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Newspaper Archive of
Shelton Mason County Journal
Shelton, Washington
August 11, 2011     Shelton Mason County Journal
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August 11, 2011
Newspaper Archive of Shelton Mason County Journal produced by SmallTownPapers, Inc.
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p TOO LATE TO CLASSIFY TOO LATE TO CLASSIFY It I J CEZVE S¢ OAU NI GAS DISCOUNT OpuMat-T/6m-lhn. i-Sa6m-hn.Sm6m-llim [ P s uponf F EKTPCl Ca C odf I Dflve-thm open Sut-Thur 7m-91m. -Stt 7m.lOLm ~ted at the tntamect~ e~ ~il~m~ 101 aml 108, Just mintes aw~ from 01~=1~ aml Sbelto= Courtesy photo PUD 3 released this picture of suspected copper thieves captured in a surveillance footage on Aug. 3. By KEVAN MOORE A break-in Wednesday, Aug. 3, at a Mason County PUD 3 substation on the Tahuya Peninsula west of Belfair resulted in the theft of copper and cable connec- tors from the high-voltage transformer and distribu- tion equipment. The theft remains under investigation by the Mason County Sheriffs Office. PUD 3 personnel discov- ered the damage during a routine maintenance visit late Thursday afternoon. "This is an extremely bra- zen and dangerous crime," said Bob Smith, PIED 3 op- erations manager. "Not only were the suspects putting themselves in extreme dan- ger, but when a substation's grounding system is dam- aged it can present a danger to the public near the facil- ity and PUT) workers who may need to enter the area to conduct maintenance work." Besides safety concerns, the cost to replace the cable can be expensive. In this in- cident alone, PUD officials estimate that the response to the theft and the cable replacement may cost PUD customers nearly $10,000. The cost of material stolen has been estimated at $200. Nationally, the U.S. Depart- ment of Energy estimates *t emls *Complete ÷m Camel *Island Blendz W'mston "< that copper thefts result in ÷ , $~1¢~m''" ~, , Little "--~I#L@, I -$5~73/Clttm nearly $1 billion on losses to ~ ÷tffi/B ÷~" businesses each year. The incident prompted -- ~]-- ~ ~ ~ the PUD to switch nearly¢ ~mltljd 1~ Pldr~ Pepsi ~~~ f~i 2,700 customers served by " ~~ A~r3tort~ ] the substation to the nearby ~1~ 73~;9~ t~ii~ ~L Union River substation. The Collins Lake substation will remain offiine while PUD 3 8 P crews make repairs, f / ~ / /I Mason County Sheriff's W 0~ L~ Bud LiCit deputies and Mason County PUD 3 personnel are in-| ~ | . mtu ] Bud Light Lime |] volved in the investigation. 18pack = 99 13911 If citizens have any infor- ~ ]B D$ 4 = eot they are encouraged to call ~ ~c~m~ ,l~M~t~ ~ ~,=t~. Shdtm the Mason County Sher- iffs Office at 360-275-4467 dr- 1,- 1= Extra Small 10 oz .... $5s9 Medium 16 oz .......... $7~ I 313.°r 360-427-9670, extension c_~a ILtSrlL_ " Exlxa Small 16 oz .... '8s9 Stew Meat 16 oz ...... *5z~..~il I,[.~a:foo(]-s.. " ' Sinai/10 oz ............. =5 z~ Stew Meat 64 oz .... ~ 17~]*~ Small 16 oz ............. =8z9 Manila Clams ~ ~. =g .. s4zg~ Medium 10 oz .......... ~5=~ Oysters x~==~ ....... ~7~] [ iI Car rollover claim one life By JOURNAL STAFF gency vehicle extrication. The driver was moved to an awaiting medical unit. The pa- A lone, elderly male died Wednesday tient was to be transported to Harborview morning after rolling his car off the road- Medical Center in Seattle but died at the way on Bear Creek Dewatto Road. scene just prior to transport. At 7 a.m. Wednesday morning, Mason The North Mason community has been County Fire District 2 responded to a one- devastated by three separate fatal motor car rollover at the 700 block of Bear Creek vehicle Dewatto Road. accidents within the last six days, said First-arriving emergency response crews Jeromy Hicks, spokesperson for the fire dis- found an early 2000s model Chevrolet Ira- trict in a press release. pala that had traveled off the roadway and "Mason County Fire District 2 urges all had inverted in the ditch, according to a drivers to use extreme caution, maintain press release from Fire District 2. constant attention to the road and obey all The lone elderly male occupant was road regulations during their travels," he trapped in the vehicle and required emer- wrote. By KEVAN MOORE bound on State Route 302The wreck was reported near milepost 5 when theat 10:54 a.m. and Ray was A Belfair woman is dead Chevrolet pickup she waspronounced dead at the following a single-vehicle driving left the roadwayscene. collission in Victor Tues- to the right, went down an The cause of the colli- day morning, embankment and came to sion remains under inves- Belfair resident Deb- rest about 200 feet off the tigation by the state pa- bie C. Ray, 48, was east- roadway on the beach, tro]. BACKYARD SALE August figurines. Too much to list all. 11-13, Thursday-Friday- Please come browse around Saturday, 9 a.m.-4 p.m. Sat- and say hi. Sandy, Ray and urday will be 1/2 price day. Sharon. H8/11 1714 Laurel St. on Mountain MASON FIRE District 5 is ac- View. Collector dolls, new cepting applications for Vol- Cover Girl makeup, cos-unteer Front Desk Reception- tume jewelry, pink Depres- ist and Volunteer Fire Fighter. sion glass, Serger Baby Lock If you are interesting in serv- sewing machine. Silk flowers, ing in this way please contact Tupperware, new yarn and Brenda at 360-426-5333 Ext crochet thread, lots of Native 207 for an application and in- American items, Kokopelli na- formation. M8/11-18 tive bookends, De Grazia col- lector plates, pottery pieces. PARK MODEL RV, furniture, Small baskets, Navajo sand wood heating stove, refriger- art, ceramic owl collection, ator. Saturday 9 a.m.-5 p.m., Spoontiques enamel over221 E. Boardwalk off Shelton pewter clown figurines, pew- Springs Rd. $8/11 ter items, collector plates, H.D. 10" Jet contractor saw, some small tools, lots of art, $135. Heavy duty 14" floor paintings and pictures,TV and model band saw, $140. VCR, Casio keyboard. Guitar, 16-speed floor model drill speakers, VCR movies, mu- press, $120. Bench model sic CDs and cassettes, pa- belt and disc combo sander, perback and hardback books, $80. All tools good shape, old records. Farberware rotis- very little use. 360-427-5789. serie, dishes, pots and pans, L8/11-18 silverware, bedding, Tommy Hilfiger men's polo shirts. Col- lection of shot glasses, Asian 2011 Dodge Caliber .Panasonic *Eneri3izer *Duracell Page A-6 - Shelton-Mason Count E N TA L CENTER 1829 Jefferson Street Shelton, WA 98584 w , 360-426-8401 360 GO BRUSH Jw4t tetm Dr. We are pleased to welcome Stephen K Edwards, DMD to our office on a fulltime basis Come see why everyone is smiling! 4 cil, AUTO, Heat Package, Drivers group 1B3CBSHA980166581 MSRP $20;630, Gillis Discount $800 ~ale Price $19,830, Rebate $1,500 Final Price $1L330 Shelton WA (36O} 42~SS~S YARD SALE Saturday 8 a.m.- 4 p.m., Sunday 9 a.m.-noon. 1345 Jones St. off Northcliff. Furniture, clothes, lots of books, etc. Come take a look. K8/11 EXPERIENCED ROOF- ERS wanted. 360-432-8837. E8/11-9/1 UNOCAL 76 PRODUCTS * Motor Oils and Hydraulic Oils * Industrial Lubricants * Automotive Oils *Metal Working Fluids *Job Site High-Volume Commercial Diesel * Greases and Gear Oils * Pump Repair, Tanks, Nozzles, Grease Guns * Solvents, Antifreeze * Heati ng Oil Delivered * Cutting Oils * Furnace and Stove Oil, Kerosene 0 I L DIST. cO Located at sanderson Industrial Park Shelton Fueling A Year ivers! Call (360) 426-4412 to subscribe to the Shelton-Mason County Z/i s37 (Mason County Address), s51 (Washington State), s61 per year out of state • P.O. Box 430, Shelton, WA 98584" i ' Journal - Thursday, August 11,2011