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Shelton Mason County Journal
Shelton, Washington
August 11, 1949     Shelton Mason County Journal
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August 11, 1949
Newspaper Archive of Shelton Mason County Journal produced by SmallTownPapers, Inc.
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11, 1949. Service and dozer with i}c.wd('v. CtiffoPd. tar on. 8-11-25 age assistance, {d' on 3,£}u i. d{}et or's St6re. Second ' il0-:t tfn and UUM NED 299-W St. :QNS -- Kinds & Service SIGN 21 . 3-17-tfn and PLAYING Parties 202 6-30tfn OIL CO. IJEL OIL ! el Tanks {apacity) Delivery 46b-W HEATING Repairing Tanks and Plumber ;Vearingen 405-W 97, Shelton 12-9tfn. gl log Shelton Road 8-11-tfn i Shelton 166 UNTING Classified Service AI,COtlOLICS ANONYMOUS meets Thursday evenings at 8 p,m. at Wo- man'e Club Bldg., 10th & Washing- ton. Olympia. Wssh. " 3-17tfn. LOwiqG, BLA'DiNG, .qconmag, oxen: rating, harrowing with tractor. Call Pltllip IIardie, Route 1, Box 187, lhone 766J1. 3-10tfn honm or auto radios. Free eslimate gladly given if desi[2d, Reasonable Tic{; r*d e l,vk:p n andandellvery, . Y g. d Satin, nays, or leave work at Killmer Elec- tric. BURGESON RADIO SERVICE. 1221 Franklin, near Loop Field. Note new phone No. g45-W. 5-20-tt ELIOT NEER Shelton LEWIS E. F. FULMER DECORATOR Painting, Paper Hang- rag, Spray Painting PHONE 977-J-1 NO. 2107 NOTICE TO CRi';DITORS TO 1RESENT AND FILE tPLAJMS IN THE SUPERIOR COURT OF TtIE STATE OF WASIIINGTON FOR MASt)N COUNTY IN PROBATI': * In the Matter of the Estate of Hansine Pauline Smith," Deceased. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that Ella Smith Sisson has been appointed and has qualified as Executrix of the Will anti of the estate of Hansinc Pauline S0ith. Deceased, and that all persons having claims against the said ])eceased or the said estate are hereby reqnh'ed to serve the same, d.dly verified with the necessary vOu- Chers attached upon the, undersigned Execuirlx or her attorney of record at the law I)ffiee of (?has. . I,owls, 119 South Fourth Street, Bell Build- ing, Shelton, Mason County, Wash- ingtou, the same being designated as the place for the transaction ef tile butqie$s of ttle said estate, and file such claims together with proof of service with the clerk of the above entitled court within 6 months after the date 6f the first publication of' this notice to-wit: July 28, .1949, or all elais pot so served and filed shall be." forever Barred. ELLA SMITH SISSON, Executrix, CHAS. R. LEWIS, Attorney for said Estate. Bell Building, 119 South Fourth St. Shelton, Mason- County, Washington. 7-28--8-4-11-18--4t, Franchise Application No. 206 NOTICE OF llEARING In the Matter 'of the Application of Win. J. Murphy. Jr., an individual, for a franchise to construct, operat( and maintair a water pipe line alon n portion of Primary State Hi.ghwa} Np. 14, in lvIasop County washington WHEREAS, WM, J, MWRPHY, Jr. an individual, has filed with the DI. rector of Highways of the State of Washington, under the provisions of Chapter 53, Laws of 1937, as amend- ed, an application for a franchise to construct, operate and maintain a 2- inch galvanized steel water pipe line along 'a portion of Primary State Highway No. 14 in Mason County, Washington, for a period of twenty- five (25) years, at the following desig- nated points: .. Beginning at a point on the norm- erly side of PrFmary State Highway No, 14, as now located and of record in tile office of the Director of High- ways, opposite approximate Highway Engineer's Station 223.00 in ('overn- ment Lot 2 Section 3o, Township 22 North, Range 3 West. W.M:; thence easterly along the northerly side of said highway to a point opposite ap- prfximate Highway Engineer's Sta- tion 2d-}-50 in said Government Lot 2. NOW. THEREFORE. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVF That a hearing will be held on said application by the Director of Hig.h- ways of the State of Washington at his office in the Transpostation Build- ing. Olympia, Washington, on the 26th day of August• 1949. at 10 o'clock A,M. or as soon thereafter as hearing lofty be lind. Dated at Olympia, Washing'tun, this 8th day of July, 1949. W A, BUGGS, Dh'ccto of I lighway. 7-28--8-,t-11--3t. NO. 2001 NOTICE OF HEARING ON FINAL BFPOBT AND PETITION FOR DISTRIBUTION IN THE SUPERIOR COURT OF THE STATE OF WASHINGTON FOR MASON COUNTY IN PROBATE In the matter of the Estate of Clyde E, Brown Deceased. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN tlmt Myrtle Amelia Brown, Executrix of the Last Will and Testament of the estau , .f Clyde. E. Brown, De- ceased, ha3 filed with the Clerk of the above entitled court her Final Report - and Petition for Distribu- tion, asking the court to settle and approve the same, distribute the iroperty to the" persnn. theret5 en- tied ad to discharge the said Exe- cutrix, NOTICE IS FURTHER GIVEN that said Final Report and Petition for Distribution will be beard at the hour of 10 o'clock in the forenoon. on Saturday, the 20th day of August, 1949, In the uourt Room in the C2nu.nty Iiotmo in Shelton. Washing- Dated this 15th day of July. 1949. HARRY DEYETTE, , County Clerk CHAS, R. LEWIS. Attorney for said Estate. Bell Building. 119 Soutll Fourth St. Shelton. Mason County. Washtngto 7-21-8--4-11---4t. &T LAW . o. 209 Pourth St. NOTICE OF HEARING IeINAL REPORT AND PETITiON FOR DISTRIBUTION IN THE SUPERIOR COURT OF THE STATE OF WASHIIffGTON FOR THE COUNTY OF MASON In the Matter of the Estate of Kathleen Young. Deceased. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that IIAYLEY George YOung'. Ixecutor Of the estate of Kathleen Young, decead, has T LAW' filed In the office of the Clerk of enid Court his Final Report and peti- ".e  "-uimtng tion for Distribution, asItng the'Court to settle said report, distribute the . IatJonal Bank property to the persons thereto on- " Shelton titled and to dlseharge said Execu- tion will be heard on the 26th day  tor. and that said report and pett- er August. 1949, at 10 A.M.. at the CoUrt room of the Probate Depart- ment of said Court, at which tlnie SPRING and-place ally person interested in $ said estate may appear and file o- • jeetions thereto and contest the same, Tax 8ervicee Dated this 28th day of July 1949, HARRY DEYETTE, ' -ierns Clerk of said Coart. Phone 565 ALDEN C. BAYLEY. Attorney for Executor. Title Insurance Building, Shelton, Washington. -- 7-98--8-4-11-18--4t. C NOTIC--- CA,.L lowing Mason County Warrants ave qk'. / Notice is hereby given that the tel- called for payment at the office of the Treasurer of said County, and that interest will cease on the date of the UiI.__ publication of this notice: oo, CURRENT EXPENSE I"UND--War- rant Nos. 722 to 788 inclusive. SCHOOL DISTRICT NO. 45, GEN- ERAL FUND--Warrants Nos. 5766 to 5776 inclusive. S. E. SMITtI. Treasurer of Mason County, State of Washiugton, (SEAL) Dated at Shclton Washington, Aug- ust 11, 1949. ' 8-11lt. 'wash. Notice is hereby given that the Board of Directors of School District No. 909. Mason County, Wuhlngton will receive bids for the purchase ot one 58 passeuger school btm. All bld nlust be received on or before August 25. 1949. • . Tile Board of DIrector reserves the right to reject any of all bids. Dated this llth da o! Augult 1949. (Signed) LAURJ T. Murphy Director.Clerk 8-11-18 2t NO. 1825 NOTICE OF ,";ALE OF REAL PROPERTY AT PRIVATE SA|,E iN TIlE SUPERIOR COURT OF THE STATE OF WASHINf]T()N FOR MASON COUNTY IN I'IIOIIAT I,: In tile Matter of the Estate of George Hem'y Wiley, Deceased. NOTICE IS IIEREBy GIVEN that George Wiley, Administrator of the estate of Georg. Henry Wile)', will, on or after tle 15th day ¢f August, 1949. offer for sale and sell all the right, title, claim, equity and inter- eat of the said Deceased and the said estate tu and to Lots 1 and 2, Block 4, Beverly Heights AdditiOn to Shel- ton, Washington, all bids shall be in writing, may lye left at the law of- fice of Chas. R. Lewis. Bell Build- ing, Shelton. Washington. delivered personally to the saidAdministrator or filed in the Clerk's office of the above entitled court at any time after the first publication of this notice and before the making of the sale, all bids shall be accompanied by 20% of the amount bid and the Administra- tor reserves the right to 'eject any and ail bids. Dated this 18th day of Juty. 1949. GEORGE WILEY, Administrator of the estate of George 11enry Wiley, Deceased. CHAS. R, LEWIS, Attorney for Administrator, Bell Building 119 South Fourth St. Shelton, M:mn County, Washington, 7--21:28 --8--4:11--4t NO. 5990 SUMMONS BY PUBLICATION SLTON,MASON COUNTY JOURNAI, Sheltonians Visit f*= AT1 H t • , !St. David's Episeolml Residents In Oregon * , * i Church Not To Have Fred Bell and Miss Dorothy Bell Services I11 August spent several days last week on an I  i There will be no rc;'ular clmrch Oregon tour including a visit h)  (services at St, I)avid'S Epis{,opal []Ir. and Mrs, W. T, Putnam at[ t Church during At gist Tlac new their 230-acre farm near Hills-I resident minister, ttm Reveren{I J. bore, where they moved when VOCALISTS AT BAPTIST CHURCH ice. w,l, :,rliv00, ,n 00hel- their Lake Cnshman farm was L ton about, ScptembeP 15. He will flooded by the Tacoma dam sonic i conduct his first .ePvices at St. 25 years ago, I David's on Sunday; September 218. Tim fiv:;L regular Sunday scho(}l IVlr. Putnam is now 86 years old I classes will meet Sunday, Sop- and Mrs. Putnam 80, but' they I carry on 90 head of pure-bred Jcr- I telnbcr 1 I at 9:45 a,nl. TheI'c ,,viii seys sending grade A milk u} also be a {qnu'ch service at il Portland from forty cows, have a,m. on Scj}tembcr l l, and the 125 Hampshire hogs, 12 acres of minister will b'e :tnnotmce(I later. hibred corn and as much in clover ' The I.cverend Francis H. Ball, In spite of the size they t'ccl that,[ [who has been .;e,'vin as pastor : at St. David's for the past sev- fa;rming is not profitable, oral months, has rctuPned to his The party returned by way of home in Portland. the big Tillamook burn and As- .............................................................. toria felly and report an enjoyable .,T. EI)WARD'N (ATHOIJC (',IIUR(il llcv, Mark Wieehnntnn, f).N.B. There will be two Masses Sun- day morning. First. Mass is at 8 o'clock, and the second Mass is at 1.0:30 o'clock. Scrnlon topic will be "The Sacrament of Penance, Contrition." IN THE SUPERIOR CQJRT OF THE STATE OF WASHINGTON IN' AND ]OR THE COUNTY OF I*IAON The FedPral Land Bank of Spo- kane. a corporation, Plaintiff, --vs-- Jozef Zelasko, aa administrator ot th Estate of Albert C'harle Van Buren, deceased; Fred Bagby; The Unknown Heirs of Albert Charles Van Baron. also known as Joseph Van Buren, deceased:-Al.0'all ethel" 15or- sons or parties unkno.wn claiming any right, title, estate, lien or interest in the real estate all, scribed In the C0mplaint herein; and tle Tri:Coun- ty N'Stional Farm Loan Association, a corDoration, Defendants. , { 'IHE STATE OF WASHINGTON TO: The Unkpwn Heirs ot Albert[ Charles Van Baron, also known as! Joseph Van Burel), deceased; und'] Also all other persons Or partita an-[ knoJa claiming any right, title, e;-i tale, lien or interest in the real es-I tate described iu the Colnplalnt here-[ In, defendants: You, and each of you( are herehy summoned to appear within sixty days after he date of the |rs]. pulLication of this summons to-wit: within six- ty days after th'e 28th day of July, 1949, and defend the above entitled act ipn in the above entitled court an(ffanswer the complaint of plaintiff and serve a copy of your answer upon the undersigned atto'ney fo plain- : tiff at his office hereinbel0w 0tated: and in case of your failure so to do, Judgment will be entered againJt you according to the demands of the comphdnt, which ltas been filefl with th cle/'k of said cour't trip. i£GAL, PUBUCKI'IONS- NO. 2100 NOTICE TO CREDITOit, IN TIIE SUPF, RIOR COURT OF' Till,: S'I.ATE OF WASHINGTON FOB. MASON COUNTY. In the Matter of the E,tat,, ,ff Tholuas Moran Deceased. NoTiCE IS 'H]REBY GIVEN: that Letters of adlninistratloo (}n at){}v(, {l).- titled estate, wer e granted to the uudersigned on the 24th day of June. 1949, by said Superior Court. Noti{t is "u'ther given that all pe 'ona liar IlK Glaill|S against said estate are hereby requh'ed to ser:'e thela, with necessary vouchers, Upoll the Ad nin stratrix of said estate {}t" Ul}On J, W. Gr£1hanl, "attorney (}f l'ec- {}I'd for sad estat.e a( l,(}()lll 8, (le,'l,v 31dg,, Shelton, Was.hington. hein the place designated for the trails- action of tile business of said --tat,', and file the sme witll the Clerk .f said court, together with pr,.if of sn('h servi(e, withlfl six nlouths afteP date of first publhat on of this ira(ice, to wit August llth, 1949, or said clahns will be forerer barred. DELIA MORAN, Adm/nistratrix of said estate. J. W, GRAHAM, Attorney f.r Adtoinistratrix, Room 5, (DtveY BIdg, Shelt,)n, WasIL 8-11-18-25---9-1-.-'it State of 'ashingtan OFFICE OF SUI'EBVlSt)lt OF ilYI}RAULIC ,; Olympia NtVrlCF OF W&TER RIGIIT APPLICATION NO. 8909 TO WHOM IT' MAY CONCERN: The object of said action is to fore- Notice Is hereby given that Warren close a amrtgage for the suut of H, Olund of Shelton, State of Washing- $500,00, dated July 14. 1926, re.ado, ton, nnder date of July 18, 1949, filed executel and delivered by Joseph Van[ with tile State Supervisor of Hydvau- Buren, wile is the same as and who] tics, Olympia. Washington, an appli- acquired title aM Albert Charles Vah  cation for a permit to divert the Baron, a widower, to The Federal [ public waters of all unnamed stream Land Bank of Spokane, which mort- I tributqry of Mill Creek, in the amount gage is. recorded Ill the office of the I of 0.10 seeond-foot, subject to existing Auditor of Mason County, Washing-i rights, from April 15 to O(:tober I of tea in Book 37 of Mortgages, page I each year for the purpose of lrrtga- 76. ' " I tlon: that the approximate pMnt tt The further nbiect nf ' diversion is h}eated wit lin NW4 {f ..................... said action ts] ..... t , ' ' -- "' - -" to sect|r!, a sale o{' the property de- iw, 01 Section 31 "x,)wnsn31 .0 r,. scribed m said mortgage and herln- tange 3 W,W,M., m Mason Connty. after descrihed in satisfaction of the A map showing the location and plan amounts due on said mortgage, to- of said diversion and the l}lave or th[, getimr with abstracting charges, proposed use Is on file in th{, office The further object of said action of. the State Supervisor of ttyd 'au- is to foreclose and hat" the rights of lies, Olympia, Washington, tog,ther : tile defendants and each of them, and With such other inf,}romth}n as is r,,- all persons .claiming by, through ov quired by law. under thenl in and to the property Any person, firtll er i'llJ'p(}l'a[loll whose right will be injuriously at'- described in, plaintiff's mortgage or letted by said application may file th any part thereof. The real property described in said] the State Supervisoe of Hydraulics, mortgage sod to be sold in satisfae- i at Olympia, Washington, suel] obJe(.- tion of any decree entered In this tions or reyresentations, ill Writing, cause is as folh)ws, to-wit: as he may desire to make. within The North 10 acres o! Tract 47..thirty {30) days after date of last Concord Beach Addition to .Mas(}n publication, which date is August County, Washington, according to 18. 1949, Witness nly hand and off|ehll seal this 27th day of July A.D 1949. (SEAL) CtIAS J.' BARTHOLET State Sut}-rvis,,v of Hydraulics 8--11-J8 NtL 5422 SITMMONN BY PUBLI(ATION IN.THE SUPERIOR'COURT OF TIfE STATE OF WASHINGTON IN AND FOR MASON COUNTY - City of Shclton, municipal eor )of atio, Carmelita ] O'Nei I Sha{.kle- ford, Donald James O'Neill, Angus Lawrence O'Neill Thonms Richard O'Neill. Robert M. Hardy and Do)o - thy M. Hardy, his wtfe, Inghazn & Reed Incorporated, a Washington corporation, James Bruce Ellis and Clora Ellis, his wife, Plaintiffs, --vs.-- Morris Shelton, John Ehgle Shelton, Lewis Tullus, Sauluel Tullus Sadie Smith, Clifford Tullus. Mary'an As- bury, Joyeie Wescott Frances Shel- ton Hazel Niemes, Langridge Shed ton, Alice Shetton, Hypatia Heupt leon0re Shelton "" Callanan, Grace Kruschke, Fletcher Monson, Frances Hamilton, Irene Kruse, Fred Monson, David Monson. Lane " Monson. The Shelton Estate, a Washington corpora- tion. The unknown heirs of David FRANCF-.t8 B. RADTKE, Shelton and Francs Shelton. his wife. Clerk Mason County School Also all other persons or parties un- District No. 312. Hoodsport. known claiming any right, title es- Wash. . 8.4-11-183t, tate, lien, or Interest in the real estate the recorded plat thereof in the of*! flee of the Auditor for said County l and State, Volume 2 of Plats. page 38: " Together with any and all tene- ment heredltament. and app.u'te- nonces lhereunto belonging or used l in connectiop tlwrewlti; All situated' In Mason Coumy, State of Washington. HENRY R, NEWTON. Attorney for Plaintiff Post Office Address: ' " " 8th Floor Welch Building, Spokane, Washington. 7-28"--8"4-11-18-25--9-1-8--7t. NOTIF ;A'L: ()F SCHOOL PROPERTY Notice is hereby gh, en that the Eldon School Property. Lots 9 and 10, BIk. 2, Allie Ahi Suntmer Tracts Sec 23, T. 24 N., R. 3 W.W.M. 'and "State of Washington Tract 3 (tide lands adjacent thereto} will be sold at public auction September 10 at 2 p.m. on the Eldon cnool grounds, Mason Coutlty, The q)gve .property will be sold to the hlgnesf oiffder at not less than appraisal value, $13.000.00, Terms. cash on day of sale. Right is reserved to reject ay ann all bids. RY ORDER OF BOARD OF DIRECTORS. The Calvary Male Quartet from the Bible Institute of Los Angeles, will "present a sacred concert at the First Baptist Church 7:30 P.m, Thursday, August 11. The service will consist of special numbers and tegtimonies by the members of the quartet, Elmer Hiebert, Bob Goertz, Dick Cook, Cliff Custer with Henry Lorenz at the piano. These your)g fellows are touring the Pacific Northwest during their Summer Mr. Bovee, pastor of the Baptist Church, assures all who attend an enjoyable and profitable evening. The public Is cor- dially invited to hear this fine quartet. John DeBeer, Pastor I CllURCtl Evening devotion i at 7:3(} o'clock. Inquiry classe, meet Wednes- day evening at 8 ()'clock. • Monday evening, August 15, i there will be a Feast of the As- snnlption of the Blessed Virgin Mary. It is a holy day of obltga tion. First Mass is at 6:30 a,m., and second Mass is at 9 a.m. Eve. ning devotions start at 7:3C o'clock. ,,, ,, :, ............. !::',,_t St. David's I Episcopal Church ath & Cedar St. {.']llll'C]l B{'llt(,I (all ' Pl{les), !t : [ :l.l|l. ilol'llitlg ]')|'ayel' autL t-raloll, llev. Franels II. Ball, Hector 7%- .... Sunday school starts at 9:45  a.m., and all children are invited! to take part. i The morning worship is at 11 o'clock. The sermon topic is "How l Shall We Escape, If We'Neglect : So Great Salvation." It is from Hebrew 2:3. Midweek Bible study is at 8 p.m. Wednesday at the I}arsonage. Choir practice begins at 8 p.m. Thursday. Remember the special service next Sunday in Olivet Church, 15th and K Streets, Tacoma, We meet in tim I,O.O.F. hall on Second Street, Pastor's residence is at 604 Ellinor, and phone is 417M, Lake Cushman By Frances l/tdtk(. Mrs. Marie Wood of Hoodsport nearly visited Mrs, Frances Rad[ke last Sunday evening. In company with he!' guest, Mrs. Rose Weath- el'ford of New York she decided to take a stroll during the after- noon from Hoodsport t.o Lake Cushman, and call on her friend. After walking and walking, the ladies became a little tired and Mrs, "Weatherford slowed down. Mrs. Wood kept on going and fin- ally reached Lake Standstill but on the wrong side. By that time sO was very tired and a little corffused, A couple of neighbor women offered her refreshments, and a gentleman offered to drive her back home. picking up her friend enroute so hey reacited Hoodsport safely. Saturday night guests of Mrs. Frances Radtke were Mr. and Mrs. Jack Simmons and son Rod- ney of Hoodsport, .nd Mr. and Mrs. Marchand of Seatle. M!'s. Ma!'chand is Mrs. Simmons' mo- ther, They enjoyed an ,evening of pictures, music and a sphaghetti supper, during which Mr. Radtke arrived home from work on a late shift and heard the evening reviewed on the wire recorder. Mr. and Mrs. Linscott ano party did not reach the San Jimn It- lands on last week's boat trip. They found fog and a rough sea and spent the night neal' l:)nn- geness spit. On Saturday night the Lin- scotts, John U. Hadleys, Mr and Mrs. Dick Addleman, Mr. and Mrs, Archie Calahan and Jim Chard of Hoodsport, Mr. and Mrs. Nick Win. ll. Albach, Pastor Highway and Cascade Tonight: The Choir will meet at 8 p.m. Sunday:' Sunday School and Adult Bible Class begin at 9:45 Worship services begin at 8:30 and 11 a.m. CU2 will have a beach party at Twin Harbor's Beach on Highway 13A, south of Westpo!'t. The group will meet at Twin Harbors State Park. Tuesday, September 6: Mount Olive Lutherffn school will begin BAPTIST CHURCH Fifth and Cota St. J. O. BOVEE, PASTOR Warren Hale, Assistant Bible School, 9:'t5 a.m. Morning Worship, 11 a.m. Ymlng People's 6:t5 p,m. Evening Service, 7:i5 p.m. A Church With A Gospel Meseage UNITY TRUTH CENTER . Mlna Hockett, Leader : 408 Cota Street • Sunday: 11:00 a.m. Sundalf School; 8:00 p.m. Servls. Tuesday: 8:00 p.m. Class Work. Friday: 8:00 p.m. Bible Study 1:30 Wednesday Meditation NOTICE OF CALL FOR BIDS t described in the gomplaint herekm DefenSants. Notice ts hereby given that sealed  The STATE OF WASHINGTON: To bids will he accepted up to and in-| the Said: eluding August. 16. 149, by the board/ Morris Shelion, John Engle She ton, Seeva of Lilliwaup held a clam neat" misses. of directors of the Shelton General I Lewis TuIlu. Samtlel -Tullns, Mavyan Hgspital Associatior/ for the purchase | Asbury. Joyc/e Wescott. Frances Shei- of" the following described $0 acres | ton, Hazel Nienles. Altc Shelton o land: SW£ of the SW/£ exeentl te SE, of the SWU of tile SW | Grace Kruschke. Fletcher Monson Frances Hamilton, Irene Kruse, Fred WEEKLY CROSSWORD PUZZLE of Section 5, .Tpwnship 21, Range 1 [ Monson, David Monson. Lane Monson, West, situateu 'In Mas6n" County. [ The unknown heirs of David Shcltou The boars reservee the right to / snd Frances Shelton. his wife Also all rejec.t any or all bids, other persons or parties unknown (Signed) The Executive Board clabnlng any right, title, estate. Ileal T - ' I Here s the Ansver • of the or interest in the real estate deseribed L .1 SHELTON GE FR . re.the complaint herein.' I PRESIDENT t HOSPITAL SDITION. Defendants above nain, d. ,.. . IS [.21j You and each" of yuu are h{.reby 7"88-4-113t, sqmmoned to appear within sixty HORIZONTAL 57From ]r I HI:[,[.., RESOI.UTION ORDERING liEARING (0) days after the date of the first ON EMIRR"ENCY APROI'Rt#,T'O" pub.'lication of this SUmmons, to-Wit i Picture0'for- 58 High class 00000AY£ WHEREAS, expenditures,have been. 'ltbin sixty (60) days after the 11t mer U. S ' (slang) i--[[[ requiredmO[tthe, department Of' Gen- day of August, 1949 and uefmad tne er'l Ad raton in excess of the above-entitled action in tl c ut,,we- president, 59Container -[{gJ amount appro mated therefor a t etit|ed court and answer the mu- t he Zachtiry --., VERTICAL ' J"[-' plaint of the plaintiffs, and serve a 6Consent I Golf device :'j' ti;neyar ocontpling, s,,; the budget for the copy.of you," answer upon the under- |I Type measLtr¢ 2Amou,t F.,,(It21 AND WHEREAS, it "Is neceMary for Signed attorneys for the plalnttffv at the best interests o! toe 'ouuty tt,¢,t [ their office below stated; and n case 12Bitter vetch (abbr,) 18 An 38 E e art funds be pr,,vided for such required illyour failure ., to. do. Judgment 13Siamese coin 3Pers0ns y • y P expenditures., and In the jtdgment of ne renaerea against you. and the Board, tne following sum will be [ each of you, according to Lhe'demand |4Type of oth : afflicted with 20 Symbol fo" 43.Pair (abbr) re¢luireu: of the complaint, Whleh has been 15 Storehouse tepr0sy .selenium 44 Within (eneral Admihistratlon .......... $I|0.46 flied with the Clerk of said court; NOW, THEREFORE, tn the Judg- that the object of said actlou Is to ]7Symbol for 4 Mountain '22 Frighten 45Accomplish ment of the Uoard an emergency ex- lUlet title [n th.e plainUffs as samarium nymphs 23 Follow after 46 South Care- isis a.lLa tae sn of $1108.46 is re- e, acn ann atJ ot tile defendants above 19Passage be- 5 Rupees 26 Pertaining to hna (abbr) quired rom.the Uurr.ent Expense Fund named In ,and to the fo|lotng des- to meet ucn a.eged et ron,,v ..d cribed real property. L sltuated ill Ma- E " . he_ -..c,: ...- tween rows of (abbr) nodes 47 Scottish I. IS .H REBY ORDERED that a son County, State of WashJngtgn, to- seats 6 Rough lat'n 27 Digging tool nickname hearing ne had thereon un Monday,[ wit: A uAgust. 2.2, 949 .a.t 1: a.n). at t]e Beginning at the Southeast, corner 2| Equitable 7 Horse barn 29 English ac- 48 Be sick Olrme q[ me oaru ]n the Court HouSe ] of Block 9, Frances Shelton's Addi- 22Street (abbr.) 8 Long-legged count money 51 Dutch city Jn Shorten, at which time and place tion to Shelton, Washington, accord- 24Bad (abbr.) birds 31 Bind 52Legal p0ini ,aY _ttoPayer m.y appear and be ing to plat thereof in the office of 25Lieutenait . 9 Nothing 3,) Water wheels 55 Ah al, pea.ra J. r or agalast the granting o the Auditor of Mason County, Wah- ia alleges emergency: lngton; thence North 82 20' West (abbr) 10 Pedal digit 3 Plas the ph't 56 British ADOPTED this 8th day of August, 2,401.5 feet, more or less to the 26Nova Scotia 16Area measure of host Columbia 19t9. Southeast corner of Block 4, David BOARD OF MASON COUNTY Shelton's Second Addition to helton, (sbbr.) '17 Therefore 37 Flag (abbr.) COMMISSIONERs Wasl)ington, according to the plat , !  "   5 t. 7 i q tO 28 Intersect " ' ..... ' LYLE O'DELL, Chairman thereof In the office of the Auditor 30 Bar by estoppet [ [ [ I ]_ _ t.., RDY MITCHELL for Mason County, Washington. thence ROY CARR ' Souttl 7* 90' West, alodg, te ast lhte 32 Swiss river i} I  2 I lu i?" I Attest:  of said Block 14. David Shelton's 33Feminine [ £ , s '- ,;% r SUSIE E. PAULEY Secnnd Addition. extended. 50 feet; nsme ffa [ [,b  i;,'1 ]1 ,.'i'" IZO I Clerk of Board. ' 8-11--1t [hence South 82' 30' East, parallel with 4 Laughill , I ! 1 r'L' I r;;¢(' " I  " e North line of this description, 7 - l CALL FOR BIDS - • 2,401,5 feet, more or less, to a polm 3 sta. o, ! I I I I I I M. I ! ! I , NOTIC.. IS HEREBy GIVEN That Which is South 7* 30' West 50 feet 39 Cloth measure zz z r,%TJz t ". ,1 tl sealed bias w . ne received by the from the point of beginning; thence North 7" 30' East, 50 feet to the point' 40Either I [}.] ;1,. . Board f County Comm|ssh)ners of of beginning, and Which property 41One(Scot.) tt [Zq I r "  l AugustC°urtMas°n HouseU°UntY'22, )94.9at atsheltOn,atthelr10 a.m.°ffiCe°n Monday.forin thethe roadC°mPrlseSAvenuethe lnN°rthShelton,50 feetwashington, pf Rail- 42 French article  .--L..-2 -. ,. M  W"- furnishing or_the following, between Frott Street and the wester-  He ws$ one of '; !i!ti [," M TWO aump ,cos., 3 to 4 .v"d" .... ..,,o.,,t ..... ly margin of Eighth Street, as shown the  Of the T4" -- --" "" ''' " "J @ )  ' feet, with. hoist: inside dump con- n the plats of Frances Shelton's, trol lnstauea on X7 I; nter.ational David Shelton's Fir,t and David Shel- iS. q0 : ,l 1 short wheel base chassis, ton's Second Addition to Shelton. $7 rl'$name [Iq '' Th e Boars resery_es the right to Washington. according to the plats 49Ne$stive reject any or au nids. thereof In the officio of the Auditor . Dated t h! d_!ay ,of August. '$.949. for Mason County. Washingt(m. 50 More - . 1 --  3 a4 ¢ g" " b MO&ID. fF MASN COUNTY RYAN, ASKREN & MATHEWSON fastidious , ,.  [- OMMI,IONIH. and GLENN E. CORREA. Sloth '  so $1 z ,_¥ ,,tot... ,or ,i.,nti,fs. "" chatra.. oard of cunty 15  S$ " k ¢omnuutOners Mason Corn)- Office and Post Office Address: laniluage  s? , / '_ _ tY, Wasn, " 545 Henry Buildang, 8-11-182t. Seattl, 1. Washington !5$ Diminutive of 11 Kff 8-11,18-25--9-1-8-15-22--7t. Ben]amln • )t ; "A Friendly Church in a Friendly Commumty 4th & Pine ..... Parsonage 320 N. 4th ---.Phone 276 Sunday School g.45 a.m. -- Morning Worship 1'1 a.r. WAYNE WRIGHT, Minister ASSEMBLY OF. GOD TABERN&CLE ' 130 EAST PINE ST, Sunday School, 9:45,  ' Worship service 11 Evangelistic, 7:45 p,m. > Young People's Service--Tuesday, 7:45 p,m. Jubilee Service  Friday, 7:45 P,m. THE CHRIST FOR THE CRISIS First Church of Christ, Scientist SHELTON Branch of The Mother Church, The First Church of Christ, Scientist Boston, Maas. Subject Next Sunday: "SOUL" SUNDAY SCHOOL AT.9:45 SUNDAY MORNING SERVICE AT 11 OCLOCK WEDNESDAY EVENING MEETING AT 80'CLO,,K Reading Room maintained by this church'at 302 Alder 8tree(, open daily, except Sunday, from 2 t O 4 o'clock. and Wednesdays fern 6:45 to 7,:45 o'clock All are cordially invited to attend the sertce and visit the Reading Room. CHURCH AT 302 ALDER STREET WEEKLY GOSPEL BULLETIN by Charles Thomas Shaffer, Minister AUGUST 11, 1949. Though man today is intent upon an answer to that vtai ques- tion, Wh.t is truth? the same old Deceiver has todey-Jlls allwer to that question, His answer ives the lie, as at the beginning, to the plainly spoken word of Go6. He lauds hinlself as ths divine Scapegoat and The Desiro of Agas, both by a woman known as Ellen G. White, He has organizad the entire world under that banner, compassing land and sea in their zeal for proselytes. The Divine comment on the spirituality, of these preselytes is that each of them is "twofold moro ths child of he;I than themselves." How oonsistent with that Othsr divine warning (Revelation 12:10-12) of woe to Ience$orth ba exper- ienced by the "inhabiters of the land and the sea"l But God has never employed one of his faithful angels in the werk of woe. Said Jesus to the Devil, THOU shalt worship ths Lord thy God, AND HIM ONLY SHLT THOU SERVE". When God would destroy Afiab he. oaliedXan aslembly of a|l tihe host of heaven, good' and evil. He then inquired of that almembTy, Who w]r[ [ g OUt, and deceive Ahab that he may dlo at Ramoth Gilead? Not an angel @f God answered thlt call, but another angel came to the front, and said to he L)rd, t will persuede h m. And the Lord answered saying, Wherewith? And he said, I will go,.and I will be a lying spirit in the mouth of sit his prophets. And the Lord satd, Thou ahatt perauade him, and prevail also: go forth, and do ao. Now Ahab had sold himaell to do wickednss (I Kknga 21:20) in behalf of Jezebel, hl wife. Jetius haa war)ted us that In these last days there will be a spiritual Jezebel( Rev. 2:19-23), and her worka, first and last, exceed hee charity, service, faith, and pa- tience, and that her last works are so 0xoeedlng gPievous to God that he pronouhoes upon her and her childeen tho woea reoorded in verses 21 and 23. Inasmuch al her httmIu1 prototype did not r0- pent, netther will the spiritual heed tho call to repe)tence, but scavinger dogs will lick up hsr spiritual blood in the laoe where her Naboth was slain, it slsms thlt the aptrit)lal Jldlu whom God hal) prepared for thlt dire laboP e the prino of WCrld Communism, God, the chief prince of Mel)heh (M) and Tubal (Tobolsk). And his chief is revealed to be Itan him'; self (Rev. 20:7. 8), together with his destiny (Rsv, 00: , 10, and Ezekiel 39:1.5, Rev. 19:17-IS, 21.). (Continued from this point in the next laKle f h Jatlrflit|,)' First Methodist C urch ii i J - the 1949-1950 school year. For further information call 23() or 395M. CHRISTIAN SCIENCE "Soul" is the subject of the Lesson-Sermon which will be read next Sunday i all branches of The Mother ChuPch, The First Church of Christ, Scientist, in Bo,ton, Massachusetts. Golden Text: Isaiah 57: 15. "Thtm saith the hig'h and lofty One that inhabiteth eternity, whose name is Holy: I dwell in l.he high and holy place, with him also that is of a con(riLe and humble spirit to revive the spirit of the humble, and to revive the heart of the contrite ones." The following verse f r o m Psalmu is included in the Lesson- Sermon: "Prsise ye the Lord, I will/praise the Lord with my whole heart, in the assembly of the upright, mid in tile congrcga- Fvoni "Science and IIealth with Key to the Scrlptules" by Mary Bake]' Eddy is tile following col'- )'eh)tive statenlenLs: "Sou] is tile divine Principle of man and never sins - hence the intmortahty of Sotli In Scie!)ce we learn ttmt it ]s material sense, not Soul. which sins; and it will be fonnd that it is the sense of sin which is lost, and not a sinful soul." bake at Indian Beach. Mr. and Mrs. George Huffman of Tacoma were Sunda); callers at the home of Mr. and Mrs, Mark Ryan. Mr. and Mrs. Don Brown Mr. and Mrs Ray Peterson, Mr, and iVh's. Robert Smith and families embarked on the cruiser Folly and spent the week end at Ocean Beach where they had a very nice time m spite of rainy weather'. Of those at Cushman who at- tended the City of Tacoma picnic Ha Ta(,.oma Saturday, none were fortunate enough to win prizes although there were some very vacation from the Bible Institute Of LOS Angeles. Faith Lutheran Ldles e ° ' M et With Mrs. rhoe The Ladie Aid of the Faith Lu- TO ALL theran Church met last week 'at INTERESTED IN the home of Mrs. O. Thee for n fwvwtw  wwu ,}ionic hlnch. There was a record I'HIIRiH 1114" IMM|%'| r attendaice at the meeting, IdllUl%lJll lldl ltdlLIILlk$1 Plans were discusse{ for a ba- qk4-| zaa.' to bc diven in the fall. The ., _ ,., _ __ .,, group also is scheduling a recep-j .ac unaay .. m, tion to be given for the teachers[ For Bible Study in tile Shelton schools, and Communion , * ............ Call MRS. H. L. MILLER FIRST BAI}TIST tHUII('H ] Phone 72-R -- Or J. O. Bovee, 1 a,tor [ W. KOPEL, Phone 614-R-1 , 'arren lhtle, Assistant [ For Information i Sunday school for all ages starts [ at 9:45 a.m. { .. . .. Morning' worship is at 12 ant. | . ............................ 7,,. t Pastor' Bovee will speak on,[ "dfltl!!lGlflll.!ltlSt hllW, "Cl'oosin '. g G, od's• Best, .... v,.,,=,.,.,,,, ,,, ,,,,,,= Young people's meeting is all 910 E. Dearborn i,. • . . unuay cnoolu. 6.45 p.m. The eve!nng ntessage will ....... • , , !be given at 7:45 p.m - I worsmp ervtce--ll:t Bible classes and prayer meet-] Crusader Service--:45 in e s' { . • Evangelistic ervice--7;45 gs at th .ix }ut stations will __- be at 8 p,m. Nednesay. [ REV, E. E. FITCH A sacred concert wi'll be pro- Pastor sented by the Calwtry Male QuaP- I ::¢,''! tet of Los Angeles at 7::}0 p.nL J t''."i'i,'& Thnrsday ] [ ' "> ..... ' "!, ........ . :, , , , . : ., ..w .,,.oo. o,- Rev. Herbert Anderson ] ' '-_': . -:-" Pastor , ' [11 ' .9:45 ant. Sunday School li a.m. Mornlng Service !  7:30 p.m. Inspirational Servtct iI -_ - -  _-: - -- A ttearty Welcome to, Al t - ,'-: =--' - -- - ° ab ¸ Healing Work - All Welcome