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Newspaper Archive of
Shelton Mason County Journal
Shelton, Washington
August 12, 1965     Shelton Mason County Journal
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August 12, 1965
Newspaper Archive of Shelton Mason County Journal produced by SmallTownPapers, Inc.
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;)) ) "g ~debook )s Valus Or ) t'!" tr,, . 'i u~t Wingard 5-0 and 7-0 near the • 39 B0als Expecled ~ndia,, H,,le: ,~oy deity a,,d Bill TIMBER LEAGUl~ Pete Bloomfield's grounder to the Sunday's box scores:'' Latham, four fish 5-0 to 26-0 off W L rf ralleft side. Singles by Kimbel and I... l":,Itr'+T'~:,~It+t1,::~," ai, r. I~... U...,-&IL.... Is_.. {Potlatch,, . ...... • " 0 " ,~,)er.een ., ,,, ru[ ]| ~ m~ 1'tOtlt at( stiu oc(p at lat(¢ O~YE+II~:~)~ .................. I'~ 3 ]12 5+ Jerry Mallory then fillet, the bas-I Hat laway 2b 20 ()iP. Bhnfld, ",b 301 = ]u~I!" ~I ~ Cnshltlan with still-fishil'g the ( (s both scaling when th+ short I oshaug p 3 0 2 K rebel 2b 1 1 0 ' • • • ~'~.~:, ........ " ............... ~1 n 7i3 891x, " " : •-I • | fin n,~ul ,~und~v {most pr.)duchve method ot ang- "~'~'~'~,:" ................... ~ 17+ +95 167 I stop kicked Ahlf's bouncer. Iu- [ Liedes ib 3 0 llJr' Malh'y p ' 3 0 0 +W~*. ~wu~*. ~"+"'~ .. ~ ling leports Lake CtmhmanRe- Ab~;de~n .................. 5 1~o 6410q[tetvening was a double play by[Porter~f ~00Ll~hnnds~ 212 .About ;~0 Dqats Qom au ove~+[sort' John Ashton Seattle got a ( . ...................... w]. of the )late on Jerr Bloom- F Sanford c3 0 1 Ahlf If + 2 0 0the Unit¢,d States ana uanaoa are/= ,, ; ~, , ~'; ",-. ' . ,,, ,' ,, ~ • Bucoda ...................... 4 14 69 1591 , Y [ Y / " , " " ; "i ' ate .... / a-u lanmoc{¢ea l~mg ()it eggs J tins- ,,.,..+s fieht's r'tp back to the box. / T. Sanford. If. 2 0 11 Jk Mallry. c 2 1 1. ~xpecteo, to part csp. ~unaay m / u~ty~--- a~' + ,,,~'~ ~a,,~.'"'+~ + .... ]/,t!( st lit ~ul.. ,~ n L ......... nl,~,Irp ~,~,~ +h, e~ { Rightmyrc ss 2 0 0|Temple lb 3 0 0t~e second annual Hoqd Canal[ , , , ~nen on b-3 Aberdeen u~mU i I~LZV~#I'J~L~ ...... I~ l~ 'L" ....... e "~- ~ 4~ '" " ~t~ ¢' -:~" ' " " ~ 0 0 ut ' ard Maratlion chairman ' cr l~kIlUtZt n rl ~l U I r~ose eI o uu , • ~ ~ , Olyn~pia 14"3 McCleary 1-0 hal Log~er pair in the fourth with ] ~ , "~, ~ ~ -].- ".+ - " 0 0~ana-'' ~'--~-'-~ ~aid Tuesda,, | ,~P! I.,Y N()V¢ FOR DEER, ( ~usnn aD ,z '4 u ~ nszey rz • -- u~. ,~pu.~.~ a a I~ N '1 I I I~ l) HUN ' "WIS,C.C. 11-11, Bucod~ 9-1 t~ single after Tom Myers and} .... ' oL " "} ~'/':' ' 20 S t- ,. .... "- "" "•- |ELK CO ~1 {O .+ ~ IS - .sota,s z u u "to]ms ~tartl ume Is x p m ior me Olympia 7, Bucoda 0 Snyder opened with one-sack raps|. • - + " ;~ + . ~'r.^' -.: ~g .... "" '" = :" run in/ Only four weeks remain for McClearyNt~t" ~+. ~i~iy,' i, ~.+l~ine(ltd,fgrounder toositioned on Pete Bloom-{ SCORE IIY INNINGS ___,.~ _°u-rune race, wntcn,. ___.__ ~.../will De , hunter" " "s :mte~estea in 1Tlal(ln " a 196;g c0np. the right side. [Aberdeen ...................... 000 00p 1--~ tW er umon 0--~-I '~Uelaps-°"veran ~lae oroo~ ,-~ a5"m}~er'C°-U~;~e ~'| plicati0n for one of the , hits 1 1 2 1 0 0 n n a ~ trol e Buc(,d~t ~tt Aberdeen MosL, serious threats to Snsiders/ • .................. _ ~1 ... _ . - ~ _2 the] ' l d deer hunts and six weeks • + C . . ' Shelton .................. 1 I 0 1 0 0 x--3 race WL{I Degm ana enQ a~ on elk ' ' Olympm at W.S.C.. ,.fin]tout came in the fifth and| .,. "" .... .. ....... [~^^~ r, .... ~"~--'-~ '- ""-'"n [ permits, the Game Depart- ~ :1 nlts U ~- U J, 1 .L X "g I~UUU ~*~1.|1~1 .IN&4t~511~hl~ I,l& ~JI|AU ment n Jerry Mallory and Brian Snyder ~x~hfiH? g22c+~ li,l~gld, ~fu~t~%~kof~/ SUMMARY: ~h-P. moor, fio,d. ~b-I FO,m, O~aOA~, dasses are I Closi:te~a~;';o:::~'~ permit ap- zeIoes a k etdecn ' Jack Mallory Knutzen SH Ahl set u Lar est will be the un threw a pair of ~" .z, t, b' "~ the hoo,{ with .a double play of his{ " , " . ._. __-.... _ I P" g • .. "l plications is Sent. 9 and for' elk Sunday on Loop Field. + , one fromown instigation, in the fifth. An| norm, RRF-~'osnaug U. ~u-maL.mry o,~/ limitedmotoa~scl ss. Next come~ mose] -hermits Sent,., 2'3 ............ A tc~t~'~'l nf 10,- the port, and one from the star- opening, dquble died at third as/l,'osnaug..,, 9.. BB-Mallory.. ~,, ~'osnaug.&. "'lmbel" /'~vOse would, be.classlfle0/825 cog]rolled deer hunting per- boal'd ,side, ~s,' the ~Sh¢~lton Loggel• .s .he gmt the next. three batters with-[ HB-Qumn.. . WP-Fosnaug: ~. ~-~ { ir~ the ~0-c~bic, , mcn~ mass, Two/mils will ........... h- ~ ~ ~,, ~ ~ ~ _ ~- ~ ", , ~1 ]~ ] ~ 1~ ~ ~ +It" ......... t" ...... eked tWO ntorc Timber league• Gut harm in ~he Sixth. In every{ T. .... Sanfmd. E-Foshaug. DP-P. Bloom-j I c~asses .... for smaller, outbc&rds. ,. : .: have/:L ,~ ..................... Che buct¢ d ...... ~ "'--~+~ e'~H ...... .... . , field to T~n le P BIoomfi(ld to triumps to their rang string, other inning Snyder got,the first ..." .... ~+ PZ' '. ..... ' " rn',l~ i also b~en.a~.'l'anged. ... : +•_ | sex deer seasons open to all hunt- MALLORY, the ports]tier, had two batters. |t:(;~'in:b:;'. 20~e~hP'l;o2;UA;'~rd:+e~ 5'I A speclal +feature wJu oe.t~e|ers" This is a m~+rked reduction the tougher go, He won his first, Mallory's shutout was'in gray-| '. . ~-+ ~ * :, + +. "iappearan.c..e ot +eatue nyprop~an~lfrom the 24,675 permits issucd for ~ed arlv r ~lli 2auncey ~mougn ~[ game docisi n 3-0 but was nicl est danger in the first (on a Walki s~ .....(}-'i]~ | "'" ~ .... " ~"-~:"-+- = | the 1964 season and is due to the for six hits, two more than hisand single to the first two batters,/Aberdien ~'b'r~h~'Sl.;o~n" ab r h | W}!l no~ '~e entereo Ln._~n~ ¢ompe_-| heavy winter losses this past year. • ~ .'we ..... " " t'tlon ~vtuncey Ill tOil|" [l~ ~llI'~ ~ , " ~eammates mana~,ed to conttl but two strikeouts eased the ten-|Ri.hthwre .~ . . i.].~ .~+_.,~, o~ 2 0 0] "~-' = ,,, +~ _~v ..... " ~ ',+: .... | Elk permits this year will total ' ' "" s ' ,'" th ...... ~ seven lete y • . , (.ff Aberdeen s Bet t l o. haug. .don), e fourth (on the veryi ~oshau~ ef 2 n l[~imbel 2b 2 1 2] m~.. ~...+~.~., ~ .....t,,, th ..... t 7 215---equal to the 1964 total• Lo- However Foshaug's .wildness same sequence but rescued by a| T~|ecie~ i~b" ~ .~.!T"--_;" ....... 1 1 | ~?~. *"~'?.~ ........ -~-'-"~:" -~7~;~-'i Cal fishing and hun%n~ license • ' ' ' ~ " • "Id - . . - U uiJr ~V~U||I'y Iu o sorsnlp oz me mercnants el unlon. " o did him in, the Loggers using Wl double piay started b Pete Bloom | p.,,~ ...... I • ,+,~M o. . ~ .| ......... ~ | d~al~r~ ve annlications f~++ *he pitches as scming instruments on field), and the sev)eYnth (when a iT"S'a'nf'ord If'..~ 00l~h~'f"c' ...... ? ; ~ O] '~oC°'n~:f&tciZne Ww~l ~: ~li~d~aat| el-l~'and h~3er p~ermits along'with Lwo occasiou~3 and a balk on an- v~alk and a 'double after one'out " , ' ~ *" , = +' ~ _ , . ~. , .... !1 S. So,ford c 2 0 013k Mallry cf 3 0 1| tlie' untofl XCasonic Lod~d~:stinda~/1965 big game hunting pamphlets other, were turnea into ~ twm ~nlmg oy Hat'haway 2b 2 0 1 Myers~f • ~3 1 1 between':~:he~lib~lrs of lr a~ ~ ~howirlg Hunting Units, date~ and Foshau s first wild itch lat overly ambitiousAberdeen basel., utzenr- ] . / ' " ]number oi e '" • " g P P ~n z 3 0 0 Sn aer ) 3 2 2 p nmts to be drawn in '~ ~. -;'-'" • ' ~- '; - in- runners) threel/ ", ' y I. ]/7 p m The Hood Canal Improve-Ire/ • en r~oy. . t~imocl in tne first - ~ • Qulnn. 3b 2 0 0 Jonker rf3 1 1 m~nt" "club w'll~ also set~e efresh+, each, unit, • . . . one ' + + needed for success aftcr Kimbe£ doubleplays b'elilnd Mallory and{ .SCORE 1}~ INNINGS ~ ~| t,h'~t" "~? ?~':'~ ...... /UNSCHEDULED'SURF walked, stole second and moves gave him flawless support TbeylAberdeen .......... 0 0 0 0 0 0 0--0| .... /RIDE ENDS ItAPPILY to third on Mallory's grounder to committed only One error all af-t " 'hits .... 0 0 0 1 1 1 0--S/ ' ' / Sffrf-ridifig is' an exhilirating wild . ' ................ second.'s fourth ternoon: Aberdeen had only three{ Shelton ........... 0 0 4 2 0 0 x--6/ . BOWLE]~ TO MEET I exciting and pleasureful spot't-- pitch of the game sentrthJerrYaL- in the well-played games, | h ts ...... .[i .......... 0 1 4 3 0 0 x--8] The"101~ater~al i~bwling League] under the right circumstances. Bloomfield ]tome in the fou . . This Sunday the Lo~ers are at{ SUMMARY "'8"b~'~onker , ',b-Jerry| will hold its annual meeting,~o[ ' The surf-ride Helnie Hilderman ter 3erry .... singled Ren Ah]f bunteahome again. ' toJ host the~'° McCleary~] Malioi'y .... Porter S'it Kinlbel,. ...... ~' Rigltt-| elect new off~0er~...... ~5.onday at"7:30/ and'Ernie Hamli~ took before, d~ty., him along, attd Jack Mallory Bears in a' single game The fina]l myre. RBI-KImbel 2 Snyder. Jonker.| P.m.~ a~ theTlmber'~owl. - / break last Sunday morning, how- walked. .- round 0f nlav has been cut t0}RRF-Porter 4. SO-Snyder 9. Porter 7. ------- ~ ........................... BET%VEEN THOSE two t*;o- sinEle ~'~mes exceWt those involv']BB'Snyder 4 Porter 1. HB-Hathaway. ~i ~ ~R o], tck Malloryac o o, z- ' , + -hau esc "ed J ~"in ' are PB-Sanf rd SB-M ers' E-Rlghtmyre ~~ ' g " • 'n g Olympia where make-ups Y ~, , .... "~+':., , . ' ross the pla'cwith ]us balk l. necessn,v "{2 Jerry Mallory ...... ~p~Im.n,, THR,1LLS!! a~npt~,, the second "fiLer Jack doubled anu -- • rnoved up on a wild pitch. The balk - , - was committed against Dan Dens- ley, who had walked. Stathoarder Snyder gave Aber- deen only tilree hits in the second game and won c(mtfortably, 6-0, after the Loggers harvested fo,lr runs in lhc third, the first of which b2nyder scored himself. I+le led off with a single attd legged it home on Ran Jonker's triple. Jonker scored on a boot of )N -- REMODELING LLCREsT PURCHASE (1% On Reducing Balances ~° Commission Charges SHELTON Savings & Loan Association W,hen Yop Borrow From Your Oredil Union • • . You pay low interest rates on the Uppaicl balance -- no pre-payment pen altjz. ' • Payments are a(r, anged to fit your budget• • . . Your business here is l ept confidential • . . You are dealing with riends who under- stand your problems and will he!p work out a solution• • . . It is your organization --- owned by(you and our other members. MASOH OOUNTY Currently Paying 4.8% 303 North 4th St. Serving a{{ residents of mason County except ,Simpson gm¢,oyeeJ SENSATIONAL ,NOON TIME TRIALS 1:00 p.m. RACES 2:00 p.m. GATEs 0Plan AT 12 O'cLoCK NOON i See top NASCA'R Dt~ive~';~ from W'est Coast : ~ee Ford~, Dodges, Mercs, Chevs and more • See souped up ~TOCK cars racing • See Jack Mc6oy, Car! Joiner, Dick Brown, Art Watts and many more aces! + Top ~toc~ Cars -- Top Driversl • Qver 20 c~rs competing • Six thrilling events. 50-4ap feature GRAYS HARBOR FAIR 1N ELMA INSURANCE BUILDLNG WE'VE GOT THE. LEAGUE-LEADER.. I i ¥ouhr= Dus~ou~ ? wd~ Do(X,E BOYs! SrupY ) Coronet is the mgst valuable performer Of '65. Here are the facts: i W'r""t; : u.P... O09GE ..= ,e,. 5 Year/ . ...... CORONET ~'+* a*, 50,000 miles ~,~,~o= CREW 2 Ym+ I CH~Ett~ 120 ' 115,, 24,000 miles $2109 ..... ,, ....... ., , , FORD 120 116" 2 Year I FAIRLANE 24,000 miles $2183 I r~(id¢~he lest enacted federal oxcise raduction and ere the menu- facturera suggosted retail pric~s for 2-door sedens, 6.cyl,, and include factory retail provision for dealer new cer preparation and E,H. and O, State and/or Iocel taxes, if icy, destination charges end optional equipment are not included. i **AND THAT'S WHERE THE DODGE BOYS STAR___I T0 DL4U 14ERE'S HOW DODGE'S 5-YEAR/50,000.MILE'ENGINE AN0 DRIVE TRMN ~IPARRANTY PROTECTS Y0U: Chrysler (~orporetion confidantly werrants a{{ of the followin~ vital parts of its 1965 ca,s for 5 years or 50,000 miles, whichever comes first, during which time eny such parts that prove defective in material end workmanship will be raplacad or repaired at a Chrysler Motors Corporation Authorized Dealer's pl~ce of businoss without ct, arpe for such parts or labor: engine block, head and internll pa'rts, Make'manifold, water pump, transmis- sion case and internal parts (excepting manual clutch), torque converter, d,ive shaft, universal joints, rear axle end differential, and rear wheel bearinF.Sr RE. QU{RED MAINTENANCE: The followinR main|enance sorvices ere require(t under the wprranty-chan~e enlina oil every 3 months or 4,000 miles, whichevm comes first; rep{ace o}l tilter avery second oil chan~e; c}ean carburetor air tire= every 6 months and replace it avery 2 years', and every 6 months furnish evidence of this required se}vice to a Chrys{er. Matars Corporation Authorized Dea{er and request him to certify receipt of such evidence and your car's mileage. Simpie enough for such important protection. Front & Railrt ad Sl!eitolh Wash.