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Newspaper Archive of
Shelton Mason County Journal
Shelton, Washington
August 12, 1971     Shelton Mason County Journal
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August 12, 1971
Newspaper Archive of Shelton Mason County Journal produced by SmallTownPapers, Inc.
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PTO 3 title of "Ports O' and interesting grand opening from the auspices "I have Open a shop like in Shelton and design. features the interesting, of 21 varieties varieties of coffee, paintings, plus many Is lOCated at 1 3 1 of the Timber be able to buys at You shop the m Shelton's Sale... merchants section to focus were: Niel's tern Auto, Warren's Evergreen Music Box, berrnen's of r's Stylists, Mode tee, Shelton lrst National la's Beauty Shop all of these 'e.rVone has lr Shelves... If so, drive today and Special sale l)on'( With savings A great place to eat nov~adays is the TIMBER'S RESTAURANT. With a combination of good food and air conditioning it's a duo that's hard to beat... Don't miss the fabulous paneling sale now taking place at NYE COMPANY, builders supply on the Cole Road. Bill has lots of paneling and paneling supplies just waitin' for your selection... OLYMPIC PAINTS, a new paint and rental equipment store located on 1st street in Kimbel Motors old building, is opening this weekend... Be sure and join MELL CHEV-OLDS birthday club the next time you're down that way. Remember it can save you S100 on your next car... That's -30 for this week, but remember what Plautus wrote of speech, "It is a tiresome way of speaking, when you should dispatch the business, to beat about the bush". -DL Salmon Streams Are Closed Two prime Olympic peninsula pink salmon streams, the l)ungeness River and Morse (;reek, were closed to all sahnon angling Monday, Fisheries I)irector Thor ('. Tollefson announced this week. The closure, necessitated by critically h)w early returns of pink (humpy) salmon, was effective from 12:01 a.m. Aug. 9 until further notice, Tollefson said. Most indications are that pink sahnon runs bound for Puget Sound streams will also be small, he said, and it appears at this time that further angling restrictions will be necessary to protect these fish. -ICATION RT OF MASON HOLLEY LIZABETH ON TO day: firm ~e-entitled -=-entitlec )laint a cop~ n th~ Ins offio of you bt Will b{ ding t( ,Plaint th, is SUing the decree of ,grounds of ,art for over 98584 "815-12.19.6t BIDs till be 2ity all, :00 16 ilbe aloud 36~ Water on 3?. Water on Legal Publications The major items of construction are: 5,180 L.F. Trench Excavation and Backfill, 520 L.F. 6" A.C. pipe, 2,700 L.F. 8" C.I. .Pipe, 1,960 L.F. 6" C.I. Pipe, 4 Ea. Hydrant Assemblies, 3,220 L.F. Pavement Restoration, and other such work as required to complete the project. Work shall commence within ten (10) days after award of the contract and be completed within twenty-five (25) working days. All proposals must be made on the regular blank forms furnished and must be accompanied by cash, certified check, or bid bond, in the amount equal to five per cent (5%) of the total bid. Such accompanying certification will be returned to all unsuccessful bidders upon the completion of the award of the contract or the rejection of the bids. The bid bond shall be made payable to the City Treasurer, City of Shelton, Washington. The City of Shelton reserves the right to reject any or all bids and to waive all informalities. Sealed envelopes containing the bids shall be marked, Matlock and North Cliff Roads, Watermain Extensions. Contractual documents may be obtained at the office of the City Clerk-Treasurer, City Hall, Shelton, Washington for a deposit of $5.00. The deposit will be refunded for all contractual documents returned in good order. Dated at Shelton, Washington this 3rd day of August, 1971. City of Shelton Helen W. Stodden Clerk-Treasurer 8/5-12-2t ATHLETE'S FOOT GERM HOW TO KILL IT IN ONE HOUR Str'ong, quick-drying T-4-L checks itch and burning or your 59(; back at any drug counter. Then, in 3-5 days watch infected skin slough off. Watch HEALTHY skin appear! NOW at EVERGREEN DRUG CENTER. life - C lot the a ns he most eking out the '-c~- res ax Un Thomas A. Flemer, chief forester for the King County Department of Assessment, has been appointed supervisor of the new forest tax unit of the Department of Revenue. His immediate task will be to formulate the department's plans for implementing its responsibilities under the new forest tax enacted by the 1971 legislature which will phase out the present property tax on standing timber and replace it Plan Corn " " mission The Shelton City Commission was informed by Hughes Ambulance Service of an intended rate increase to $40 per call with Accident Victim Expresses Thanks Lillian G. Paul, 600 So. 6th St., is in satisfactory condition in Mason General Hospital following the car accident in which she suffered a possible skull fracture, a possible broken neck and a fractured right arm. According to hospital personnel, she is making successful progress. She recalls with gratitude the persons who assisted her at the time of her injuries. "1 do not know who they are," she states, "but I wish to thank them. I want them to know how very much 1 appreciate what they did for me." an additional $5 charge between 6 p.m. and 8 a.m. A delegation from the Shelton Chamber of Commerce asked permission to block Third and Fourth Sts. from about 8 a.m. to 5:30 p.m. a Saturday early in October for an automobile show. Ron Elledge, spokesman for the group, said the proposed idea is an effort to promote the downtown shopping area. The commission agreed to take the proposal under advisement. Rollin Aitken asked about additional stop signs on Dearborn St. in the ftitlcrest area, stating there have been a number of accidents, and something should be done. The commission will look into the request. The commission voted to accept the low bid of the Shelton Agent's Association on liability insurance. am with an excise tax based on its value when harvested. The department will present its plan to the Legislative Forest Tax Committee in August. It is required by Chapter 294. Laws of 1971, Ist Ex. Session, to: Promulgate rules setting forth criteria and procedures for grading forest land on a basis of quality and accessibility. Determine the true and fair value of each grade of forest land and certify such values to the county assessors. Prepare tables of stumpage values for each species of timber. Designate areas containing timber of similar growing. harvesting and marketing characteristics, to be used as units for the preparation of stumpage values. In 1972 only 75 per cent of the assessed value of timber will be taxed as property, and in 1973, only 45 per cent. Beginning in 1974, tilnber will be taxed wholly on a basis of harvest ~alue. Intermediate Board To Meet The Intermediate School District 113 Board of liducation will hold its regular meeting in the Mason County Courthouse Aug. 1 2, starting at 8 p.m. Too Late to Classify FREE HAY on 3 lots, you cut -- call 426-8272. A8/12-19 FOR RENT 2 bedroom partly furnished house, one block from Mt. View school. 426-8459 or 426-6657. W8/12 FREE ONE gallon of root beer to Billie Howard, Rt. 3, box 73 at Minor's A&W Drive-In on Mt. View. A8/12 FREE ONE chicken basket to Guy Lusignan 1207 Roy at Minor's A&W Drive-In on Mt. View. A8/12 YARD SALE! Aug. 13 and 14, Route 2, Box 258B, Phillips Lake, follow the arrows. B8/12 1957 DE SOTO sedan for sale, $250.00. Phone 426-4749. A8/12 FOR RENT three bedroom house, carpet, carport, fireplace, available September 1. Near school. Call 426-4428- evenings. J8/12tfn LAKE LOT -- Beautiful wooded setting, Timberlake. Dock, tool shed, water on Int. $8,500, terms. A tremendous spot for the family on these hot days~ Himlie Realty. 426-2646.8/12 Come on bythe Olympia Brewery in Tumwater, and help us celebrate 75 years in the same location. We're open every day, 8 'to 4:30. Olympia Brewing Company Tumwater,Washington*Oly*® Timber harvested between October 1, 1972, and September 30, 1973, will be taxed at a rate of 1.2 per cent of its stumpage value, in addition to the property tax millage on the reduced assessed valuations. The rate after October 1, 1973, will be fixed by the 1972 legislature. Flemer. 45, was graduated from tile University of Washington in tq53 with a Bachelor of Science degree in forest management, tic was employed by tile Department of Natural Resour,es from 1953 ant i l 1 q05. when he started supervising the inventory and appraisal of p,i\'ate forest lands for King County. He was chairnlan or' tile subcomittee of forestors. Washington State Assessors Association, and a member of tile Legislative Forest Tax sttb-coIll nlitt co. f SPECIAL CAR CARE SERVICE TUNE TIRES TOWING all at 1 st & Railroad :--/ - Clear Masking Tap Drop Cloths a/4-..c. / )¢ )( e, tt ,, on / )l o&~ l,l' o.,~, IIIB / . ... ,.-~~/ Choose Your Own Equipment from / Our Rental Department • Compressors • Sand Blasters • Paint Pumps • Large Drop Cloths • Electric Hoist • Ladders • Safway Steel & Aluminum Scaffolding ..... ~/ 707 S. b ....... It's no trick to be your own decorator with I:)LYM (: PIILI|"(' ,b n or for sudden surprises... get help at Simpson Employees Federal Credit See Us For Your New or Used Car Loan BIMI iON I~MIILOyrE:II' FIrDIrllAL. 5th and Cedar Sts. Phone 426-1633 Membership Open to All Active and Retired Simpson Timber Company Employees and Their Families iii Ken Fredson, Manager Each member account insured to $20,000 by Administrator, National Credit Union Administration Thursday. August 12, 1971 - Shelton-Mason County Journal - Page 5