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With 30 teams partici-
pating in the second week-
end of the 2011 Washington
State Senior Games Satur-
day, July 30 through Sun-
day, July 31, the event was
deemed a success by tourna-
ment director Lew Keller.
"It was a very competitive
tournament ~vith a lot of re-
ally great teams," .Keller
said. "There were a lot of re-
ally close games and I was
very pleased. It was a lot of
fun. i
Keller said the tourna-
ment ran like clockwork
with the help of Mason
County Parks and Recre-
ation, who allowed the tour-
nament to be held at the
Mason County Recreation
Area in Shelton.
"I'm glad it's over until
next year," Keller added.
"We're looking to change a
few things and to expand
the tournament next year."
The complete results for
the weekend are as follows:
50's Division:
Red Tournament - Met-
ro Construction, gold; J-R
Saloon, silver; Ruth 55's,
bronze and NW Seadogs,
fourth place.
White Tournament- Past
Timers, gold; Team Miken,
silver; Premier 50's, bronze
and Camino's, fourth place.
Journal photo by Emity Hanson
Darrell Williams bats for the Dick Hanna Deal-
ership team against the Legends team during
the second weekend of the Senior Softball
Tournament on Sunday, July 31.
65's division: na Auto, bronze and Leg-
Red Tournament - C.E. ends, fourth place.
Johns, gold and Ruth 65's, White Tournament- Set-
silver, tie 70's, gold; Olympia Corn-
White Tournament - Old puter" Central, silver and D
Stockers 65's, gold; Silver & J Equipment, bronze.
City Brewers, silver; Tuk- 75's Division:
wila 65's, bronze and SIMS Red Tournament- Joese-
Vibrations Lab, fourthppi's 75's, gold and The Sil-
place, ver Tips, slier.
Blue Tournament - Cas- White Tournament -
ket Ready, gold; AncientBane, Barham & Holloway,
Old Timers, silver and BCe- gold; NW 80's, silver; Or-
niors, bronze, egon Roadrunners, bronze
70's Division: and Eastside 75's, fourth
Red Tournament - PDR/ place.
Fastsigns, gold; Molson
Bulldogs, silver; Dick Han-
Iir t day ol" pr= ti;
for the Shelton High School
cross country team is Mon-
day, Aug. 22.
Head coach Darryl White
said the team will meet at
3 p.m. at the SHS stadium
and begin their practice
from there.
All physicals and paper-
work must be completed
and ready to turn in before
an athlete can begin prac-.
For more information
about cross country, call
White at 426-9060.
21st annual Bayshore Jr. Golf tourney
=J,=t Ann==l ==y=hor =luz tor Toum -
ment, sponsored by Our Community Credit Union,
is scheduled for Thursday, Aug. 11, at Bayshore Golf
Course in Shelton
The tournament is open to children ages 17 and un-
der as of that day. The golfers will divide into three
age divisions for both boys and girls at shotgun starts
at 8 a.m. and 10:30 a.m.
The entry fee is $10, which includes green fees,
lunch and prizes.
The sponsorship by Our Community Credit Union
is consistent with their involvement with many local
youth programs.
Entry forms are available at any of the Our Com-
munity Credit Union offices or Bayshore Golf Course.
Contact Bayshore Golf Course at 426-1271 for any
~U~)L/.,V Nesmith also coaches the Nesmith said the older
Continued from page C-1 Shelton boys' rugby team, boys on the team are great
which finished this season athletes but they're playing
cific Northwest, CWU took sixth out of ten teams, for the fun of the game while
fourth place overall against "The boys' team actuallythe younger boys are play-
the top college teams in did really well," he said. ingtowin.
the United States, Nesmith "Our goal was to get them to "Also, all of the girls play
said. realize they were good and another sport while on the
"With specialized train- we accomplished it." boys' team, the top scorers
ing from Waisalle Serevi, In the championship play other sports, but the
known internationally as bracket, the boys' team de- rest of them don't," he said.
the 'King of Rugby Sevens' feated Kitsap, but lost to While the season is now
in the US as the Michael Liberty and Chuckanut, over for both the boys and
Jordan of Sevens and Old both of which are top teams girls, the girls have the pos-
Puget Sound Beach, last in the state, sibility of playing in a na-
year's national Mens' Sev- "We actually had some tional tournament in Feb-
ens Champions, Duchene really impressive showings ruary, though Nesmith was
came back with new tactics from Our younger players," not yet sure if they would be
and skills not yet taught Nesmith said. "Three of our participating or not.
to the blossoming squad in newest were our top scor-
Shelton," Nesmith said. ers."
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Shelton-Mason County Journal - Thursday, August 11,2011 - Page C-3