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SPECTACULAR ACTION such as this bull rider trying desperately to hang
on to his animal, will be featured at the Rodeo being held in connection with
the Mason County Fair. There wili be afternoon performances of the rodeo
Aug. 21 and 22 at the Fair Grounds at Sanderson Field. The rodeo is a new
addition to the fair activities this year.
atives of the
U. S.
.Is in
of Aug. 16 to
arian on
ere. John E.
!rector of lhe
ce m Seattle, in
t, said
among the
COUntry thal1
ieally selecte(
section cf the
Uch the Bureau
ath for the U.
measure of
Xample, on a
basis, the
Yment rate
per cent in May
In JUne. Total
me-half million
te sa~r~e level as
Information supplied by statistical totals in which no households in this area include
individuals participating in the individual or household can be Mrs. Alene F. Riehle, Tacoma and
survey is confidential by law and identified• M rs. Roberta L. Curfman,
resulls are used only to compile Interviewers who will visit Olympia.
Banner Gets
David Benjamin Banner was
graduated from Seattle Pacific
College with a BA Education
degree during Summer
Commencement ceremonies,
August 5th.
Ite was presented the award
hy Dr. F. Wesley Walls, Dean of
ge Degree
Liberal Studies. He is the son of
Mr. Bennie Banner and a 1965
graduate of Shelton High School.
Guest speaker at the
ceremony was the Honorable
Robert B. Dunn, Chairman of the
King County (Washington)
Council• The ceremony was held
at the First Free Methodist
Church near the SPC campus.
David joined over 80
graduates in receiving degrees.
Nearly 500 students have
graduated from the College in
Conner Asks For Hearing On Ferry
Representative Paul Conner
(D-24th Dist.) today asked the
Legislative Transportation
Committee to conduct a hearing
at an early date on the Port
Is as near as Your phone! That's right,
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Broken Glass Replaced Promptly
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• AlUminum Sash & Windows -- Screens -- Storm Doors
2226 Olympic Hwy. N.
For Fast Service Phone 426-1152
Leroy Dale, Owner .....
Townsend-Keystone (Whidbey
Island) ferry run.
"Olympic Ferries, the private
operators of the ferry route, have
indicated that they will have to go
out of business unless they are
permitted to suspend operations
between October 16, and next
April 15," Representative Conner
said in a lc,ter to the committee
chairman, Senator AI Henry.
"It seems unfair that a private
company should be forced to
continually take severe losses on a
route that properly should be a
part of the state ferry system."
the 24th District legislator, a
member of the transportation
committee, said Olympic Ferries
have sustained losses of some
$45,000 in operating the run.
"If the State Utilities and
Transportation Commission turns
down the request for suspension
of the service between October
and April, the company will go
out of business and the Olympic
Peninsula Will be without this
connection to the east," he said.
Representative Conner
sponsored a section of the
legislativestudy act for the
committee directing that it
investigate the financial
difficulties on the Port
Townsend-Keystone route•
Homelit 150
Chain Saw
Automatic oiling for bar and
cutting chain adjustable for
hght o~ heavy-duty cutting.
Automatic all-weather starter
for quick 'n easy starting.
Automatic one-piece clutch -
the industry's sim-~
Nest. most /_ _\
reliable clutch./~I,~Q~
Come in and I I'I"1~'
see the 150 - \ sM:2u?cntu[,*2,
wortd'o ~'~'*' \ suggested retad .
chain saw value!~=' ~ ~=i~#,
It has all the tea-
tures you'd expect
on more expensive
1306 Olympic Hwy. S.
A sudden increase in traffic
deaths and the mid-summer hot
spell hit the State of Washington
at approximately the same time,
according to the Washington
Traffic Safety Commission.
The traffic death toll for July
was 83, bringing the year's count
More than 500 librarians and
library trustees of the Northwest
will meet in Tacoma, Aug. 18-20
for the 61 st annual conference of
the Pacific Northwest Library
Association, to be held at Pacific
Lutheran University.
Among those registered for
the conference are Mrs. Morley
Kramer, librarian at the Shelton
City Library, and Mrs. Shirley
Beelik, librarian at the
Washington Corrections Center.
Association business will take
only a brief spot on the
conference program. Most of the
time will be devoted to exploring
ways and means of recognizing
and using local history in
c o m m u nity libraries. Exhibits,
lectures and workshops have been
arranged to "show and tell" what
history is all about, with emphasis
on history as it is being made day
by day.
"We think this year's
conference program is one of the
most innovative in PNLA's own
history," said Mrs. Ruth
llamilton, program chairman.
"'Almost everyone is interested in
some aspect of history, and the
workshops and lectures planned
for the conference will give ideas
to every librarian which can be
used in his own community."
A highlight of the three-day
program will be the concluding
"International" banquet at which
past presidents of the association
will be honored. Eighteen of them
are expected to attend.
MEN WILL confess to
treason, murder, arson, false
teeth, or a wig. How many of
them will own up to a lack of
humor'? Frank Moore Colby
THE DESIRE of knowledge,
like the thirst of riches, increases
ever with the acquisition of it.
Laurence Sterne
Complete Tuxedo
Rental Service
Men's Women's
409 Railroad
to 485. Last year the number of
deaths through July totaled 486.
The July, 1970 count was 86.
Commission Director Clifford
E. Aden stated the number of
traffic deaths registered during
the last 15 days of July almost
doubled the number killed during
the first half of the month. Thirty
died between July 1 and July 15,
compared with 53 the last 15
"Good weather the last three
weeks of July brought more
Washingtonians out onto the
highways. However, motorists
apparently failed to adjust their
driving to the sudden increase in
traffic and good weather.
''These needless,
heartbreaking tragedies were a
result of careless driving• It is the
Available in
lO0's of colors.
1332 Olympic Hwy. S.
responsibility of every motorist to
eliminate these errors. We can and
must do a better job out on the
Speed and failure to grant the
right-of-way were the leading
driver failures contributing to
July's fatal collisions. Traveling at
excessive speed or too fast for
conditions contributed to 22 fatal
collisions. Failure to yield the
right-of-way resulted in 18
mishaps. Improper passing,
crossing over the centerline and
disregarding traffic signs or signals
led to 15 fatal crashes.
Thirty-seven persons killed
were drivers, 36 were passengers,
4 were pedestrians, 3 were riding
bicycles, two were driving
motorcycles and one person fell
from a moving vehicle.
Here's exciting news for everyone who wonts to get o little more mileage out of their han:l-
earned money. Now, for the first time in o long time, you don't have to be a big saver to earn
the highest insured interest rote available in the state.
Because, beginning this week, you con now earn o big 6% on your savings and investment=
at TCF when you begin with as little as only $1,000, invested for a two year period.
That's right! TCF has lowered its 6% earnings requi,ement from $5,000 to just $1,000 in
order to allow more people to take advantage of the higher interest rate. And, remember too,
TCF's 6% interest rate is really 6.18% when.compounded doily and accumulated annually.
So why settle for less. Isn't it time you began saving your money here with the friendly
people at TCFP
• OLYMPIA ..- Home Office
Branch Branch
4131 Merket 5quere 313 R~lrued Avenue
Thursday, August 12, 1971 - Shelton-Mason County Journal - Page 17