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Shelton Mason County Journal
Shelton, Washington
August 12, 1943     Shelton Mason County Journal
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August 12, 1943
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Page F_our Mrs. W. A. Clarke Visiting Sister Mrs. W. A. Clarke Of Der-r Park, Wash, is visiting her sis- ter, Mrs. Frank Bennett and other relatives, but will soon join her son and wife, Mr. and Mrs. John K. Clarke Of Tacoma for a few days vacation on Hood Canal. MASON O U N T Y OPEN SUNDAY. adv. Foot comfort comes with foot health. If your Feet perspire ex- cessively; if they burn and ache; if the skin is cracked or tender we recommend— EAS’EM FOOT POWDER Dust Eas’em in your shoes and hose; dust it on your feet well, night and morning. If you don’t get relief . . . come to us and get your money back. FIR DRUG STORE f. Mr. and Mrs. Blanchard 1Entertain Saturday Eve Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Blanch- ard entertained with a bridge par— ty Saturday evening for Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Walton, Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Lindroth, Mr. and ll'Irs. ‘ James Amunds. Mr. and Mrs. Rob- ert. Jackson and Mr. and Mrs. 1v- erett Reichman. Mrs. Walton won MOTORS 1 high score. i Mr. and Mrs. “WEI—qr Moving to Canada I Mr. and Mrs. George VVhaley visited hermother, Mrs. W. A. Brodt Friday. Mr. and Mrs. Whal- -cv left the first of this week for :White Horse, Canada, in the Yu~ ‘kon territory, where he has been transferred by the Pan American AirwaysflThey formerly lived in Seattle. ‘ W.B,S. Holds Picnic Meeting The VVomen’s Benefit Associa— ltion held a picnic meeting at lKneeland Park on Wednesday af- lternoon. A potluck lunch was served. W You Alone Can Give ' This Gift: YOURSELF .. To that boyin the servioeo picture of yourself will be like a' visit home. Remember all gifts overseas must be mailed between September 15 and October 31. ANDREWS mm mm mm— Fll (Vtle LILLIAN WARREN, Society Editor ' l l l a i i ” I the bride’s I l ' Miss Mardell Stoy V i Cpl. 0 C ,W’olfe—Bulduc “leading lHeld in Bremerton l The Navy Yard Chapel lday, August 7, of the wedding of ‘Estelle Mae Bulduc, daughter of atl‘This week the mail Bremerton was the scene Satur- Iword from Mr, and Mrs, summon—MASON COUNTY §OURNAL PHONE 100 lMiss Jane Travis Weds {In Swedenborgian Church brought Frank that when their :Allen Travis Miss Jane Travis be- ) daughter, ‘Joe Bulduc and Elizabeth Bulduc came the bride of Mr, Peter Mer— of Belfail‘ and Harold Clyde Wolfe, rill of the Merchant Marine last Seaman First Class U.S.N., Miflinville, Penn. Chaplain Clinton L. Morrill, USNR read the service in the candle lighted chapel at 2:15 in the afternoon. . The bride was smartly attired in a powder blue two piece crepe afternoon dress with a match- ing hat and navy blue ac— cessories. corsage. Her attendant. Miss Mar: i. [dress and brown accessories. The Lbride's mother, Mrs. Bulduc wore a dress of navy blue, black and of tea roses and sweet peas. Eugene D. Elton, *J. S. Navy, was the best man. A reception followed in the Golden Gate Din- ing Room 'in Bremerton. The bride is a graduate of South Kitsap high school with the class {of 1941 and is employed in the iPublic Works office of the Puget v Sound Navy Yard. Seaman Wolfe ‘: graduated from the high school in 1941. The young couple will make their home in i ‘ Belfair. I Guests at the wedding included lgroom’s mother wore a blue-grey sister, Mrs. Antonio of the Dalles, Oregon daughter, Miss Marie Andrew Christensen Guarnieri and her i l l ; Guarnieri, L ( and Mrs. Geraldine Banda. ‘ } Mrs. Wilbur Goff lHostess at Party r‘ Mrs. Wilbur Goff was hostess her home Saturday, August 7, ! hen she entertained in honor of the birthdays of her daughter, iJanet, who was 7 and her son have the same birthday. Guests included Patty Hunter, Suzann Shimek, Jackie and Toby Halbert and the honored guests, Janet and Dwight. Activettes Schedule Coming Meeting The Activettes will meet with Mrs. Pete Melin, 1228 Railroad Avenue on Tuesday evening, Aug- ust. 17 at 8:30 p. m. If unable to attend, members are to call 209 by Tuesday morning. To Visit at Chico left Tuesday for Chico, Calif., where she will spend the rest of the summer with Cpl. and Mrs.- Roger Stoy. ' Stoy is an instructor the Link Trainer Dept. l 97th Basic Flying Training Group at the Chico Army Air Base. Mrs. Stoy is also employed at the Baso. in ' , Say It i WITH FLOWERS They Bring Comfort , and Happiness l FUNERAL DESIGNS AND , l I HOSPITAL BOUQUETS Delivered anywhere, anytime Travis Floral Shop l Shelton Hardware Bldq. i Phone 232 4th &. R. R. _ Du BA an There's no substitute for a lovely complexion but even the dullest, most tired-looking skins acquire that flawless, luminous look when you use this Richard Hudnut powder-cake make-up! Super- smooth, in five wonderful shades, Beauty Cake cuts . your make-up time to a minimum ; : . keeps your skin looking velvety-smooth and radiant extra hours! INSURANCE” a ALKA WHEN you bring a pre. scription here for careful compounding, you are assured the services of skilled registered pharmacists, who will use only fresh, potent drugs. You know "that the prescription will be filled precisely as your Doctor directs. Yet, for this insurance of quality and dependability, you pay no premium. Actually, it costs no more—in some cases, less—to "do business” with Prescription Headquarters. PRESCRIPT NS PHA I‘VI o.- 60¢ 50¢ l l l IPANA l TOOTH l l SELTZER PASTE RMACY ASPIRIN» TABLETS Potent, trustworthy Vitamin B Complex Capsules _ 40’s 98¢ 100’s s1.98 McKESSON’S SORETONE The money back guaranteed local application for Athlete’s Foot and otberfoot discomfort}: SmallS'ae Large Size 49¢ 39¢ ~50c PA'BLUM ..... .., ............................ .. 39¢ 50¢ J & J BABY TALC .................. .. 39¢ GALLON HEAVY MINERAL 01L 1.59 QUART FLY SPRAY ...................... .. 39¢ METAL LUNCH KIT (kit only).... _89¢ ’ PINT CEDA COLOGNE ................ .. 1.00 100 NEW COPIES Detective Books 25¢ son 1 Thursday of Mr, and Mrs. Clyde Wolfe 0f igown of white faille silk fashion- led with a full tiered skirt ending. Gardenias formed her' jory Bauman, wore a powder blue white accessories and a corsagel Miflinville , l Dwight, who is two. Both children . of the 270-w l l l evening she wore a lin a long train, long tight-fitting [sleeves and a sweetheart neckline. 'The tullc vcil fell from a two- pointcd coronet of heirloom rose point lace, a gift of the bride- top with a bunch of orange blos- SOYUS.‘ The bridal with the same white satin ribbon that adorned the bouquet carried by the bride’s mother at her wed- ! ding. . Miss Virginia Hall, a cousin of the bride, was the maid of honor, ,and the other attendants were (Mrs. Frank Allen Travis, Jr., sis- ter—in—law of the bride, and Miss Doris Olson. They were dressed 'alike in frocks of white marquis usette made with full skirts and elbow length sleeves and they carried bouquets of red roses. [They wore the same flowers in their hair. Mrs. Travis, mother of the ,bride, wore a gown of powder blue crepe and, a hat to match, while Mrs. Merrill, the bride- ichiffon and a hat of the same color. The picturesque Swedenborgian Church in Lyon Street was the setting for the eight thirty o‘clock ceremony, which was performed by the Rev. Othmar Tobisch. My- riads of candles lighted the church, which was decorated with Following the ceremony there was a reception at the Century lolub. The bride attended local schools and graduated from VVhit— man College. Mr. Merrill is a ifornian families. He is the son of Mr. and Mrs. Charles Hol— brook Merrill of Menlo Park and is the grandson of the late Mr. and Mrs. John F. Merrill of San Francisco and Menlo Park and of the late Mr. and Mrs. Frank Moul— now on active duty with the Mer- chant Marine. His bride will make her home in San Francisco and he .joins her there when his ship is in port. Lilllwaup Members Entertain Garden Club Victory garden vegetables ar- ranged in a large wooden bowl were the centerpiece for the pic- nic-luncheon of the Garden Divi- sion of the Hood Canal Woman‘s lClub held Thursday, August 5, at: tLilliwaiup. Despite showers and war time transportation problems, ,a small. group of garden enthus- iasts met at the beach homes of; . Mrs. N. J. Sceva and Mrs. C. E. ? Don Miner and daughter Joan of honored gueSt' picnic—meeting at 1 Hill for the which Mrs. Frank Robinson was also hostess. In the afternoon the members i and guests visited the Hill-Sceva vegetable garden and also the new 'home of the Robinsons just being ,completed at Lilliwaup. Plans are under way for a vege- table, flower and canned food show for the next meeting of the Garden Division, to be held Thurs- day, September 16, at the Lake Cushman home of the president, Mrs. O. K. Linscott. Plans include not only the display of the pro- ducts of the summer’s gardening and preserving, but members are asked to bring hats made of flow— ers or vegetables and to be pre- pared to model them, as an enter- taining feature of the show. Miss Carol Watson Celebrates Birthday * Miss Carol Watson, the six ear old daughter of Mr. and Mrs. “ichard Watson, celebrated her birthday anniversary Monday af- ternoon when her mother enter— tained for twelve of the neighbor- hood childr n, Mrs. Walter Lunds- ford, Mrs. onald Dodds and Mrs. Mary Watson, Carol’s grandmoth- er. Birthday cake and ice cream were served and the honored guest received many nice gifts. Shelton Woman’s Club Schedules Picnic Due to the gas shortage the committee planning the summer picnic for the Shelton Woman’s Club have decided to meet at Kneeland Park on Monday, Aug- ust 23. Each lady will bring her own lunch and coffee and cream will be furnished by the club. One o’clock is the time set for lunch. Details of the afternoon will be announced later. Hepner Family Holds Annual Family Reunion The annual Hepner family pic- nic was held Sunday, August at the' summer home of Mrs. Cora Hepner on Island Lake. After a bountiful picnic lunch swimming and games were enjoyed. Those attending the reunion Were Mr. and Mrs. Fred Hepner and son Richard of Aberdeen, Mr. and Mrs. Glen Breitsprecher and sons Glen and Charles and Doris Hepner of Puyallup, Mrs. Cora Hepner, Mr. and Mrs. Roy Rec- tor and son Dick, Mr. and Mrs. Harold Chase and son Alfred and daughter Irene, Joe Botts, Mr. and Mrs. Orin Parks and daughter Alice and son Leonard and Mr. and Mrs. Al Goodwin and son Jerry of Shelton. Birthday Dinner Honors Mr. Laney A birthday dinner was given at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Burl Laney in honor of Mr. Laney. Guests were Mr. and Mrs. W. A. Homan and son Rudy, also little Ray Calkins, Mrs. Homan’s nep- hew from Vanoort. The afternoon was spent at Lost Lake fishing. The Laneys live on Hillcrest. Visiting Daughter Charles Wiss is visiting his daughter. Mrs. Paul Beret for sev- eral weeks. I {groom‘s mother, trimmed at the: bouquet was tied white flowers and greens. . member of two prominent old Cal- 1 ton, also of the same cities. He is lMiss Evelyn Cheney is lBride of Donald Satra I Miss Evolyn Jane ldaughtcr of Mr. and M'rs. A. L. iCheney joined the growing rank of Army wives when she plighted :her. troth to Pfc. Donald Melvin ‘Satra, U. S. Army Air Corps, in l the Baptist Church, Sunday after— noon, August 8. Reverend .l. O. Bovee solemnized the single ring ceremony at 2 o'clock. Given in marriage by her fa— ‘ther, the bride wore a becoming blue dressmaker suit which blend— ed with the summer flowers ar- ranged in large baskets about the altar. Her small veiled calot was brown as were her other acces- ,sories. Pink begonias formed her lcorsage and her only jewelry was a locket, a gift from the groom. Miss Gertrude Viger, maid of honor, wore a pale yellow suit with matching accessories and a corsage of golden yellow rose buds. Lt. Herbert Snclgrove was I the best man. Miss Winnifred Col- ilicr played the wedding music. The groom is the son of Mr. and Mrs. Melvin Satra of Tacoma, former Shelton residents. Pfc. Sa— tra, graduate of the Irene S. Reed } high school, entered the Army 0V- ier a year ago and received his , first training at Long Beach, Cali- ;fornia. He left Monday for Cin- ‘ cinnati where he is now stationed. ,Mrs. Satra graduated with the I,class of '42 and is now employed at Rayonier Incorporated. i For her daughter‘s wedding Mrs. Cheney wore a blue silk print Idress and Mrs. Satra wore a dark :blue attire. Both corsages were of u pink roses. . Guests at the wedding were [MrsuBill Smith Jr., Mrs. Violet -Smith, Mrs. Winston Inslee, Miss Nita Oppelt, Miss Helen Hahn. ers. James Liston, Mrs. Mirian IChristian, Mrs. Duke Collins, Ar- nold Cheney Jr., Mrs. Ronald Mc- vDonald, Misses May and Mary Ann McDonald. Miss Joann Faubert, Miss Jane McKay, Miss Carol Kneeland, Miss Barbara Kreienbaum, Mr. and Mrs. Melvin Melin, -Mr. and Mrs. -A. S. Viger, Miss Betty Att- wood, Mrs. Leonard Attwood, Mr. 1 and Mrs. Ronald Dodds, Miss Mar- ,jean Beret, Mrs. Mervin Getty, Mr. and Mrs. Melvin Satra of Ta- coma and Mr. and Mrs. A. L. Cheney. -Mrs. Charles Walton Entertains Club Mrs. Charles Walton was host- ! ess at her home Thursday evening for the regular meeting of her ibridge club. Honors went to Mrs. Paul Dittman Jr. and Mrs. Wal- ton. Mrs. Dittman also won the “galloping goose.” Mrs. Rolla Halbert was guest of l the club. Sheltonites Attend Picnic on Sunday Gathering at Sylvia Lake, near I Montesano on Sunday for a picnic were Mr. and Mrs. Ray Morkert and Marvin, Mr. and Mrs. Char- ;les Morkert and Juanita and lgrandsons, Charles 'Knutzen of Bellingham. J. P. Ward and Roger Johnson of Seattle, Mr. and Mrs. Clyde sMurrow of Elma, Mr. and Mrs. : Montesano. Don is a nephew of the Morkert ',brothers and is in the Seabees. He recently returned from the S01— omon Islands. Visiting in Port Townsend Miss Juanita and Gene Miller are visiting their brother, Mr. and Mrs. Vern Miller in Port Town— send this week. Miss Miller was a member of the wedding party of Miss Dorothy Hill Sunday at the Fort Worden Chapel, Miss [Hill was grand worthy adviser of the Rainbow Girls two years ago. Shelton Garden Club Folds Monday Meeting The Shelton Garden Club held a. picnic meeting Monday at ' Scott’s Alley, the summer home of Mr. and Mrs. Winston Scott on Spencer Lake. A potluck lunch- leon was served at noon and the ineminating committee chosen is l composed of Mrs. Scott, Mrs. Wil- liam Batchelor, Mrs. Horace Skeln sey Jr., Mrs. Walter Kullrich and Mrs. Orle Gonter. Elections will be a feature of the September meeting. ; Swimming was enjoyed by imany of the members during the afternoon and the clever water llilly centerpiece at the luncheon table was arranged by little Miss Karen Scott. Members of the Club will be per returned, to her home Sunday from Seattle. Mrs. W. F. McCann iEntertains Club I Mrs. W. F. McCann entertained the members of her bridge club llast Monday evening. Mrs. Wal- 'ter Nash was guest of the eve- (ning. Honors went to Mrs. Neil lMcPhee, Mrs. Fred Hickson and ers. McCann. Refreshments were Iserved during the evening. From Seattle Mrs. W. L. Raymond and two children of Seattle will be the houseguests of Dr. and Mrs. A. N. Parrott next week. Mrs. Ray- mond is the sister of Mrs. Par- rott. Visit in Seattle Mr. and Mrs. J. L. Replinger spent the week end in Seattle and attended the Ice Capades. ’Mrs. Charles Honored at Party Mr. and Mrs. Paul Hurst enter- tained at their home Monday eve- of Mrs. Charles Hurst. The eve- ‘ning was spent playing cards and lning complimenting the birthday visiting. Guests included Mr. and Mrs. 'Charles Hurst, Mr. and Mrs. Glenn Gardiner, Mr. and Mrs. George Cooper. Mr. and Mrs. Car- of McElroy, Mr. and Mrs. James Roush and George Trowbridge. The honored guest received many lovely gifts. From Seattle Mrs. James Gilbertson of'Seat- me is spending a few days with her mother, Mrs. W. H. Smith. On Vfi‘cation Dr. and Mrs. Edwin Lovell are spending part of their vacation in Seattle. C h e n e y, z . l perance Union held its regular ' (migel. Field, and David ‘ l g l i l I l l l l l ! l ! glad to know Mrs. George Crop-l l ; WCTU Holds Monthly Meeting Last Friday The Woman's Christian Tem- monthly meeting on Friday, Aug- ust 6 at the Bayshore summer home of Mrs. W. M. Elliott. A potluck luncheon was served at 1 o‘clock and Mrs. Minnie My- ers led the devotions. The busi—‘ ness meeting followed with the election Of Officers. The following were elected for the ensuing year: ‘ Robert C. John- son; vice—president, Mrs. L. D. Hack; corresponding secretary, Mrs. Lewis Wiley; recording sec— retary, Mrs. Harold Chase and treasurer, W. H. Snelgrove. Mrs. Harold Chaso read a leaf- let entitled “To Our Defenders.” An interesting part of “Coach Alonzo Stagg, the grand old man of football expresses him- self thus after 47 years of coach— ing football, ‘I can say without hesitation that a football player as well as any boy or girl would be a fool to drink alcoholic liquor. president, Mrs. Why put poison into your system, i give your body a fair break, also i give yourself and your future a fair br'eak. Don’t play around with dynamite. I honestly believe that the main reason why at 75 years 1 of age I am able to coach a foot— ball team and play tennis and run a half mile when I chose, is that. I have not impaired my bodily mechanism by drinking alcoholic beverages’." There was a surprise handker- chief shower for Mrs. Burnett who is going east soon. Mrs. Minnie Myers and Miss Marv ion Johnson each received a gift from the organization in honor of their birthdays. V.F.W. Auxiliary Elects Delegates Mrs. Eula Martin and Mrs. Bet- ty Welch were elected delegates to the National Convention of the . V.F.W. Auxiliary to be held in New York City in October at the regular Friday meeting, August 6 at the Memorial Hall. Alter- nates are Mrs. Tillie Strike an Mrs. Sue Weaver. ‘ Mrs. Welch reported on a visit to' the hospital at American Lake and the delivery of $15.00 in mer- chandise and articles such as cig~ arettes and candy. , The basket lunch was a success and all the members reported hav- ing lots of fun. The next meeting will be September 3rd. Patricia Byrne Has Birthday Party On the occasion of her 12th birthday anniversary, little Miss Patricia Byrne, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Edgar Byrne, was the recipient of a gay party Thurs- day afternoon, August 5. Games were played and refreshments, which carried out the pink and blue color motif, were served. Billy Baxter, Danny Burford and Lorraine Frew won prizes at the games. Other guests included Buddy, Colleen and Billy Smith, Ginger Deer, Larry Giddings, Rob— erta Gillum, Mike, Jerry and Don— na Gyrne, Marilyn and Nancy Lakeburg, David Glover, Mrs. Wayne Glover, Nancy Lee Smith, Mrs. Bill Smith, Jr., and Mrs. W. H. Smith, grandmother of the Visitors at Davidsons Mrs. Frank Pulver~~ of Seattle, sister of Mrs. Vernon Davidson, visited the Davidsons Wednesday and Thursday last week. Saturday and Sunday Mr. and Mrs. Jack Davidson, brother of Mr. Davidson, were their house- ‘guests. They are also from Seat- tle. '— -.—_——- -———-——- it was I Victoria I iGrandson Visits \Vith ' :Mrs. Martha Deer Lt. and Mrs. Gene Munson of near Spokane spent Wednesday and Thursday with Mrs. Martha Deer and Mr. land Mrs. T. D. Deer. Lt. Munson is Mrs. Dccr's grandson whom she hadn’t Seen lfOl‘ six years. He graduated from [the Air Forces advanced flying lschool at Ellington Field, Texas, last ion May 24 and then was trans- ,ferred to Eastern Washington. {Skokomish Valley (lluh lHolds July Meeting i The Skokomish Valley Home : Economic's Club held it’s late ]July meeting at the home of Mrs. iJ. W. Brockshink at Brockdale. The meeting was held in the grove iwith Mrs. Bea Forbes as C()-hOSl:- less. Mrs. Roy Mingus and Mrs. F. I W. Lowery were guests of the lclub. lVisiting From Olympia ‘ Miss Ann Drew of Olympia ar— rived Tuesday to visit Miss Ger— aldine Carlson. ! From Kansas Mr. and Mrs. McKinley Van Cleave have had as their guests IMrs. Van Cleave's parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. L. Henderson of Em- poria, Kansas. While here they [are remodeling a home on Mt. lView, which they purchased two years ago. 'Mr. Henderson, who has been a conductor on the Santa I Fe for 46 years, plans to move to Shelton next spring. l‘Women of the Moose llnitiate Candidates ’ The Women of the Moose put on initiation work at their last imceting for Viola Nichols, Juani- fta Fisk, Leona Leonard and Mrs. lA. Leonard. Miss Leonard is the student nurse the organization is i sponsoring. They will hold another of their bingo parties this Friday lto raise funds for their nurse. 3 Wednesday five members Mrs. lD‘avid Santamaria, Mr. and Mrs. lWalter Lynn, Mrs. F. G. Bedell, ‘Mrs. Mabel Hall and Mrs. James Harrison attended the Olympia lodge and put on initiation work. From Seattle ' Mrs. A. 'L‘. Nordgren and daughter of Seattle are visiting l L. Ferwerda. l l l u l l l at the home of Mr. and Mrs. A. I it Thursday, August 12.1 VELA If you don’t think It. advertisewplace a Want-Ad Journal! Your SE A good tooth paste shq‘ four things—cleanse and ‘r ,‘L' the teeth«—alkalinize an‘ fresh the mouth. g". NYAL MAGNES TOOTH PASTE r bigme iss , _ t inves does those four thing ‘. It more doesn’t injure the sofest 6_ Lu: y, with or Irritate tender gums. gnte ., ‘1 S e FIR DRUG STO .. a " Wm. . AMS .. c P ’USE l i .50 l Hi Fellows We Will Pa . .. You ’ «53‘. um.w ONE-BEN: NGLE For all the 'N ............ .. usable wire ga r m e n t GLOSS EL ....... .. hangers you u ‘ bring in. ‘ MASON COUN ,' . STEAM LAUND ‘ ‘ & DRY CLEAN 5' Hard‘ PHONE 88 ‘ WIN-w” V anr5 1 n.1,: . -. V . in. out a grimace! . _. ._. . "ufl§"i' 100% WOOL ClassiC” single-breasted, notched collar types for wear all fall! Rich, warm colors! 12 to 20. WOMAN'S HOME Cleverly Fashioned For Canteen 0r Campm? CREPE SKIRTS ' The sensible addition to any wardrobe! Smooth, wool crepe . . . crisply pleated! Button side closing! Fall colors! In sizes 24- to 32. limo. Tailoring That Is Unmistahably Well Done! \ALLeWOOL SPORT JACKETS AS SEEN IN‘ COMPANION 3.98 6.90 you take, every block you walk. They may not turn your hair gray—but they do put wrinkles in your , b forehead. We have remedies for most foot ailments; 'for burning feet that perspire too much; corn pads .1 and felt. Visit our foot comfort department. Leave your foot troublesowith us and walk out with happy feet. Then you can “put your foot down” . . . rm onus sTonn illette K? It’s Not Your Feet That R, ‘ Hurt, It’s You All Over Hurting feet hurt everything you do—every step .. 51 M l1 Mile NI that good Nyal Corn Remover, Foot Balm or Foot Cream for so-called athlete’s foot; soothing EAS’EM _' ‘ THE .\ with- V i. I‘lllette August is the m, 5 for School flutfi “ -16“, . NON-RATIONEIl . LO SHOES ,R 2‘ eI‘m-ed Gay multi colored. Rope soles To Make a Costume °f Your Suit! TAILORED , e , BLOUSES r a y o n that will ’ o. I stand wear beau— tifully! White and pastels. hick ] Smooth, washable Si e 3240. z l-slard-Vll-I-eaII-(ing! Good‘ RN— 00 mg!‘ GIRLS , TWEED COATS ~ Handsome herring- bone tweed with 89‘] 89¢ - 2 convertible collar. Interlined. Sizes 7 to 14- r51 Practical for Tiny Tod!“e PRETTY “9 TWEED COATS ' Tooth- Little princess style 6 'lg l with rich velvet . ' collar. Soft tweed, f 6 OZ. ( Sizes warmly interlined.