August 12, 1965 Shelton Mason County Journal | ![]() |
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August 12, 1965 |
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12, 1965 SHELTON--MASON COUNTY JOURNAL---Published .in "Christmastown, U.S.A.", Shelton, Washington
Order means light and peace, in-
ward liberty and free command
over one's self; order is power.
..... Amiel
Visiting with
last week
R. V. Rhyn-
They are
~ich. Rhyndress
sons Allan
With Mrs. Ron
Ronnie and
Julie dropped in for a visit today, required two hours in surgery and
Allan stayed and played for a few a four-day stay in the hospital.
hours with Mike Bariekman and She was quite happy to be home
rode bicycles. Miss Bey Saeger al- with Rhonda and her brand new
so chatted with the women, baby brother.
Karen Devaney had a bad acci-
Mr. and Mrs. John Bariekman
cent the other day. She got kicked took their two oldest grandchild-
by a horse Sunday and suffered
a fractured Jaw and a pretty bad ren Merle, son of the James Bar-
iekman's and Rusty, son of the
cut inside her nose and mouth• It Ralph Bariekman's on a four day
trip to Copalis at the ocean. They
all had a real nice time.
• Courteously • Confidentially
, Emergencies, You Name It
Why Go Out Of Town?
Try Us For $50 And Up!
Furniture, Personal Property
Railroad Avenue • Shelton Hotel Building
MRS. HERB Welch, and child-
ren, Joe, Missy, David and Jim-
my, came by for a visit the other
day. The children all had lots of
GRAPEVIEW -- An unusually Spokane's shopping facilities and races long enough to wish Helen
good Gold Cup race kept many later, when rejoined by him, re-well.
Grapeview hydroplane fans glued hewed acquaintances with local Another birthday celebration
to their TV screens Sunday. friends. At dinner that evening,this past week was one held at
Gathering about Russ and Ruth they celebrated ~rt's accomplish- the Hal Retzman residence last
Wells' TV set Sunday afternoon ment, family style• Their journey Thursday. Actually, the celebra-
were the Don Query family, now home was begun Saturday morn- tion was, happily, in the nature
of Port Orchard, and the Art ing in a pleasantly circuitous fa- of a rennion, Pearle's oldest sis-
Nicklaus family. While deeply en- shion; first stopping at Soap Lake ter Paulina being the honored
grossed in the exciting Seafair again for a brief visit with theguest, with all five sisters being
handicap, the Wells were pleasant- Wankes and then on to see some together to help her celebrate and
ly surprised to have Lewistown, eastern Washington scenery. Hal "chaperoning" the girls. The
Mont. relatives drive in, RollieGrand Coulee Dam with its power-family group included, in order
Martin with son Frank and wife ful beauty deeply impressed themof seni°rity, Mrs. Paulina Polen,
Karen. and it is not surprising that their Mrs. Becky Shook, Mrs. Arthur
After spending the afternoon itinerary also included St. Joseph's Sobottka, Mrs. Florence Young
with them, the Martins left for Dam as well as graceful and love- and baby of the group, Pearle,
Portland to visit with Karen's rel- ly Lake Chelan, but no sight wasand a lovely dinner culminated
atives but planned to ,return be- more welcome to their road-wearythe afternoon. Although three of
fore the week is out. eyes in the small hours of Sun- the sisters departed for their Se-
Back together once again is the day morning than their Stadium ~ttle homes that evening, the
Art Zehe family circle. Leaving Beach home here in Grapeview. guest of honor, Mrs. Polen planned
last Wednesday night, Elsie, Congratulations Art, we're proudto stay on until Wednesday. In-
Elaine and Joel drove over to Soap to have you guiding our children's deed, it seemed to have been a
Lake where they spent the night educational endeavors, very good idea for Saturday eve-
with Elsie's brother and family, Incidentally, daughter Ela.ine re- ni~.g, her actual birthday, she and
the Paul Wankes. Thursday, Elsie iported to Western Washington the Retzmans were joined by the
and younguns drove on to Eastern College in Bellingham Aug. $, toRay Uhlys for dinner, further
Washington State College at Che- register for the 1965-66 ter~, her commemorating the occasion.
hey and got in touch with Art be- present plans seeming to inclineHOUSEGUEST of the Orin
fore getting settled in a Spokane her to the teaching field. Soules these days is granddaffgh-
Hotel. Thursday evening Art and Leaving our Banana Belt by air ter Gall Soule of Sacramento, Cal-
Elsie, along with the other East- in the wee hours of Sunday morn,ifornia. Gall, who arrived Aug. 4,
ern Washington State College Capt. Walt Clayton escorted his brought along a friend, Miss Jan-
graduation candidates and their armored outfit to Fort Knox, Wantland, and is indoctrinat-
wives were dinner guests of the for their annual U.S. Army Re- ing her to the favorite local water
Alumni Association. Graduation ~erve two weeks' encampment, sport, skiing, thanks to a cooper-
exercises were then held and Art Just in time, once again, to miss ative grandpa.
was among those who received the Gold Cup. Saturday afternoon more Girl
their Master's Degree in Educa- Also departing from our fair Scout canoeists plied {heir way
tion, a fitting culmination of many area at a somewhat more humane through out, waters, fhis time,
summers of hard work and study, hour, 7i30 a.m. Sunday morning, eight canoes carrying 19 canoe-
FRIDAY, WHILE Art tended to Mr. and Mrs. Howard Somers ists. Most generally, these groups
some final details at the college, chauffeured son Donald and also paddle up to Gerald's Cove and
the rest of the f~tmily enjoyed Georgia Clayton to Gold Bar, camp out for several days before
where the two youngsters will bereturning to St. Albans camp.
spending 10 days at Camp Heus- Keeping careful watch over this
ton. Fortunately, Howard and area is cur new fire warden, Le-
fun trying to ride ponies, Candy
and Princess which were juist
acquired a few days ago. They are
real gentle shetlands.
The Silver Star Riding club had
their meeting Tuesday night at
Mr. and Mrs. Phil Hardie's. The
members talked about riding in
the Elma parade and decided on
a practice day for it,
Robert Huss, bought a trailer
to live in at Kelso, while he is a
radio operator for the State Pa-
trol. He said he sure likes the
work there, but that the rent he
had to pay before he got the trai-
ler was quite fantastic.
Eddie Reynolds and Miss Rose-
Ann Putvin exchanged wedding
vows Saturday night at 7 o'clock
in the Mt. Olive Lutheran church.
The new Mrs. Reynolds wore a
long, white Satin wedding gown
with a train and a finger-tip veil.
The theme of the wedding was red
and white, and the reception was
held in the church. The cake was
made in the form of a cross.
Murial arrived home in time to Roy Ross, who can be contacted
catch the tail end of the spectac- by phoning 426-8901. He is at pres-
ular last few heats of the hydro-ent staying in a small apartment
plane races, bchind the Bayshore Grocery
Guest of honor at son Jim's Store, awaiting his wife's return
bachelor quarters on Stretch Is-from California. Ross, who has
land this weekend was Mrs. WaN livedin the Pacific northwest
ter Doerty. Coming over from her since1926, plans to make use
Seattle home late Friday with of his skill as a journeyman
daughter Mary, Mrs. Doerty was plumber and general handyman by
treated to a belated steak birthday offering to serve as a bonded win-
Julie and Doris Stock spent'
rSlnlday .at the lovely Carney Lake
summer home of Mr. and Mrs.
Thomas Morris, friends and bus-
mess associates of Julie's. Boat-
rag, swimming and visiting kept
them occupied throughout the af-
ternoon and its pleasant climax
was a delicious steak dinner.
day evening's joint V.F.D. and
Auxiliary meeting was Grapeview
V.F.D. p~esident, Joe Engcn. Main
topic under discussion for the
evening was a proposed Labor Day
dance. It was unanimously decided
to hold this dance Sept. 4, at the
new fire hall. Dance committee
chairman Ed Okonek already pro-
raises ua live music, a four piece
combo from Shelton known as the
Tune Toppers and Shelton's Olym-
pic Plywood has donated a much-
needed corner platform to our
fire department which will fit
handily into any corner of the
hall and from which the musicians
will perform. Many thanks to all
concerned! Phyllis LuTz will be
kitchen committee chairman, so
hungry dancers need not panic!
It's been a full household at the
Les Rices what with both daugh-
ters and their families being home
last week. However, Ted and Les-
lie Linde with little Becky left
Monday for California where they
will visit with Ted's uncle for
a while, leaving Sandi with hus-
band Jim Frost and daughter
Deanna here with grandma Marg-
aret and grandpa Les.
Weekend guests of Eke and Ann
Eacrett and Walter Eckert were
cousins Mr. and Mrs. Frank W.
Bampton, who are visiting here
in the Tacoma area from Milwau-
kee for a few weeks. Arriving
Saturday noon, the Bamptons
brought Auntie Louise Nachts-
cheim a)ong with them and Sun-
day morning, Mr. Bampton drove
back to Tacoma to bring his dad,
Frank G. Bampton out to Grape-
view for the day.
Also arriving Sunday morning
from Forks, were Mr. and Mrs.
Fred Boseman with daughters
Martha and Polly, quite interesting
um/ture Ua/k
By Rod Olsen
SPACE is a
• . for
homes where
t'ooms are
small, even
:n big houses
~¢herc the
lammes axe even bigger.
You can find many ingenious
ways to make the most of
space. The neat, out-of-the-way
corner cupboard in a dining
area is a good idea borrowed
from yesterday, if you don't
have room for a large buffet.
An intriguing bedroom storage
idea is to put an extra chest in
a closet. Does that sound im-
practical ?
Well, if you
look over the
contents of
your closet,
you'll find
that pretty
close to half
the things on
hangers are
short--blouses, sweaters, coats,
and the like. You can divide
your closet so that these pieces
hang over a chest placed on one
side . . . with long pieces on the
other side.
Another bedroom storage idea,
where space is at a premium, is
to use larger, roomier chests in
place of night stands on each
side of the bed.
Handsome chests--to place in
bedrooms, halls, living rooms,
just about anywhere-are very
CO"a • Q •
Our Everyday Low Prices Now Lower
FLAT or 299
FITTED Now ea.
..................... . Now
l lUe, Yellow, Lavender, Pink
' :" L
4.98 ........ Now
3.98 .............. Now
2.19 .......... Now
First Quality Percale
Blue -- Yellow --- Persimmon
FITTED ................
FITTED ..........................
100% Dacron, reg. 4.98 ........ 2/$7.00
reg. 3.98 .......................... 2/$5.00
Down reg. 12.98 .............. 2/$18.00
Be, autiful Colors
First Quality
Regular Stock
Red --- Blue --- Gray -- Black --- White --- Pink --
Lavender--- Olive -- Lemon
BATH reg. 2.99 . . . . . . now 1.99
HAND reg. 1.79 . . , , . . now Z.39
CLOTH reg. . . . . .
Pink --- Lavender -- Blue -- Antique Gold
BATH reg. 2.99
HAND reg. 1.79
.,,... now 1.99
• , . , , . now 1.5,9,
II •
10 Color• to Choo•e From
BATH reg. 1.99
HAND reg. 1.29
, , . . , . now 1.69
. . . . , . . now 99¢
reg. 59¢ . • . now 49
reg. 59 . . • . now 49*
BONNIE reg. 5.98 . . . . now 4.99
90% Rayon, 10% Acrilan --" 72 x 90
72 x 90
reg. 5.98
A Subsidiary of P. N. Hirsch & Co.
3rd & Railroad --- SHELTON
Open Friday Nights 'Till 9 P.M.
dinner Saturday eVening. Sunday, ter custodian for any one desiring especially for Frank Bampton in
a birthday cake awaited her at such services, especially summer that he and Fred had been room-
the Claytons, who with an assort- or weekend residents.
merit of guests, managed to divert It's quite a housefull the M. J.
their attention from the Gold Cup Robinsons are playing host to this
month! Danny's family, Dr. and
Mrs. Duane Robinson arrived July
Two Ministers Visit with their two young sons,
Greg and Randy, driving here from
Skokomish Church their Chicago home. From Berke-
ley, Ca~.if., came the M. J. Robin-
Serv s n the Barney Shallits ,and son Bob-
y. y V ey by. The Shallits arrived Aug. 2,
SKOKOMISH -- Guests at the and plan to spend several weeks
Sunday morning service at the Sere. Apparently activities are
Skokomish Community church not confined to visiting and such
were .Rev. and Mrs. Bob Rayburn for Dr. Duane is keeping himself
and family of Clakamas, Ore., and busy improving and remodelling
his parents, Mr. and :Mrs. Ray- the M.J.B.'s little cabin.
burn of Puyallup, and Rev. Mich-
ael Dewsnap and family of East-
ern Washington. Rev. Raybarn has
been appointed Field Representa-
tive for the Village mission and
his family will soon move to Pu-
while he travels.
Linda Smith .and Sharon Clark
are spending this week at Miracle
Ranch Bible Camp.
Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Johnson
had a family reunion Sunday.
Those present were Mr. and Mrs.
Arlan Johnson, Mellisa and Kim
of West Seattle, Mr. and Mrs.
Ronald Johnson, Jennifer and
Bruce of Milton, and Mr. and Mrs.
Ronald Porter, Allison and Marsha
of Santa Ana, Calif.
Dinner guests of Mr. and Mrs.
Chester Va~lley recently were Mr.
and Mrs. Alvin Hulbcrt, Mike Hul-
bert and Jaydee Stroud of Shel-
ton, and Mr. and Mrs. Bob Mc-
Keown, who left last weekend to
make their home in Chicago where
Mrs. McKeown will teach while
her husband is attending the Uni-
versity of Chicago.
Mr. and Mrs. Harold Hunter
made an overnight trip to Cathla-
met and enjoyed a day at Long-
beach. Sunday evening visitors at
the Hunter home were Mr. and
Mrs. Bob Hunter and children of
Seattle and Mr. and Mrs. Justin
Taylor and family of Oyster Bay.
Miss Christie Hunter of Dallas,
Ore., is visiting her grandparents,
Mr. and Mrs. Paul Hunter.
have as their house guests Mrs.
Latzel's sister and husband, Mr.
and Mrs. Lotan Hamilton of San
Diego, Calif.
Mrs. Paul Hunter had the mis-
fortune to break a bone in her
wrist when she •lipped in the
driveway of Mrs. Bud Tozier.
Sunday dinner guests of Mr. and
Mrs. Start John•on were A1 Lath-
am and Bill Cummings of the For-
estry department of Camp Covey.
Also dropping in for a visit with
the Start Johnsons was a former
Valleyite, Lee Farms of Salem,
Curt Hunter is attending the
Black Lake Bible Camp this week.
Archie Vaughn left for a 10-day
visit with his daughter and hus-
band, Mr. and Mrs. Richard Har-
mon and family of Nevada, Is.
While her husband is away Mrs.
Vaughn bus as her house guest,
Mrs. Drusilla Gray of Calgary,
Mr. and Mrs. Warren Hunter of
Idaho Falls, Ida., were overnight
guests of his parents, Mr. and
Mrs. Paul Hunter.
Mr. and Mrs. Eric Sjoholm and
having a booth at the Mason Coun-
ty Fair which will be on the
21st, and 22nd of this month. Mrs.
Anita Dugger is chairman of the
committee, other members of the
committee are Chef Rosenberg,
Mrs. Doris Sjoholm, and George
Barkley. The Committee would ap-
preciate any help the people of
the Valley could give in the col-
ection ~f material for the booth.
W. C. Kunkel of Tacoma and
Stevens of Olympia were
~iness callers at the Chester Val-
home Monday evening.
"Mr. and Mrs. James Hunter
spent the weekend on a trek with
horses at Browns Point and other
trails in the mountains.
Miss Raeann Caulkins, grand-
daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Martin
Smith, is visiting her mother, Mrs.
Betty Caulklns, in Seattle.
mates while students at the Uni-
versity of Washington.
Joining them for dinner was
Ralph (Bud) Welch. This being a
small world, we learned that
Bud's and Ann's grandparents
were good friends and, in addition,
his moLher, Mrs. Walter Eckert
and her sister, the elder Mrs.
Bampton were girlhood friends.
Friendly visiting was much enhar~-
ced by the delicious barbecued oy-
sters and salmon which the Eac-I
retts served as the piece de re-i
sistance for dinner.
AS are families, so is society. I
---William M. Thayerl
much in ' vogue today. You'll
find a really handsome selection
in our showroom, in styles and
sizes to answer your needs--and
your space problems! Come in
and look them over. You're al-
ways welcome at Olsen Furni-
t4 .hO U"
4th & Cota
of famous
NothingDown $500
Save $19.85
Free Delivery
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Open 8:30 - 5:30 Daily
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