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Ruby Isabel Pearson re-
lean Marie (Schneider)
Jean Marie (Schneider)
]aldwell, 69, died Mon-
lay, August 1, 2011 at
dason General Hospital
n Shelton. She was a
• esident of Yelm for three
She was born Janu-
try 18, 1942 to Ceilan
and Mildred (Ledford)
tcheider in Bremerton.
She was a homemaker
md raised four children.
She enjoyed rock
aounding, music, camp-
ng and fishing.
She liked to be outside
tmong the wildlife and
Her family shared that
Ihe was an avid reader,
t wonderful cook (known
br her potato salad), very
tpiritual, enjoyed cross-
vord puzzles and playing
She liked being with
"amily and the grandchil-
She is survived by
aer identical twin sister
loan Kadasik of Yelm;
laughters Joni Roberts
Steve) of Grapeview
md Juli Malone (Rick)
tf Olympia; sons Mark
ood of Raymond and
Vlikey Wood of Olympia;
line grandchildren; four
,,reat-grandchildren and
mmerous nieces, neph-
;ws and cousins.
She was preceded in
leath by her parents, sis-
er Lori Steenburgen and
nfant daughter Jackie.
A memorial service will
)e held at a later date.
McComb Funeral Home
tf Shelton will be han-
lling the arrangements.
Online condolences
nay be sent to the family
when you advertise in
(360) 426-4412
',ucy Campbell
Lucy Campbell, 79,
lied Wednesday, August
3, 2011
after a
long bat-
tle with
heart dis-
ease and
She lived
in Shel-
ton the
last five
Lucy yearsof
Campbell her life.
was born
n Benton City to Wiley
md Winnie Montgomery.
She married Earl
3ampbell in 1952 in Ya-
She enjoyed working
md continued working
Heather Evelyn
Heather Evelyn Coo-
per, 51, died July 24,
2011. She was a resident
of Belfair.
was born
Jan. 19,
1960 in
Los Ange-
les to Les-
ter and
Heather Leo E.
Cooper C o o p e r
on July
4, 1984 in
She was employed at
the Briar Patch, Mayber-
ry's and Pat's Little Red
Barn -- all restaurants in
Her family shared that
she enjoyed making peo-
ple happy with her cook-
ing and as a teenager
she worked at Bernie's in
She enjoyed photogra-
phy, crafts and camping
with family and friends.
She is survived by her
husband of 27 years Leo
E. Cooper, son Christo-
pher L. Cooper (Amber)
and granddaughter Da-
Her parents preceded
her in death.
A celebration of life
will be held at 3 p.m.
on Sunday, Aug. 14, at
North Mason Eagles No.
4226, Belfair, WA.
Vesta Lueille Muretta
Vesta Lucille Muretta,
91, died Saturday, Aug.
6, 2011 in
Mont. of
The ma-
jority of
her life
was spent
in Seattle
Vesta and from
Muretta 1985 thru
2003 in
She was born February
25, 1920 in Broken Bow,
Neb. to
Carl and Vida Cum-
She married Walter
Muretta January 1958 in
a chapel in Burien.
She was previously
married to Bruce Brown.
The marriage ended in di-
She worked for a short
lp to a few months before period in the 1960s for
ler health seriously de- the Boeing Employees
:lined. Credit Union.
Her favorite jobs were The majority of her
:aretaking and helping time was spent as a
ithers through Catholic housewife and mother
0mmunity Services and raising her children and
)eing a demo girl at the stepchildren.
Pumwater Costco, her She enjoyed water ski-
mily shared. She en- ing and bowling in her
oyed reading and was an early years.
tvid pinochle player, the In later years, she was
'amily said. a caring grandmother to
She is survived by son her grandchildren her
garl Campbell (Sheryl) family said.
if Shelton; daughters She suffered a stroke
athy Krulich (Pat)of while visiting her son
ochester and Barbara Dennis in Lincoln, Mont.
3ampbell of Shelton; sis- in 2003. At the time, she
;er Iris Montgomery oflived in Shelton (Christ-
(akima and brother Noel mas village). She stayed
dontgomery (Joyce) of in the Cooney nursing
kustin Texas; sisters-home in Helena from the
n-law Madge Montgom- time of her stroke until
of .Ellensburg and her recent passing.
3onnie Haines of Elma;She is survived by her
]ve grandchildren Johnsons Dentils Brown of
aramie of Rochester, Lincoln, Mont. and Dick
)arrell Laramie of Hill- Brown of Helena, Mont.;
tboro, Ore., Andy Walk- stepsons Dennis Muretta
.,r of Vancouver, Chris of Maple Valley and Steve
]ampbell of Redmond Muretta of Gig Harbor;
lad Sierra Campbell of10 grandchildren and 14
teattle; seven great- great-grandchildren.
;randchildren Alyssa,She was preceded in
Le, arat l liah, 13;d t th by her p rent ,
~yan, 11, Ethan, 7, Aus- husband Walt Muretta,
;in, 5 and Ian, 2 months son Dave Brown, brother
md numerous nieces Marion and sister Vera.
md nephews. A memorial service will
She was preceded in be held at 1 p.m. on Mon-
leath by her parents, day, at the Hope Chapel,
msband Earl, twin sister 421 West E Street, Shel-
3etty, brothers Arthur ton. There will be a short
md Joe and sister Ra- graveside inurnment at
:hel. the Shelton Memorial
McComb Funeral Home Park, which is located
ffShelton is handling the across from the Hope
Chapel with a reception
to follow after the service
at the Hope Chapel.
McComb Funeral Home
of Shelton is handling the
Burton L. Tweed
Burton L. Tweed, 90,
died Saturday, August 6,
2011 at Mason General
Hospital. He was a resi-
dent of Mason County for
63 years.
He was born Octo-
ber 29, 1920 to Louis
and Gina (Gudmundson)
Tweed in McVille, N.D.
He attended Oak Grove
Lutheran High School in
Fargo, N.D., then entered
the Navy and served dur-
ing World War II.
After leaving the ser-
vice he attended North
Dakota School of Science
at Wahpeton, N.D.
He married Elizabeth
S. Mann on March 27,
1946 until her death.
He married Helen Stod-
den in September 1996.
He repaired elec-
tric appliances and mo-
tors at Glendive, Mont.;
worked as an electrician
on Northern Pacific Rail
Road while living in Ya-
kima and worked for Ta-
coma City Light at Lake
Cushman until he re-
He moved to Ander-
son Island and built two
homes after he retired
and then moved to Shel-
He was a member of the
VFW, Moose, Tramper
Sam R.V. club, Bayshore
Golf club, many pinochle
clubs and a charter mem-
ber of Faith Lutheran
He is
by his
wife Hel-
en Tweed;
Trudy Se-
and Carol
Burton Bertholf
Tweed (Larry);
S O n S
Tweed (Denise) and
Wayne Tweed (Theresa);
brother Reuben Tweed
(Evelyn); sister Florence
Larson; 19 grandchildren;
24 great-grandchildren
and numerous nieces and
He was preceded in
death by his parents; wife
Elizabeth; sons Larry and
Brian; daughter Winnie;
five brothers and one sis-
A celebration of his life
will be at 1 p.m. on Fri-
day, August 12 at Faith
Lutheran Church and
burial in Shelton Memo-
rial Cemetery with Mili-
tary honors.
McComb Funeral Home
of Shelton is handling the
outside of Shelton. They spent their first months living in a tent while they built their
home, which was later occupied by Harry and Mabel Kidd and their family, and now by
their grandson Brian Chapman and his family.
Ruby Isabel Pearson passed away July 29, 2011 in Olympia,
Washington. She was born to Vadna Lee (Grant) and Charles
L Clifford on October 21, 1920, in the conununity of
Grcenacres in the Spokane Valley. She is predeceased by
her sisters Alice Kelley and Mabel Kidd, brothers Glen and
Veto Clifford, and grandson Bradley Thomas Pearson. She
is survived by her daughters Barbara Faye Pearson and Alice
Adaire Pearson and her son Roger William (Sharon) Pearson
and granddaughter Marcy Lynn Pearson.
Ruby lived in the Spokane area until she was 12, when the family moved to Dayton,
Ruby graduated from Irene S. Reed High School in 1938. She married William (Bill)
Lawrence Pearson in 1939. They lived in Amarillo, Texas while Bill was stationed at
Fort Worth with the Army Air Corps, then moved back to Shelton. In 1967 they moved
to Olympia, then to Seqnim in 1982, retunting to Shelton in 1991, where Bill passed
away in 1992.
::: : Ruby woAed part-time at the Simpson Credit Union, which Bill managed for several
Elaine (Bearden)
Elaine (Bearden) Hem-
minger, 82, died July 18,
2011 of natural causes
in Sterling, Ill. She was
a resident of Sterling for
five years. She grew up in
She was born Oct. 5,
1928 in Centralia to Mel-
vin and Claire Bearden.
She married Lawrence
Hemminger in Tacoma;
they were married for 15
She was previously
married to William Es-
Her husband Lawrence
Hemminger of Sterling
and sons Bill Essex of
Ellensburg and Randy
Essex of Shelton survive
A memorial service
was held on July 21 at
McDonald Funeral Home.
r- ohn Daniel Hussey-leq
years, then at the Farmers Insurance Group office which he managed for many years. In
1965 she went to work for the Washington State Dept. of Labor and Industries and later
for the Dept. of Social and Health Service, retiring in 1982.
As a family we spent many days driving the "mountains" of Mason County, picking
wild blackberries, picnicking at Carson Lake, wending through the Skokomish Valley
and along Hood Canal and one of our favorite places, Rocky Brook Falls. Our favorite
sunnner trips were driving "around the loop," marveling at the depth and coldness of
Lake Crescent, the pink sand of Kalaloch, and the huge trees and ferns of the Hoh and
Qninault rain forests. Morn loved the verdant green of Western Washington and passed
her interest in nature on to us.
We were always a family with cats. Morn loved these animals that showed up as strays
- and'later as the offspring of our strays - and we grew up appreciating the feel of a soft
furry kitty curled up in a lap or at the foot of the bed. References to Calico, Goulash,
Sitter, T'mkerbell, Paddlefoot and other long-gone felines would find their way into our
conversations over the years.
Mom continued to keep cats for most of her life, until cats underfoot became a danger.
If she had had a magic wand she would surely have first waved it for world peace and
an end t~ hunger, but the second wave would have been for all the kitties in the world to
~ve loving homes. If you would like, you might consider a donation to Kitten Rescue
(420 State Rte 3, Shelton WA 98584) or Feline Friends (6515 Sexton Drive, Olympia
WA 98502), both of which Morn supported.
At Mom's request there will be no services, but the family will gather at a later date
to remember her. You may send condolences or relate your memories of Morn to The
Pearson Family, #337, 700 Sleater-Kinney Rd SE Ste B, Lacey WA 98503 or online at
We miss you already, Morn. Barbara, Alice, and Roger, Sharon and Marcy Pearson
~'] -- Paid Obituary Notice -- [~
ey n
MemoriM Service
John Daniel Hussey, age
81, of Oshkosh, Wisconsin
formerly of Shelton, passed
away Wednesday, August
3,2011 surrounded by his
family at home. Please visit
to send online condolences
to the family and view his
entire obituary.
• I
The family of Steve Morris wishes
to thank all of those who sent cards,
flowers, food, & messages in our time
of grieving. We all greatly appreciate
the love & support shown to us.
--Love, Donna & Family4
Seefeld Funeral and
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"~ -- Paid Obituary Notice --
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Shelton-Mason County Journal - Thursday, August t 1,2011 - Page B-5