August 12, 1943 Shelton Mason County Journal | ![]() |
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August 12, 1943 |
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L \Sday, August 12, 1943.
-‘—\. ._. I- .11“, ,___..I c ,. ._ ,.1.,,f__.g ,_-. 1.”. . .1
.,,.L, I.
Dura t I ing spent a 15-day furlough at
, . ILLNKFJE home v’s't‘ f" d‘ t d ' l’- *u I
1 h I. ' ' NEWS OFOUR twes‘ l i mg lien is an lea
ac es Still Piling Up mumbling“ He had many latereauag thugs,
. ~ to tell of his basic training which I ,
“On ~—-—————— . Ska" /_ N he just completed, and Said
1105 ‘-
uufl of taxpayers who strug- in excess of $624 a year. There, _ likes naval
life very much and
9ugh the mazes of the . is a provision, it will be remem—' that the
b0 3 all l‘k *tt' let-F
‘ 1llcome tax return last bered, for currently obsorbing tllt‘l
(Continued from Page one, ters from hgme mdste Ogleall11g l
.ahd then breathed a sigh l post-war credit or refund of a‘cm-ps on
August 9’ it was an- I '
,llounced by Malor Wm. 0. Mc-
i l .
ef that it was over for a portion of the victory tax.
, I
must re mt th. r, his. , may of the Seattle Recruiting Of—
800nm. than they (anagiga’t— l léthlllge flee” l g
' 1' l The men Delbert N. Daniels ‘ 7.
__ n... _ __ ____, _._ ___.__.. .._ __.__
wavvmvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvfi‘ vvvvv ‘7va vawvvmwvvv' vvvvvvvv w.
l o a o
.I For Sale ClaSSlfled Seerce i Real Estate caassmgnfitfignmm
20 words or less (minimum
charge) 3 weeks $1.00, 1 week 50c.
1‘ an . . l . . ‘. .
d above the amounts Chases’ payments on Insurance ‘ §Ch0°1 and was
employed by the $1513}Iffigngéedlxdgflnthgragsltgtflgl electricity May
be moved on McCaslin 311 North 0th“ orders 0“ payment made be'
w1thheld b
y their PmPIOY‘ premiums and reduction of debt. lpuget Sound Bridge and
Dredging . Nellk J .
. l , . ’. alllleson, Deceased; that all . ' -.
n-unm vW‘, “act f l When the 1943 tax liability has i Company.
illm‘sonsd havilllg' glaims agaiintsf said Sklds' Pnced
Ieasonable' Phonb
~'_I - (crease are iere '- 0 serve . . ., Q“)
orm of the tax estl been estimated, the next step isl Private Woolsey, son
of Mrs. the sanw‘ duly vmlfifir‘fal‘ull’: said AEL FOR CARPENTERS
see C. L_ ,FOR SALE. modem two bedroom billing is {giféifiafiyloo
declar . . . . —
a l w - -. . .- - . .
kn tlon has not been to figure out how much income ,Beatrlce L. oolsey, Box
39, Star immbtialiix Will, the will Annpxpd FOR SALE: new and used auto,
Collins, business agent of Local house, woodshed’ garage and
fied. Fir Drug Store. -F- J- fore the first of the month to
8-5—10-7—10t. Fourth. 8-12-~~1t. save expense of billing. An extra
1 charge of ICC will be made when 1
Leaks will N
, per cent. It is true that the cur- l and Louis E. Woolse are now ya , . -
_ ,. .
L’ °'"""'- letaxpayersy but not all, rent 20 per
cent tax withholding I privates on a fourtegl' day fur, NOTICE
li’ézEDITORS i Very reasonable. Ted Rausoh-l your own Permanent Withi
2fbidT00mI hmls‘e (3h N‘Olfh 51W“ , galojfjglrinfitrefionfqol'
larger ads and
_, “all, ,n 3 0n or before September includes three per cent
l‘epresent— llouoh before leaving for Sah’ IN THE SUPERIOR COURT 01a
1‘11“), ert, GrapeVlew, Wash. Charm-Kurl Kit. C 0 m p19 '59 l 0
Own‘ nquup ouma' Reader?) notites 3c per word
a 'an accurate estimate of ing the victor' tax but the three‘
a” ' - STATE OF WASHINGTflN W’R 8‘12'19_2t- equipment.
thlUdhlil‘ 40 CUYlehSl D8'12V1t' 7’0 i in‘inu li- e l 7h 1‘
' "9mm \ come tax bill for 194'; and er cent rat: makes
allowance Diego’ (231.11." to recewe the" THE COUNTY OF MASON
and shampoo Easykto d0 abso' 3 ' Coardn (lif Tzl‘hcandlfg
"hf-J“ ollgillfil
~¢ in may be re uired to (make ‘ €01“ th in 1 t rs h ‘Ln at basm-
trammg: In the lVlNltPROFA'tllh Eel-lo or FOR SALE: red fl‘vers. Tom
Ser- lutely harmless praiséd by 5 WANTED: modern furnished poetry 500 per
inch;' classified ‘
30"" W l . q 'I e aly‘ axpaye W 059 t l Private Daniels,
son of MP. and . . .a H 0 l W ‘ . r _ . w . ‘. , . ' .,, ,- display
rates on request.
Income tax payments Victory tax V\'lll be reduced to that‘ New"
Jammson' Dmrtaspd- geanti CdpltOI Hlu- 8‘12 1t: thousands 1hCIUd1hg
Pay MC' houml “lth at 1935'; two bEd Advertisements acce ted over
‘ Member 15 and December figure because of” war bond pur- l Mrs‘ W‘
Pa'mgls’ShOflt 3118391131 “$23,220 neig lhel'fllly
951"?“ .“t‘fi Kenzie, glamorous movie star. I“OOmS. Within
walking dlStallce. the telephone from phallic subscrib-
l15 3 gm “21 e 0 e on 1g ‘ g “1“ ’6“) appom ( 1‘ FOR SALE:
Cabin. Wired for| Money refunded if not satis- of town. Reliable, adult
renters. l ers. Cash should accompany all
216J5X. ' J8-12-26 3t.
In“. n “
lust luv-0" 0Wn. The treasur de— 7 ' ‘ ' - ', ‘
h.’ it '. a. I ti, . . .
tlh Washington say: that llil‘dhfilsllgeeléagalgl‘l’l);
vzzrlillbln‘c’llutge SROlllitgedlvhilghasctllloiclughed 312511.53:
Elicia-gs %P&w93:tat(gd.1:$llld fillE til: Partsy meflerSy Cylmder
headsrl 1800 carpenters and 30111913 um‘ty room' large comer
10’" "vvvvv‘wrvv "
’ ~ A ._ . y ' . ’, g . . same with the Clerk of said Court] blocks
transmissions differen- 1612 Division Hillcrest. Phone Fred Huss, Mt. View.
See to .
l t‘ Wm be ready for pubhca the mstanments Pald Maren 15ipl°yed by
“‘9 S‘mpson Loggmg together with Proof M W“ gem“ t'-l 't
Sh lto Allto Parts l 240W ' 729tf eveniii s 8—12-26v—‘lt W t d
'10“ abOllt August 15- and June 15, the five per cent ‘ Company. .
within six months after the date of 1a 5: e 0' e. n l] ' - g ‘ -
“ll” °"’ , -As_Yo _G P i i .Victor , tax withheld b the any
first publication of this notice, or the 1 171119 SOUth Clty 11m1t5i
Olym' '
yum nu Septeml? (15 m: s otns d 10 er3 durin the first gix months , same
will be:bal‘r9d- . . pia highway. 8-12tf. ' MUSIC lessons given on
band and FOR SALE: 20 acres, 1 acre “MAM-AM
ible aer e 7:5 Srenatgmébler 31“ the year land the estimated to- PAUL
DUNBAR 12131115533 or rm“ pummahon Augus“ i‘ “ OTChGStI‘a
instruments, lnchldillg Cleared: 4 room 11011.58, small WANT TO CONTACT:
Hampshire red accordion and piano, Modern barn, garage, electric pump. I
who will remodel house. Reas_
,. ecember 15 are required tal withheld under the 20 peri Pvt. Paul Dunbar,
who entered Adnlinistratrix with the Will fryer-s, 3 to 4 pounds, Two miles
method Shelton Tuesday, Sko— Place located west end of Deck- onable
wages, Write Lyle D.
th _ _ _ . .
6 current tax Payment cent pay as you go tax dur‘ng the the service July
20. is now sta-i “"6"” “f “"1 Esta” out Bayshore
Road. MrS- Harry komish Valley Thursday, Bel- erville on Camp 5 road-
Price' Orser, Star Route, Gig Harbor,
4‘ . . . l |
is: Elswg‘gs ther Pasy 35f final SIX months 0f the y‘ear' ,tioned
at Fort Knox, Ky., in the itigrisgmcan Building, l Bergeson. 8-12tfn.I fair
school Friday. Home study, $800 See Owner, Jlm EVahSa Wash. 8-12#1t.
‘ 'mber d' d retpu pocft}? Excess Mus? be Pald ,Al'mored
DiViSion. Seattle, Wash. ' a Union_ Phone 388 for appoinv ‘ 8_12_26
in segteihsefgsc? Dec? 12 till: 1943 eStltmatfd sax as, $13,333;
%orM§§§&§TY FOR SALE: Play Pen, high Chalril mellt. Instruments for
sale. ‘ _ _ r WANTED: man to cut hay. In-
place on a current tax Gee S e aggrega e a 1‘93 y Pal OSCAR MIKLETHUN
1212 American Building, l bassmette, metal stroller, all in] Terms,
MCG7_15tfn. 1‘ OR SALE. Hillcrest lot 50 X 12.) quire 8th and Turner.
basis those persons :12}: 3:,233“’1,,ffigflgeat El: issuzsveé VIQITQ
PARENTg Seattle, Wash. 8-12-19-26—ot. good condition. 1227 Olympic East
off Cascade. (if; corner Prentice. 8-12,,1t.
: l , k l L .
vlltlcome tax liability is installments_0he hal? on or be_§ Cpl. Oscar
Miklethun returned WHEREI'XESOLU TI 0N Ave" AngleSIde' G8 _12
lt’ fife/7:555 mild ICJ‘iWSeSS 3’10“
grisdzrgnSt'gogileaig' E $5335]; WANTED, woman or gm for
‘l alns o omac , cer, n- - .
.han the amount being fore September 15 and the bal- , to Camp Campbell,
Ky., August It has been requested by the Com- FOR SALE CHEAP: two Chester]
digestion, Heartburn Belchlhg, Blvd., Portland, Oregon. housework No
children in fam_
Gas Pains, Portland, Oregon. 8-12-26—e3t. ily, May go home nights. Tele-
10, after spending a 15-day fur- "landing- Officer' Naval
Auxiliary Air brood sows, one boar,
phone 246. P8—12-19-72th
e ployells’ at," To? ance on or before Iecember 15' l h ‘th
h' t M (1 St t‘ sn 1 w h t th t in
m ‘ su ‘ec 0 ‘ . ou w1 is aren s, r. an a ion, e ton, as ing on. a e
, e is no J Some taxpayers With irregulal . rs L. . iklgthun- e is Sta_
Satsop Road NO. 2, commonly known one Guernsey COW, two Guern-
“‘8‘ at the source earnings may have difficulty in
v I . . . . as the old Matlo k R0 d, be closed to 'f r A_ E. Lemke’
D3 .
' must file an estimate? making an accurate estimate. i honed Wlth the
engmeers- Whlle thru traffic, throcugh the airport from i :33: gash:
14F35’ 8_12-26W§t
Bloating, Nausea,
get free sample, Udgav at F” FOR SALE' 20 acre ranch 5—
. -aa-—15. ‘ ..
l Drugflstore 85 11 11 t room house, outbhildlngs, ,Slx lWANTED, boy to
deliver news_
rsons, including those en- Such persons are to file a revised 3 here his
parents received word and after the commissioning exercises, miles from
Shelton, hear air-
' the head 0f family Sta" estimate b December 15, if the ‘from
their OldeSt 50“, ArnOIdv that Au “st 14' 1943‘ and WHEREfifii
lihe . l port. 5 acres cleared, fenced papers for the Tacoma News'
'9 ’Ynarried persons not liv- first estimgte is incorrect, lhe 15 0h
hIS way overseas. of degegsdxtiorlffiill‘lilgtghg: beech com-
MgYIINVEooggndSECOAa'II‘TIgfi' F in, mile off highway, lots of
Tnbune' PhonegncRé 12 26 3t
,.'_ husband or wife, must On or before March 15, 1944.’ 13%.“ at
that “mar BE IT RESOLV‘ Sivemh Want th buy old AND cattle range. See
Steve Beers, :1“ ' ' “
.tlmate if any one of the every taxpayer, whether he filed 5 CANAL
RESIDENTS That said Satsop Road No. 2 be clos- trunk ' M8_12_1t I
Matlock Route. Phone 14F22. WANTED: one pressure cooker,
:‘follditions afpplies: an estimate on September 15 or‘REOEIVE LETTER
cg Siptalhtrgffic Efiomghasgflggttrggggs Wm; -.-,_,_ m, -._. L! By Day
or Hour 138-12-26‘3'1 also one or two colonies of
“ .mcome mm ,Wages not. must file a complete andi Mrs. Clarence H.
Reuwsaat, the a “‘3 ‘EWW 0- .0 ti, FOR SALE: fresh from the gar— .
:- beeS- F. S. Morrison, Potlatch,
m 1942’ or eStlmated exact return for the year 1943. former Georgianna
Flanigan of gfibéicoge Srdgtedesovgransglzltonriaiytdlll den, pickling
cucumbers, early J , L, C FORr SAIIJE'r bafre “gate; Wash,
1 s more thah $2,700. and if he owes any additional tax Aberdeen, daughter
of Mn and road. until such time as the new road transparent apples, freshly
HARDWARE ac es C ea e iance h. k '
_. e from dividends, prof— it must be paid by that date‘ In ' Mrs.
George A. Flanigan who have lsAconrlg‘lltégadflggd4gpexazd, f3? Saga
picked pole beans for canning. 7~room Elliot‘isfe,_t agn, .10 loo 6:1
WANTED: riders to Bremerton
and other Income from case he Paid t00 mUCh tax in spent the summers on the
Canal 19431?pat Shelton. Washington. ’ Farmer’s Market, 117 Cota St.
nous? 60 {Egg} k m‘elsad u.‘ 0“ graVeyard Shlft- Leave at
is not deducted at the 1943 he win be given a credit or for many years,
received an inter- VINCENT E. PAUL. open Mondays, Wednesdays and
ACCOUNTING—BOOKKEEPING Inqun‘e Bel“ 10 01" Wm 10:45 p. m. Phone
319W after
\as more than $100 In a refund. esting _letter from her husband, Fridays,
1 pm. to 7 pm. be- Prepare for a better position Hagen, 518 SO. J
Sgt-iszgigmi-t 4:30 p_m_ or inquire 614 Alder
‘ogrffigréngi‘gficfiofncfifi: Eh“: is at Penalty if" the
tax Staff Sgt. Reuwsaat in North Af— 'Board of county tCommis-
ginning August 16. D8—12tfn. tIhru our P$sotnalizgd Exéeiiléfin '
" ' — - St. R8-12_1t_
a , i , es ima. e is 00 far out of line rica. The letter re rinted from
sionets Mason Coun Y- —.- aw .. , , raining- Pl 6 0 ay. . .
“.wlu equal these figure; With the ileum“ tax liability as the
Aberdeen Worldpfollows: Attest. washmgton' FOR SALE: plcldmg cucumbers
PIA BUSINESS COLLEGE: Fglldusesgngevelély gellghtsmglgg lacly 35 tod5O
Jane was $590 01‘ mOTe 1h determined by the final return for] “Reuwsaat
1anded at Fadhala HARR'Y DEYETTE, , I UPPflI‘aSROkOmlSh ValleY-
HaLyQSI Extension Division, 411 Capitol $2200 terms $2 000 caéh' In:
two 31.13310 lat/153: anH ((31312; for
. d SgII‘OSS incorfliz fish; , 1:413. 1: 3318 estimated tax is not in
French Morocco with the Uni. Clerk of Board. 8-12tfn. I Dayls Place.
8-12tfn. wayy Olympia, Washington quire Mrs :Har’old Skaar or Dairy
18min.R {'1 eBoxog1 821331
a arles m V a a eas per cent of the actual 1 r ine divi ion, ‘
"”‘ . ' '7‘ . , - 7-15tfn. ' i i ,
than the gross income final figure, the taxpayer is liable "lg;
Sotilgiefrle ’fll‘hae Elextystop Swas NOTICE'r‘lgESAIlngg STATE
{FOR SAIaE' 4 rédlgg horses 105%! {guard Skaar, Boga-12,6 BE? 3?“.
reaSOHably be. expected for a Penalty of six per cent of at Casablanca
where the were NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN, That t° 115 mu" “583’ are
a ’- ' WANTED: d’ t t ' f
es d 1 1943 . y on Tuesda the 7th da of Septem- Nalley Ranch, LOWer
Skokom-i , , 15 “0 manager 01‘
‘ an sa ary in . the difference between the estl- stationed for several
weeks, be, 1943 fibmmencmg a); fen oiclock .h Ph ne 2F11 Hoods ort f0“
FOR SALE. acre tract, level, 01d Line Legal Reserve Life
88 on Married persons mate and the actual tax, or he “Eventually we wound
up in in the fo'renoon of said day, in front lsr.‘ (I: ster Dickinsog
I lights, good well, chicken house, Insurance Company. Liberal
“‘ persons, regardless of may be re‘lmred '50 Pay the fulllRabat
for Christ as and New 0f the main entrance. door h; th‘fi p Ices” e
8_12:26_3t assorted fruit trees, berries. commission plus bonus and sal_
of dependents, must difference between the estimate Years," he wrote,
“We made an; gfigfig ng‘fgtyHoolfieMg‘sofihe Sgt: 3f
___v______‘ F East off Cascade on Dickinson ary, Give full particulars
as to
stimate if; and 80 per cent of the actual tax. other move and then went
north Washington, by the County Auditor FOR SALE; 19 qt. pressure cook.
Street. Hillcrest- Faces tWO age, experience, etc., in first
band and Wife together The Smhuer Penalty apphes~ to the town of Arzeu.
During this or said County, the followmg ‘1???” er complete like new.
Usedl streets, Arcadia and Dickinson. letter, write Box 25 c_o Sheh
‘3 01‘ salary of more than 5990"“ Rules f“ Farmers time things
went along a good iifipib‘ttfmggfsladggaéhgelligext will very little
$é0. Inquire at ASSO'I per month Coma blind either end- C1059
ton-Mason County Journal.
1942 or expect to in Thsepfégiral illéessillélgléetfs fggihars- 4 deal
the way they do in the states. be‘ sglgdat lighlicf auciion ltto
the'high- elated station, 31/, miles south ' '60 gldllStTileSN
Fillle 2‘3th Sand M8—12-19—2t.
me e 1 118 We arrived at Arzeu about the 95? l 61‘ ere 01”. 0‘W13.. .
_ '__ ar en mi. iCe 063. ion. 30- ~ 7 A
NOTE—No one except Citizens oi on Olyrgplc hlghway- 1313 THE JOURNAL I
gfice for quick sale. Terms or ARMY OFFICER will buy set
"1‘ had in 1942, or expect until the 1a5t month 0f the tax- middle
of March. In a short time
. , h
.in 1943, more than $100 able yeari and Payment 0f the . I was detailed to
go forward on the united States' 01 persons W 0
have declared their intention to be— FOR SALE: 14 month old Ches- cash.
Write Mrs. Ann Fredson, left hand mall’s golf clubs. Ad—
come such, can purchase state lands. ter White brood sow, has had l M.
"' e not subject to with- entire QStimated tax mUSt be made '
a 30-day trip to the actual thing. , . no“. 8051 N. E. Sandy Blvd, Port-
dress Box M, c-o Journal,
f tax at the source, such on that date. The penalty for un- “Not bad! I
was assigned to The aggligaltégnoflvtofie 133043“ d class one litter of
9 pigs. Will far—l Re t land, Oregon. 8-12—-9-2—1M M8—12—1t.
prOfitS. diVidendS, 6120-, deresumatlhg hls hablhty ls 35' the ninth
division and saw some owned by the State of Washington: row first week in
November. _ Wjfiffif—#awuwiy~ m.-. .a .
total income of more sessed' against the farmer only action at E1
Guettar, the first part situate in front of. adjacent to or Also 2 feeder
pigs, 12 weeks F%§u§:L£wt€:'$S,b:l;ia%n5 bed
20 h ‘ - abutting upon that portion of lot 2,
0 in 1942 or either ex w en the estimate is not at least of April. When
that was all section 21’ townsth 22 north. range old. Good ones. Vern
Goldy, 8 FOR RENT, furnished house, 4 pic highway 51/2 miles from Route
1’ Box 36A, Shelton.
__r WWW—mflwd—WM
Mr' and Mrs' W' H' snelgrovei 0f i ber. 1943. commencing at
ten o'clock DOI‘th 0f Lilliwaup- Opposite First National Bank
FOR RENT: 2 room furnished ' '
" have total income of tWO'thirdS 0f the aCtual tax- ‘taken care
of’ we went farther 1 t W. M. 1 'n so th of the miles out Matlock
Road. .
“ 3264 this year_ .This is .not all. There are addi- .horth near Mateun
There I found nol‘vfitreis 263.95 feet {l5 geld lot 2. with! 8-12—1t.
izggnsAfggn bamgnfafglgf Shelton. Good bus seerce. Rte. 8-5-19—3t.
i had combined earnings tlonal dutlefi for the taxpayer next out what it
is to have them land- hogfllafigs nggEéigedl’gfag56223m ' miles
out B'a ghore road ' 1’ Box 34A' K8'5'19—3t‘
or more from wages and MarCh On 01‘ hefore that date, ing close. And
how! When I Except, however. the portion. of FOR SALE: wood and coal
range’ it . y 8'12 1t want to rent furnish d ho
h1942, and that figure is 1th adfdltlggllgohflhng a final re- was called
back to the outfit we tilled agnoye destcribted ftide land? '13-.
mall-toolsses. Sprlggs bunkhbedls. — - FOR ISALEi m%%er§03-roomdhouse
within walking distance 11::
‘ all their estimated ross um 01‘, 9 Win file an eStl' met them
headed toward the lace c u e m a MC 0 W5 era an 5 CO nqmre row“ 5 ing 9 -
u" *7 m- on arge o ’3 ". goo gm“
l‘ m wages and 381a,}; for *mate of his V1944 tax and make we had just
left. p' 'g‘gedegmgg's tggNSetlfiteagg
va‘Slflngfi’c’f house 14 mile behind Pines Auto FohvlgugElzfi'
gfifigor%rggiurnfiih:§ l glen, some fI‘Lllt; _ Clty water; town‘ N0
chfldren' Plélgne194w'
I E a. tpaylgleintt of girlieifouritlh oft the i “so, with the rest of
the bunch 1319,, [id ngcemgggll, 1900 under Ap_ Camp H8-12_-1.t, Suitable
for couple Phone 467; {)ust outstide any limits.;..fpartiai -5--2—:2t.
Rel tionl ‘ . xemptions Allowed es mm 9 ax .51 wl no .9 We went back and
kept on oin . pl.“ ‘0” 0'4 . l WX. - _— asemgn an “mace;
'plece WANTED: irl to care for ch‘l-
erlcgn u. ~11ng an estimate of 1943 déduCted from 1115 PaY- Ill addl-
Things were about over thege, go thgzl‘lhlfaggir‘zléhdbglafiglg
affi§v§°§tilf§§ FQR SALE' 2”" milk covgfi’ 01;: H8 12
1t. Plumbing Breakfa.“ n00k' .A dren full tllgme. Board room allid
It. lty the taxpayer take tlon he Wlll. pay one-half of the we some
police-up work_ I and upon the terms and Conditions freSh' .150 mon
o 3 room furnished deSIPable home! pr‘ce only $31- compensation Write
of ma uht the suai exem tions uncanceled portion of his 1942 in- - ’.
following: heifer. Marlon Smart, Middle a art 000. Can arrange terms. M. C.
~ ' . .
. u I) saw Bizerte (thats a town) and . p ment. W. L. Kneeland on 1 W M
in u» . Not less than one-tenth of the pur- Sk k h v 11 8-5-19_3t . . r P
C ay- rS- Ernest Wh‘tmg-
t and fable deductions, such as come tax- Thereafter, perhaps: he was
swimming in Bizerte Bay. chase price must be paid at the time 0 Om‘s 9‘
ey' ' Olympic Highway. Phone 466J.l ZINTHEO: Realtor, Phone 107,
they 113. , 22d dependents, gifts to $2“ 153:; thullgs easfy untll MarCh
Since then I have been in the sea 31 sale. Thef gnghBSer. if het be 1101
pig nionthg 8'12—1t- l Shelton' WWW '—
,~ ,une ,0 rs, ! -_ e er elm men. 1. .
crgw Sam? 2(1):. trl‘lkdgetalléeldatle: gress adds 505:9
neV‘EOBfeE-tugggn lsrrtlivnegl‘albltltmgjryltsdlsgrt” bad SWlm
Egrtfvvl’éllh t1ponyf t1? thgn‘glvf‘giceflw 3121;111:212 gd-
32011633“ (figdgsort‘v ROUtle 2’ FOR RENT: 1 and 2 room cabins FOR
SALE: 5 acres Wlth water" (11211; gfyllgllGonvgltlgggzz saw or
n erl a l ' 9.539 e ‘1 amour! 0 e 31’- OX - nu zen Pace 1' hi;
d t -d front tidelands timber and ca- ' ”' n
. return for the 1942 to the income tax law, or unless a (d i f th nt_ , .
_ _ 1g S an wa er pal . $15 , l , r , Bi-29—8—12—. t,
it, Jack th the addition of a five he finds it necessary to make FRANK
KENZIE 21s: fifove$53,;_°C€nefifeni$‘駰‘{ii§‘im§. 0n Moores
Hill. 8 5 12 2t. month, $5 Week. Log Cabin 3111, spring, 1/211ac§e
cl‘charftd. WA- WANTED d u o
n and Vict uarterl revisions of his tax es- 0 ‘3 35" pnce .muil e
1"“ ‘mnua . Tavern on Hillcrest. 0W mus se Be a er -‘ : eep we
electric wa-
two :tee't I‘ ory tax on all Incomes gimate. y WRITES HOME ‘
F%§ee§filI§EI-’all;l)‘ltvs Zgalzggkswglhe H8-12-26_3t_ Magoon,
Shelton. ter pump. Clifford Livingston,
md is ’ hFra‘iik MctKegzie, aviation ma— centum per annum:
Prfividted, at some 41/2 months Very good’ FOR RENT f. W. h d d
P7-15—8-15—4t. Rte. 1, Mill Creek Road. Fourth l
'; ' ' n ma ll . ' . .. : urnis e mo er
—_————————————————— 5
a, right: S ' holllgstomlli: lager??? {b.1833};
hatpgcphlhpéhalniereste will st‘hh Stock- “59th Lusml 30““
cottages on Hood Canal. Twig FOR SALE 1/2 We on Mechanic house on left
a... John f H 0 M E kokomlsh Grange Mrs. A. H. (Chub) McKenzie last an. as.
sanguinecalamari: 2' B°X 268’ Sham“- 8'12*‘“- rooms. bath.
lights. water. gas street Melvin Kolmorgana R- R-
. week telling of his experiences ing tirfibtii; 3r ILotholar valuable
ntipte‘ als .FOR SALE: Cocker Spaniel pups_ gzgking, oil heat included at
3, Shelton, Wash. 7-15--8—12-—1MlW?NTEthhcoté(;{n¥ood 1liiol‘tr
, 'and of his desire to be back in ‘5 pm. 1 e y “W. "m 9“ mg
or * Black Males 5 females $2.50. month, 16 miles from Shel-
-—I————-———‘ 33‘s “1 e 0 ("his a 63’-
. L 0 A N S y the Northwest again- He related
{figo‘lt'i‘f‘iio‘lilyrii‘é‘lh db'télfilné’r
c1333; W. A. Swett,$tWo blocks east “3”. airfield Lilliwaup Motel» FOR
SALE H‘ghtst wages paid Address:
Grangersl Donvt forget this Fri- that he had been in a fire lately of
tthethCOIFrfiissionertOfngflJllc Lagds, pines Auto Camp. 8-5-12_2t_
Lilliwaup, Wash. 8-12--9-2——4t as: a a: gasglagglal laxcghsmé‘ aha
da b re ular Gr and lest all his beIOnging-S. 1111.] e \l amqun 0 6 ppm
3.56 __ I _ 0., e 0 ., ea. 8.
in; Llet’s liaVceg a goodallffn “diet. prlxcll gglegegrfl
galealgndlgegréssynefde FOR SALE: Durhamlahd Jersey
Fofirggilg'r'fggmisnege hoflgb Opt; 5 IgggLWfidggfis are???
V Mr. and Mrs. Lozier of ‘ subject "Hi the reservatlons doff
gills, COW, W111. freshen I In October. in or cggal‘; ’Sheltonario
electric range, artesian Well, mwvvv‘wvvv‘mv ,
T mwater were we k end visito s . gases, C03, mesa .mmms an .035 5 Mrs.
Sque Hllbokl. Lost Lake. ,
u 1“ AVIATION CADET of every name kind and description. board one adult
in exchan elecu‘lc PumP- Oysters 0n beaCh,
. Re at the Chester Valley and Alvin Ral h Kirkland (known to h-S and to
the additional terms and con- Star Rouml Elmav waSh- (Near f 1 . . ge
waterfront property $365000 :
V a H i ert homes_ Th , . p . . 1 ditions prescribed in section 3 of chap-
Lost Lake). 7-29—8-12—3t~ or D We to I‘ve: .In‘lu‘re Jour‘ a.
a: r ' ' ' WW"
80113. e a. GS 11 b , 911' three (laugh friends as DaVld Kirkland) son
of. .ter 256 of the Laws of 1901 - .___ nal office or write P. O. Box
o tors, Elaine. Carol and Betty. re- Mr. and Mrs. R. I. Kirkland of Said
land will be sold subject to the FOR SALE;'about 21/2 pound fry- 37 for
appointment, 65 acres, about 4}/2 miles from
N0 turned home With them after Everett, has completed his prh terms,
conditions and reservations of ers $135 apiece 2% pound M7_29__8_12__3t
Shelton, osme timber, lots of . -*
IV DELAY Spending a week in the valley mary flight training as a naval
fgghtirelflliigOEo tggseiisfignfoi‘figmgf fryers $1.45, 3 'pound
fryers ' wood, also room house, good Charles T- Wright ‘
: VISltlng relatives. aviation cadet at Livermore, Cali- ; of—Way and
the carrying of timber, $1.55, 10,le‘ Transparent ap- FOR RENT: room
modern un- pole barn. Some cleared. $1575. LAWYER '
3 Mrs. Warren Johnston and son fox-Ilia, and has been
transferred;shonethmmeraés and 0t er products pies 50c_ Mrs_ R_ D_
stockweu’ furnished house on Mt. View. Terms, $375 down. Plenty of
7, k . Ken made 1'?- bUSlneSS “‘11? t0 Ta‘ . to another station
in Texas for 0 er 6 913m ' AYL phone «13 J_ 7_29tfn. Phone 244.
C7-29tfn. wood for years. See Herb Angle Phone 337 An 1c Bld .
I - ‘1 County Savmgs coma the first of the week. intermediate training. l
boghiéiouePR' 3 - today. \ . g g
rt, a A . t. There Will be another dance at He is a graduate of Everett BY
FRANK.YATES. FOR SALE: live young rabbits. FURNlSHED APARTMENTS: price.
Shelton’ WaShmgton
n ssocla Ion the Community Hall this Satur- hi hool but went thro l . Asst
Commlssmner of Pub- 75c and u Mrs. E War- BaySlcle Apts. at Allyn, 2
and' ii: at a:
. . gh SC ugh the, lie Lands. p 3 l
[able , Tim I day evening. Supper Will be pot— 9th grade here in Shelton,
8-5-12-19-23_.9-2_5t, ren, Route 1, Lake Isabella. moms- MOdel‘n
features- 131.4 acres of land and water-' .‘
I , nsurance Bldg. lucllthesty/lison county 4 H Chm 7-29tfn.
7-22—8-12—4t. fropt on Spencer Lake. Excel-l . EN 0 BA EY .
. S "‘ -—-.—~— en r ALD YL
are holding their annual camp at HERB SNELGROVE NOTICE OF SALE OF STATE FOR
SALE: tW0 Year Old gelding QR RENT: house partly fun" or p operty for
summer homes
Twanoh State Park Several of 1s COMMISSIONED LANDS $95 Inquire H M Robbins,
lshed. Mrs. Edith Whittle, Rte. buys: 3502?? (fixiezugggl ATTORNEY AT LAW
' . NOTICE I EREBY GIVEN, Th t ' ' ' _, - __ a
the members of Skokomlsh are Herbert snelgrove’ the son Of ' on
Tuesday,stlIl£3 7th day of Septerll— Hama Hama Farm, seven mlles 3’
Box 8' 5 12 2t‘ cash. { Title Insurance Building
lrS ‘ M ' attending. .
9 . 611 Birch St., Shelton Wash, re- l in the forenoon of said day, in
front ——3t. . - -
. S “13311: Slfigggerithgge togggl’ 16E, cently was commissioned a
second of the main entrance door to the 7 29 EL cabln, lights, water and
wood 1 acre Of 300‘! land Wlth tWO Phone 23 .. Shelton
. . and Mrs Wllliam Gilbert on tho lieutenant~in the U- S- Army Air i $3333
CgoullltltyH(l)ll’seMiagorlheS€dtz 3? FOR SALE: One dump bed' fits
furmsned' Maple Beach' Lake rtPtom housebelecmc lights and
. canal Forces at the Air Force Advanced i Washington. by the County
Auditor any Pickup model. Can be load- Isabella. Three miles south on City
water- XCelleht VIEW PTOP'
‘ l M M Ch St I. V 11 d M Flying School, Mather Field, Cali- l of said
county, the following described ed and unloaded by one man, Olympic
highway, 91‘ y. $1,000, terms $200 down,
_r. e e a ey an rS- fornia state lands, together With the improve- $120 I J
mi F6_24tf J8.5-19—3t "‘ INSURANCE
, , r Alvm Hulbert and daughter Don- - . lments situated thereon, will be
sold “qu‘re 0“ a- ' _ ' HERBERT G ANGLE
na Spent two days last week in He was graduated from the at public auction
to the highest bid- w FOR RENT. 5 d '
l . . . . . Irene S. Reed high school and at- def therefor. tO-Witi . , .
' room m0 em l G
Olympia VISltlng relatives. t d d h. t t l NOTE_N0 one except Citizens of
honor: 0F BOND CALL house, garage and garden. Ma— mm m’ m" '
5 . Kyron Wilson has purchased a en 9 as mg on S ate 9° 19g&- the
United states, or persons who Notice is hereby giventhat the fola bel
Priszner Summ.t Drive " vv' I
. can He was Cemployed by Simpson have declared their 1intention ti) be-
EWiggbllthlllIRHJEOH‘g: ts??esN°f igaet" l 8 5 12 2t
. u r . O ' “‘ .
, Mr. and Mrs. Fred Ferris of LOggmg 0’ come
SX§$iicc$lm§u§3“€573?” ands Mason Cguntyf lvsl‘yashililgtlfn,
aroe called Office at M316 Blinding
S " Tacoma were Visitors in the Val- l hliV onglg‘lA, of secetion
1:6, vaogl- $19; paymeng atdthéz oftfice (at tam: CARD 0F THANKS “WAAMAW
. . . , , . ., easu . 1
SH MEATS ley Friday. They also ViSlted at SGT. NORRIS RAU FLYS ‘
ionllainlng°EOhOr§é§§g $51.36 or 1e55, the intgergsto onseslaid
£3533; ceage May we take this means of ex_ LOST. at Sandy Beach on Can-
, camp Three- HOME ON FURLOUGH according to the government survey September
1, 1943: pressing our sincere ratit de t 8‘11 brown leather wallet
FR Mr. and Mrs. Avene Richert of Sgt. Norris Rau, son of Mr. thereof.
appraised at $80000 Public Utility District NO- 1 Utility g -u o tant cards
inSide- Finder mayl B
UITS Shelton called at the Arthur and Mrs. Bert Rau of Kamilche
thifi‘dtggnggpz‘ggegevfi’g: fggoggtsltfis fionfssl 531%: 9f
3936' numbered 13’ :31: $3113, frlemifi and gelghbotrs keep money
but return walletl '
. . . . an , u . 11‘ S m ’ ’- ‘
ts , at. Johllson home SundaY— arrlved home last Tuesday on a ed and upon
the terms and conditions Public Utility"11)cist‘lli‘cut3 No. 1 of
Ma- ful floral 0¥fe¥§l 5188-3: useadlini- to Journal 8549—3“
Accounting Tax Services
NEST FOODS AT Lieutenant and Mrs. Dan Mc- 15 day furlough. Sgt. Rau flew
followmg: son County. Washin ton. i b g g1 n -———- l .
Caughah of Fort Benning Geor- home from Egllh Field, Florida Not less than
one-tenth of the pur- By R, E_ J0 NSON’ 11%“ our ereavement over the
loss LOST; Maytag washer lid be_| Bookkeeping Systems
, , ' '- rh . , anager leanm e. t t _i i
b S , BEST pmcgs gla, were week end VlSltors of whe e e is stationed. ’
fflnaéeofpgfiz v’r’fi‘pufiimfil“ ifathe ‘%3 M 7_29 5 12 19
26 5t Of our beloved Wf d 0th r ween Unmn and Shelton‘ Fmd 123 4th St ‘
0n ; ‘ H Mr. and Mrs..Bill Salee. Lieuten- Norris would like any of his
not the owner of the improvements. - ‘_ I “ Thmlms Ross! er nOtify I-
13- callisoni Union. ' Phone 565 7'
OODSPORT ant McCaughan is being trans- friends stationed near his post must
{Or-“With Pay to the Office" \ Mums and Mlldred Phone 361-
8-5-19—312 5'
5¢ ferred to Camp Roberts, Calif. He to drop him a card and arrange a
ogulthearglgllpfi‘tovgg onsslémgqflgN§281 CARD 01“ THANKS A?
r f a, is a brother of Mrs.'Salee. meeting place. His address '3
ments. as above stated. One-te th of IN T ' - -
: ~ . . . .. . . Special Projects. 1st Provin‘g l haematite?" a“?
inlaid aii aa§5a8U5§Ri9§S§933¥ogp i131?
oulvinlsihsificfii‘i’rziiié‘cmitt i will??? bi°régfitii§ie
. V . . , r w n r s on 8: COUNTY . .
n Grounds G12, Eglm Field, Florida. gggergeeeltgglymgglts
:finghg.ra§r03€dgax selgfic; COArllsggnderpldhg'fgvashlngton 3h:
Ifrllcany kflpdneSSesu sympathies debtslfontlgctfgd 1by (anyone except
. JIM BARIEKMAN That an urchaser ma. make (“1i ny; 31111 , _n ra o
erings given us ur- myse an 1c ar and Dallas .
‘ V d y NOW IN ENGLAND [paymentyo principal, interest and Monty C.
Archi‘r and Faye L_ lng our bereavement over our be- Baldwin after this
date. L'censed Emba'mers
ers ,in Mrs. Gladys Grimes received a liberalisation: inhalant? “as
Sanitarium... T “if “3“ M“ Ethel M' W“- W- A- Wish“, Pm?-
” REALIZE ITS FULL CASH VALUE $1 “at week mm W “the” l“ “iii-i
agar “PM are” ATO: Monty 0- Archer andGngbi I. M? 31
altr‘és'ahlflev'éai‘élnst°n 8’5‘12‘” PM 18° '
' Shem Wash
\ . aren e ‘ ' is r0 18 aw r m on in or h - -
ITEMs V saylig that fie'(i‘;“‘:1)w§a.nek£‘an,
renlbvi'ng any guch timber or mgter- 160%? ADlggntEg‘CsH OF YOU ARE
Mr and Mrs- JOhn Piper
, l E USED CAR MARKET IS HIGH d d h 1“ ng' lals Withoutfirst
obtaining consent of HEREBY SUMMONED to appear
————————_~___.__ U ed
V thumb ‘ ()5le se ‘aS had the opportun- Ellie Spemltrglslsmlfir
oiPufbllttlllLandshun- Eithin sixty days after service of NOTICE OF HEARING
7‘ u l eln ' a. oun 0 e ur ESE - Y i
, y. er among our customers agreat many war workers who are y . 3 many
Inter“th ‘ pricchas been paid and deedp isgued. thles
ggm’fiiniel’é’i‘c’é‘ ygrlld 8th: th1;%'f)l1(l;<}ia
oIfSCcIiinlignllingBY GIVEN thgt CIIARLES R"
lam . . . places and things i , . loners of Public .
. N: 3‘1 of dependable transportation to get them to their Jobs. '
All 33193 or State lands are made Complaint and serve a copy of your
Utility District No 1 of Mason Count FOR SALE' 1928 Ford Tudor'
— "‘ c“ ‘ if it ' t b 1 t 1 h 1 t DWARD l SubJect to the
reservations of oils. answer upon the undersigned attorney Washington, have
prepared and placgd GOOd rUbber- $75 caSh. 1711 ATTORNEY AT LAW
,' M 1y th. is no a so u ey‘ necessary to you —-- may ep 0 E OKONEK
[gases coal, ores, minerals andfossils for Plaintiff at his office address
be- on file the proposed Budget for Pub- Summit Drive T8-12-26—3t
'Zes 5 an“? need for some “soldier of production.” Let us m’ake
ISSTgiAlé‘ziSFEéiRED ,gildeiégnghrelagideditkéggl
figgmgeicfi‘épglgg. sztvitlzpiecified gndthdeéendt thfe aboge lie
litiligy Iailstrict No. 1 of Mason _ .__' ' ' Suite 1 L. M.
7 i - . .. . . .. ' ac ion ' a ; un . ’ . - 'm“
f ’11 £ng OE“ tofhy'.Y°u 1.1 net.°n1y be hglpmg your country
' ' ' traéferreavggomoggnek Chla§b been dltlons prescribed in
section 3 of chap- and in case of 13mm? falllllce scerftfado, 0N0tlée
igrfurfhglx‘l Ell/131 ftllgtalaygfibiic FOR SALE' 1% to“ Ford
V's Shelton, Washington
be cashing in while prices are high. . . t “113 31 “he, ! ter @5610:
the Law or 1907. , Judgmcnt will be entered against you hearing will be
held on the first Mon— truck. Frank Pearce, Potlatch.
——/' . LATE legal: ,3 3;: unknown destln- urbanisation satirical:
essential“arenas their l a. fare“ 194% hora“ 4' Phone 11mm“
24"” 749—“
. , a , v . Wl e l i e a t . m., ‘ f
, ; MODELS, ALL MAKES WANTED . Mg. Alex 0kongks°n Of Mr- and of 2phapter
312 of the Session Laws of glel‘k or the said Court, a copy of Public
Utility istric? No.91.0 :3? title Phone Itlomlli’lpmt’c 24W2- ‘
a i1? . relating to easements for rights- which is herewith served upon
you: purpose .of fixing the final Budget 8-5-12—213. r
ARTHUR COOK 0 -Way and the carrying of timber, This action is based on a
promls- and making the tax levies at which F n 7
I lstone. minerals and other products sory note, executed and won by the
time any taxpayer may appear and FOR SALE: 1934 Chev. DeLuxe l
BACK To CAMP .over the same. defendants on October 1 , 1938. be, heard for
or against any part of sed motor d die Licensed public Account; 1;
YOUR OLDSMOBILE DEALER Arthur A. Cook s 2/c s n of “CK-TAMR' 5- W-
GRAHAM. said Budge - an' ‘“ g°° °°“ ‘°“'
M and Mr ’ ’ CommlSSloner Attorney for’ Plaintiff Dated this 10th day
of August, 1943. tires fair, body good but needs Notary public
CHEVROLET MP Y to: has riiuniefi' 33”?“ She?
hall‘dlnxmih‘iclhs'or Pub- égféfissfiuih‘l‘h N°‘ 5
fifth HULBERT a i Paint J'°'°- Price “0"- “M’s
. ‘ i ‘ a CO AN 0 arragui he Lands. Sh it w h‘ t h m Grocery Store
Hoodsport. 325 Railroad Ave. Phone 115
. Idaho, to O.G.U. camp after hav- . 8-5-12—19-26—9-2—-—5t. e
821112-19-82h—13- g¥16—23——7t. secretary Of the giggle—2t.
H8-5-19—3t. ,