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Newspaper Archive of
Shelton Mason County Journal
Shelton, Washington
August 11, 1949     Shelton Mason County Journal
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August 11, 1949
Newspaper Archive of Shelton Mason County Journal produced by SmallTownPapers, Inc.
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e: / 5 [,: j, Page 12 . . SHLTON-MAf)N COUNTY JOTfRNAT; ....... , Thi &apos;   ............ "----'-'-m- 7-"-" .... i ....  .................. -- ........  ........ " ...... , ..... --7 ....................... : ...... = ..................................................................................... " , , @-r'r °  ; ' It tll£1k .It .IN.i- • 12Mk: i. •Elkl : ;! >.,;L:.I: " ! ' ..A0000vu,t00zt,e L. ltOO(I S t00gln , )- _. . ._ .i.!lXltcnen 00nower .. ......... V I Vail#/ J.Ua.'VJLaLatl  ,Tvt , " "r=   • • r - .*iI -- . lr t-. 1711L;lPllkJ 2-ktJtt , .*,, :, E::" t.: I -- V(m hae ' ... n * [ .4• & i ' X 111 1  I  I   Ir q • I III  " :-;%'! Charlene H[lrst. Dol'iCool< and cv(,P.irlg picnic, at 8.p.l!l; J\\;ilgil.,t t) j!)€,,)lil'l'/ Ik Tr:msfcr _ . *ee,a. . lUslness At affate .:. .li Virgini't Pierce were. ho,;tesses ,it 13 ,it. Twanon St-i,e t arl. All '.:;,, lz2 |,-L--::.' "_ nv,,dloss zna and 4tn.weonesoaya Shelton flower loversill bc : Frances Alger, Society Editor ... Phone 100 ::. a kitchm s.owcr given July 20 Jaycees, thei,' wive.% f:unilie and :3![! }..]_'.lll ' fflll cimrge for _ . a.¢ .... ,, .... t,a , , -,7,,w oi,mnn ,, ;':':*'.*.*%.:*.*'**:P******:**:***::**%::+: fo  1o co Story a! tim Hurst friends arc reviled.   II]IL (,r articles P M located in the Agate dmtrtct S GREEN 'KEITH JONE ......... .... " ' ,,',' ,,.r 8 . . which is owned and operated by ! PHYLLI S A wislling ,,,,ell with an over- a sal:td or hot d,sh and \\;v,.mv,::, Hall  N,,t a Open Daily Mr, and Mrs. Carroll Rood. hanging trellis of' blossoms and l)llnS, coffee, Cl'Cllln alld ,;ll,fi!i' 1':80 A,M. to 9:00 A.M. will bc furnished. f'Or w:sle! Monday thru Fridays Hall Phone 984 Bus. Agent Wlllla Burnett Res. Phone 748.W KIMBEL 00ING COMPANY r Modern Equipment Operated By Experienced Men FOR O LAND CLEARING O BULLDOZING DITCHING • SASEMENT EXCAVAT. ING i BULKHEADINO t PILEDRIVERS For Land or Water • DUMP TRUCKS For Hire • PILING AND LOGS For Sale I PHONE 601 I C. FRED SMITH Says: Do You Believe Marriage Is a Success? Newspapers write of the failui:es. Good homes are the silent testimonies of suc- cess. Thrift is one magic key to successful marriage. Our Life Preferred Plan gives you ample protection at surprisingly low cost. C. FRED SMITH NORTH AMERICAN LIFE $helton, Washington Mr, Rood brought a bouquet of these blossoms to the Journal of- fice to show five of the ten var- ieties he boasts, Glads in this bouquet were white, pink, red, peach and an unusual white with a yellow and scarlet center. The bulbs, which were obtained from the stock of Alvin Setter of Galvin, Wash., were planted at different times so that blossoms will be in evidence until frost. At present some 1300 plants are in full bloom. Mr. Rood explamed in detail how each bulb is conditioned and inspected by an authorized in- spector before planting to assure healthy plants. He also said that all plants that show signs of di-! sease are removed from the sl immediately to avoid spreading. Blossoms may be purchased now and orders fox' bulbs will be taken. The latter will not be ready for distribution until plant- ing season neKt spring. Mr. Rood stated that if his stock is insuf- ficient to cover orders, Mr. Set- ter of Galvin Will fill orders thru him. At present Mr. and Mrs. Rood are experimenting with tulips and they have a small supply on hand. Plans $or the future include ex- panding their present stock in glads and tulips and adding other kinds of flowers, REBEKAH LODGE TO MEET AUGUST 12 The' Rebekah lodge will hold its regular meeting at 8 p.m. August 12 at the I.O.O.F. hall. Special guests for the evening will be Assembly President Susie C. Bees, of Vancouver, Wash., and Assembly Warden. Hazel Miller, of Tacoma. A large turn out is desired as initiation will be held. Also Alma White, chairman of the ways and means comnlittcc, wants all tick- ets turned in. VISITS WITH PAltENTS Miss "Ty" Attwood has been visiting with her parents and six- ter, Mr. and Mrs. L. E. Attwood and Judy. Miss Attwood is a stewardess with United Air Liiaes in Chicago. Gold Star Mothers To Meet August 18 Mason County Chapter of Gold Star Mothers will hold their next regular meeting at 8 p.m. August 18 at the Memorial Hall, All members of this organization have been invited to installation of Beacon chtpter in Seattle Aug- ust 12 at the Veteran's annex of the Civic Auditorium. This group has also been in- vited to join the Olympia chapter in their annual picmc at Black Lake August 14. Bring your own picnic lnch. EAGLES TO HAVF PICNIC The Eagle lodge and auxiliary will hold a picnic August 14 at Minerva park. All Eagle members, their families and friends are in- vited. Bring your picnic basket and ice cream, coffee, cream and su- gar will be furnished by the lodge. Those wishing a ride to the park should meet at the F.O.E. hall at 11 a.m. AWAY FOlt WEEK Mrs. Louis Van Arsdale and son Norman and Mrs. W. L. dessup are spending the week at Long Beach, Wash. HOLDS PUBLIC SERVICE Shelton Order of Rainbow Girls held a public majority service at the Masonic Temple Augus¢ 8 hon- oring all past worthy advisors, A reception was held after the service. Top-flight thriftl Top.flight stylel Top-flight valuel STUDEBAKER -TRUCKS CUt COLStS fast / • Studebaker truck power is money.saving powerl • Studebaker truck construction is wear-resisting con- stction! • Studebaker trucks are real "driver convenience" trucks floors are low--cab sMps are enclosed--wide cab daors have automatic "hold-apen" stops--vari- able-ratio steering builds up plenty of leverage for turn-arounds and parking. • Stop in and see the new Studebaker trucks. Find out how fast they can cut the cnst of your hauling. A,n,derson Motor Co. First and Cota - Shelton, Washington MARRIED IN HOME CEREMONY The home of Comdr. and Mrs. blue crepe. Each wore a corsage A]leu V. Green on Shorewood drive I of pink gladioli. in Brcmerton was the scene for I Mrs. Allen V. Green presided the wedding which lnited Phyllis l a s hostess at the reception which Joy Gycen, daughter of Mr. and / followed in the gar¢len. Mrs. Howard A. Green of Los An-I The square thr-tiered wedding geles, and Ellery Keith Jones, son I cake, adorned with a traditional of Mrs. Jessie J Jones of Shelton, bridal couple miniature, was cut in matrimony at 8:30 p.m. July 13. and served by Mrs. Robert Green. Rev. Fred Opperman performed Pouring were Mrs. Jessie Jones the double-ring ceremony, and Mrs. Winnie Green. Pink stock, blue delphinium and The newlyweds are living tern- white daisies were combined in porarily in Seattle until Fall when bouquets to form a floral back- they will make their home in Pull- ground for the wedding party, man where the bridegroom will Glowing white tapers enhanced continue his education at W.S.C. the setting. They honeymooned in Vancotver, Given tn marriage by her uncle, B. C. Commander Green, the bride was "Mrs. Jones is a graduate df S- lovely in a light blue suit Cash- aisle's Swedish hospital school of ioned with princess lines. Her nursing and Mr. Jones graduated] hat and accessories were white and from Irene S. Reed high school in I she wore a double strand pearl 1942. In 1944 and '45 he served I necklace. She carried a wl]ite with the 20th air force and wast Bible, topped with an orchit and awarded the distinguished flying freesia spray, cross for bomber missions over ,Mrs. Gilbert Jaccard, sister of Japan. the bridegroom, was matron of honor wearing a slate grey suit and a corsage of pink carnations. Alfred W. Jones attended his brother as best man. Mrs. Winnie Green, grandmother of the bride, was attired in a print dress, while Mrs. Jones chose a Frosted Tweed surrounded at the "base with a miniature l'ock gar(len held the many beautiful gifts. A,;sorted sweet peas decorated the table. Games were played and prizes went to Jerry Carlson and Joyce Story. Refreshments were servc(I. Guests were Mardith Jaeobn, Delhpia Lynn, Jerry Carlson, Dora Lamon, Arlene Tidyman, Marian Slater, Nancy Kimbel, Mt:s. Glenn Story, Mrs. Paul Hurst, Darlene Sturdevant of Miles City, Mont., the honored guest and the host- esses. Those who sent gifts but were unable to attend were Mary Petty, Marjorie Bloomfield, Audrey Put- SINGER SEWING MACHINES Sales & Service SINGER SEWING CENTER Ph. 7586 510 E. 4th Olympta, Wn. AIR A good tide is p]'¢(lic'te(I f.r those who like sv¢irHlnirl4. vin, Betty Btwh;mnn, i.%v,'rlv King and Suzanne t,:imbcl. bETTE0. SERVICE 'r00i 221 S. Evenings 1)y Appoimnent .!1[ II A II A Salon of Distinction for I)iscriminating 220 NORTH FIRST STREET, SHFjLTON - T MERLE ('OS] t a Courtesy by Women ELE This chic combination of soft tweed and crisp linen was re- cently found guilty of traffic- stopping by a masculine fashion jury. It featnres a leather belt and bone buttons and sells for about $1% You can vary Its ef- fe('t with a silk ascot at the neck while collar and cuffs arc In the wash, WOMEN'S CLUBS HOLD MEETING Mrs. Gertrude Hayes of Union, who wts elected president of the Mason County District Federation of Women's Clubs at the spripg convention held at Alderbrook in June, called a meeting of the exe- cutive board Tuesday, August 2, at her home on Hood Canal. Oth- er officers of the district federa- tion appointed by the president are Mrs, W. A. Witsiers of the Shelton WomozVs Club, first vice- president, and Mrs. Frances Glad- win of the BelfaSt Women's Club, parliamentarian, A delicious lunch was served by Mrs, Hayes and Miss Eliza- beth Oyer before the meeting. Discussion of the various activ- ities carried on by the federation and announcing committee ap- pointments were features of the meeting. Committee heads ar Mrs. Ben Drake, Mrs. Norman Hulbert, Mrs. D. H. Collins, Mrs. D, A. Grout, Mrs. Warren Lincoln, Mrs. H. Watson, Mrs. Laura K. Plumb, Mrs. C. E. Hill, Mrs. Harry Yen- ter. Mrs. John Drebick, Mrs. Frank Willard. Mrs. Lud Ander- son. Mrs. Dolph Edmiston and Mrs. Charles Savage. Mrs. W. A. Witsiers was made general chairman of the fall con- vention for the district to be held the first part of October at a date to be chosen later. Hostess clubs for the fall meeting will be Shel- ton Women's Club, Lake Isabella Club, and the Hillcrest Home- makers Club. The theme of the convention will be "Improving Our Outlook." RETURN TO CALIFORNIA Mr. and Mrs. W. E. McLcri- nan left last Sunday for their home in San Luis Obispo, Calif. Mrs. McLennan and children. Bruce and Margaret, have spent the past m2nth visiting at the home of hermrents, My, and Mrs. Roy Eells, Mr. McLennan joined them two weeks ago and together the family returned home. CATHOLIC CIRCLE TO MEET i Hillcrest Catholic Ladies Circle will meet at the home of Mrs. W. J. Sire, 1714 Ridgeroad, at 1 p.m. Thursday, August 18. This is a regular monthly meeting. COMMITTEE TO MEET ] The ways and means commit- I tee for the Women of the Moose will meet at the home of Mrs. Doris Jackson at McCleary, Air above the fuel in every gasoline tank contains moisture. When the tank cools off at night, this moisture condenses into water. THIS WATER" CAUSES RUST AND CORROSION IN YOUR GASOLINE TANK, FUEL LINES, FUEL PUMP AND CARBURETOR. What damage does rust do? I. Bust ruins gas- oline tanks and other fuel system parts, causing costly repairs and replacements... 2. Bust dogs fuel lines, screens and carburetor jets, causing rough idling, poor mileage and loss of power and performance... 3. Bust particles cause wear on precision parts in fuel pump and carburetor, caus- ing frequent costly overhauls and replacements. How does Richfield gasoline prevent rust? It contains BD-119, which covers the inside of your car's fuel system with an invisible, rust-wool coating. Save your ear from rust damage! Fill up-every time-with Richfield RustPi'oof gasoline, COSTS NO MORE THAN ORDINARY GASOLI :t See this sensational prl)of: at your Richfield Examine the actual results of scientific "rust tests" of ordinary Richfield Rust-Proof gasoline, r 1": These tests were made undtt i exacting control of an independent, impartial Testing RusTED 114 oRDINARY € sOL,,-:'; .... alter u " T, A .... ted with .st _ - ordinary lty " l)ox'atory tes Ca".,ount o . oUr "*- . 4 h . -*..lIDS ft SIIIII "*'__ --o • aasoliue conta....aiso attacks me ,- °aa d v,xter. r,u .... o 3 'our cat. aau ": cl fuel SVSet, olhae tau u,, ED IN RICHFIELD RoTECT o ws no sign o P sOktNE'"r°d';h° . G  , • " al 4B-hour hboxatory test in 'cl*Co;e test, the s''Cc * ivelY ing t*L"":.: added to pmVC ',,,itt Mch-