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Shuffle raises
for shelter
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Journal photo by Emily Hanson
Kendall Billingsley, 8, and Artemia Settle were the first finishers of the
Shelter Shuflle's 2.6-mile course on Saturday, Aug. 6.
By EMILY HANSON building. Right now we're waiting to hear
about a housing trust fund grant we ap-
On Saturday, Aug. 6, the Shelter Shuffle plied for."
Walk and Run raised $575 for the building During the shuffle, the walkers complet-
of a new family homeless shelter in Shelton. ed a 2.6-mile course while the runners corn-
"We had nine walkers and two runners," pleted a five-mile course. Both courses took
said Deb Nielsoe, executive director of Ma- the participants past the current shelter
son County Shelter. "They were all very and the building site for the new shelter.
enthusiastic and promised to bring friends ~is is the only family homeless shelter
next year." in Mason County," Nielsen said. ~There is
The current shelter, located at 212 N. a domestic violence shelter and in the win-
First St., has flooded four of the last seven ter there is an emergency shelter for sin-
years so the organization has purchased gle adults when the weather is at or below
land at the corner of Delaware Street and freezing. The county doesn't have a shelter
Sargison Avenue to build new low-income for homeless youths."
apartments and an emergency shelter. Nielsen said the two main supporters of
"We've been working on this project for this event were the Shelton Butokukan Ka-
three years," Nielsen said. "When we start rate Club and the Shelton Athletic Club.
building defends on when we have fund- She said the next fundraiser will be a
ing. Hopefully, the funding comes through dinner and auction on Saturday, Sept. 10 at
from the state in October. We already have St. Edward's Catholic Church.
$800,000 through a federal grant called "This will be a joint fundraiser for the
the Community Development Block Grant, Mason County Shelter and the Cold Weath-
which is a co-grant through the City of er Shelter held at St. David's Episcopal
Shelton. We still need $2.4 million to begin Church," she said.
Dragon Shrek HookulesManny Dr. F'kx~
2911 E. Brockdale Road
Poor attendance hinders flower challenge
By EMILY HANSON the hanging flower plants Beautification committee
throughout Shelton. member Patti Tubber said
Poor attendance and lack "I'm a little surprised the reason the committee
of participation hindered more people didn't partici- takes care of the flowers is
the fundraising attempt of pate,'he said. "It was pretty to provide something posi-
the Chamber of Commerce disappointing. I thoughttive for the city.
Beautification Committee some people would want to "We know the economy is
during the Flower Power come out and participate, bad and we understand it's
Challenge on Saturday, I was surprised the young hard on people," she said.
Aug. 6 in Cailanan Park. guys didn't want to try." "All we want is something
Event organizer Duane The event, which raised positive that makes us feel
Wilson said the event was under $200, only had four like things will be better. It
a disappointment for the participants, though twowas a tough decision to even
committee, which is raising people did donate to thestart the flowers this year."
money to continue watering cause.
Regularly ~:)~e
Wishing You 50 More
Love from i
Bob, Beth, Barry, & Bonny
Frisbee meets golf in first
Showdown in Shel-Town
Disc golfers from near and far are gathering for the
first Showdown in Shel-Town tournament beginning at 8
a.m. on Saturday, Aug. 13 and continuing through Sun-
day, Aug. 14 at the Mason County Disc Golf Course.
"Disc golf is essentially golf with frisbees," Chris Aus-
eth, vice president of the Mason County Disc Golf Course,
said. "This tournament is great for people to come to if
they have questions about disc golf or want to see how
it's played; this is really the best weekend to come up."
The course, visible from Wallace-Kneeland Boulevard
and Shelton Springs Road, will have 72 disc golfers play-
ing during the two-day tournament in five divisions: ad-
vanced amateur women, advanced amateur men, open
women, open men and masters (open and advanced ama-
teur players 40 and older).
Auseth said the Pro Disc Golf Association event is free
to the public to attend.
The course is also open every Wednesday at 5:30 p.m.
for random doubles play, with newcomers welcome to
play best shot disc golf.
Disc golfers at the tournament will play for cash if they
are pro (open) players and scrip (gift cards/certificates)
if they are amateur players. There will be added cash
from sponsors for the pros. Auseth said the giR cards/
certificates are redeemable at Shelton Floor Coverings
and DBA Olympic Discs.
Page C-4 - Shelton-Mason County Journal - Thursday, August 11,2011