August 12, 1971 Shelton Mason County Journal | ![]() |
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August 12, 1971 |
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TIME OUT TO REST and partake of a luncheon, served on the patio by Mrs.
Fred McFeely, afforded men from the Mason County Sheriff's department a
chance to discuss the search operation for missing boater Richard Seeger.
Sgt. Jim Sisson, in uniform, was in charge of the investigation.
Published in Shelton, Wa. Entered as second class matter at the post office at Shelton, Wa. 98584,
under act of Mar. 8, 1879. Published weekly, except two issues during week of Thanksgiving, at
227 W. Cota. $5 per year in Mason County, $6 elsewhere.
4 Sections -- 28 Pages
l 0 Cents Per Copy
There is no indication as to
what might have caused the fatal
blast, the Simpson official said.
There were no caps in the
dynamite, he said.
Mr. ttanson was born Jan. 3,
1946 in Shelton.
lie had lived in this area all of
his life, and was a U. S. Navy
veteran of service in Vietnam.
Survivors include his wife,
Carol, a son, Erik and a daughter,
Paula, at the family home; his
mother, Mrs. Alice Spaulding,
lloodsport, and two brothers,
Fred, Shelton, and Mark, serving
with the U. S. Navy in
Funeral services will be held
at 10 a.m. Friday at Batstone
Funeral home with Rev. William
Andrews officiating.
Burial will be in Shelton
Memorial Park.
A one-year-old Matlock area
boy, Richard Walker, died in a
fire which swept the family home
in the early morning hours
He was the son'of Mr. and
Mrs. l)an Walker, Rt. 1, Box 133
Elm], The family home was
located on the Matlock-Brady
The Mason County Sheriff's
Office received the call about the
fire at 5:24 a.m. Friday.
The Matlock Fire Department
answered the call to the fire
which did extensive damage to
the home.
Mason County Coronor Byron
McClanahan said investigation by
his office and the State Fire
Marshall's Office had concluded
the blaze started in a closet in the
bedroom where the child was
The fire was probably caused
by an electrical short, the
investigation indicated,
McClanahan said.
The boy died from the heat
and suffocation.
Survivors include his parents,
one brother, David, his
grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. Earl
Walker, Matlock, and Mr. and
Mrs. Neal David, Tacoma.
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I'ER registered 100 degrees at 2:50 p.m. Tuesday when
attempted to fry an egg on the street at the corner of 3rd
After ten minutes on the well-buttered concrete, the egg had
slightly coagulate. "A person who likes 'em sunny-side-up could
eaten it," Bariekman maintained.
The architect for the new
Shelton High School was
instructed by the School Board at
its meeting Tuesday night to go
ahead with final plans for the
grandstand and athletic facilities
at the new facility in preparation
for calling for bids on this part
ahead of the rest of the school
The architect stated he would
try to have plans for that part of
the structure completed within a
couple of months or so and that
bids could then be let and
construction started as soon as
weather permits in the spring.
The board stated the state
does not provide matching money
for this part of the building
complex, and, therefore, it does
not have to wait for state
approval before it can be
The rest of the facility, on
which state matching money is
anticipated, must be approved by
the state after final plans are
completed and state money
allocated for it.
The architect recommended
that gas heating be used in the
swimming pool and field house
and electric heat pumps on the
rest of the buildings. The
recommendation was accepted by
the school board.
The Mason County Sheriff's
Office continued its efforts
Wednesday to recover the body of
Richard Seeger, 28, 6313 Military
Rd. E., Puyallup, who fell into
Case Inlet in the Allyn area after a
boating accident Sunday evening.
Dragging operations were
started Wednesday after divers
who had been down Monday and
Tuesday were unable to turn up
any trace of the body.
Mason County Sheriff's divers
were assisted by divers from
Kitsap County in the search.
The sheriff's office said
Tuesday the divers were working
in murky water from 30 to 50
feet off shore in the efforts Io
find the missing man. Barges.
loaned by the Keyport Oyster Co.
were being used to dive from.
Sheriff's officers were laotified
of the accident about 8 p.m.
Monday and divers started
searching for Seeger that evening,
quitting when it became dark.
They resumed their efforts
Monday morning and were out
again Tuesday,
Seeger and Robert ltarmon,
Tacoma, were ill the boat in Case
Inlet when it was struck fiom
behind by another hoar, causing it
to flip over. Seeger disappeared
after being dumped into the waler
and was not found.
tlarmon got out of the water.
Two teenagers, who were
passengers in the boat which
struck the Seeger boat, were
injured in the accident.
Dale Van Slyke, 16, sol] c)l"
Mr. and Mrs. llarmon Van Slyke,
suffered cuts on the backs of his
legs. l)iann Wright, 16, daughter
of Mr. and Mrs. Ronald Wright,
suffered a deep cut on her arm.
The operator of the boat was not
The Wrights took the two
teenagers to Mary Bridges
ttospital m ]acoma for treatment.
Mrs. Wright told a reporter
Dale had kept hold of Diann all
the while they were in the water
or she would have drowned. None
of the three were wearing life belts.
The search for the body was
being directed by Sgt. James
Sisson of the Mason ('ounty
Sheriff's Office.
Limit A:
A delegation of residents of
Benson Lake appeared at the
Mason County Commission
meeting Monday morning to ask
that an eight mile an hour speed
limit be placed on the lake to
eliminate water skiing.
The lake is too small and not
properly shaped to permit water
skiing without creating a hazard
to swimmers and other boaters,
the group contended.
The commissmners said the
county boating ordinance was
being reviewed with the intent to
up date it, but, that it was not
completed as yet.
The con]missioners stated if
incidents which were described by
the lake shore residents were true,
the skiiers responsible were
probably in violation of the
existing ordinance.
The architect also asked
permission to lower the pitch on
the roofs of the buildings in order
to reduce the unused attic space.
This permission was granted also,
although, it will rule out the use
of wood shakes on the roofs.
The board, on the
recommendation of Supt. Louis
Grinnell, voted to hire Mary
Velesky as an elementary librarian
and George Shramm as a social
studies teacher at Garrett Heyns
High School.
Bids were opened on dairy
products and bakery products for
the school hot lunch program and
for fuel oil for heating.
The board voted to accept the
only bid on the dairy products,
that of Darigold, and voted to
direct the administration to
accept the lowest bid on bakery
products. One of the three
companies bidding did not bid on
all of the products listed in the
bid call.
This firm had the lowest bid
on the main items used, and if the
other products are not used or
used only in small quantities, it
will be awarded the bid.
Olympia Oil and Wood and
Aeme Fuel, Olympia, were each
awarded the contract on one type
of fuel oil, the one on which it
was low bidder.
READY TO RESUME their underwater search for the body of Richard
Seeger after a break for lunch on Monday are Detective Mike Snyder and
Deputy Jack Hauge of the Belfair Sheriff's substation.
INSPECTING THE REAR-END damage of the Harmon boat, which was
pulled to shore on to the McFeely property, were Troy and Todd Hauge and
Buzz McFeely.
WAITING FOR NEWS that his friend's body had been found was Bob
Harmon, driver of the boat from which Richard Seeger was lost.