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Newspaper Archive of
Shelton Mason County Journal
Shelton, Washington
August 11, 1949     Shelton Mason County Journal
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August 11, 1949
Newspaper Archive of Shelton Mason County Journal produced by SmallTownPapers, Inc.
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[I, SHELTON-MASON COUNTY JOURNAL "'" Pae 9 I I I • Legion l&T 8 P. M. IN MEMORIAL HALL and 3rd TUT_DAYS SPORT AND CYCLE SHOP Repairs OLawnmowers Sharpened Equipment QKeys Made AND FISHING LICENSES Cots Street Phone 243 % Lg All Hill-Billies Old Time & Scandinavian Music ANCE Saturday Night P.WI. to 2:00 A.M. -- With Music By His U.E. Chamberlain Cowboys eadio musicians and singers featuring Jeannla, cow-girl yodeler, Johnny WilUams and hie Harmonizers at the BALLROOM ;*100 PER PERSON, TAX INCLUDED Schneiders Prairie from Olympia on Shelton Highway TURY FOOD STORE HILLCREST Friday & Saturday, Aug. 12-13 10 A.M. TO 5 P.M. tEAVY SYRUP - NO. 21/2 CAN PEACHES. 2/45* CRUSHED E . .... No. 2 can 25€ .... No. 2 can 15' L [L No. 21/2 r.can 29' OWN CONTAINER r'"" :" ,.p" " ' ' " "" gal. 39' . .... i... tall can 11' ell °  HONEY ...... 5-1bs.69' ...... 100-lb. bag $8.69 .. pt. 33' qt. 59' ............ 1/2-gal. 25' Nalley's Mayoimaise Qt. Jar .... 67¢ Pint Jar .... 37¢ FRESHER - RICHER - BETTE R Lumberjack Syrup, 24-oz. 32¢ Better the Year 'Round Dill Pickles ................... 35¢ 14 OZ. Jar. Relish, 12-oz ........... 18¢ Complete Without Nalley's Chios, 4½-oz, .................. 23¢ GOODS ROM NALLEY VALLEY om  m mmmmmQ E packocje of IdUFFET$ OVED ROUND SHREDDED WHEAT Nothing to buy  no obligation IN THIS CERTIFICATE! Wheat. Friendly Neighbors Help Family That Lost All In Blaze A hower was held at the Mid- dle Skokomish school Saturday evening for the benefit of Mr. and Mrs. Lester Crossan and family who lost their' home and all their belongings in a fire. Everything was lost but their' cow, cat', and 'tim clothing they wore. Mrs. Crossan had been canning last Wednesday and when she had finished took the children and d,'ove to her mothers, who lives nearby. While there she was in- formed by a neighbor that their' home was burning. Before she could get back to the house it had been completely destroyed and with it all household goods, clothing and about 500 quarts of canned fruit and vegetables. Kind friends and neighbors quickly located a i]ouse for them and the shower contributed many I needed household articles and clothing. Some nice contributions were also made by some of the business firms in Shelton. After the shower coffee and cake were served. JUBILEE SCHEDULED AUGUST 20 AND 21 Officials arranging a Loggers Jubilee in Morton for August 20 and 21 promise that the show this year will be "bigger" and better" than ever before. Morton Cham- ber of Commerce has invited Sheltonians to attend. Main feature will be a highs climbing contest, and other parts of the show will have trailer backing, bucking, falling, splic- ing, tie loading, and power saw and bulldozer tests. Three programs will be held. The first is at 2 p.m. Saturday, August 20; the second will be at 7 p.m. the same day, followed by a Jubilee dance. The third will be a Sunday afternoon program starting with a parade at i p.m. The Washington State Training school band will furnish music for the Saturday shows, and the Centralia Elks band will be pres- ent for the Sunday program. 5,215 NEW DRIVERS LICENSES ISSUED Since the first of July 5,215 new drivers licenses were issued to motorists in Mason county, re- ported Randy Jordan, State Pa- trol officer. Validation of the licenses was completed at the State Patrol headquarters at 104 Fourth street. Patrolman Jordan said that at no time (lid the line of applicants get very long. MALE QUARTET TO SING HERE FAITH LUTHERAN CHURCH is sponsoring a concert to be the male quartet of Augsburg College of Minneapolis, Minn., at the senior high school audi,torium the evening of Aug- ust 17. Shown above are singerS Richard Paterson, Truit Nord- strom, Daniel Pearson and Ben Larson, all of Minneapolis. Considered one of the' outstanding quartets in the nation, the group ha been giving concerts in Portland, Salem and Astoria, Ore., and following the Shelton engagement will sing at Seattle, Renton, Enumclaw, Bellingham and Vancouver. There will be no charge for this concert, but a free-will offer- ing will be taken to defray expenses. By Francis ]|, Hill Anothu,' special meeting of the Lilliwaup Community Club to con- sider a new roof fox" the com- munity hall is being called by President Bob Moffett for Friday evening, August 19. There was not a quorum for business at the NEW ROOF FOR LILLIWAUP CLUB SOUGHT, MEETING SET FRIDAY t /she went fishing from Rest While i t'ark. -' A 14-car caravan of geologists, meeting set fox' last Friday eve- ning, "although the group got some estimates on prices. "At least one half of the roof will have to be recovered before the rains commence," declared Moffett, who urged a good turn- out at the special meeting. It was etimated that they would need four men about two days to do the work needed, and he urged local citizens to offer some of their" time for this purpose. Four men, Moffett, Emmet Wil- liams, Rangvold and John Aaro, have contributed their labor on the new dressing-room annex for the hall. This work, excepting for the painting, is almost done, it is reported. Plumbing fixtures have been installed for the men's and women's rooms and coils put in to assure hot water. Members feel that etcher residents might offer their time for the additional improvements needed. Two King salmon, each weigh- ing about 21 pounds, was the nice catch made Saturday by Mrs. R. W. Denny of Bremerton, when - . I Th,Q IV,L- G.E. Bevis, 922 South 6th JL,-* ,, .,l.,*x Street, Shelton, WINS A QUART (brick or bulk) OF OUR ICE CREAM of their favorite flavor absolutely free if called for by next Wednesday. ' "'"-',,,._ ASK ABOUT OUR :/  L F//T__) BAA ED A ltW' Good for At Least /'l " .:*) 2 Hours. We also :' ' f "" ' "  v  ', j 5-GALLON and ['Wr ii i  20-GALLON ' , .. ' .,.: PACKERS X:' _ :":i,; ¢ For Large P cn cs  • ] ] Frozen  Custard • wlF  ii  ,!2!,i_ ..... !ii!:i!: Pints-27¢ ,,:  :y Quarts - 49¢ In the Ice Cream Everyone Raves About Our Ice Cream Flavor of the Month ORANGE-PINEAPPLE RIBBON SCOTT'S ICE CREAM 10 a.m. to Midnight Daily, Including Sundays and I-Iolidaya Second and Franklin 8treats Phone 202 with 'their families, took the Olympic Loop trip over' last week end. '['hey included state and na- tional government g e o 1 ogists, ground water and oil men, teach- crs and ottaers interested in geo- logical study. In the party were two formcr Canal residents, John th)binson, son of the Frank Rob- insons, and Jack Sceva, son of Mr. and Mrs. N. J. Sceva. Both stopped cm'oute o their homes in Tacoma for a call on their fam- ilies. Robinson, who is a ground wa- ter consultant, traveled with his wife ankl claugtrter Jo, in company with Mr'. and Mrs. Fred Roberts and their daughter Tanya, of Olympia. Mr. Roberts is a state ground water geologist. Sceva is in the U'. S. Geological Survey office in Tacoma. Mrs. Bob McClanahan was call- ed to Texas last week by the serious illness of her mother. Her neighbor, Mrs, H. R. Nixon, drove her to Olympia to start her trip south. Mrs. Henry McClanahan of l-loodsport accompanied them. Capt. Abner Sund's tug, the "Apokak," was lying on its side at their" Lilliwaup place on the week end, when its owner beached it for a 'check-up. The Apokak has towed many togs from Hood Canal timber areas to Seattle and other places during its career. Mr'. and Mrs. Pierpont :Robinson of Seattle spent the week end at their place south of Lllliwaup, whi'h they have been painting and lixin" up for occnpancy. They took wi;;h them to Seattle their sister-in=law, Mrs. Victor Robin- son and daughter Vickie who will be 0tned Monday by Mr. l'obm- son. They will visit in Seattle and Tacoma for a c()uple of days. A rapidly-growing assortment of shell favors and place-cards is being made by the skillful fingers of Mrs. Josie Peterson and Mrs. Lec E]tmrt these days. Their im- agina.tion has lntd full play in creating small figures out of pile stems, shells, etc. The results are to be sohi as t[ootl Canal souvenirs at the Lil- liwaup booth, iaeaded by Mrs. Er- hart, in the three-day clambake and carniwtl to be held September 2, "l and 4 at the Hoodsport play- fiehl. This affair is sponsored by the t{ood C:nal Woman's Club fay its clubhouse fund. Members in Cushman and llnion are also making souvenirs fol' tire booth. After a vacation spent with his wife and sons, who are visiting relatives here this sumnter, Pat McGrady, St., of New York, left from Seattle Tuesday to continue his; work as news editor for the American Cancer Society. The family, spent last Sunday with Mr. McGrady's Seattle relatives and were expected to return to Lilli- waup Tuesday. $ $ $ Sherry and Elizabeth Robinson returned to their home in Tacoma Monday, after a visit with their Watch For ,,= EARLY Certificate is signed by customer in accordance with "-" " OPENING for Muffets 1| € (to be filled in by grocer), United State=. Offer expires September 30, 1949. 0. GROCER: Mall this certlffcae to 19A, Lock Box 6015, Chicago 77, Illinois , mlmmmlmmm FRESH PRODUCE • II RADISHES OR Crate 69¢ | GREEN ONIONS lb. 3¢ l ,  i€ (Crate 1.69) • L bunches .... -- lb. 3¢ I CHOICE MEATS In About a Week of the LAUNDERETT'E SELF SERVICE LAUNDRY BEEF ROAST C :EGULAR i '* • • e e••••eeee• e • •• TAKEN FOR CANNING TUNA AND SALMON  ALL BENDIX WASHING MACHINES .Also COMPLETE CLOTIIES DRYING SERVICE 222 North First Street SHELTON AGATE SCHOOL CLUB TO VOTE MONDAY ON REMODELING JOB There is to be a special meeting of the Agate School Club Monday evening, August 15. Members will vote on plans for remodeling the school kitchen. Committee working on the plans are Max Hanlon, Mrs. Phil Close, Mrs. Puderbaugh and Ed Anseth. Anyone interested in the work of this club is urged to attend. A number of men have been donating their time and labor to putting in a new septic system for the school. Theh" effort should re- ceive the thanks of the entire com- munity. The school directors wish to re- mind parents of school children that this year pupils will be re- quired to furnish their own pencils and pencil paper. This ruling was adopted in order to budget a larg- ee amount for equipment and plant repatr. Parents are reminded that chil- dren entering the first grade must have reached their sixth birthday before November 1 of the y.ear they are entering. Surveys prove 8 out of every 10 readers consult the classified columns. grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. Frank Robinson, and other Lilliwaup relatives. Mr. and Mr's. Lee Erhart re- turned the first of the week from a trip to Wenatchee, where they were guests of friends, while their • con-in-law and daughter, Mr. and Mrs. Bob Burman, visited at the home of Mr. Burman's grandmo- ther. HOME LOANS * Convenient Terms * Reasonable Rates , NO DEIY Mason County Savings & Loan Assoeiatlon Title Insurnoe Bldg. LEaCoE BEAR IN MIND,[ V4E HAVE THE HEAT-| ODUCING KIklD.. STORAGE TANKS 50 TO 1000 GALLONS For New Oil Burner Installations e Courteous Service For Efficient, Prompt Depend Upon (SEE PAGE 8 FOR SAFEWAY'S RE-OPENING FULL PAGE AD) GREEN PE iS ............ t0= GARDENSIDETender Young Early June20-oz. Tin TOMATO JUICE ......... 2s= Prepared from Red Ripe Tomatoes, Libby's, 46-Oz. Can SLICED BEON ...... EASTERNWell Streaked with Lean PENNEY'S lb. 49= DOLLAR r  00At'INGS DOLLAR DAY FEATURE! CHENILLE BEDSPREADS! 7 Colors! Double Bed Size ' $ BRAIDED RUG $1 Oval Shaped 18x30" Yarn BrMded Rug PLASTIC SASH CURTAINS $1 pr. Prints and Plain Colors Size 21 x 48" CHILDREN;S COTTON CREPE SLEEPERS $1 Size I to 3 ' 2 Pants 20 ONLY ALL-WOOL BLANKETS 3 Pounds of Pure Wool Full Bed Size -- 712 x 84 Inches Rayon Satin Binding ca. All Children Are Invited to PENNErS FREE MOVE PARTY PARAMOUNT THEATRE SATURDAY, AUG. 20 - 1 & 3 P.M. FREE TICKETS WILL BE AVAILABLE AT THE PENNEY STORE FRIDAY AND SATURDAY, AUG. 19-20TH