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Shelton Mason County Journal
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August 11, 2011     Shelton Mason County Journal
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August 11, 2011
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R E S U LTS ATTENTION Band and Orchestra Students! The Capital Youth Symphony is now auditioning for the 2011-12 seasonl Celebrating 30 years of bringing the highest-quality symphony experiences to talented young musicians. Come be a part of something amazing! (3eO) 956-189a Hood Canal Auto Sales features Guaranteed Credit Approval! 23800 Highway 3, Belfair ~ t~ ¢~m.~Jty ~ mo Bayshore Ladies Golf August 8 - Eliminate Par 5'S Flight one: 1) Mary Lou Wicken and 2) Toni Stevens Flight two: 1) Harlene Robbins and 2) Judy Zeh- rung Least Putts: Luana Ellis and Judy Zehrung Chip Ins/Hole Number: Marian Spence, #2 and Lu- ana Ellis, #7 Lake Cushman Ladies Golf August 3 - Medal Play Division 1: Low Gross) Cheryl Ulrich and Low Net) Evie Campbell Division 2: Low Gross) (tie) Sam Bastin and Gloria Carlson and Low Net) Vicki Brazil Division 3: Low Gross) Bettie Shoop and Low Net) Ruby Isaacson Closest to the Pin: Bettie Shoop, #4, 24"-3 1/2"; Sam Bastin, #6, 22' - 9 1/2" and Vicki Brazil, #15, 18'9" Chip-Ins: Bettie Shoop, #16, par and Joleta Smith, #10, bogie Alderbrook Ladies Golf August 2 - 18-hole Scramble 1st w/65: Gerry Lou Haselwood, Renee Youngs, Sharon Dufresne and Cor- alie Watters. 2nd w/67: Lorna Martin- son, Janice Lapinski, Jan Estep and Carol Norbeck. 3rd w/70: (tie) Sally Stef- fan, Jan McClure, Leona Klien and Sue Wright; Alice Chapman, Dee Bishop, Pau- la Gallagher and Peg Willis. • August 4 - 3 Clubs & I 360-275-0405 • 18271 E State Route 3 Hours: M-F 8-5 d Putter As we celebrate our 3" year in our Allyn location, ~18 Hole: Gross) Kendra Th#Tl~g ~Tg)ll~ we'd like to say Thank You for your continued support l Warner, 92; Net) Marilyn , w~..,.i, .ffi Ii ~ • & referralsl The highest compliment we can receive is/ a referral. That shows you've put your trust in us. We are proud to provide MasonI ~ouniy with honeR, qual~y auto repair ~t service ~or youi v~l~t~l~t. / Keller, 62; Pat Johnson, 63 and Deanna Hill, 66. 9 Hole: Gross) Sally Stef- fan, 47; Net) Peggy Willis, 27.5 and Sharon Ferguson, 29.5. Lake Limerick Ladies Golf August 1 - LOw Net Flight one: 1) (tie) Kerry Torkelson and Ann John- son, 26; 2) (tie) Diane Pol- lard and Joyce Reynolds, 38. Flight two: 1) MaryLou Trautmann, 34; 2) Sharon Hadsall, 36 and 3) (tie) Gay- le Wilcox and Bonnie Mor- row, 37. Flight three: 1) Sharon Corrigan, 35; 2) Barb Den- his, 36 and 3) Rosie Bow- cutt, 40. Pars: Sharon Corrigan, #7. Chip-Ins: Ann Wooten, #9. Low Net of the Day: Ma- ryLou Trautmann, 34. August 3 - Low Net 18-hole Division Flight one: 1) Rita Lipin- sky, 70; 2) Marilyn Waldrop, 73 and 3) Ann Johnson, 74. Flight two: 1) Gayle Wil- cox, 77; 2) Diane Pollard, 78 and 3) Joyce Reynolds. Low Net of the Day: Rita Lipinski, 70. Low Putts: Ann Johnson, 27. 9-hole Division Flight one: 1) Pat Zulfer and 2) Ann Wooten. Low Net of the Day: Pat Zulfer. August 5 - Minus Worst Hole Flight one: 1) (tie) Lesley Robertshaw-Mosley, Ann Johnson and Rosie Bowcutt, 30. Birdies: hesley Robert- shaw-Mosley, #16. Low Net of the Day: Rosie Bowcutt, 40. Football camp. attendance down yOUl' • n.xt I~ . By EMILY HANSON Fim//y Owed - Profen/om/So'dee I' wh~gJ~ ~,-~ ~' I' With between 30 and 35 children, attendance was down at the Shelton High School annual football camp last week. I ~~ ~Vi~ ~ ~.~ I James Sobotka, first-year SHS assistant football coach, I ~ ~~~~~ I has been conducting the camp for five years now. "It went really well," he said. "I was very proud of the football players who helped. They did a great job and the Head football coach Matt Hinkle said the children were /.Residential Air C0ndRi0n I Pump Settee taught basic football fundamentals as wellas agility exer- I Blow~&M0W~laa~l *l~rair~,*~ ~ cises and conditioning. . I' R " ant ~ Impefdon o~m ~ ~ ~a, u~ ~o~,~-~'T~ t "The camp is good for the kids," Sobotka said. ~It's a lot I ~ _ .__ . ~,~O,~F~,~e~,~ ~:- / ~ of fun to see the interaction between the high schoo~ kids I. Co J IT--t " /. l" Air Filter R~.mnl U,~M~y~e~a ,~uivuml and the littlekids because the high school kids ~ their / " -r ..... " *Plus Tax & Itepairs If Neede(:l (360) 427-5332 ., t .... idols. We had good high school kids this year and I m really I liEr =--_-I JIM S HEATING AIR t/urry, proudofthem." 1 ,...-,,,,~,..a.,~.,.,,,~,.,~- augus1.11,1,1111He added that between 15 and 20 Highclimbe~ football I players helped with the camp this year, which he said re- L ~ ~.~.rm, f,,,r~ors.te,,,~w.~e,.n.,.esees~te~.,~ ally helped keep things organized and supervised. "We're definitely continuing the camp next year," So- MillIMe.--- ------n--------L-.----I muio ci n y co II botka stated. "Hopefully weql get more kids signed up next year." Castle and Coleman Olympic champions By EMILY HANSON Castle and Coleman Logging defeated the Fudd- puckers on Monday, Aug. 1 for the Olympic League Championship with a record of 12-4. The Cascade League championship game was scheduled for Tuesday, Aug. 9. The week before the championship game Hood Ca- nal Communiations defeated Lucky Dog, Not This Time defeated All About Parties, Shelton Athletic Club defeated A 24/7 Bail Bonds and Steph's Espresso beat Friends and Family. First Bulldog game tickets on sale now By EMILY HANSON City Classic, hosting by the Washington Inter- The North Mason High scholastic Athletic As- School football team will sociation (WIAA) every play their first game of year. During the classic, the season against W.F. there will be five games West on Saturday, Sept. played and the Bulldogs 3 at CenturyLink Field - will play at 3 p.m. formerly Qwest Field in All tickets are general Seattle - and tickets are admission, so attendees on sale now. can sit anywhere in the "We want people to stadium they would like. buy presale tickets from Adult tickets are $15 the district or football (NMHS will receive $3 players because we get per ticket), student tick- 20 percent of the money ets are $10 (NMHS will if they do that," Mark receive $2 per ticket), Swofford, NMHS athletic senior citizen tickets, for director, said. "If tick- those 62-years-old and ets are bought at Centu- older, are $10 (NMHS ryLink Field, we don't see will receive $2 per ticket) any of that money." and children under five- Swofford said the years-old will be admit- school gave up hosting a ted free. home game, where they "I just really want to would have made around encourage the commu- $3,000, by choosing to nity to get out there and play at CenturyLink support the kids," Swof- Field so that the players ford said. "Financially, 0uld haw thiu thi i n't 'et t de l for ence. us, but it is a great expe- The Bulldogs will be rience for the kids." playing in the Emerald Any Shelton area student who wants to play in a fall competitive basketball league can come to the first practice at 4 p.m. on Sunday, Aug. 14, at Oak- land Bay Junior High. The next practices will be at 7 p.m. on Tuesday, Aug. 16 and Thursday, Aug. 18 at OBJH. The league has three divisions: sixth/seventh grade, eighth/ninth grade and high school. All games will be at Tumwater or Black Hills high school. Games consist of seven Sunday doubleheaders starting on Sept. 11 and running through Oct. 23. Cost per player will be approximately $60. For more information, call John Vernon at 426- 7856 after Aug. 10. [..,ittle or No Out-of-Pocket Costs for Insured Patients! ]%vent Uncomt m:al:)le & Cosl:h; Dc. al Problems - FRE -Whi r E tening I for LIFE* I for Active & New Patients ~. lI'lm V~w I ~I~ ~ value 1120( Expre~ 8/31111 1~626 Olympic Hwy. N. ~o~.~.,~C~,~oD.~,.,~ ....... __ :.J" r - (31FT CERTIFICATE 7 , , "dge, p ~ - ....... i~''m~JP ' " .(May not be (ombi~d wllh any other offer)~~1 1.1626.0,ymPliC H.~. N.__~,0"-0'"~_..~"c.~'.~",.~"'~"~ .~al • Convenient Payment Plans Available 7 ~ 9 '*; VII • CareCredit" • Cha.eHea l 'Ytdvance P~t|enl P~yment Plans FINANCING OPTIONS Richard C. Downing, DDS 1626 Olympic Highway N. • Shehon (360) 426-4712 ° Page C-2 - Shelton-Mason County Journal - Thursday, August 11,2011 KITSAP LUMBER 360-479-4414 For Extra Value Follow Us On KitsapLumbencom The Most Comp/ete Packages/n Townl IL41 I BIlKI'SNI 8'x 12' fxf 699s $800 10' x 12'..$875oo 12' xm _-'~ -"- (C) 2 car • $5,650 Facgago$ (O) 3 car- $7,500 RAILROAD TIES 99 7x9- eft (RR2) Ask about 9'- 16' Switch Ties PACKAGIES 6' X 10' POLV WP, Ae SAI1Bll00 FOAM L06S II'W Cedar Top ~'x~'.."" $525~ Treated Top Many sizes & styles-- ARE YOU ALL BENT OUT OF SHAPE? BY JOSEPH ZYGAK P.T. While scolio- As key members of the health care sis is usually team, physical therapists are specially regarded as trained to improve movement, relieve a childhood pain and to restore or achieve optimal disorder, it recovery. Through your individualized also affects program and the dedication of our an estimated six percent of Americans caring and highly skilled staff, we over the age of 50 and 15 percent of will reach your physical therapy those over 60 suffering from low back goals. For more information, call pain. This side-to-side curvature of the SHELTON PHYSICAL THERAPY spine usually results from age-related AND SPORTS MEDICINE at (360) degenerative changes in the spine. In 426-5903. We have over 32 years of other cases, it is "idiopathic" mean- experience providing physical therapy ing that scofiosis develops for no ap- care. You'll find us conveniently parent reason. Most people with this located at 2300 Kati Ct., Ste. B. New type of scoliosis have had it from birth patients are welcome. Same day and have seen it progress to the point appointments are available and most where they have symptoms in adult- insurance plans are accepted. hood. Adult seoliosis can cause con- P.S. Scolinsis surgery is complicated siderable pain and decreased quality of and carries ahigh mkofcomplications, life. Physical therapy that includes ab- so it is only recommended when dominal exercises may be!P ease pain options such as medication and and improve mobility, physical therapy have been exhausted. Call Harve) information ' 227 W. Cota '