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Newspaper Archive of
Shelton Mason County Journal
Shelton, Washington
August 11, 1949     Shelton Mason County Journal
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August 11, 1949
Newspaper Archive of Shelton Mason County Journal produced by SmallTownPapers, Inc.
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Page SHELTON-MASON COUNTY JOURNAL reqWy to sen/e • Thursday, I HI VvEIX.OME MAT, IS OUT! A c)mpletely modern Safeway Store now awaits your inspection at 111 North 1st Street. ' Yes, we're really proud of our newly remodeled store with its bright new, fixtures, wide ;i,h's and numerous improvements to make your shopping easier. Everything has been "fancied up" except our prices, Come visit this streamlined store and share in some of the, grandcst food values we've ever offered! FIVE NEW CHECKSTANDS . . . FASTER SERVICE! Brand new streamlined check stands ready to swiftly and accurately check your orders. These new-styled stands are designed to speed up service. One additional check-stand has been in,ta lh.,d. NEW M()I)EI{N SHOPPING BASKETS! Plenty of cosy-to-wheel "nesting-type" baskets. No lifting of baskets to checking counter now More baskets than ever now! NEW iA,Y 1 () RLACH DAIRY COOLER CABINETS! O1)en l)p . . . easy to rca(.h-in cases filled with famous Lucerne Dairy Foods -- cheeses, handy consunwr packages of bacon, frankfurters, etc. NEW ijrllll) I For our customers' convenience our store will remain open Friday nights till 9 p.m., Sunday r' (,>, 10 a.m. till 5 t).m. #£W! MopER. noz. o0s c. No streLching! No hunting around! With thce new "easy-to-reach-in" fixtures, buying frosted foods at Safeway is quick and convenient. U.S. NO. 1 WASHINGTON GROWN - SWEET & RIPE (60-LB. CRATE $1.49) Cantaloupes. lb. 3c Luscious, Swcct and Ripe (26-Lb. Crate $1.79) '    . ... tlAIJ!: ItAVI,N PLA(,HES .. 3 lbs. 25 € From Wapato. Buy a Crate  Enjoy Tomatoes Now! Price is LowI *' ' ' .... 18-lb..crate [)*.S. N(). 1 1 ()MA] 0ES 67* U. S. No. 2, Quality "" " ,' POIAIOES ... WHI l E ROSI 50 lbs. 79* Extra Selected --- Pound SI,I(']NG TllMATOiS 6¢ All green  ) P ' ... *' I hl:,Stl ('.ELEIY lb. (if: F, or pckling necd I)ILL WI;Ei) _ lb. 39¢ Vahon Island (2-oz. 15¢) GAhLI(, S-oz. "z,,,, Snap-top, tender CARI{OTS ................... lb. 6¢ Wonderful for apple pies! (;RAVENSTEINS .... lb. 9¢ Fancy quality, 12.oz. BLUEBEIRIES .. box 39¢ Thompson, fancy table grapes Seedless Gral)es ...... lb. 9¢ SIX DELICIOUS FLAVORS (JELL WELL 4¢) ' JELLO DARIGOLD OR CHERUB EVAPORATED MILK HILLS -M.J.B. (EDWARDS 2 LBS. 93¢) Coffee 2 GOLD MEDAL PREPARED BISCUIT MIX BISQUICK DEL MONTE CREAM STYLE Golden Corn 17-Oz. Tin L 0 W BEEF PRICES! Steaks SAFEWAY STEAKS ARE TRIMMED WASTE FREE BEFORE WEIGHING . . . SO YOU SAVE MONEYI Less-tender meat, excess bone and fat have been re- moved. U. S. Graded "Commercial." T-bONE, SIRLOIN OR ROUND U.S. GRADED BEEF POUND 590 BEEF ROAST.. lb. 39c RIB LAMIB CHOPS .... lb. 75 * STEW (neck or breast) . lb. 29 * LUNCHEON MEATS Famous Milwaukee SKINLESS WIENERS .................... lb. 39¢ BOLOGNA, large or small .............. lb. 43¢ 'Good' or 'Coral.' Brisket or Plate Fresh Ground! All Pure, Graded Beef Boiling Beef .. lb. 23 € Ground Beef. lb. 45  "'----""--"--'--""--"" U.S. "Good" Lamb • VEAL Lo,n or r,, US 'good' LOIN LAMB CHOPS .... lb. 89  CHOPS .. lb. 65¢ U.S. "good" Shoulder ROAST .. lb. 47¢ U.S. good Sirloin STEAK .. lb. 65¢ Breast or Neck STEW .... lb. 29¢ Pan Ready, fully drawn, fresh dressed FRESH RABBITS ............................ lb. 63¢ Prime 1949 crop, 12 to 14.1b. sizes PRIME HEN TURKEYS ................ lb. 59¢ Eastern cured, short shank, 6 to S pounds SPECIAL SLICED BACON ............ lb. 49¢ Smoked Picnics Small Size, 6 to 8 Ibs. Sugar Cured LB 39  Fresh Tender Young Pork Liver LB. 35  BE AEADY FOR THE WHITE MAGIC SOAP QUIZ MAN =. ,,-,-- Westinghouse Home Appliances! I'U'L t OlffAtt| $AFEWA¥ WIIITE v-'rv ,N st ov W=,K "--,, 23 = ,oo00 46= SOAP PKG. PKG. PRICES EFFECTIVE FRIDAY, SATURDAY & SUNDAY, AUG. 12, 13 & 14, 1949, SUBJECT TO MARKET CHANGES AND STOCK IN SHELTON. NO SALES TO DEALERS. SORRY, WE MUST RESERVE THE RIGHT TO LIMIT QUANTITIES. 5C TALL tOc CAN -LB. 97C TINS 40-OZ. PKG. 2 FOR 2'C Look cot¢ f/ arkers on our shelves AMERICA'S FAVORITE RITZ CRACKERS VAN CAMP'S, WITH TOMATO SAUCE PORK AND BEANS FANCY, LIGHT MEAT, SOLID PACK STARKIST IIIN00 FISH Sunshine Kr Orange 48 B - LB. pKG. U nderwood'S 2 2v.o CANS Pure Vegetabt -LB, cAN FULL AND ENTRY at doS# tt out TREASURE HuNT ........... l-lb. plg' ..... 15 -Oz. Ca LUNCH BOX BRAND, MADE WITH MAYONNAISE!- SANDWICH SPREAD... .................... Fisher's BISKIT MIX ...... 2-lb. 39¢ Town House, Fancy- 46-oz. GRAPEFRUIT JUICE 27¢ Rancho, Home Style - 10z-oz. TOMATO SOUP ........... 3/25¢ Biltmore (Grated Style Tuna) - 6.oz. TUNA MORSELS .......... 33¢ Baker's Premium -8-oz. COCOA ............................ 21¢ Borden's - 2-oz. INSTANT COFFEE ...... 41¢ Our Finestl (l-lb. 43€) NOB IILL Coffee 2-lb. 85¢ Brazilian (l-lb. 41€) AIRWAY COFFEE 2-lb. 81¢ Fisher's PANCAKE MIX .... 2-lb. 29¢ All Purpose Flour (5- KITCHEN Sperry's Famous FloU DRIFTED SNOW Clobber Girl - 2-lb. BAKING Zee--650-Sheet Roll TOILET TISS[  Cut Rite WAX PAPER Sunny Bank, Fresh and MARGARINE --': ..... Ten B Low . 10-0z. ICE CREAM Kerr (Dozen, Pints S7€). REGULAR JAlt$ The Soap Is In the pd S. O, S. PADS ...... DUZ Duz does cvcry- thingl 25= PKG. III II CLEANSER Triple action Scotch ! 14.0Z. 11 CAN : € II I IIIIII II II CI0 All purpose Shortening 3"LB' 75= CAN SWEETHEART Toilet Soap 1€ Sale! 4-o 25= ] wJ .... -