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Shelton Mason County Journal
Shelton, Washington
August 11, 1949     Shelton Mason County Journal
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August 11, 1949
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II, " ....... SIIELTON-MASON COUNTY JOURNAL Pae ,11 Drilling Wells -- Test Holes Drilling Co. L ...... 1 New Buick Special LAURENCE BEDELL Phone 1024 Route 3, Box 101, Shelton To Be Kind To Animals Have A Good Cleaner ea Bowzer puts muddied paws all r Your best suit of clothes . . • hold " temper! We'll clean 'em up for !in a rush . . . return them clean Sew. All at a minimum cost! r0RIL00 CLE00ERS & TAILORS kTRATIONS -- TAILORING -- DYEING e Charm oJ Newness is Restored ;15 So. 2nd St. Phone 86 :!:!!!:?!:''":..:..,....,..: ...... ........ ::'  ?.'! b" :M FOR THE MONEY "Qor SSdan. LONG AND SLEEK in appearance yet three inches shorier over-all the new Buick Special features a driking h'ont end radically different from anything in the industry, many engineering improvements and is offered with Dynaflow Drive available as optional equipment. Shown above is the two door six-passenger sedan. Note the new venti-ports, increased use of glass in both the windshield and rear window and the parking lamps placed in the bomb-shaped bumper guards forward of the bumper. You'll Get The Best Deal In Town On a NEW BUICK AT Bob Ervin Motors (VVE NEED USED CARS) NEW BUICK SPECIAL SERIES NOW HERE WITH MANY IMPROVEMENTS Featured by a bumper and rad- or which went out of production iator grille design entirely new last December. The new car retains the same to the automobile i n d u s t r y, Buick's Special Series was intro- duced this week with completely new styling and many engineer- mg innovations. :Long and sleek m appearance, the new Special is three inches shorter in over- all length on a wheelbase vir- tually the same as its predeces- How Soon Can You Expect Delivery Of a New Buick? YOU'LL BE SURPRISEDI 24 Months To Pay AT BOB ERVIN MOTORS First and Mill Streets (WE NEED USED CARS) w in looks- NEW in room - NEW in handli'ng - and priced right down your alley! with conventional transmission, 120 with Dynafl0w Drive. Surely here's a car big as your fondest ambition--yet price.wise it's right down your alley . Fits modest family budgets as it fits modest-size garages, puts Buick in reach of still nmre people[ New roominess ? Swing open the doors- a thumb-touch does it! --and gaze on the biggest interj. ors you can buy for te money, with sofa-wide front seats and no less than 12 more inches in rear. seat hiproom. Slip bhind the whccl. Finger. easy Synchro-Mesh transmission if you choose--the satiny smooth. hess of Dynaflow Drive* as up. tional equipment if you want the very latest thing. And if power is your meat-- just lift the bonnet and look on a husky Fireball power plant of 110 horsepower * OStiona l at extra cost. your eyes/folks--and for your checkbook. re, m one stunning, swift- e, is everything-- -rything-you've been So here's really a "must see" item! On display now, in three trim.'n'-tidy body types, it won't stay long on dealers' floors. Go now--see it and get that order in! /g'x YOUR KEY TO GREATER VAI.UE  #- tyle note ? Well, just look new idea in front- thing. Grille, bumper,, and even parking combined in a single, embly that means you horns" with other cars I OVer.all size? We've inches from its over-all handiness in traffic-- re's still the generous ase that spells a level- ERVlN MOTORS on, Washington--Phone 673 SouthFirst and Mill Streets Wizen better automobiles are built MUlCh" .'tEl bttgld th,,,e solid, substantial appearance of its running mates--the Super and Roadmaster Series--with funda- mental characteristics of Buick design presented in brand new dress. Dynaflow, Buick's torque converter transmission, is avail- able as optional equipment. THE NEW SERIES is presented in two body styles and three models .... a six-passenger four- door sedan, a six-passenge two-door sedan, and a three-pas- senger two-door business coupe with added utility space in addi- tion to ample luggage room in the trunk compartment. High on the list of engineering achievements is the design of the combined bumper and grille. De- veloped by Buick and offered on the Special for the first time. this innovation was accomplished by placing the verticle bumper grille bars forward of the single-piece bumper. Two bomb-shaped hump- er guards, which also house the parking lamps, are mounted on the bumper. :New also are sweeping fender and body contours which indivil- ualize the Special from a styling standpoint. TIlE BUICK VENTIPORTS, a Buick development of htst year which has been widely copied, are relocated in the Special and are ovals rather than circles. They are mounted in the hood instead of in the fenders as on the Super and Roadmaster series. Although the ca,' is lower than its predecessor, Buick engineers accomplished this without sac,'i- £icing ground clearance or head room. Entrance room and leg room remain the Same despite the rear seat being moved still further forward.of the rear axle, providing added riding comfort for rear seat passengers. Eas- ier parking and maneuverability are made possible by the reducdd over-all length. Many changes are incorporated in the interior of the body, most important of which is the 12 inches additional width at hip level in the rear seat. ANOTHER important contribu- tion to passenger comfort and safety is the introduction of a new principle in heating, ventil- ating and defrosting, with intake of available air being increased 83 pet' cent. All instruments an d gauges have been rearranged and are grouped on the left side of the panel, with the speedometer above the steering column directly un- der the driver's eyes. Underneath the lower hood is the Fireball valve-in-head straight eight engine ,which delivers 110 horsepower with conventional synchromesh gearshift and 120 horsepower with Dynaflow. The former has a compression ratio of 6.3 to 1 while the latter is 6.9 to 1. Rhododendron Club At Merrymaking Picnic Conference Rhododendron" G a r d e n Club members combined business with pleasure at their meeting on Aug- ust 4 when they met at the home of their president, Florence Brain and her mother, Hazel Moon, for a potluck picnic dinner, There was much merrymaking and an inter- esting business session. Mrs. James Hampton was elect- ed to membership to take the place vacated by Laura Alien who resigned. Her teaching assign- merit for the coming school year makes it impossible for her to attend club meetings. Plans begun two months ago for' the September 10 fair were continued at this meeting, and Mrs. Brain asked all members to come to her home on August 24 to paint containers to be used at the fair. A lovely light yellow baby blan- ket, a gift from (club members to Elizabeth Matson, was shown by Virginia Kovack who acted as agent for the club in purchasing the gift. August 4 being Lela Evans' birthday, the group sang for her the happy birthday song. Mrs. Ewms alsc, won the white cle- 'phant, a couple of dish towels made by Della Goetsch. Levity gave place to solemnity at this meeting when an an- nouncc, ment was made of the death' of Myrtle Oliver, the club's vice-president and a beloved char- ter member'. A moment of silence was observed in respect to Mrs. Oliver's memm"y. II VISITORS AT MINERVA PARK . LAND LARGE FISH DURING WEEK By Mrs. S. E. Grlggs Mr. and Mrs. Ed Solberg of Che- halts, who have spent many hap- py summer days here fishing and usually take home ,a good catch, were here again this past week. They were accompanied Tuesday by Mr. Solberg's brother aml family of Billings, Mont. They landed a 10b.',.-lb. salmon, eame back Saturday and took another 171/ pounder. Joe Novak of Bremerton land- ed two Kings Sunday, one 14, pounds and one five• Otl'cr week end fishermen in- cluded Orin Pellet and Mr. Smith of McCleary. They took one King, one silver: and one blackmouth. Bob Burgess, Middle Skokomish, a rock cod; Ed Greenwalt aBd family of Rochester, a basketful of trout averaging about two pounds each. Mr. and Mrs. Ervin Eaton of Bassett, Neb., who are visiting grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. G. W. Sawyer of Shelton, drove with Mr. and Mrs. Don Aitken and Mr. D. E. Sawyer of Shelton for some salt water fishing Sunday. who have been making their home here since last January, moved to Shelton last week. Charles Brinnon of Linger Long- er Lodge in Quilcene 'was a din- her guest of Fred Hanson Sun- (lay. Forrest Ballard, wire completed his logging eontract in the Bah:l Mountain district, returned to his home here. Only a fe{v types of mammals sweat. CLEARANCE On Our Beautiful POTTED ROSES No. l ........... 75¢ No. 2 ........ 50¢ OPEN UNTIL DARK Belfair Gardens lz miles south of Bel fair stores. .... r- ....................................................................................................... HOUSE PAINT. $4.35 GAL. EMIL LAUBER PHONE 7 'GERT LAUBER HOODSPORT LUMBER C0. Lumher, Building Materials, Hardware and Paint Complete Builders' Service FRIGIDAIRE - APPLIANCES Atlas Power Tools Mr. and Mrs. L. S. Latham of Shelton were also on the fishing list. Our little ten-year-old fish'er- man, Ronnie Twiddy, who landed two nice Kings Sunday evening, came in Tuesday evening with an- other one, a 10',/ pounder. Miss Joan Wheatley, of New York City, vocalist with Fred Waring's orchestra, is spending her vacation here with her par- ents, Mr. and Mrs. Rex Wheatley of New Mexico. Mr. and Mrs. Wheatley maintain a summer home on Minerva beach and spend their vacations here. They are en- tertaining 14 house guests this week. Mr. and Mrs. Dale Dorning and daughter of Aberdeen, and Mr. and Mrs. Frank Reddington and daughter of Hoquiam spent the week end camping in the park. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Tibbetts and family moved from here Sun- day to their new home which they recently purchased in the Mr. View district. They have lived here a long time and we shall miss 1 them but hope they will enjoy their new home. [ Mr. and Mrs. Jack Catto, Jr., [ of Bonners Ferry, Ida., son and L daughter-in-law of Mr. and Mrs., Jack Catto of S helton, are spend- ing a few days on the Canal. They were visited Friday by Mrs. Ed Carney and three children, Ed, Jr., Pat, Susan and Master Blair Acker. Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Griggs, Jr., of Bremerton, drove out Saturday afternoon after their little daugh- ter Frances, who spent the week with her aunt and uncle Mr. and Mrs. S. E. Griggs. This was little Frances' first week spent in the country and she enjoyed short hikes and collected various kinds of rocks and shells. Pneumonia caused the death .of Baby Steven George Johns, six- months-old son of Mr. and Mrs. Stove Johns. The baby passed away August 3 in a Shelton hos- pital. Funeral services were held Saturday at the Lower Skokom- ish Shaker Church with burial in the Enetai cemetery. The Lower Skokomisil ball team lost a hard-fought game Sunday with Aloha. The score was 6-5 in favor of the opposing team. Mrs. W. L. Lucas and family, When On The Canal Visit The ELI)0N HOTEL COFFEE SHOP FOUNTAIN SERVICE - SHORT ORDERS LUNCHES Also Board and Room by Day or Week , ,i,,,,,J, i, , i 00From where I Joe Marsh, Specs And I See 4 Eye To Eye HOOD CANAL COMMUNITY CHURCH Of special interest on the morn- ing program next Sunday at the Hoodsport Church will be a speak- er from Tacoma, Mr. C. Davis Weyerheuser, who spoke at the ci4m'ch about three years ago and will return by popular invitation. Rev. and Mrs. Paul weeney, Mr. and Mrs. George Yoeum and Mr. and Mrs. Richard Bates wil attend the adult bible conference at Auburn Glendawn Baptist Bi- ble camp, this week. Ray Mainwaring, graduate of the Bible Institute of Los Angeles, will be a guest speaker at the Hoodsport Church next Sunday evening. Mr. and Mrs. Bates returned this week end with the dozen young folks who spent last week at the Glendawn Bible Camp. Work is progressing on the church repairs. Fri. - Sat., Aug. 12-13 The King Of Action and Adventure Douglas Falrbanks, Jr. "THE FIGHTING O'FLYNN" Ilelen Carter, Richard Greene, Patrlcia Medina Sunday-Monday-Tuesday Asked Specs Allen to go hunling last week, Known him all my life, so I wasn't surprised when he showed up with no gun. Specs doesn't like to kill anything. Couhln't ask for a better hunt- ing companion, though. We tramp lu'ound the woods, and whenever the clogs flush a bird, l blaze away while Specs .just watches. Told him once 1 was surprised l,e went along.., feeling tim way be does about shooting anythip/. "Well, Joe," hc says, "you do what: you think is right and 1'11 .tick to what I think is right. I've no call lo dislike you for not seeing every. lhing the way I see it." From where I sit, open-minded- ness is a wonderful quality. There are plenty of things Specs admires that / don't care for. Like his :fondness for butternilk. I'd rather have a 'lass of beeir anytime . . . but Sore/ Alh,n and I don't let lil t!e diffqrcnees R'et in th'. way of somcthinx big like friendship. Cop)right, lOi9, U;d:cd ,5:e:¢: l:rewcrs ['eu.,gat:on pARAMOUN T TIIEATRE Shelton, Wash. THE HOME OF THE FINEST ENTERTAINMENTDIRECT FROM SEATTLE'S LEADING THEATRES. flI,TI.ENT 60,1|lll},Olltl YE.%I| ,tt;0! WltNDEH, ,,,, :' .... I NEVEB BEFORE IIEHELII Bi' ILlS ! : I !  ..... fief: - f V, ,  I l ,i :: if}i! ;:'/! . : 00SUSPENSE00 HOLLO. FOClt. COBB I :, ....... JERGENS. OUN • AXWtLL  I Sunday and Wednesday Only, Aug. 14 and 17 [ Closed for Repairs Men. - Tues. Aug. 15 & 16 I I August 14-15-16 Dan Daily - Celeste Holm "CHICKEN EVERY SUNDAY" Colleen Townsend, Alan Young More Fun Than You've had In a Month of Sundays! ............. O ........... Wed.-Thurs., Aug. 17-18 TWO FEATURES Fredrlc March Edmond Geraldine Brooks "AN ACT OF MURDER" Never Before has the Screen i:  Been So Shockingly Frank l Second ,,,;.i George O'Brien [• SCn[EN :, "PAINTED  I s,oRv. I m EVER TOI DESERT" I• o,,,, I • IOR|IGI Loralne Johns ou I • SERVICE ' I I w;Ph FORAN ANNE GWYNNE JOHNNY MACK BROWN VIRA • BRUCE ., d/NE¢OZO00