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Newspaper Archive of
Shelton Mason County Journal
Shelton, Washington
August 11, 1949     Shelton Mason County Journal
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August 11, 1949
Newspaper Archive of Shelton Mason County Journal produced by SmallTownPapers, Inc.
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L&apos;0N-M.ASON CO Thursda, Page ]6 I' trll%" ,!', , .... , '7;ilh'y' ' ' ,'( ' .... M,) )lillalS(. i'inl ........... 37¢ Quart .......... 67¢ ,l,,,y s Mustard, 9 oz ........ 14¢ THE Ft.AVOR MILLIONS FAVOR YOU'LL LIKE IT, TOO .  ." , 9 . O %Talh,,! ,, l, ¢tZ ................................................... ~3¢ W'< (..aO0<[ O'(I 'G,Tle Fashio.ed IlIJ ¢ ,! ,alhy s lh,t,l Stew / /, / lo-oz, lhl ..... 37¢ 30-oz. I;iu .. 1)€ ..... .7 '. ;... " ) YOU'LL LOVE THE FLAVOR AIRPORT GROCERY OPPOSITE THE AIRPORT - PHONE 981 . !  E&?,,( ' . $ l. ........ ) ..... NAIJ,E¥'S MAYONNAISE Pint ......... i}7¢ Quart ......... 67¢ Lumberjack Syrup, 24-oz ..... 33¢ THE FLAVOR MILLIONS FAVOR YOU'LL LIKE IT, TOO SWEET ItELISil, Nalley's, 12 oz ................. 18¢ 1 RLA,I id!J Nalley's, 12 oz. i I(KLES, ...... g3¢ POTATO ('IilPS, Nalley's, 4/ oz .................. 23¢ QUALITY COOD$ FROM NALLEY VALLEY Everything seems to taste betterwhen you're out on a picnic.. Sandwiches and salads are real picnic food... make them taste better than ever with Nalley's pure Mayonnaise! Look for the red, white and blue Nalley's label that marks the mayonna/se with the flavor millions favor. You'll like it! M n TelephoneLines Still Troublesome At Shelton Valley By Slgne A. Kneelanil The Inter-Valley phone system is still out of order and Bell sys- tem is slow about getting a con- nection for the valley. About two months ago wives were put on the poles and rights of way brushed ()tit. The Valleyites had high hopes of having a phone by now. . One reason why this correspon- (lent is so interested in the phone system is that she has been con- fined to the house as baby sitter to her ten-month-old granddaugh- ter and has to rely on news from people coming to the house. Mrs. Ned Wivell attended the get-together at 720 Franklin St., Sl]elton, where good friends meet every month on the first Thurs- day. Visitors to the Highlands for the week were, on Thursday, Mrs. J. L. Tiffany and son Mark James and his grandmother Hazel Tif- fany; Friday, Mr. and Mrs. Dew- ey Bennett, Mrs. Mary Laurent of Olympia, Mrs. Anna Pafulson of Shelton and three daughters, Louise, Sandra and Donna; Sun- day, Mr. and Mrs. C. C. Smith, Mr. and Mrs. Harry McConkey, Master Sergeant and Mrs. Cun- ningham and their young son Neale, Mr. and Mrs, Alph Knee- land and John Kneeland and chil- dren Ed and Marie who also call- ed on the Glover children, Mike, Dave and Lends. It would please this correspon- (lent much if in the next three weeks anyone in the Valley hav- ing any news would send a one- cent postal card or bring it to Box 231, Rte. 1. Allyn A stork shower was held at the home of Mrs. Dorothy Clark last Thursday in honor of Mrs. Hazel Scott. Potluck lunch and games Were enjoyed before the many lovely gifts were opened. Lt. and Mrs. C. H. Wainscot( and three children arrived last Fri- .lea AA A lt.ll A A . lii. i.A A A A  A A A  I By Effie L. Knowlton The Tahuya Garden Club nmt with Rhoda Summers on Wednes- day, August 3. The meeting be- gan at 12 o'clock in order to pro- vide time for the showing of slides. Clara Koenig, president, read her report on the state con- vention in which we were espec- ially admonished to encourage Ju- nior Garden Clubs. Rhoda Sunawlers, our very com- petent secretary for the past year, was presented with a gift, as she is leaving for Oregon. Christene Ahl made the presentation. Guests tot the day were Mrs. Merrit, mother of the hostess, Mesdames Marsh, Freeltn and Paxton, of the Evergreen Garden Club. The latter three came to report progress of the Community Fair to be held in Belfair the af- ;ernoon of Sept. 10. Ranka Rends- land was appointed chairman of .the gift booth to succeed Geneva Porter whose request to be trans- ferred to the kitchen was granted. Arrangements were made for demonstrations in corsages, cera- mics, china painting, textile and photo tinting. Sixteen members answered roll call and the meeting was ad- journed to meet In September with Geneva • Porter. Refreshments were served. On Sunday, July 31, the H. L.; Rendslands drove to Hoodsport with Mrs. Rendsland's mother, Mrs. M. M. Cowan to attend a family reunion and dinner at the home of Mrs. Cowan's sister, Mrs. K. Abbey. They were joined by Mrs. Mary Jane Kllby, Mr. and Mrs. Alfred O. Dickinson of Shel- ton, Mr. and Mrs. Herbert R. Dickinson, Hoodsport, Mr. and Mrs. Lester Dickinson of Califor- nia and Alma Heath of Vashon Island. A party for Betty Beauchamps Friday afternoon, Aug. 4, brought together her nearest friends at the home of Mrs. Donald Huson, as- sisted by Mrs. William Andersen. Gifts for the new home that Betty contemplates establishing in the near future were presented. Two tables of Cootie kept the ladies amused, prizes going to Helen An- dersen, Shirley Huson, Marctia Prices for Friday and Saiurday August 12-i3ih - \\; [/l/ NALLEY'S BEEF STEW'o; 35c I **' JUNKET ICE CREAM MIXES ................ Pg. for 10c ,oO...,,-o,,..,..<o, ,, TENDERLEAF BLACK TEA BAGS ........ , cou., 19c WHIPPED LEMON TOPPING Yo.'/l Need PET MILK Tall a. 12c t i Sunshine GRAHAM CRACKERS ...... ,b. Pkg. 27c i SUGAR PURg CANE PORTLAND PUNCH Saok 92c Just Add Wa+er 12-oz ...... .O CIGARETTES PETER PAN $1.69 Crnnchy-Smooth PEANUT DIAL SOAP Armour's New Deodoran+ BUTTER So.p -- Large Cake , SWANCO OLEOMARGARINE .................. 2 2;.45c- I NALLEY'S SANDWICH SPREAD ........ Pin, , 31c " Cartons I BOOK MATCHES .................................... 2 fo, 25c , WHEATIES CEREAL 2 -oz. 29c .................................. pkgs. STARKIST TUNA GRATED I/z CAN FOR ONLY ..................... day to visit Mr. and Mrs. Jerry Whitman and Frances Huson. De- 12-oz. Clark. They are en route from liclous refreshments prepared by i Jar 32€ BRUCEiS GRA Honohflu to Washington, D. C., the two young matrons were very P .ffRUIT-PINEAPPLE JUICE where Lt, Wainscott'is assigned, much enjoyed, if=' .- SHURFINE SHORTENING The Cub Scouts met at Jacker Mr and Mrs. Perry Moerrdyke, S-Lb. Shepherd's lVrtday aftern°°n" Sev" Tv n'nd small s°n l°nald came(in from join 1 J .............. ""' l NS', eral of the boys finished their pro- Pal() Alto to the rcl- LOOKING GLASS LARGE WHITE BEA jects. Their play time was spent atives at their summer cottages UAlllil watctiing a bulldozer at work. <.r. }i )"'W 'i Mayor L. "Hum" Keen of Brem- "'lvI'rs. Daisy H,lll Bone underwent 'U[ M' =... # LOOKING GLASS SMALL TAPIOCA ........ : erton visited Mr. and Mrs. Sam eta ion in a Seattle hos ital ..... Corliss last Saturday on Wad o.dav ., Die" ---" ........ Ii .. " ' DEL MONTE CREAM CORN 2 Mr. a d /t's. k Valley.. re- "he.  Rendsia.ds and ,s. ..... ,,, ,, ,u¢N llffelllllll ,,,, ,,,, r • .............. :;U, LuFnoq" monuay irom COUlee am g xl r,, o'. , =n, vxl,,cactiflw R/IT . where they had been called to the 'i2' ::";',i',<''.in, bedside of Mrs. Va Icy s brother ....... who w'ts inlured in an accident i" riouseman anQ son, o[ vl()n- . o to i,.* .....  .... * +h. m.,,,1., To rovia, Calif., dropped in oil them I, * Quality plus economy insures satisfaction. Our meat., ]l'//l, - --- - _. • ,, , ..... i,,<,-,,- , .....  "'" ....... " wail h d )lot seen hosi)ital recenfly. Mrs. Co a ti are all flovvrnment inspected and graded either good or g:/l.'pJ I 'lPi'l.ltilti'l' Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Sullivan and : hHa°Uem:,Tt.y ftiI'°dtYfrYr B c,oice_¢hvlsCe at nd t U -- l Jil][n 1 Wa,,a -. .... ,. , = oo 0 , - . .<. ,,, he," father An-us Smith and Mr suecesslu, ousmess anti is va,a- ............ lb. 65' -i llllli _.. --. I .... ' _ " tioningandlookingnp old friends. 11 RNewYorTIrJ:kse anQ Mrs. t51"lrls zlleuler unQay ................. € Mrs Inez Hendrix and her vzauet Soul;n anu uol'otny wren nenhew 5ac:lde MeLau-hitn mo are back from Puyallup d - "-' .' ..' .... % .-' . " they spent the last five weeks in 1 SH FRyEuRSc:d' L:d" lb" 55' t "ll- lores to I*IOIlyMooQ IaST Fnaay. i..' k:. r. fi,,,o Mrs. Henflrix will return this week. "' '* a ..... Lois Llndscy returned home on ..................................... p ....... IC ke Saturday after spending a week _SIMMONS GcLl  f ltCN 'm fO 27' in Belfair at the Glenn Harris Tne tanill Pe. heldOa.he+za t i, CORNED BEEF ...... lb. 59 € t TA ES home mona C i  i; O rou (is _." ....... Simmons farm on Mud Bay next ;i W:ielake - Boneless '.= .................. The Allyn Ollll eam won l)y a lsunda v All the descendants of score of9to2in ar game playedilvlr, al Mrs. Michael Simmons, t I CODFISH ....... lb. pkg. 49 € ;i, , _., with the Belfalr team last Sun-iwho came to the Northwest one i I Skinless or Regular ' ,;, CORN "llid# day afternoon at. the Anderson n red ears a o are ex ected to ...... A {bud y .g. p LI WiI,NERS ........... lb. 39* I{/ Dozen ................ : ....... ill b%foiom be there and all their .,ends a.e .' ' . ustin's many friends invited. wish her a speedy recovery. Margle ] Dove, too, is improving nicely at IiiiAiiillllmlPlnmlll IIIPIII pl the Shelton Hospital after an ap.,llln,llutnruI fill? ........ i 1 WATERMELON ' l pen dix operation.- I , .,i,, I Pound .............................. Properi At Eidon 00IIFI00WIN, ,.,,,_,:, /qua/]tyis,o much better" f .... :f'''":';"L'aL"3L':L'':7"I; School 'Io Be Sold .,,...,,..... -,omucbbe,tcr'" I ll M rll I • ililllI,Jll _.a i , By Frances R. Hill iIF/JFIJFJUdE  I '"' ,,w. i,p,ov., ,0u.. s..,,"" The Eldon school property at the  • •[l  II So#hi,,0 ta bur- .e ob{latlee Hsrnma Harems river, about nine  •llll•Jill In miles n rth , ! I Ilk tup, s t be .dlA / Small Julienne - New Pack . No. 2 Tin I B R I N G I N T H I S C E R T I FI sold by Scho I i Lst: ct 3  a an ./ I Thls certifies thet I have been g{ven 1 FREE package of auction sale to be held on the V'IB" I IMPROVID round Shredded Whoat. miles north of Lilliwaup, is to be o,.t.,ct HOUS I auction sale I, be held ¢'1 he Green Beans ........ 34 ¢ , grounds September 10 at 2 o'clock. _ m THE SCHOOL building, unused 2 for 39 ¢ stnce the consolidation of the El- don school with Hoodsport, is said to be well constructed, in 'good shape and suitable for remodeling teen, ether business or fine resi- dence purposes. It is a one-story building with full basement. To add to the property value, the ad- jacent tidelands, on which there are oyster beds, are included in the sale. Although district voters author- ized it last year, the sale was post- poned when it was found that the tide lands were not owned by the district. A contract to  purchase the tidelands had been entered into, but not completed, by a former El- don school board and they had re- verted to the state. THE SALE was postponed until after the last session of the leg- islature, when Rep. George Adams introduced H.B. No. 80 which passed both h6uses, authorizing the State Land Department to re- instate the old contract in 'favor of School District 312. The school property will be sold to the highest bidder at not less than the appraisal value of $13,000, aceordiug to a notice published by the clerk, Frances B. Radtke. Local Couple Attends 1949 Family Reunion MI'. and Mrs. Walter Marble of Shelton attended the 1949 mect- ing of tim Neal, Trask and Christ- man families in the Stayton Ma- sonic Park at Stayton, Ore., July 31. The Stay(on  Masonic Park was again selected as the meeting place for 1950. Officers reelected were Neal Ruggles, president; Malcolm Ncal, vice president; Mrs. Walter Marble, secretary and treasurer; Ralph Trask, histor- ian, and Mrs. Verny Scott, re- porLer. Arcadia Club Meets At Kneeland Park The next meeting of the Arcadia Economics Club will be held at Kneeland Park on Friday, August 12. In case of rain the session will be centered at the home of Mrs. Elsie Collins, 8 Small 3-Sieve - No. 303 Tin Peas - - 8-Ounce Tin Tomato Sauce .. 3 for 20 ¢  14°Ounce BOttle Catsup ........ 2 for 35 ¢ L ,, ,, 8 28-Ounce Tin Baked Beans S l-Pound Tin, Brown Bread ........ 29 ¢ ........ 22 ¢ :-- ( Apricot Juice - 46-Oz. Tin Apricade ............ 39 ¢ S 47-Ounce Tin Tomato Juice ........ 33 ¢ AMIC., I STInCT oR R.F.D. I I CITY I unlels certificete te signed by Offer ia void tills cultomer terms of this offer. e i ' Limit: I tffor per Customer, The Quaker Oats Co. I My reguler shelf price for Muffets is __--€ (to be | Offer seed only in United Stetem. Offer expires | I 1"O 7HE GROCER: Mall fhh certltt¢ofe I RIDIMPTION$, Dept. tl9A, Lock Ilox 60t5,  II II II II Sl II II | II W N m Ull Ull ii n n |l | | | m u Fine Foods From Nalley's Mayonnaise Quart ........ 67¢ MILO' YET Nalley's French Dressing, 8 oz. Are You Looking for Something Different Nalley's Mustard, 8 oz. jar ................... '" Nalley's Dill Pickles, 24-oz. jar ......... Your Choice -- Plain or Kosher Nalley's Lumberjack Syrup .... 33¢ The Syrup That Has .Everyth ng. 24-Ounce. Nalley's Treasure Pickles ........ 23¢ Crisp! Delicious! 12.Ounce Jar. Get more ior your, money with new Sherwin.William House Paint! Its coat is now Smoot]er, to.gber, makes yo,,r house look better, lasl Ionler, Nalley's Sva hetti, 15 oz ......... 14€ t|/1 A'Di, l;IoJoaturo Witn ue )us Tomato Sauce. i%1. SALAD Potato Chips, Nalley's, 4 ½ oz ............ W H I T E K I N G UAL,TY OODS F.o NALLEY V,I {I,ERVER SETI ORANU'ATO SOAP ! KRAFT CREAM KRA FT  i I|/ll JlmllliM¢lrwinl I: GIANT SiZE I CIEESE I[t00000000'QUAKill I 57' -Ou.0e o,o. eACK.O V______2 • ? 2 For 39 ¢ 2 J. L. CATr0 HARDWARE 317 Railroad Phone 48 Established 1895