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Newspaper Archive of
Shelton Mason County Journal
Shelton, Washington
August 12, 1965     Shelton Mason County Journal
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August 12, 1965
Newspaper Archive of Shelton Mason County Journal produced by SmallTownPapers, Inc.
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12, 1965 SHELTON--MASON COUNTY JOURNAL-- Published in "Chr'isfmasfown, U.g:gt.', $helton, Washington P GE 9 Merle Bariek- by members of attend camp for a week Douglas Haines rlof New Bruns- to spend their mother, Mrs. Robert Pender- Centralia Cen- With Mr. and Ella Simmons celebrated her birthday in a real big way last week. Wednesday night, 14 mem- bers of the Idiot's Club dropped in witll cake and ice cream to extend their best wishes: Thurs- day evening, 19 members of her family brought in more cake and ice cream and then on Friday eve- ning, Ella. was treated to a chick- en dinner at Millos Restaurant as the guest of the Cecil Blackwel- ders and Florence Taylor. Many happy r(turns Ella. This week, Pat Smith returned from Anchorage, Alaska, where he spent his summer hard at work. Spending their vacation at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Richard Durkin are Mr. and Mrs. George O'Malley and two children of Ta- eonla. The Jerome Burkes motored to Enumclaw Saturday to visit with Mr. and Mrs. Jack Gusten. MR. AND MRS. Martin Oi,to enjoyed a Sunday drive to Olym- pia where they visited Mr. and Mrs. Jess Huskey at their home. Sunday, the Henry Robertsons le made a trip to Portland, Ore., to take their daughter, Mrs. Vickie Rau an:t daughter, Brenda to the airport. Vickie had spent the past week visiting her parents and many friends in the area. Mr. and Mrs. Edwin Taylor and son, Edwin, were Sunday dinner guests al the home of Mr. and Mrs. Leroy Dishon of Allyn. wood, Calif. A remainder to members of Progress Grange that there will be only one meeting this month Aug. 13 and it will be potluck din- ner. Any of you ever see a woodpec- ker the size of a crow? Well, Ed Taylor went to the fair grounds Monday and there on an old snag Wednesday, Mrs. Florence Tay- was perched this spectacular bird. lor had a most enjoyable day on We looked it up in our Petersons a trip to the mountains wi~h Mr.Bird Guide and it's the Pileated and Mrs. Ed Loregren and Mr. Woodpecker. This bird is black and I~Irs. Vic HolthY all of Holly- with a led crest and full grown will average 19n~ inches iz~ length. A Sunday g~mst at the home of the Martin Ottos was Carl Ander- son of Olympia. Mrs. Gertie Grate, Karen and Lynn of Black Lake were Satur- day evening guests of Mr, and Mrs. Edwin Petty. SUNDAY, TIlE Ira ~tap.sburys, Harry Simmons, Eldon Todds, and Len Coles made a leisurely trip to Hurricane Ridge, enjoyed din- ner at Dupois Restaurant, and crossed the Hood Canal Floating b~dge to have dessert in Bremer- ton and then visited at the home of the Cecil Blackwelders in the evening. Mr. and Mrs. Edwin Petty at- tended the Littlerock School Re- union Sunday at the Littlerock Grange Hall. The O. R. Taylors entertained the Dan Woods Tuesday evening at their home. Buddy Wood will be arriving at the home of his grandparents about Aug. 20 frown England with his wife and daughter. They will spend 45 days visiting friends and relatives before they report to their next base near San Fran- cisco. There lure 18 state colleges in California. ---PROTECT YOUR ~RES'FS- KEEP MASON COUNTY GREEN 1966 Models are arriving from the GE factory and my WARE- HOUSE IS LOADED. I must make room for a carload of ap- pliances arriving next week--EVERYTHING GOES on this sale at low, low prices to clear warehouse. Sale runs from Thursday to Thursday! The BARGAINS ARE YOURS! PETE MELIN Appliance Manager ® WITH GOOD TRADE-IN There's No Other Washer Like It! e Mini-Basket--ideal for laundering delicate fabrics, sweaters, blouses, and other small loads. Saves Time, Water and Detergent. Big Family Size Capacity.,. makes this washer tru]y two washers in onel 4 Water Level Selections • $ Wash Cycles • 3 Wash, 2 Rinse Temperatures * Safety Lid Switch • Porcelaia Enamel Top, Lid, Tub, and Wash t]asket. * Trade Mark o~ Genera/Electric CO, WA-B53Y . ii!iiiii! iiii i iii iiiiiiiii iiiii!ili !!i~iiiii~ i::i il ii !iiiiii i!ii!ii:i~i :!i!!!:!i Frost Never Forms in this General Electric • Giant Zero-Degree Freezer holds up to 147 lbs. of frozen foods, juice can rack, ice cream shelf * 'Ice Compartr~ent for Fast Freezing--2 Mini-Cube Ice Trays • Twin porcelain enamel vegetable bins • Mobile Cold for ideal food temperatures • Coppertone, Mix-0r-Match colors or white With Good Trade- I n FROST-GUARD Refrigerator-Freezer Model TBF-15SA • 14. Ft. Big! with New Model! Lowest Priced! General ectric P-7 Modd WITH TRADE emperature Control Clothes come out the correct degree of dryness for maintaining bng fabric life. No harsh overdrying--nQ damp underdpjing. * 4 Heat Selection • Familpske Capaclt • Variable Time Dry Control • Synthetic De.wrinkler THE QUAU'r AUTOMATI BILE ® PORTABLE .... ~l MODEL SM- OIA ORl) )k Gives ~notlessly CXean ))ishes Without Hand I{insing, Scraping or Dry- ing. Jus~ Tilt OffLargo or Haxd Food Scraps. • NEEDS NO INSTALLATION • EASY LOAD LII -TOP RACK Select the prope~ wash cycle, to suit the ~dlad, with just a touch of a pushbutton~ controk am located u~-fxodt for addc~ IRImec.W~h is Genera/~ecb c~ ~ f~r m0m t4tgll ~ ~V4fl wl~h~ sctior~ coupled with flzWalwa)'dradO. B1EAtI~ CONOLITE ~VORK SURFACE COL!Z~TF,,RTOP Model M 401 A Big 19" {Diag. MeasJ ScroiHI INCLUDING MATCHING BASE EASY TENt 'S :.,'::. :::.. : ::.::~:' :~:~iiiii:i:!ii!i ......................... i:iiiii~~~!~£.~j~r~aL:i::::~::~: ~:~::!~:i ~::i~ :~:~ :~iii!~!:!!!!~:~:~!:!:.:.::~:~,~::~:,:~:::~::!.!:,.:: :.: :::::~;.:!i,~:,:::!. :ii:: i~: :i:i ii::i~!~:: i,:: .:! ~i~ ,..::::~,,:! ..::: ::,i:. ::: ::: ::,.: ::. :::::::::::::::::::::::: i .i,::::: :::i ::i :::. 9¢ :::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: ::: :: ............... ': :. :::! BUY AT HOME FRIDAY NIGHTS 9:00