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Shelton Mason County Journal
Shelton, Washington
August 11, 2011     Shelton Mason County Journal
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August 11, 2011
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Shelton Valley Safe Environment o Quality Education Kindergarten through 8th Grade • Serving Families of All Faiths and Backgrounds • Individualized Curriculum • Qualified and Caring Teachers • Kindergarten Full Day, M-F • Christ Centered Atmosphere Call Principal Judy McCain to register today at 3~.426-A1198 www.shel~nvaHeyeh~at ~n~hooi.~ m We're so close! One mile from Hwy. 101, Shelton, Matlock exit, 20 ! W. ~hel~n Valley Road COME SEE THE OPPORTUNITIES FOR YOUR CHILD NOW ENROLLING FOR 2011-2012 Full Day Kindergarten & Grade I :eombinedclass) (L1M|T 12) MT. OLIVE LUTHERAN SCHOOL 206 E. WYANDOTTE *Washington State Approved School 427-31~5 Uni olds in United Way of Mason County re- Eisele, Lisa DeWall, Linda Mat- eently held its annual meeting for thews, David Peterson and Bob Mill- 2011 at Alpine Way Retirement Cen- er. ter in Shelton. The board-elected officers to serve The organization celebrated 45 through the next annual meeting in years of support to the non-profit July 2011 are Lynn Harvey, presi- health and human service agencies dent; John Gorman, past president; of Mason County. Susanna Samuelson, treasurer; According to Executive DirectorMiehelle Corral, secretary; Donna Jeannie Gruber, the meeting wasNault, vice president of fund distri- attended by members, donors andbution and Ellen Shortt Sanchez, volunteers. Attendees received an vice president of programs. Bob annual report on the year's mission- Miller and Lisa DeWall will serve as related activities, heard reports from members-at-large. selected agencies, witnessed a pre- United Way members recognized sentation of awards and elected new the outstanding work of the board board members, and officers who served for the 2010- One new director was elected to a 2011 year and announced plans for one-year term and four others were this year's Fall Fundraising Cam- elected to two-year terms, joining paign and next year's Valentine Des- continuing directors in the ongoing sert Auction and June Day of Caring. efforts to implement the mission of Agency goals for the 2011-2012 United Way, Grnber said. year include continued hosting of The new directors are Darren monthly community service group meetings and promotion of the WIN 211Resource Referral Network. Gru- ber also stated that the work of the asset building coalition in promoting the Earned Income Tax Credit, the FamilyWize prescription discount, and expanded family financial litera- cy classes in Shelton, Allyn and Bel- fair would continue thanks to recent investments from the Washington State Department of Commerce. Since 1966, United Way of Mason County has contributed to the com- munity by raising funds for agencies that seek to improve the education, income and health of our citizens, and thus ensuring that Mason Coun- ty remains a great place to live, raise a family and work. To support the work of the agency by donating to the United Way of Mason County Com- munity Fund or to volunteer you may contact Jeannie Gruber at 426-49999 or e-mail uway3@hctc.eom. Pageant Continued from page B-1 "My mom got me my first guitar, it's actually from She said she has been Toys "R" Us and I still use singing since second grade when her school had a choir. "Out ofthe blue one day I it, it's a really good guitar." just wanted to play guitar," she said. "My mum got meWashington. I did the Shel- leader. . my first guitar, it's actually ton Relay for Life this year," Soto said she decided to from Toys "R" Us and I still she said. try out for the pageant to use it, it's a really good gui- Soto has also recently improve her public speak- tar." played in Los Angeles and ing skills and to vie for Since first learrdng to Las Vegas. scholarships up to $10,000. play guitar only a few years In addition to her busySuch a scholarship, Soto ag~ Soto has gone on to per- musical schedule, Soto also said, would greatly help her form at many large venues has several contracts with realize her goal of attending in Washington and beyond, modeling agencies and New York University's mu- "I've performed at pret-regularly practices as a sic school. ty much all of the fairs in Shelton High School cheer- "Honestly I really don't know what I want to do, I just take one day at a time," she said. "I love playing music. Maybe one day I'll be famous or maybe one day I'll be playing music and I'll be a doctor." Soto said that so far the pageant has already helped her be less shy and have more self-confidence. Soto said she is excited about being a part of the pageant, modeling and per- forming space, and that unlike some other young performers, no one needs to worry about her body im- age. "I ate a doughnut before I came here," she said. ( ( ¢ ! i ! ] E ,( E i E £ f C f t ( £ C ! g I £ C t i L Shelton-/Vlason County $5 Harstine Continued from page B-1 meet at the hall. The progritm for Friday's meeting Will be by Beth Johnston, theadministrator for Al- pine Way Retirement. She Will talk on Alzheimer's and answer the ques- at the Community Hall and the Fire Hall on Harstine Island. Last year more than 600 shoppers attended Holiday House. Dianne Dawley has contacted last year's crafters remind- ing them to return their applications to her by Sept. 1. There is a very large waiting list, which means the good word has gotten out about our tiozi "Is it s~;| e~'fremember great~=Iarstine Island Holiday House. whereI parked~ the Cdr~i Or substi= ' So ~'s just another reminder: tute from your own seixior moments plea~-return your application and if when that question has crossed your mind• Beth spoke at a Kiwanis Club meeting last year and it was very interesting. I don't remember if you were there or not and no, I don't con- sider that a senior moment as I have forgotten more about last year than I remember. What was I writing about anyway? This year's 2011 Holiday House is growing closer. It will be from 10 a.m. to 3 p.m. on Saturday, Nov. 26, you have any questions, contact Di- anne 427-8833. There will be a CERT meeting at 6:30 p.m. on Aug. 18 at the commu- nity hall. The second senior lunch of the month will be at noon on Wednes- day. On the menu they will have baked chicken with dressing and gravy. There Will also be green salad and fruit eobble~ crisp. If you like the sounds of this lunch, make sure you get there a little early to find a seat -- the hall has been filling up be- cause of the great food and company. If you have some spare time on your hands there are two organiza- tions that need volunteers -- Pioneer School and Turning Pointe. School Will be opening soon and volunteer readers are always needed. For an hour or two a week you can sit and read with a young child• This is great motivation for the youngsterto get interested in reading. Turning Pointe is a shelter for domestic violence and is located in Shelton. These tough economic times seem to bring on more violence in the home and this one shelter is the only escape in the whole county. They are looking for volunteers to help out on commit- tees that help rais¢ money and help keep the shelter maintained. For more information please give Judy Callaghan a call at 427-9516. Mt. Olive Lutheran Church t lJ%Sotlri Synod 206 East Wyandotte Avenue Contemporary Service ........ 830 a.m Christian Education ................. 9:45 am. Traditional Worship ............. 11:oo a.m Office 426-6353 Daycare 4273165 I " r h Con=,.. Grace Baptxst Chu c _ for thefaith ofthe-o-'l I ~ 8ox 10es, She,on. wa 98884 ...jr j~ 'd /4~ ~ ~"~ Phone: (360) 462 1611 Times of Services:| ~i~v~l~¢~ E-mail:I~lsror@gbcshelIoI10tg Sunday School ........................ 10 a.m. • ~ ,,w,,gbc,hel~onorg Sunday Morning Worship ...... 11 a.m. ~ • ' m List~ on Sunday Evenmg W0rshlp ........ 6 p.. ~C~ r tm 7 m I~LhS 1030 AM Wednesday Praye Mee g ..... P" " ~ ~nda~l 9:30 - lO:OOan A~ate Grange Bldg. on Agate Loop gd, Snn~T Morni~ Bi~k StudT ' 9~0 am. ' 7Z8 Fafilroad Ave. Christ Lutheran Church 3701 NE Northshore Road, Belfair, WA 98528-9434 (360) 275-33M Worship Service: 10:00 a.m. Childcare: 360-275'0499 St. David's of Wales EPISCOPAL CHURCH A place wi~re allat¢ welcome 324 W. Cedar St. • Shelton • SUNDAY SERVICES 7:30 & 10:30 a.m. I New Community Church of Union I~ Sunday Gatherings (All are welcome!) 8:30 and 10:30 at the Union Fire Hall website: 9 15 Conversational Bible Study 5oE. Seattle St., Union 98592 Office phone: 426-8472 360-898-7855 = I SHELTON FIRST BAPTIST www low.o web site: n,.,.,.aI """'"'" ..... [Faith Lutheran - 36o 42641461 i ~, wA A Cbr/~t-eengered Church I in Rwers of Grace[ I • ~wmn~ =, (360) 426-8611 II ] SundayNightW0rship6p.n~ i I" ~a~.,,,w.~.=,./lkl li~N~ i • F~ Cen~xu~/ ISeniorCenter'~SWRaikoadA~l i • U II ...s,-o,= YouRiChu .... A l K41,1 d ltClR. lSIl$ "-~ l&BrianWeinberger = I I ~'r/~*rs°fgrace'°r~ t "~ CrossPolnt Service Traditional Service A more contemporary service A more I radii k)nal ~'rvke I~ " t h,~t t~r~ at 0.00 AM th,~t beginsat ~ .... ........ . Prdiso Band • Praisel~dwi 10:45 AM vm~ : Chiidr~n and &duit Sundwl $©hool • AM • Childcare both services : [~ ~ - ......... NIIEIED WEIEKDAY ~[ [ [ a ,~¢1 i [.~l~hw~tlzls~ ServiKe | • '7:( ( ,~,. Mid Week Service ] [ ..... ~Xl, .............. ~ Nttr~t'ry to ) Ve~tl ~ ] I, .......... I Celebration .~erv,, ¢' Chadre,a'~ '' ....... SOuIJFi Yoolfl 6~11 to,Grade Attellded NursetT ~ 12 [ Chad...... ., ..... \ ] Call 426-4412 ..... ....... ........ ....... to place your ad i . wiln . % w•wface. Work flit Hi, Kin ld,lr l ' Page B-2 - Shelton-Mason County Journal - Thursday, August 11,2011 st ~'~ ~,t eh, at 600 Ldue ~ R(L (1~: 1191 P, O. ~ ~ H~x~bpua, W=hi~ ,~ ,!60-8~7-g879 Come as you aret All are wek'ome! 1/2 Mi.up Rt. 119 out of 1 l,x tsl )a $m y Worfl ip- 10:00 ~hdton United Ntethoclist Ch~h C I £ ! i £ ( | £ t L C C C ( L f J 1; f ! C I I ( t t i I f I I ( 1 1 t { l I £ ( C