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Shelton Mason County Journal
Shelton, Washington
August 12, 1965     Shelton Mason County Journal
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August 12, 1965
Newspaper Archive of Shelton Mason County Journal produced by SmallTownPapers, Inc.
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PAGE 12 SI LT0 --MA 01 J0 AL- Published in "Christrnastown, U.S.A.", 8helton, Washington FROM By Betty Dean UNION -- The Union merch- fishing, with a report of only two ants led by "Uppy" Updyke, are iish caught. preparing for the Hood Canal out- Mrs. Bill Timm, Mrs. Max Dean board races to be held here Sun- and Mrs. Steve Morris motored to day. The 50-mile race will begin Seattle Tuesday. The day was at 1 p.m. and will be held over spent seeing doctors, school shop- a five-mile course starting at the ping and taking Do?lie Allen, who Hood Canal Marina in Union going is at the Swedish Hospital for to Alderbrook and returning to treatments, out for hmch. the Marina. For the benefit of Waldo Chase organized a moun- the spectators the Hood Canal Ira- tain camping trip last week which provement club will have a re- much pleasure for several treshment stand at the Marina of his young friends. Making the during the races and will serve trip were David Wolff, his present hot dogs, pop, donuts and coffee, house guest, and George and John A salmon barbecue with .all the Morse. Ira Morse made the trip trimmings will also be served at posskble in conveying the group to the Masonic Temple from 11 a.m. and from their starting place. until 7 p.m. The proceeds of the THIS LOCALITY has had sev- barbecue will go to the temple eral prominent and colorful pet'- building fund. sonalities as vacation visitors dur- First to arrive this week for a ing the past week. Among them family reunion at Ethel Dalby's Monday Joan Holderman, water home are Mr. and Mrs. David DaN by and children Marilyn, Susan, colorist and member of Washing- Marie and David, from San Point ton Women Painters of Seattle. Ida., and Kenneth Dalby of Seat-Sunday of last week Jessie Haas, character actress of Seattle, was tle. a dinner guest of Ethel Dalby. Among Canalites who made the Jessie has been associ.ated with trip to Port Townsend to enjoy Gene Keene's Cirque theatre of the Arts Festival were Elsa Seattle for the past 15 years. For: Schlosser, Dorotily Jessup and last month she appeared op-, Betty McGill. mslte guest star Stu Erwtn, noted Enjoying a couple of restful of stage, radio, and past days at her cabin "Inner-Sanc- few years also television. turn" last week was Mrs. Charles Paul Jones is reported working Lewis of Shelton. on another of his interesting and MR. AND MRS. Royal Brough- attractive murals, this one said .am of Seattle were visitors atto be a Lake Cushman scene, at Ethel Dalby's home last Thurs- which should also add to the pleas- day, stopping enroute on a brief ure of onlookers. Paul started his vacation trip. On the return drive sketching career as a school boy to Seattle Mr. Brougham is sports at Union. Local friends are happy editor of the Post Intelligencer. at his progress. Irvin Orcutt of Lewiston, Ida.,Mr. and Mrs. Frank Dean took was a guest of the Ed HamiltonsMr. and Mrs. Perry Dilworth to Thursday and Friday. The two Millo's Diner in Potlatch for din- ner Saturday evening. The occa- sion being Mrs. Dilworth's birth- day. Mr. and Mrs'. Otto Wojahn were back at their jobs M-onday morn- ing after a two week vacation. Among things they did during the two weeks were making the loop around through Port Angeles, and Ampule When a, customer comes into a pharmacy to buy perfume for his wife, he doesn't normally ask for the fragrance in an am- pule. Such a request would not be as strange as it sounds, how- ever--because the container that is used today for many in- jectable pharmaceuticals de- rives from the Latin "ampulla," which originally designated a flask or earthen jar for hold- ing peI~ume. The word acquired its pres- ent-day meaning when Stan- islaUs Limousin invented his "ampoules hypodermiques" in 1886. Emergency Ph. 426-2165 Fifth & Franklin St.--- 426-3327 Open Daily 9:30 to 7:30 Saturdays --- 9:30 - 6:00 6 glowing diamonds to light her love $59.50 DIAMOND days were spent on Ed's boat trips around the island during her a trip 'to Vancouver Island. They took their grandson Brad Bulter with them to Vancouver. Mr. and Mrs. John Rebman are happy to have John's sister and husband, Mr. and Mrs. Paul Wam- sley Visiting with them. They came into Seattle Aug. 4 by train from Peoria, Ill. Other weekend guests at the Rebmans were their daugh- ter and her husband, Mr. and Mrs. Ron Slighte of Olympia. The Reb- marts' .,:on John Jr., is attending ..} Feature Rl'eg ¢0,, wofld*s Ilcgest manufacturer of diamond dee mountin~. "~ Choice of 14K whlte or Yellow gold. RillSs alzd diamonds e~zlarged to show detail,"\ the De Vry Technical School in Chicago, studying electrical re- search. Union residents extend their sympathy to Mrs. Oscar Smith whose husband passed away on Thursday at the Shelton General Hospital. MR. AND MRS. Herbert Allen and daughter Bonnie motored to Quilcene Sunday to attend a pub- lic auction. Bonnie spent last week in Seattle. Congratulations to Mr. and Mrs. Bill Graham on the arrival of a new boy born July 21. Mr. and,Mrs. Eddie Metzler and son Scott went to Orcas Island this past weekend to visit Mrs. Metzler's sister and family, the Lawrence Johnsons, who are for- mer Union residents. On their re- turn trip they brought home Sue Lewis, who has been visiting the for the past two months. She has been enjoying many side stay. To her mlrprise her family had increased during her absence, her grandchildren presented her with a little chihauhua puppy to keep her company. Bette Cowan and Sally Metzler, daughter~ of Mr. and Mrs. Metz- ler swam across the Hood Canal recently. The girls started from the dock at Bisbopbrook, ending the swim at Tahuya inlet, a dis- tance of two and a half miles. It took one hour and fifty minutes. Mr. and Mrs. Metzler and son Scott followed by boat to insure a safe trip and incidently give them a ride home. Visitors at the A1 Cow.arts home this week are Mi~. and Mrs. Ray- mond Povondra and family of Lead, S.D., and Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Steelman Jr., and family of Rapid City, S:D. Tlm family of Mr. and Mrs. George Steelman met in Olympia at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Jerry. to celebrate :heir 50th wedding anniversary. Other guests from Union attend- ing were Mr. and Mrs..Harry Mawson. Debbie Williams, daughter of ~r. and Mrs. H. B. ~Tilliams, ar- rived home Wednesday from an ll- day camping trip at Camp Huston near Seattle. ,|Editor's Note: Thlg 1~ the first In a series of columns by C. A. Skinner, social security district mmmger in Olympia, telling what the social security amendments of 1965 mean to you and your family.) The 1965 social security amend- ments will increase social security payments for 2500 persons in Ma- son County. These increases will be paid automatically and no ben- eficiary will need to get in touch with the social security offic~ for this increase. The increase of seven percent is retroactive to January of this year. The amount of this increase for past months will be paid in a single check about the middle of September. The checks which will go out to beneficiaries early in September will still be in the old amount, but the regular monthly checks issued early in October will be fo~ the new increased amount. LATER COLUMNS in this ser- ies will tell about the hospital and medical insurance provisions of these social security changes in i detail. Since no applications for! either of these provisions can be filed before September 1, we are asking those who are interested tn hospital and medical coverage !.under social security to wait nn- til at least September before in.. quiring. We are urging anyone wh5 has medical or hospital insurance now to keep it. Benefits for hospital or medical costs under social secur- ity are not payable until July 1, 1966, and in addition people should be very sure of what is available under social security before chang- ing their present insurance cov- erage. worth your wait in Chavrol#t ImpM4¢ • " " You couldn*t pick a better time than now o buy a ChevrOlet? Plenty of beautiful driving weather ahead, and ,your Chevrolet Mealer is making allowances for your old car that are even more beautiful...Come drive great deal Ilod'S Lha tike'to get a ! bq.y on the Iio. 1 ears., CHEVROLET DEALER 46-7865 GET OUT TItE BRIQUETS AND THE TItERE'S NOTIIING FINER THAN CItARCOAL FAMOUS BAR-S EASY-TO-CARVE, WASTE-FREE HOLIDAY IIAMS. YOUR CHOICE OF WHOLE OR HALF. TERRIFIC FLAVOR AND IT IS "ALL MEAT" Best In The West., . For Your Barbecue Pound Your Choice of Bar.S Thick Sliced or Chuck.. Wagon Reg. Sliced Lb. Bar-S Sliced Olive, Pickle & Pimiento, Bologna or Spiced Luncheon CLANCY FROZEN 1 lb. 3 oz. Pkg. Virginia Reel Pure Pork Pound ISH RI Meal Variety 10-oz. Average R FRESH, TENDER WASH. GROWN BROILERS. TWO HALVES PER PACKAGE. DELICIOUS BARBECUED FRESH FRYER PARTS . . . BREASTS Fresh Wash. Grown LB. THIGHS AND DRUMSTIX LB. WINGS FOR ECONOMY LB. BACKS AND NECKS LB. MJB • • " 2 LB. • " 6 OZ. CENTENNIAD SILK-SIFTED I0 LB. gall 10 LB. SACK DELICIA GAL. ICE CREAM TUB OVEN- BAKED I H¸ 1st & Grove . Shelton 426-4426