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Newspaper Archive of
Shelton Mason County Journal
Shelton, Washington
August 11, 1949     Shelton Mason County Journal
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August 11, 1949
Newspaper Archive of Shelton Mason County Journal produced by SmallTownPapers, Inc.
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LL DRILLING Q Get sparklifig wate&apos;r in abund- ance from your own well. Cool, fresh, pure water at all times. JOHN WEBBER PHONE 413-W Evenings Route 1, Box 128, Shelton Elma, Shelton Rebekah Picnic Held August 7 Shelton and Ehna Rebekah lodges held a joint picnic at Sha- fer State Park last Sunday. Eighty adults regi.;tered at the event. Many games were 1)layed dm'- ing the day with the main at- traction being a softball game between the two lodges. Elma was victorious. In the "hog calling" contest Mel Dobson of Shelton won with Bob Gripide of Elma in second place. Lillian Calkins, of Shelton, won the "hammer throwing" con- SHELTON'S BEAUTIFUL GARDEN APARTMENT Be Completed Sometime In Early August Making Available 5 Two.bedroom Apartments 5 Single Bedroom Apartments . EACH APARTMENT EQUIPPED WITH * Frigidaire Range and Refrigerator -k Victron Kitchen Exhaust Fan * Automatic Laundry Available In Bament * Hotwater Heat y Landscaped - Secluded Residential Site Located On Angleside at 10th & Olympic "% G.I.s Will Be Given Preference • RENTAL BY LEASE ONLY • For Further Information Call ' i!iii, ck Kieburtz Phone 899 AIR I BOX DERBY AKRON, OHIO AUGUST 14 tl Time ?"r< Sodas TELTON-MAON' COUI Betty Newman Is Feted At Shower Mrs. Dave Walker and Mrs. Gene Holman were co-hostesses at a kitchen shower given "tt the Walker home on Lake Isabella on Augnat 2 honoring bride-elect Betty Newman. Miss Newman will t)ecome the l)ride of .Iohn l¢obinson Frfday, Al!Ku.;t 12, at: the First Baptist church. Guests included Mrs. T. W. An- drews, Mrs. Fred ShelharL and l.oselland Andrews of Olyml)ia. Also the mesdames William Kemp- ton, Don Renecker, F. C. New- man, H. L. Miller, Roy Castle, Harold Castle, Harry Newman and Betty and Joyee Newman and the hostesses. test and Mrs. M. Mitchell of Elm;t placed. The "nan ariving" competition was won by Charlotte Rawson followdd by Marlene Peterson, both of Elma. Corwin Myers of Shelton proved to be the best "craaker eater" with Carl Pollick of Ehla being next best. Other games were engaged in dm'ing the day although the wea- ther was not tip to parr. The recipe for a liqueur ben- e(lictine was discovered by a learned monk in :1510. ATCH Lp  Ray's Jewelry 117 Cots Phone 633 WILBERT S. CATTO Representative of Equitable Life Assurance Society Life Insurance Retirements Annuities Long term, low interest rate Farm and Country Home Loans Aldercroft Nursery Phone 591-W Ib BELFAIR V.F.W. POST RECEIVES NEW COLORS THE PRESENTATION and dedication of new national and post eolors for the Nuel Curtis Post 5372, Veterans of Foreign Wars, of Bel- fair, were conducted Sunday night at the Belfair barn. Members of the Thee. Hokenstad Post 6266 of Bremerton conducted the ceremony, with L. L. Jackson of Bremerton, VFW district in- spector, as the presenting and dedicating fficer. Pictured standing, left to right, are elan A. Epperson, sergeant of the squad; Vinton L. Wal. FRIENDSHIP CLUB TO MEET AUGUST 17 The Friendship clnb met t Mrs. Eathel Mitchell's home Wed- nesday, August 3, for a potluck hmcheon and business meeting. Thirteen members were pres- ent and Mrs. Mitchell and Mrs. I,awrie Hill received birthday gift,s from their secret pals. Mrs. Muriel Graf received her gift at the picnic. The next meeting of the group will be at Mrs. Gladys Robert- son's, Angust 17. Use Journal Classified Ads. ct'/O/¢e . .. l Of course you picked the car you like best-it's Chevrale the car America likes best. So stick to your grins! Don't accept a car that gives you less. Surely, you'll agree it would be foolish to pass up all those years and rnilel of driving pleasure . . . all those.fine ear features.., all the power and economy that comes with Chevrolet ownership. hold out for the best and get your sure reward of unmatched driving satis- faction. Mak America's choice your choice. Choose Chevrolet for the most beautiful buy of all! % : ::i::112:? :::::; It pays to get these EXTRA VALUES exclusive to Chevrolet,in its field! CURVED WINDSHIELD with PANORAMIC VISIBILITY FISHER BODY STYLING AND LUXURY CERTI-SAFE HYDRAULIC BRAKES 5-INCH WIDE-BASE WHEELS PLUS LOW-PRESSURE TIRES FISHER UNISTEEL BODY CONSTRUCTION LONGEST, HEAVIEST CAR IN ITS. FIELD with WIDEST TREAD ... AND IT'S THE LOWEST PRICED LINE"IN ITS FIELD! CHAMPION ENGINE ¢AL TO MAINTAIN STEERING P,q LOU'S RADIO Can Serve You Best BECAUSE WE USE Top Grade Parts GvE @ Guaranteed Service AT • Prices You Can Afford Honest Business Is Good Busine:s LOu's Radio  t Mt. View Phone 675-W J I GO TO Church Sunday MELL CHEVROLET COMPANY 777 or 778 First and Grove Streets , i den, color guard; Chief Petty Officer Alfred H. Wolfrum, natl*0nal color bearer; Monte V. Haug- on, pest color guard, and Wesley Brewster, color guard. Seated are officers of the Belfir Post who received the new colors. They are, left to right, Jess Brain, trustee; Carl Nichols, chap- lain; Walt Woodrich, post advocate; H. L. Par- sons, post commander. A box social and dancing followed, with proceeds of the social to be used for constructing a new Belfair athletic field. (Cut courtesy Bremerton Sun.) Jack Smith Is Reunited WiLth Many Relatives Jack Smith is back at work at the Olympic Plywood plant this week after returning July 27 from a ten day vacation in California. Mr. Smith went by train to Long Beach, Calif., to visit an un- cle, G. L. Griggsby, whom he had not seen in a quarter of a century. After purchasing a car the Shel- tonian visited an 83-year-old sis- ter, Mrs. Tina Boydston, of Los Angeles. This was the first time the brother and sister had ever met. At Attwater, Calif., he renewed acquaintances with a half-brother, William Robberson, who he saw last 20 years ago. En route home Mr. Smith stop- ed at Cottage Grove, Ore., to visit a half-sister, Mrs. Edna Pit- cher. While here Mrs. Pitcher's son took his uncle for his first airplane ride. On the last lap of his journey home Smith stopped at Chehalis, Wash., to visit iris sister-in-law, Mrs. 1. J. Sraith. Pink, Bl.e Shower Honors Mrs. Baze Mrs. R. E. Mason was hostess at a pink anal blue shower given at her home July 28 honoring Mrs. Herb Baze. The table was decorated with a stork carrying a small doll in a sling hanging' from its beak. An- other stork hovered over the gift:; which, were under an mnbrella covered in pink and blue. The refreshments followed r a pink and blue theme with cu- cakes iced with pink topped wiIl blue booties made of icing. Games were played and prize went to Mrs. Ruth Edgeley, Mrs. Les Joslin and Mrs. Bill Homan. Mrs. Rudy Homan won the door prize. Guests were the mesdarne. Eth- el Baze, Merritt Johnson, l-lay Davis, Ruth Edgeley, Lea /Io;;tin, Roy Peach, Bil Homan, Rudy He- --SiiELTEEN-D--ANCES HELD BI-MONTHLY The Shelteen Dance club held a dance August 3 at the Memor- ial Hall honoring Clarence Per- kins who has been club advisor for the last tw years and is now resigning. He will be succeeded by Jesse Wolfe. Bill Hajek was guest artist for the dance, and he will continue to play at each (lance. Mr. tta- jek holds three world's records for endurance piano playing at 377 continuous hours. These dances are held every other Wednesday under club su- pervision. RETURN TO CA1JFORNIA Mr. and Mrs. George W. Coo- pet" of Arcata, Calif., formerly of Shelton, returned to their home after a visit with Mrs. Cooper's son, Don Paulson, and other rela- tives and friends. If there's a Mason County nmr- ket for it, Journal want ads will The nlLqwors to eve '3'(lay i TlStl rllll(!O l)rohlolns ': I QUESTION: We l)lan to build[ an addition to our home. Is it I necessary to notify our insur-I 'nce company of'the changes| we intend ? I ANSWER: Since the new addi- tion will undoubtedly add to the value of your home, it would be folly not to make sure that the increased value is properly in- sured. Also, a well inforrned insurance agent can advise you in your choice of materials and plans insofar as they affect the fire and structural hazards. Many times very slight, changes in materials can save you many dollars by reducing your insur, anee premiums over a period of years. *If you:ii.address your own 'lnstlr- aIl(!e questions to this officer, we'll try to glw you the correct auswer and there will be ao chttrga or obt|* gallon of any kind. Eddy Business Service 120 South Third Phone 540 selling. / Kentucky Whiskey -A Blend Pint $3.88 Quart BAIi0NAL DISTILLERS PROD. CORP., N. Y, . 86 PROOF . 65% GRAIN NEUTRAL SPIRITS man, Gayle Wentz, Tom Aaroh, Newt Townsend, Miss Iva Baze, the honored guest and the hostes:< Mrs. Lloyd Gruver Feted At Shower A layette shower, at which each guest received a new namejffor the evening, was given on Friday evening by Miss Violet Hunting and her mother, Mrs. Alma El- liott, at their home for the plea- sure of Mrs. Lloyd Gruver, who now resides in Shelton, She was the former Jane Litven of Ho- quiam. As each guest arrived she was handed a clever bib to wear, inscribed with 'the name of a famous baby, such as Baby Dum- pling or Snooks. The guests played games, and Mrs. Robert Ronald was present- ed with a prize. Later a box luncheon was served at a table decorated with sweetpeas and tall pink candles. * The guest list included in addi- tion to the above, Mrs. Gordon Davis of Spokane, Mrs. Dorothy Vekich, Mrs. Harvey Sinkola, Mrs. Glen Matheson, and her daughter, Glenna, Mrs. Martha Lewis, Miss Virginia Strohlein, Miss Edna Peltp, Mrs. Jack Jack son, Mrs. Selia Rugg, Mrs. M. A. Litven and Mrs. Robert Bower- man. Use Journal Want Ads TEEN.AGE CLUB DISBANDED DANCING ON SATURDAY NIGHTS ONLY All Ages Weleome Savings Your baby's first word . . . and that first step . . . are !mportant events. So is the first dollar that goes into a child's own savings [zccount. We're proud to include in our large "family of savers" many boys ld girls who have had insured savings accounts almost from birth . . . Let sav- ings grow with your youngster in an in- sured savings account here. Thurston County Federal Savings & Loan Association Security Bldg., Olympia, Wash. DIRECTORS CARLTON I. SEARS K.L. PARTLOV G. W. DRAHAM V. BRIDENSTINY HAZEL ALMER  FRED OL H. C, BRODI=,