August 11, 2011 Shelton Mason County Journal | ![]() |
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Firefighters mop up an early morning fire at a boathouse on Highway
101 near the Mason-Jefferson County line Tuesday morning.
No one hurt in boathouse bl
By KEVAN MOORE boathouse at 40640 High- sponse.
way 101 with active flames Brinnon Fire Chief Bob
An early morning struc- through the roof above the Herbst said the fire was
ture fire closed down the main entrance, under control at 7 a.m. and
northbound lanes of High- Fire personnel from declared out at 8 a.m.
way 101 near Beacon Point Brinnon, Hamma Hamma, "The cause of the fire is
Drive and the Mason-Jef- Lake Cushman, Hoodsport still under investigation
ferson County line Tues- and Quilcene responded to but initial indicators point
day morning for about 45 the blaze, to an electrical fire in the
minutes. Mason County Medic attic space," he said.
A fire call went out just One, PUD 1 and the Wash-Herbst said that the es-
before 6 a.m. Tuesday for a ington State Patrol weretimated damage from the
two-story, 100-by-100 foot also involved in the fire re- fire is $25,000.
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Journal photo by Natalie Johnson
Mason County financial advisor Alan Dashen advised the county to ap-
prove a $6.2 million bond sale for the Be]fair Sewer project on Tuesday.
County makes $6.2 million bond sale
By NATALIE JOHNSON ter Reclamation plant.
What is left; over, about
The Mason County Board $3.7 million, could be used
of Commissioners approved to help finance connection
a $6.2 million bond sale on charges.
Tuesday. The bonds will be Three groups bid on the
used toward the Belfair Sew- bond sale. The county sold
er Project. the bid ,to the lowest bidder
"The other reason we're based on the true interest
doing this is, in addition to cost, or" TIC. The low bidder
buying land for a spray field was Sterne, Agee & Leach,
rather than leasing it, issowe Inc, from Alabama, with a
can offer low-interest loans to TIC of 3.28 percent.
people in Belfair," Commis- Alan Dashen, a financial
sioner Lynda Ring Erickson advisor to Mason County,
said. "This is not an overrun, said the interest rates turned
this is something we're doing out to be lower than the coun-
to assist the community." ty expected.
Two million dollars will "In all honesty the rates
go directly to the project, and you got are great," he said.
will be repaid to the county "Interest rates dropped
through a grant in 2013. In quite a bit in the last few days
an earlier meeting, county a in a response to the turbu-
staff estimated that more lent stock market, Dashen
than $500,000 would be used explained.
to buy the land for a spray
field for the Belfair Wastewa-
"We would certainly rec-
ommend you approve this
sale - you won't see rates like
this again," he said.
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