August 12, 1965 Shelton Mason County Journal | ![]() |
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August 12, 1965 |
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PAGE 14 SHELTON---MASON COUNTY JOURNAL--- Published in '¢Chr stmasfown, U.S.A.", Shelton, Washington
For Sale I For Sale Sporting Goods Used Cars Wanted I Wanted 'or
FOR" SALE -- Several good used [ ~OR SALE -- Used steel, plates, pli~, CAMPER FOR SALE -- See at 805 lc SALE -- '62 Renault, good condition, WANTED -- Ironing in my home, St~ AUTO PAINTING $40 and up,' Also [ TWO BEDROOM DUPLEX furnished. TI]REE
freezers reconditioned and guaran-[pulleys and shafts•All types aal- Railroad Ave. or call 426-2114. brand new tires $899 nlus 1 cent l an hour• Phone 426-6420. L 11/12 tfn house trailers boats, etc. Phone Newly decorated near .~hopping and in ap]
teed. Lem Warren Refrigeration, I vase, Shelton JunkCo•, 1first and E 8/12 tfn ..... " : ~ .." ~,.. ~ I ~LL DO BABY-~'ITTING at-m- home I 426-4322, Inquire 1202 Cots St .... schools. R(q'erences. $50. No pets. eeramie
127 South Second W 7/1 tfn l Mill phone 426~R626 9/8 tfeC~NE 12:iv0OT-al(lln nu1~ -boat ~139 50 bUyS cman ~o Henaultwltu goou / nr vnur~ Dnv n. night a2a-2~a ] R 4/9 tf~ [ Call 426-4719. P 8/12 phlce, dot
......................... . ............................................. "~ • , w .~ . . .~ ~ ..... ~ v. v .......................................... - " age, one
...... " .............. r. , Road. Ph(
8031 after
nished he1
body ~t runsS¢c at Jomnal Mt View Wall to wall carpeun
McCULLO(~H n ~ nnun,1 ~hai~ U.~ ] 1960 INTERNATIONAL 330 tractor One ]2-foot fiberglass boat,was -- " ~ ' ' H 6/17 tfn WANTED -- An elderly woman t~) [ NEW WATERFRONT HOME for rent.
is ,5 h.n. .m~ ....... d eut.q fa~t~- ............. th.. ~-*~. with front end. 7/8 yard loader and ,$908~ now $16o. Glasspar.. G-3 and.----~ / k;ONm~-^C'T~O-l-~'I~---bv---~x:f~:[enc~;d l• ~ (~ ' e ) "~ ----"'~ "' . . , . ~ care for a semi-invalid. ,, woman ial. .Three bedroom all moderns, convcn-
heavier" ~n~ o,w~.'~-';)~a ~ ~- .~t { IIenry back hoe with 18 inch bucket. 7o h.p. Evlnrudc--selectcd sluft, FOR SALE -- 19o6Pontmc cb ~al. / ('hei~t,..~ xr~, ¢n,.,ne.. ¢.- e ....... h, ees [ my home. Pbone 426-8330. D 8/5 tin [ ~enccs. One-year lease $12,) per me.
............................... n 426 ................... ~ ............................. '
42~-~.41~ ~/1 ten IGood conditio , -8370, 426-3131. meehanical steering, tac. and speed- Days callHoodsport877-5311, eve-[ ~r-sh |•l-re'in,. ~t-mns n-d fertil-ILADY T(~ !qEPRE~ENT Tu. Mi~sh~ ] Reierenccs required. Areadm Road•
• ' ' 121 ..............................
nings Umon 898 2334 G 8/ 9 otn (ommumt Hammc~sly Inlet 426 4018
...... =-:- -'-- ........................ ."t- :2"?- [ B 7/1 tfn ometer, $1,815.85, Call 898-2252, Hood __ _ " _ ' " "__ _ " [ izing. Phone 426-8106. H 8/12-19 ] Work Shop in y ' : " y. Lib- ' ' ' " ~I " 2" ~ 26
BALDWIN SPINET piano, $695; Stor-I.~~~ Canal Marina. II 8/12 It1963 VOLKSWAGEN transporter bus, x~r^~q,~- .r--P-rt-hle-~-i~,newriter eral Commissions, Write for inter- ___ value plut
.~y and Clark spinet piano, $695; ] c~ndltloned ranges, refrlgerator~, FOR SALE -- 14 ft.- inboard ski boatdeluxe, $1725. Excellent condition. I "~=~*~. ~ .... ~ ~'~Au~.~~" o•.qle~e ! view• 1158-17th Ave, East, SeatHe I FOR RENT -- Cba~,]]ling 3 bedroom, house is $
• aftei 5 * .......... ~ ............... ~'"
:~mmas ~wo:-K(~.eoaru organ, ~auo. Iwashers, d.Ters, Eells & Valley Ap- with trailar $550 Phone 426-2326. One owner.Phone 426-3209 • ] ~,,a.., ~ .....a~s ~uu¢ u ~ tfn [ 98102. 8/12-17 { well-furnished home ca beautiful catcd at 2~
Snerman ann u/ay, 20o west 5th, ] nl|nn~,p ~'~nter 6/~ ira ' L 8/12 tfn ..... 2" tfn .................. " ......."'" ' ' ' ..............
p•xn, w l/ ~ ............ "~] LdlllWaUp ~OVe, ~el)l:. - June, b~o
Olympia Phone 352-3791 S 7/1 tfn ----.,-~-'; ....... ~----- -- ........
• • lOON T SELL Iq.. Ylave your uphof . ........................ c. Like 1-964 S(~C)---tJ;r-~Fi~h-~idrive full l i |1 per month. References. Phone Hoods- CHOICE W.
........................................................, ~ 9 ' ster,,z cleaned by u"lean,ng' .~rv=~ ices ~;' .......................... . • ¢ , cab, radio, top rack. Phone 426-4128 ] BULLDOZING - EXCAVATING [[~ ca i fT~ [} port 877-5535. Mc 8/5 tfn Split-level
WANT ~(') BUY OR SIbLL real estate. ] o.u ....... heno ~a ~,~a ... ~oa ~ new condfl.ion. Two new t~r Ca, $450.
For quick action try our new num-[ .............. - ...... ~5~o-t~ Phone 426-8603. H 8/12 or 426-8262. Me 7/29 tfn] BACK HOE - DROTT LOADER I! nml llNIIlli\l/ll |lll\'lll lN I[FOR RENT ---Tw¢~be-di;(~om,-unfur- er can hal
r ' ' ~g" .....................
be , 426-4447, A Roy Dunn. " ..................... stick shift -¢450 Radio heater Ph I ~.,=~.~ o~.~as~, I | ~" ~ " II 14e~erences require(L bui~aDte for
8/5.19]NEW MOON mobile lmmes! Nation's BOATS, MOTORS, TRAILERS, equip- ~56--CH-Ev~-2Y¢l~dt°-p~linder' ] DUMP TRUCK - F LL D RT II i[dlUlilllhV~iliUllllt~Jl~| I] nisbed in country, a vailablc.S.ept. 1.
~'i~~-~. . |best seller, your best buy. DeTray's sent at Wall's Marine Suppler, on 426 6539 ' " " ' P 5/6 tfn omwm~m o.o.=m~ I~ I] couple. Write box 200 c/o Journal.
~t~v~u~ ~A~. service an,a IMobile Homes, 1617 Pones Road beautiful Hood Canal. Phone l~tooas. __ ~-, • ............. ~ ~ T~ • t t tromp[ - ~Ju~u ~, ~.~ ., 8q2 tfn-. fenced, tw
1955 CHEVROLET four-yard dump ~ l el;e asslo I [ WHEATLEY & KEARV | } .......................... ,s*~ _._ ter and 111
suDolla~ Tnhn ~le~, Phn,~ 4~-61t~. ]Olympia. Phone 352-2907. D 10/15 ff~oor~ TO 7. S244 I '19 *~ truck 8 25 x 20 tires two-speed axle 898 245~ ilfll^n ta,--h i I I I ONE BEDROOM COTTAGE for rent. Box 394, •
after 5:00 p.m. ~emonstrations.I ~1~ L'ICEI~S~r Good'condition Phone 426-8370 426"/ " .. ..... , war .]] 317 S. let 426-4553 |] Furnished. Phone 426-8.123. W 8/12
, 1 ~fn [ ~any thousands of~tem's*'t'o'~hoose boat. Radi?, depth finder_ Moored3131. • B 7)1 tfn ...... 6/24 tfn I'--~-------------- I1 FOR RENT -- Furnished one hedroom
"CHRISTMASTOiYN, U.S.A." rubber i from. Large descounts, We p~'~, at westport, ~,o~ casn• ~no_ne_a~p- hardtop, full power radio beater, Reasonable rates. Call 426-4160. I For Rent I per nnmth. No extras, ~ee to ap- Phone 426
stamps for sale at the Journal, $1.29 I freight, Shelton Marine Supply, Hl.~- 3405, H b/27 tfn~98-2~ BACK HOE WORK -- Free estimates ! __ __ . house. Bath, utili!y, c~rport. $60 bank wate
.,~aeh' 227 West Cots. t 12/1 tfo ] cr~st .................. M__~/8 tin 1~ RAINIER travel trailers ~d Sky- exce ent (ondilion, $700 cash. Call I N 6/24 tfn ~ precmte. Phone 426-3791, M 8/i2-19-26 COMF()RTAB:
nr~T'r ~a~ PUMp more --~,=~ ..d ] HOMEMADE CANDIES by AI, Peanut " lark horse trailers on sale cow at 426-2693 after 6 p.m. R 8/12-261 B-ACE:--~IOE---SERVICE ----~--Light grad: t FOR RENT -- C0mnletelv furnished I FOR REbI-T--~~ home~ nice :
--- "----" ...... --'- r t
Ionw~v ~fth ~alrhankn Mnvaa numni I b it Is, a specialty. Many others Shelton Union Service Station 832 ................... ' iing, backfilling, sewage systems. I clean attractive one"l~'ed(oom Apart- I d_ownt0wn. Call 426:442.§r__M10/8tfn ~f'{cr'no-on d
.......................Re-e~-t.he'm--~:-R'h~-[tn'~ -EleCtric -~-', .I ^^..available• Order now! PhoneE ..... 426-f So• 1st St.~R 10/15__tfn 1958 INTERNATIONAL~ W r a v e 1 a 1. 1, ] Reasonable426 6893 rates, Dtetz Kadoun7.2~ ~fnh I sent. References required. Call 426- i WARM ROOM Food Lockers for rent• Owner scull
A120 x4 warn hubs cod conui- I - ' " ' ...... 7"2 ....
419 P.~llroa& 8/16 tfn isz~#, a/~u t n~~r~ ..... -I .,oea ~una ., =.4 ' - ...... ' g ~" "'5 12 ~ ~;"-- .... [ o~##, w / s un I Lemke's Service (Dayton Crossroads) THREE BEE
"---::-Z-~:~-==-A-:=--~-:=-~m:=-==-~-.--'----r---'~ |MAG~IAVOX Color television, -Three "~ o~'~=~''o'n~'"~'el~)'a~d'~n~"'~De~a,'~a ~'Gun son. r'none ~:~-~D0I. ~ ~/ " I I TT~'~'~I-~ I"~TTI~D'~Vl*Ifl~TT~I[7~ |]F-()R--RENT --- Unfurnished two bed-[ phone 426-6779. 6/3 tfn acres, Canal
months old,Console model• Phone ~wv ..... . ~. I I U~.~l) J~ I) l~l~ll[J~ | I room modern, new ap.artments, on I HOUSEKEEPING~PTS --~ne and Store, north
nqll, $ ~AL @Nny I 426-8078. S 6/17 tfn Shop, Union, Wash. hon%898421t? lib All .... II . " . '. =" = ..... es a ~ i two rooms. Dishes, linens, utilities
ilA~Pm~ ,A N E~MI~ ! I i ~. .-~ .~ ~ = | n ances_ private parking and private I -" - • • - FOR SALE -
[[~ In ~ ~ i IT ii ~ BIB 9 nn 7,'inii lii l uy- en-'lTaae |l locke~ storage space. Heated swim-IEDGEWOOD APTS. -- Two bedrooms excellent (
stores and
~~ ............... Johnson 10, Double bed and marine
r FOR SALE -- P ckl ng cu mbers and
U ~ R I I U ~ ¢, ] o.~,e,,+--rn ~'~" ~ ~rd 42a a~no head, Large ice box, Lots of storage• ____U~n-iUI _.UHRt&]I.__ III Evernreen= second Hand Store |] sing pool, $99.50 month• Contactf furnlshed..Large rooms, lots of clos-
~ .................. ~':n'- -- $2900 Boathouse available. Phone ----- |ll 4 Mi West on Oa" ton Road I I manager. Phone 426,3100. Ell/26 t n ets. Clean and neat, $55 per month, basement. F
s/:) trn " . . i l i • Y | [W'-AREHOUSE-FOR RENT--downt0wn References required. Phone 426-8584. er'.-PhonC 4~
Elf I ~ l I ......................... 426- 4602. S 7/15 tfn I I I Lillian Wilson 6/24 tfn I [ "'iocatlon clean dry storage Phone S 3/18 tfn AT UNION o~
LiO ii Ak ilOe ]FOR SALE -- 5 hp. outboard nmtor, ~E~"~--Go~0d-co-ncl(tlon •
~m|~[~m||li||~[~ I]~|~ [ 14 ft. birch craft, $100. 7 hp Wiscon- $50• Phone 426-2289 after 6 p.m. , ........ |1~1 426-8211' ' L 8/4 tfn ~ or 4 bedr
~um .... ma~'v 'mmma.,m C 7 29 tfn ., _ I I WANTED -- Alder saw-logs, top prlc-IF OR RENT -- Roe(:[ Apt. 2 bedroom, Real Estate room and k
I sin air cooled, completely overhauled, ' / o~ t~omet a-or. ~eoan ,, , ~ ............
'63 VOlKswagen uus II es paid. Any length. Phone days[ unfurnished, garage, yard. Call La- ,, and worksl~
MANv ~u, ,~c I compelh, r and shaft, $37.50. New as- = - "~ ~ " ' '63 Ford. VS. Stick |] Chehalls 748-3800 evenings 748-3530. I Bissoniere Agency. 426-4666 or 436- RET~Z~C~.n .~l~n, V,r,#,,r,,~nt h,~m~ Bill Pearson
" " " C 2/11 tfn 4836 D 3/29 ttn ..................................
tonmtic floor furnace for 2 bedroom
' onza .......... [ ' three years old' approximately 1000 ~E B~
, • r. ~ 62 Corvair M ,s e
ADDED THIS WEEK home, $45. Phone 426-4951 after o p.m• _ _ T 8 ft ,am on Hood Canal I] HOME .REPAI~.. WORK, carpentry, FOR RENT ~- Three-room, furn_ 11 d sq. ft. Two bedrooms, mahogany bouse witb
f LOS -- • P' ' '62 Falcon Waaon il cement ann ~rmK worK, roofing. I caoin. Phone 426-4888. M 7/1 tin den fh'eplaee lovely walnut living- A bargain.
"~N ~[(~]"~'~V ]~g%~1~" $8/5 t n yellow outside, light green inside, , ...... = |] Osborne GeneralContracting. iT-I~REE:l~0-0-1Vl----upstai~t-menL roo~'n and di'ning room with w/-w
~.w ~,a~J~a=~.~ .LW~J~V,L~U _~--~7~-----7 with oars Phone 426-8548. O1 Paloon wagon [[Phone 426-6241. O 4-1 thnl suttable for single quiet person• carpeting. 18 x 30 plastic-covered
• . FI~ -- une gauon or ~ & w ±~oo~ . ' C R/5-12
On Credit Approval Beer to Don M, Saeger, Rt, 3 Box -----'-cd,~a ~^.,~ r..I.xio V8 At li_ _ I 528~ Franklin St 'Call 426-8113. patio in rear, 9 x 20 covered patio ~
~[h'I~T~UW~[7 f'ID~-~l"~lfl~ 629 at Minor's A & W Drive-In on L'(]S-T~--BLue teardrop earring mount • '*" ....... " ~ ' ' li iRONING DONw. -- fi~c an hour, one I " B 7/1 tfn in front overlooking bay with cute
'60 Ford Sedan II day service if desired, Call 426-4593. |~-~ l~l~k~'el~ lt~rt ~J',aw, ~ ..... Itv ~.lnh little upbolstered bar tucked in cor-
L¥1L~lMllll.~l qJl~J~lflll. Mt. View. 8/12 in silver. Mary Ninnis, Hoodsport, I I L9/19 t nlf ~"~=" "* ....... 'L----- ............... ~---
TERMS Wasiu General Delivery, or c~l ~72 '-bU ........ I-oro V. ~, ..... x~uuv~ ........ .uy*.,,~ ~ur ........ ,u.uv,-aqon. call ner. Beautiful view of Itarstine Is- HIML
, • IIWANTED -- Cedar logs. Versapanel, ] 426-395a or 426"-2406 M 6/18 tfn land. Slmrt sloping path to top of
T I~ffiffirm~rm~ r.~.~-~,~ and dryer set for sale, Perfect work--~.2~'--"" -'- '59 Ford H.T, |l Port of Shelton Industrial Park, I~-~-'-~-~--.-..--"-. ~ " _ new stairway down 50 steps to clean
I~qUP~F~IMJ~"l" L~l~ll)J~ ins condition. Phone 426-2552. C8/12 LOST -- Two diamond rings, ladies , ..... |l John'sPrairie. Phone 426-6426. |MII~U..~Jl~m~. ~1~.'~'~1~ has one a~.~ gravel beach, with marine railway.
g i i J 2/18 ttn/ ....... • ....... • ..- • • .. ...................
EXCEPTIONALLY GOOD ~4- CRIB--mattl:essT-pad--si~e:ets-7515- watch on boat dock at Lake Isabella• OO Pora wa on two oeuroom cottages uan ~o-~t~u UndeI~lound n~wor fn h~neh W~
'54 Pontiac 4 dr Sedan II AVON "~ALLI ....... i ___; ..... _ ...... $16,800--owner will sacrifice $1000
USED FURNITURE Sterilize'r, bottles,'safet~' g';;te. 'jump Reward• 1Ph~n~ 42?-4709. Stieiv%/1H2a~ ~ l-llgnway 10z aoutn -'~ o/,, t~n "
" " I~ •. .u z~. --: z-~av.e a =ew ter-|~r~~ ~,~m ~m~letel,, furnished or throw in all our lovely new fro'-
LOW LOW D NETTE PRICES~ up. ear strap and seat. 920 So. 3rd ..... =='- ...... =-. :----c- ....... ~ :-:- , • rltorles o en in me unetton area-- ,." ......... -- ,~- e ~ • • r ran e
, , • 426-8529 E 8/12 LOST -- $150 in moss ellis, It was to 51 Buick 4-dr. Sedan II Matlock ~oodsnort Union and Brin [ attractive clean, quiet tbrae room niture, plus washer, d,ye ,_ ~ ge
1-bpc. Chrome $a~de~50 1-5"FT--U'PR-IG/-tT--FR--E~Z-ER-~---- ~,-o be college money. If found please ' - ' " e reirlgerator ~rlng your cnecK DOOK
|l non area. For private interview in |.. apartment: oven and rang;:, h-rr~; out 1" miles north of Shel-
, ' " -- ...... 66 2
New Chairs ~ good Needs a i contact Ray Nielsen 426 3
II your home write Mary Rasmussen / ~onvement iocatmn, $7u, vnone azo- 7 ~ :
................ ~ ...... p int ng and repair to ' "~ ~'/~. tfn in 600 N 'T' ~ ~°-~o" w=,h ' I 4000 W 8/5 tfn ton on Allyn highway. Take Thomas
1 7 -c Bronze ¢ -- m nn door latch, Priced low. Phone 426- *" ..... " II .... * ....... ~4 ~3*d;"tfn I ...... '- ................ Road and follow signs. R 7/8 tfn
"'-~*." ....' 'wd~ 8712 M 8/12-19 ~ x~ /=-* FURNISHED AND UN~0"RNISHED ...............................
~e0ge ~.nalrs ................ --~ ....... " .......... ~ TnllAV$ I[LADY WANT-S--W-ORKotany---k~I~nd. ] one bedroom apartments, two blocks DO YOUR FLOORS L2OK DING~ no
1 5 "¢ Round ¢----g, FOR SALE -- Repairable rowboats. la, . ifiad Servie~ l[lll'-l~ i l Call 426-4378 evenings. V 4/16 tfn i from bank, shopping center. Appli- matter wnat you {lo. u~/ean)ng ~rv- Real
Tnii i iiii:c:: =nuv|t ii~"~cav~6-K] ances heat, hot water, garbage ser- rues uo., pnone az~-a~o, a~-~;~s;._
r INGn ~- --'- II Rubber Welder- ~rt'~,=-- ,slh *co I vice furnished. Tiled sinks, bath- ~_/_~_.~2
1" , Large (,, t " BiEnRgGES2Ns ............... rae "uiet
x IIw~_.--~-~-~,~.---~v~.---~-~--.=i tubs, showers• Ample sto g • ~ ' FOR QUICK SAIF OF ESTATE -- Phone
Beige Chairs .............. v~' ' '" ' ~ ~ ~/1~ able on approved "credit. 426-6331. ., ..~..~ ~ ~.,..~ ~,,=., ,,~w w. "~ ..... ' ...... r-^"ndin"s Also .....
I It, ma-un vollr aawin~' rnachina? ]in /, attrauttvv ~u ruu . ~" Two st( ry o]d~r lion e. lal'~e corner
...... ~ - - ....... o ............. In le ersons ' .
EARLY AMERICAN ITEMS ~-X~.D~-~-~-~~=---~,~--Y'..". B 6/24 tfn , ........ II ~,our home for onl~ ~.~s An~ makei bachelor units ior s g p ' lot double I)lunlbmg. ttLllcrest area.
• . ~ ~,- ~,, u~z,-r & ,,ove,ty ~nop wm .......... ~- 63 [OrO 2"2 Ton, 4-wn. II ~r model. Singer S'e;i'ng~'Cen~er. Ph. ] ~lect[[_ltileddreSsh~n~e?~oeX" _Phgnc 426-8765: ........ _M.~7/_29 ~n to see
3-Early American Occasmnal be open afternoons and Friday all WE BUY scrap Iron, battprle,a, .tad-
Tables w/drawers, (2-1asps, day. 520 Franklin St 7/22 tfn tor~. copper, salvage o% all mnqs. urive II_Olympia 357-7586. .......__~ltfa I Three laun'dry rooms, autom~atic wa- WOODED 3'~ ACRES, 530 ft. frontage Prop
1-coffee) were $AI I~_00DELUXEikWESwTIN?I~OUSEd aa~tr°~la~c" 88helt~2 ~#~e ~"-'86~261.rst ~nd/7~l~l '62 Econoline Van I/WINDOWS STREAKED? Too blgh tO | ehers dryer. Abundance hot water on Highway 101, ],as lots of ",pring
, .... ,/ .... II reach? Call Cleaning Services Co,, ] and 'heat. Good beds, of course! water, located 9 miles fronl Shelton REDUCED
$59.50 ea ....... All For /4'~ ReY~sonabie, Consi~Zr" ~al't payment ~RNA----N--A--~---~]~TING~ ou P0ro y2-ton I~ICKUp |[ phones 426-4376 or 426-8138, ] Lawton AVIS. 7th & Pine. Shown near Union junction, one mile past
1-Full Size Maple Bookcase Bed for good inside painting. 426-4794. ~taLlationa, oil conver~m~, floe~,~a~ ,=a m'..~n IZ "r^. II 1/7 tfn I by appoinf_mos~t Phone 426-2121 s'dmon hatchery Secluded building Save $500 ,
........ ~ ~2a oqo SneeT Meial UU, ~A OO, .tt,ru• .tJ o~ r~lL~ ..']2 ivnu I/ ................................. " • t .. ,
........... I[MOTHER WILL----~O BABY sitting at L 12/10 tfn site between 2 hills, Also,~flcal for $3,750 yOU !
W~ o t/ o o/ ~, " '
s ~bS.:aU $~1~-O0 ......... ~ ....................... , - . 426-4792, S 6/1 tfn
iz PRICE ~ TEN-SPEED BIKE used less than,- ............. ~0 internauonau 72-ton I| my home. Fenced yard. 339 Bast ---~ trailer house. -'ull pmce $22,)u, ~ovv some reaeo'
.. "'T":"'.'"Z:"" .72 _ __ three months. All' the exli~as. Best !GI~.CE ~I,A~O SE..RVI.C~ L- Tuner '55 Ford u^ ton V 8 A T II Harvard, Phone 426-4612. W 6/17 tfn ' lt~l'~- ~T4 .... down, $35 per month or less for all
]-~-iutea ~naoe ~ ~]~50 offer over .¢50 Pbone 426-6880 ano tecnmcmn. "ltegmar uare l~re- /~" ' " ' ' " |l ...... AY&~,. vltTw cash. 426-6953. . D 7/15 tfn is the best
build an eq
Hobnail Lamp .L~ ~ ' H 7/29' 8/12 vents Costly Repair". Call Olympia li Used Cars ~T.W~Cm MANf R :rwo-LE r /2 cleared canyon edge future drea
............ ..................................................... ~ 943-3712 or 357-6622, Or Shelton 426-
EXCELLENT QUALITY WANT TO BUY OR SELL real estate• 8267 G 3/12 tfn I/ , , , v ...... building lots• Inside city on uap to today-~lm~
MATTRESSEg ~, B~.D.~ For quick action try our new num- ~-~.~'~ ..... ~ ...............6 =s __ . . |]f66i 2 Apts. now available each. Your ter~s~/P0~~
1-Full Size Luxur; r~attress ber. 4264447. A O=, ,,0.1, Jim Paulev's o
ox .... ' ........... ..................... - ........... o .s =. ,,., =n ............................. ........ 1 A t. available Au . 1 ISL a D LAKE for summer tun or JUST $6,0!
& B Spring. New $umm~,50 SEVERAL USED house trailers, large EET---~7-~M~-I~-~--~G~iv-~ . . ,' 1955 TWO-DOOR Chevrol ~t '6-cyl. p Here is a
$119.50. Like new .... i~ and small for sale• Herb's Second ....... * ;.oi.~ .... a ,,,,.,1 ,o~o,.~,,,, ~ stick Hoodsport 877 5513 Call aft(,r ........ g year round living, 115 ft. of water-
r.. i 9 ~,~w-~ v ..... a ......... v .... a, d/ I/ ;: "' " '- .... ?c • unfurnlenea front suitable for one or .two faro-
Hand Store 426 3o32 or Un on 8 8
o p m ~ ~/~z ~u an
1-4 pC. Walnut Bedroom Suite, ~=~ ' " ~ ~n ~f~ call Bennett Palnting ~ompany, --- • "- .......... ,," • 2-bedroom .illes' enjoyment. Call 426-8589 y- home on
DoubIA D-e .... MI.... f~.h~*tt+---~'.... __ ............. ~'_..'t" "" 426-3248 B 11/8 tfn t~,,, o^t. t= ,. r~..t. ][ lXh-TON FORD TRUCK, 90/o rubber ~ *u..,, ...... ,, ..... *nn. time. L 7/76 tfn far to S
, 28 FT NASHUA TRAILER house li e --------~---'----'- --" -- --" li $300 '55 Chevrolet sLationwagon $130• " " . ....... v ,~,-~rr~,,~t~ Five acres Owner Is l
Bookcase, Full S ze 50 " 2 oods' PREES TOPPED trimmed removed. ' ' ' ' r" ~u~w~ ~ ,~,,~,~ -- .
...... $~1 new, $1800, Phone 877-531-_, I~I, ..= Larry's Tree Surgeon ~rvice 4~- I/ Phone 426-2453. G 8/12 • Drape 0ee a.m~a =.u ....... ti .... +ore we
......................................................... ,. .......... t age. See I
ued Was ~$1U~ ~K~, now~ port. ~ ~/~, ¢=-a~ ~ *¢,, 5th & Railroad 426-8231I/1951 FORD V-8 PICKUP, %-ton, four • Laundry facilities bedrooms down. dormitory up.
1-Full Size Mattress & WILL SELL HALF INTEREST in Y ~.PERT ADTO GLASS installation. |i speed, very good motor. Phone 426. • Appliances 426-3443. N 2/1I tin
• associated testing clinics franchise,
BOX Spring $ ~ . Jim Paule Inc. 501 Railroad Ave. .I 2278 M 4/29 tfn .......... OUR BE'¢
.. . ~ Corn atibflity testing for introdue- ~h^.~ a.m~o~ ~,a, ,~ . • , • Private parking SKOKOMISII VALLEY home, three
Clean, exceuent .......... ~-~ ing Ps~ngle adults,• Rewarding cem- " ...... " ..... . ~.-- ~." • Private Storage bedrooms, fireplace, 2-ear garage, We feel
1 Full Size Coil S-rin- M=ttre~- pensation. Box 1~21, Olympia, Wash, ROO]F~NG, b lo~ rOC~ worn mama- • Bwimmln- Pool shed, five acres. Phone 426-3784. three
" ~* u - ~ A 6/24 8/12tion guarantees. Ph. 426-6417. 6/~0t-~ -- - 'o Gary Deyette, Star Rt. 1. Box 65A. home
& Box Spring, BRAND NEW Polaroid color pack FOR EXPERT MASONRY, fireplaces, TOP QUALITY USED CARS D 6/24 tfn house for
matched set, excellent cameras. Fully autonuftic from $54.95. chimneys, planters, call R. E. Mason. month FOR SALE --- Some acreage. Inquire
Ziegler's Camera Shop, 124 N. 2nd,426-2~78. 8/1 tfn
NEW Sir~mone Studio Couch, Z 7/1 tfn H.&VE GUN WILL SPRAYI ~xterio~
w/baok cushions, makes .....
QUART JARS -- Round oak table, 100 and interior. Free estzmates, Work
two beds, or ft. rope. Bath tub. vine grapeJuice guaranteed. Bennett Painting ~o.
one King Size ............ press. Lusin. Rt 2, Box 888, Agate Phone 426-8348. 5/10 ttn
District. " 8/5 tfn ~.6.IN SAW SHA_#,.P~
LIVING ROOM FURNITURE (DO NAME and address labels,--$f[05, accurats precision grinding. Now at
1-Beige Naugahide Swivel I)repaid, Many more bargains. SendSaeger Motor Shop. Hillcrest, Phone
Rocker $~50 dime for list. Walter C. Jones, 5509 428-4602. I 1/15 ttn
like new ...................... ~ Bridgeport Way, Tacoma, Washing-
ton 98467• 8/5-26 soil, custom tractor work. Johns
1-Green Swivel $~50 d'rOR'A'~I:tE~UR' of bea'~ Creek Sand & Gravel Co., phone 426.
R,ocker, excellent ........ ~1~' for a Merle Norman Cosmetic dem- 8552.. 9/12 fin
1-Love Seat, Daveno, onstration. Elalnes phone 426.4582. ~ BULLDOZING -- Land clear-
very good ..................... E 6/4 tfn ing, road building, excavating, grad.-
1-Daveno $~]M[~50 WANT TO BUY OR SELL real-estato~; leg, terracing, leveling. Dave Dick,
For quick action try our new num- 426-4360, Shelton. D 4/16 tfn
good .............................. ~--~ her, 426-4447, A Roy Dunn.
Walnut Occasional Tables, 8/5-19
many styles, sizes, $m~50 BLUEBERRIES -- 29c lb.; 14 lbs. in- :
your choice at ~ cluding tax $3.50. !~ miles off
.............. freeway on Steamboat Island Rd.
New Occasional Chairs, $~j%00 s52-s031, Eberhardt Blueberry Nur-
large selection ............ ~-~,~ series. 8/5 tfn
1-Antlquesofa, perfectVelvet .............. ~ firebox $75 or best offer, 426-6164.
$~G~150 FOR'SALE --- Wood furnace, 36-inch
' A 8/5-19
1.Extra Large Man's Recliner, all
Naugahide, beige, was $149.50
new, cannot be
be told from new ........
Bookcase ....................
1 Record $15oo
Cabinet ........................
Beige Davenport & Chair,
near new,
excellent ....................
Love 8eat,
good ..............................
Mahogany Desk,
excellent ........................
Beige Daveno,
very good ....................
Swivel Rocker,
gold ..............................
9-Oval Braided Rugs, $~00
re,any sizes, .......... from
Apt. Size Tappan Electric Range
reconditioned ............
Kelvinator Automatic Dryer,
was $189.95.
New guarantee ....
%Refrigerator, full width $=~(~50
Chest Freezer ............
1-Kelvlnator Fooderama, 2-door
refrigerator-freezer, 2 years old,
3-yr. guarantee.
Was $749.95, NOW
Any Length
Phone 426-8122
Rt, 3, BOX 258, Shelton
6/10 t~n
lit il
Slaughtering Unit
Coollng, out~ing
t.em ke's Service 426-6779
Glenn L, Probst
Olympia 352-2255
11/23. tJ~
Construction &
Lane House Moving
Phone 426-8147
4/22 tin
GUARANTEED to give you good May we cxte, na to our many friends
service and be as represented, and neighbors and especially to the
ladies of the Fh•st Baptist Ct~urch and
RECONDITIONED as necessary members ~f tbe Shelton Rotary Club,
se daveno hinges, recliners, hide- our deep thanks for the flowers and
abeds, etc., operate properly.
PURIFIED by State Inspected
fumigation facilities.
Fri. & Sat. Only
sympathies giwn us during our be-
Mrs. Eirsr Olsoe, John & Cindy
Mr. and Mrs. E• A. Wetmore
al handler, sponsored hy Olympia
Dog Fanciers Association. For in-
formation ph one 426'-{i152:_~.0_ 8/!27!9
SINGLE'ADULTS --- A remarkable
technique for Improving yourself and
youT relationship with otlmr single
adu-lts. For complete Information :
,write: P.O. Box 12~1 Olympia, Wash•
A 6/24 8[13
1st & Grove Streets
~,(acro~ from ~rell Chevrolet).
500-gal., 75~gal., 1000-gal.
Drain Fields, Ditch Digging
Backhoe, Trencher for Hire
Phone 426-3660
CR 5-2157, Belfair. 8-18tin
Pets, Livestock
FOR SALE -- AKC nmle Basiel Hound,
phone 426-4229. T 8/12
WANT TO BUY OR SELL real estate?
For quick action try our new num-
ber, 426-444~, A. Roy Dunn,
NEW SUPPLY of turtles said fish are
~. Also greeting cards of all kinds,
apiece. Call evenings, 426-4378.
V 3/19 tfn
on vacation, Cats and small dogs,
$1.00 per day. Dogs 10-35 pounds,
$1.25. Over 35 pounds, $1.35. Indi-
vidual runways. Mel-Ru Animal Ha-
ven, 426-2387. N 6/10 tfn
MILK-I,'ED BABY beef fox' sale, whol~
or half, Call 426-6077. L 8/5 tfn
• Toy Fox Terriers--Tiny,
U.K.C. Registered .: ...... $35
• Australian Terriers, A.K.C.
Registered---Small, lively,
g, ood companions, two
litters to choose from.
• Schipperkes, A.K.C.
Registered--Cute little
black fellows
• One Adult Female Rekingese
---Small Sable, Loveable $35
Australian Terriers,
Toy Fox Terriers,
St. Rt. 1, Box 34 A
Phone 426-6152
'62 Rambler Ambassador 400
4 Door Sedan -- Radio-- Heater
Automatic--- Power Steering
'60 Chevrolet 4 Door Wagon
Radio-- Heater --- "6" --- Automatic
'59 Chevrolet Impala 4 dr. Hardtop
Radio ~ Heater -- Power Steering -- Automatic
Real Clean
'59 Rambler Custom 4 door Sedan
Heater --- Automatic -- 6 Cylinder
'57 Chrysler Windsor Hardtop
ater Power Steers
2 Door-- Radio --- He -- " g
'57 Plymouth Belvedere V-8
4 Door Sedan --- Heater -- Automatic --- Very Clean
'57 Pontiac 2 Door '54 Plymouth Wagon
'55 Olds 88 2 Door '55 Chev. 4 Door
'56 Ford Wagon
'64 Dodge A-100 Panel
Radio -- Heater --- Dual Mirnors -- 3 Vent Windows
3 Speed Transmission --- Low Mileage---Factory Warranty
'64 International Scout 80 4x4
Heater --- Warn Hubs -- Long Top --- H. D. Rear Bumper
9,000 Miles
'60 International Ton Pickup
Reconditioned 6 Cylinder Engine --- 3 Speed Transmission
'60 GMC 9 Pass. Carryall
V-6 -- Radto --- Heater --- 3 Speed Transmission
'60 Chevrolet Ton Pickup
6 Cylinder -- Radio -- Heater --- 3 Speed -- Wide Box
'54 IH 1 Ton Cab & Chassis
'53 Ford Ton Pickup
'51 Willys Jeep Wagon
4 Wheel Drive --- Heater-- Ford V-8 Engine
'51 Ford ½ Ton Pickup
'50 GMC Ton Pickup
'49 Studebaker Ton Flat Bed
'46 IH ½ Ton Pickup
707 8o. First 426-3433
Contact Manager, 426-3100
At the beautiful new
1 bedroom garden court
Sparkling new, carpets, drapes,
Westinghouse appliances, off-
street parking.
Drive by 7th & Cedar Street.
Just a few steps from
complete shopping
Sorry, No Pets!
$89.50 per month.
APT, NO, l i
Bar-Din Enterprises, 311 Cookson.
Phone 426-8113• 3/25 tfn
Wise People
Will Not Compromise
On Their
They Will INSlST
on Johns Manville
It will withstand hurricane
winds, and it costs
no more at the
Vz Mile South of Shelton
on Hiway 101
In An Exdusively Residential Area
Available August 10 --- Unfurnished
Two Bedroom Apartment --- $90.00 me.
WATER & CITY SERVICES included in rent-
al. Carports available at $5.00 me.
AVE,. APT, 4-- 426-6593
If You Need Depreciation
It will pay you to investigate the accelerated depreciation
you can legally take as first owner of a commercial property
which is presently being built in Shelton,
For details contact:
Kurt Mann -- Realtor
PHON E 426-6592
have ever
with all
hom eownel
All it nee
If you
Just mli