with PRESTOMATIC FI,UID DRIVE* TRANSMISSION --drive wilhout sh(/}ing New Smoother Orivleg I Ch r)s[er's niihi, S )illm engine ll) has I siiil highe,'r Clillipreslfill Ii)r [aster ('( (' I!l't Ih)ll, elo()|her rell(Inse. And along with it l'xllTl" a I- dl'(iUIIli peF I'll l' Ilia iI c,e /)€! all inaziiig ilCW %.Vai(n't)i'lil[ Ignith)n y.Mclli lhll' ex(,lu.i( with (;hrxler. Yell Call drill' Ihrmlgh Illgh water bul ii w¢)n'l st:ill. %lilt| l.(el quicklr >Marlili 7, avail hi dill|licit v,(.athcr, .lUl)(llhcr illlhlg, Inllger life, *lyol Fh4d Dilly| Created by CHI00YSLE]00 KIMBEL NOTORS, 707 FIRST STREET You'll like the Chrysler dealers' hil ,iiow "TIIE SAMMY E,YI: SH<)%VRf-)IhM" +,,w.vlx/.,n., VVo(I., Fri,, K(IY, 7:,15 il,in. i  i