August 12, 1965 Shelton Mason County Journal | ![]() |
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August 12, 1965 |
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Appearing in Shclton Police
Court before Judge Rolls Halbert
Monday night were Harold Red-
man, parking ticket warant, $4
forfeit; David Smith, drunkenness,
$25 forfeit; Vernon L. Johnson,
faulty equipment, $12 forfeit; C.
C. Murphy, drunkenness, $25 for-
felt; Garrold M. Frydenberg,
drunkenr:ess, disorderly conduct,
$22.50 fine, $2.50 costs, 30 days
m jail :.;uspended; Nancy Yates,
spaeding, $12 forfeit; Michael Glo-
ver, no arteriel stop, $12 forfeit;
Raymond J. Johns, disturbing the
peace, $25 forfeit; Thomas Creek-
paugh, failure to obtain dog lic-
ense, $22.50 fine and $2.50 costs;
Michael J. Westlund, furnishing
liquor tJ minors, $50 forfeit; Rus-
sell Baskin, minor in cor!sumption
of liquor, $50 forfeit.
t iI i i i
[or the
on all in-stock
Save costly fuel bill
and pay for your
door in savings
Mt. View Phone 426-2057
From The
Sheriff's Office
Jack E. Cartwright, negligent
driving, $34 fine; Kenneth Main,
driving while iutoxicated, $110
fine, five days in jail, suspended,
license suspended 30 days; Mich-
ael Challendar, defective equip-
ment, driving without obtaining
license, $37 forfeit.; Louis Doyle,
driving while license suspended,
negligent driving, $166 fine, lic-
ense suspended 30 days, 10 day:~
in jail, suspended.
Washingion State Patrol
Vilas Moffah, failure to dim
lights, $12 forfeit; Richard Dur-
khL spee.:ting, $22 forfeit; Jack N.
GriggS, improper passing, $12 for-
felt; Skip Lemke, negligent driv-
ing, $56 fine.
Game Department
N'eil Bush, fishing without a lic-
ense, $12.50 forfeit; Millie Bush,
fishing without a license, $25 fine,
$12.50 forfeit.
$ $ $
New Cases
Joe L: and Dora Perry against
Brad Best Realty, quiet title.
Coast Credit Service against
Ned Jacobsen, debt.
Washington Service CO. against
Mr. and Mrs. Henry Lehman, debt.
Washington Services Co. against
Frank Marlow, debt.
Default Divorce~
Stanton Rutherford from' Dor-
othy Rutherford.
Darlene Bennett from Walter
Contempt Citation
Ray E. Coleman was sentenced
to three days in jail, suspended,
on a contempt of court citation.
* $ *
Booked at the Mason County
Sheriff's office durfng the past
week were Ralph O. Jordan, driv-
ing while intoxicated; James R.
Rector, driving while intoxicated,
financial responsibility act viola.
,ion, furnishing beer to minors;
Ken Tozier, drunk in public; Rus-
sell Rodgers, drunk in public; Lew-
is Baker. driving while intoxicat-
ed; William Hartman, reckless dri-
Francis Cooper, driving in vio-
lation of occupational license.
Manke and Sons reported their
mill on Eagle Creek entered and
tools, oil and other articles taken.
~Mrs. John SwansoR ~reported
150 feet of wire, two step ladders
and 100 pounds of roofing nails
taken from the site of a new
home under construction.
Roland Anderson reported an
outboard motor taken at Lake
Cushman Resort.
on All Roaring
Belvedere - Fury - Valiani -Salellile
VALIANT V-100, 2-dr. Sedan
Big six engine - Undercoat,
Standard Transmission
Was $
$2:.420 994
SATELLITE 2-dr. Hardtop V-8
Bucket Seats- Automatic -
Radio - Power Steering
Undercoat, etc.
Was 1 12
BELVEDERE 2-dr. Sedan
6 Cylinder - Airfoam Seats -
Undercoat- Washers-
Standard Transmission
Was $2160g7
VALIANT V-100, 4-dr. Sedan
Big six engine - Standard
Transmission - Undercoat-
FURY 111, 4-DOOR SEDAN -- White with Gold interior - This
one is loaded - 383 engine - Full power, steering, brakes, windows,
seat - Auto-pilot - Defogger - Rear Speaker - Remote control
mirror - Adjustable steering wheel - Save
lots and lots of Other extras $650.00
VALIANT V-20,0 4-dr. Sedan
Automatic- []lgsix engine-
Vinyl trim -.Padded dash.
Ba0k-up lights
VALIANT V-100 Station Wgn.
Automatic - Big six engine -"
Washers - Vari-speed wipers
SPORT FURY 2 DOOR HARDTOP --- Med. Blue with Blue Vinyl
interior - Automatic - Power Steering - 383 engine- Tinted Wind-
shield - Radio - Padded Dash . Bucket Seats with Console - Un-
dercoat - Tinted Windshield - Was
Washers &. VaN-speed Wipers $3,575.08
BELVEDERE "V-8" 4-dr. Sdn.
Automatic - Undercoat-
Washers - Vari-speed wipers
FURY 11, 4-dr. Sedan (Demo)
Radio- Automatlo- Power
steering - Padded dash - Back-
up lights - Undercoat
FURY 111, 4-dr. Sedan
383 engine - Automatic -
Radio - Power steering - Vinyl
trim, etc. #~_~ 14
Was $3,612.14 '31
Sedan - House Car - Automat-
ic - Radio -=Power steering &
Brakes - Washers ' Tinted
windshield -
Low miles
TAt' uomut ooa~mme
707 So. First 426-3433
WELTON--I A 0N 30URINAL- Published ¢'Chr stmas own, U.g.A." helton, Washington
40 & 8, 8 & 40 Instal! Officers For
Bennett Cooper reported a ca-
noe missing.
Diner Troup reported gasoline
and a license plate taken from
his car.
Gene Myers reported a window
bloken out of his car, probably
with a B-B gun.
Dick Bostrum reported a tire
and wheel taken from his pick-up.
It was reported that someone
attempted to remove the hinges
from a door on the 40 and 8 club.
A car d,iven by Elizabeth Pierce
and a Honda ridden by John Dick-
iuson collided at Highway 101 and
Cars driven by Ronald Crippen
and William Peterson collided at
Highway 101 and Cascade.
Edward Cole reported the theft
of mail from his mail box.
* W, *
Building permits approved by
the Mason County Commission
Monday were to Bert M. Trotter,
wood cabin, $500; Westgate Build-
era, four wood residences, $13,750,
$13,750, $14,250 and $14,250;
James Hickam, wood shop, $500;
John Swanson, add to residence,
$350; Barry Snove r, wood garage,
$900; Otto Wojahn, wood garage,
$500; Susan Anderson, 'wood gar-
age, $800; George A. Green; car-
port and add to residence, $1,900;
John Clapson, wood cabin, $2,000
and Clyde A. Simmons, wood res-
idence, $8,000.
Receipts from the Harstine Is-
land Ferry for the week ending
Aug. 7 were $319.51, the Mason
County Engineer's office reported.
$ $ $
Building permits approved by
the city of Shelton during the
past week included to L. L. Me-i
add to existing bowling al-i
ley, $10,000; Arnold Rex, steel
commercial building, $8,000.
A grass and brush fire was ex-
tinguished at Cascade and Holman
at 11:55 p.m. Aug. 8. The fire
was caused by someone smoking.
A call was answered to the
Simpson waterfront at 1:55 p.m.
Aug. 9 to extinguish a fire in an
electric motor in a fork lift.
BIG BANGER---Symbols of his two favorite sport- bat for a handle and with a giant plastic golf club
ing passions provided some fun at the installation and golf ball, Lillian Norvold was installed as 8 &
of Bill Dickie as Chef de Gate of 40 & 8 Voiture 40 Le Petit Chapeau. On the left is Norm Rooth-
135 last Thursday night. Members of the 8 & 40, well, 40 & 8 Grand Chef de Gate from Monroe,
which installed jointly with the 40 & 8, presented • who installed the 40 & 8 officers.
the new Chef with a huge gavel with a baseball
Forty eL Eight Voiture 135 in-
stalled its 1965-66 officers last
Thursday evening at the 40 & 8
Club in conjunction with 8 & 40
Salon 508.
About 60 people were dinner This is not just a run-of-the-mill
guests of the 40 & 8 Club for the DL'S CORNER chair. Both the chair and ottoman
occasion, which featured the pres- Tomorrow is a fateful day for all are completely covered in leather
ence of Norm Rothwell, Grand the superstitious in our midst. It's . . . After a stint in the Army,
Chef de Gare of the 40 & 8 du b'riday the 13th. The only one this Willy Kluh is back at LEROY'S
Washington, doing the installation year and for some that's good. For JEWELERS. Welcome back, Wal-
honors, this writer that's bad because Fri- ly . . . Vern Givens at MONT-
Installed were: Chef de Gare day the 13th is usually, I say usu- GOMERY WARD'S still has some
Bill Dickie; Chef de Train, Del ally, a good day. In fact so good, Fall and Winter Catalogues left.
Weston; Correspondant, Ed Fau- it's usually better than most . . . Better hurry over and get one . . .
bert; Commis Intendant, Buck Making the rounds this week, ran Gall Wentz, manager of LU2VIBER-
Armstrong; Garde la Porte, Herb 'cross a story. M'r. and Mrs. Arnold ;MEN'S is having a Summer Clear-
Angle; Avocat, Glen Correa; Au- Rex of REX FLOOR COVERINGS ance on garden supplies and fertil-
monier, Dr. R. W. Norvold; Dra-. will be putting on an addition to izer. This probably will not last
peau Sr., Hary Pizorski; Drip- their building. Part of it will be long... Merv Settle Says that he
eau Jr., Pete Kosmonek; Medicine, rental and the other part will add has found 22 good new retreads
Dr. B. N. Collier; Cheminot (3 to their existing facilities... RUn-down at MERV'S TIRE & CAR-
years), Ernie Campbell. ning back down town, Rod Olsen CARE CENTER, which he is sell-
Tues;tay night and yesterday at OLSEN FURNITURE has a ing at a low, low price. You should
Voiture 135 was represented at chairthat everyone should see.stop in and look 'em over . . .
the annual Grand Promenade in ~ .Wrigfit Carlson, owner of CARL-
Wenatchee by Diclde, Faubert and |ill .I SON TILE & FIREPLACE has
Chefde Gare Passe Jay Umphe- Weat#er some discount prices on all in-
nour as its official delegates with stock Glass Fireplace Doors. And
Mel Dobson, Weston and Arm- Iligh Low Precip.they're all over de place... Should
strong as alternates. Aug. 5 .............. 68 52 stop in and see MILLER'S APPLI-
In addition to Rothwell, guests'Aug. 6 .............. 77 50 ANCE DEPT. Pete Melin has a
for the installation party last Aug. 7 .............. 8o~- 54 -- warehouse just plumb full of GE
week included Bill Miller of Ta-A ~-
ug. 8 .............. 8,) 56 appliances and he says that he s
coma, Grand Child Welfare chair-Aug. 9 .............. 75 59 .01 got to move 'em. Some real good
~ ~" man; Bill Milligan of Tacoma, al- Aug. 10 .............. 80 58 deals down there, 'er maybe over
lmv,on ternate Cheminot Nationals; and Aug. 11 .............. 82 58 .03 there, anyway Pete's got 'em . . .
SUCcumbs Fred Sto]z of Auburn, Grand Corn- Readings are for a 24-hour per-Ray Prouty, owner of tile COAST-
1D ._l __
mp,oye mis Voyageur. led ending at 8 a.m. as reltorted by TO-COAST STORE, is having a
Owen L. Simpson of Star Rt. I Among a long list of Voiture the Rayonier, Inc. weather station. Value Carnival and Ray tells me
Box 34, died last Friday at the 135 past Chef de Gares at the in- A misplaced decimal point and some real good bargains are avail-
Stallation was Walter Hash, now a seven mistaken for 11 over theable... Back to the Office for an-
1-~rrison Memorial Hospital "i]a living ,at Detroit'Le;kes, Minn:.,' i)hone conspired .to make last other week, and just think. In an-
He was born April 10, 1889, in who was visiting here with his week's weather statistics inaccu- other week-,it's FAIR TIME.
Iowa Falls, Iowa, but had lived wife on vacation, tats. ~ ,=
in Mason County for the past 19 The buffet dinner was prepared Instead of 1.6 inches of rain for COFFEE SHOP CLOSES
years. Prior to his retirement he and served by the Epsilou Sigma July's total, the figm-e should haw~ Nita's Koffee Shop has an-
had been employed by the Simp- Alpha, ,~orority. • • been .16 inches, and instead of nounced that they will be closed
son Logging Co. He was a mere- 11.52 inches for February it should for vacation and repairs starting
bet of Ihe F & AM Vista Masonic 8 & 40 SEATS LILLIAN hnve been 7.52 inches. After ad-Ufis Saturday, Aug. 14. The shop
Lodge, Vista, Calif. NORVOLD AS CHAPEAU justing ior these errors, the 7-will reopen Monday, Aug. 23.
The funeral services, conducted New officers installed by 8 & 40 month rain total for 1965 should
by the Mt Moriah Lodge F& ,M Salon No 508 of Mason Co.nty have 008 instead of the- .Pronosal
were held at the Batstone Funeral Thursday evening were: Lillian 35.52 which the Jom'nal's St:Dry
IIome, 2 p.m., last Monday. The Norvold. Le Petit Chapeau (pres- ca.rried. This compares w'ith the Preserve area Near
interment was at the Shelton :Me- ident) ; Jennie Hoff, Le Demi Cha- 33-year average at Rayonie.r's
morlal Park. peau Premiere (first vice presi- weather station of 33.95 inches
He is survived by two sons, dent); Alice Hill, Le Demi Cha- in~ the 7-month period Here For Recreation
Owen L. simpson" Jr. of San Cle- peau Deuxiere-(second vice pres .................................
mento, Calif., and Will H. Strop- ident); Lucy Edmiston, L'Aumon- AT MUSIC CAMP
son of Shelton; two sisters, Mrs. ier (chaplain); Mar,ha ~qtsiers., *Tw.o Shelton girls, 1-)ebbie Mar-
Helen Maxwell of Renton and L'Archiviste (historian); Agnes anville and Aleca Ruddell. are
Mrs. C. E. Barkley of Fbrt Mor-Alexander, La Concierge (sergeant among the some 170 young instru-
gin, Colo.; a sister-in-law, Mrs. at arms); Miss Mary Dobson, La mentalists and ballet students at-
Nora H. Gu~hrey of Rochester, Secretaire-Cassiere (secretary- tcnding thePacificNorthwestMu-
Minn.; 'and four grandchildren,treasurer): Mattie Backhmd. Pou-sic Camp at Fort Flager State
• ' voir member (state executive corn- Park, Aug. 1-22. The group will
mittee), present concerts at Port Town-
Berl SMrum Dies Rae Mulct, m, Le Petit Chapeau send and Chimacum High Schools.
M lok:-at- cH-- m passe, acted as installing officer. Miss Maranville plays the oboe and
In o e assisted by Dora Jaclcson as LaMisq Ruddell, Shelton Music Club
• • :. , Concierge (installing sergeant-at- Scholarship winner, plays the bas-
Berl E. Sherum of Rt. 1 Box arms), soon.
234/ Matlock, died last Thursdayi
in his home. He had made his
home in the Mattock, E!ma and
Montesano area for the past 20
He was born July 15, 1903, in
H, allnibai hie.
Graves:de services were held
Aug. '21 in the Elms cemetery at
ll'a.m, with the Rev. James H.
Everest officiating.•
There are no known surviving
relatives. "
Wyoming Couple
Succumbs Together
Mr. and Mrs, Frank Studler oI
Cheyenne, Wyoming, died a few
minutes apart last Sunday in their
Mrs: Studler is the, mother o~:
Bill Homan of Shelton and the
grandmother of Rudy Herman.
Mr. Studler was a member of
the Eagles and his wife bel6nged
to the Royal Neighbors.
Funeral services were held yes-
terday in ~ryoming with the burial
following at Lincoln Memorial
Carl Swanson Dies
In Nursing Home
Carl Otto Swanson died last
Tuesday in the Elms Nursing
Born April 13, 1899, in Latham,
gins., he had made his home in
Shelton for 60 years.
Graveside services will be held
today, 11 a.m. at the Shelton Mem-
crlal Park.
His survivors include two nieces.
Mrs. Oladys Palmer and Mrs. Ma-
bel Doherty, both of Shelton; and
four nephews, Ed Burnett and Car-
men Schumacher both of Shelton,
Walter Schumacher, Salines, Cal-
ifornia, and Howard Schumacher
on the East Coast.
was $182.95
& Installed
Many Olher Models To I)hoose From
Congresswoman Julia Butler
Hansen announced last week a
proposal to preserve 150 acres of
land in 1he Olympic National For-
est as an Unusnal-interest and rec-
~eation~tl area for public use.
Mrs. Hansen said the Secretary
of Agriculture filed the applica-
tion to withdraw the South Fork
Skokomish Geological Area from
a mineral entry, setting aside the
land for the Forest Service. The
Bureau of Land Management will
undertake any necessary investi-
gations to determine the existing
and potential demand for the land
and its resources.
According to Mrs. I~ansen. a 30-
day waiting period is provided
during which written comments on
tbe pro0osal may be submitted by
the general public to the Bureau
of Land Management Congress-
womP i U,,nsen ~,,~,~ - --
' 'e '.-~,s~s~eo that
anyone int rested in submitti~
commen.s may write to the Reg-
ional Forester at Portland, Ore.
Hature ]snows no pause in prog-
ress and development, and attaches
her curse on all incr.,ion.
~'": ~ '~*--Goethe
: :.,.,
Nursing Home
P/ans Changed
Plans for the nursing home he
l)lans to construct in the Mt. View
area are being rede~figned to re-
duce the size of the proposed struc-
ture from 85 beds to 67, Lawrence
Krueger, owner of the Shelton
Manor Nursing Home said this
Plans are to start construction
of the new nursin~ hollle ill the
spring or sumer of 1966, he said.
The new nursing home will be in
the vicinity of the sites of the new
hospital and the Methodist Church.
THE PLANS which had origin-
ally been drawn for tim nursing
home here are bciug used in a
nursing home which Kruegcr is
constructing in Bremerton.
Krueger said the deci::ion to re-
Club play
and third
art; and
Bob Spooner.
M( Nell and ~.
Walker and'
Keller and
every Mot
duce the size. of
tation with
Now at
27 : .
Sweater-knit storm sleeves, perfect f;
catches snowballs.., but not a coldl
coat, Yorktown Plaid, in blends of brqff(1
size= --7 to 14.
A Subs,diary of P. N. ",--:;O,"°""
3rd & Railroad --- SH ~'~"
• 10% Down on Lay-a,w~Y
• Free Parking in
• Open Friday Nights
'i '(r~i
"Building Mason County"