August 12, 1971 Shelton Mason County Journal | ![]() |
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August 12, 1971 |
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Mell became
E. Borst in a
3 p.m. on
Mell, and the
Mr. and Mrs.
All are of
altar at which
Yellow gladioli,
daisies and ivy.
were Jim
and Jim
over satin,
marriage by
with a
the high
~uffed sleeves
dress and
a bow of silk
Kathy Mell,
attired in a
in shades of
Sleeves were
Wearing an
of the bride.
COmPosed of
daisies with
best man.
and Mike
[and, One
bride was
en crepe with
ith jeweled
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at the
, James
Mr. and Mrs. James E. gorst
green brocade dress worn by the
groom's mother, whose corsage
was a pink cymbidium.
Bouquets of yellow daisies
brightened the church parlor for
the reception. The four-tiered
cake trimmed with yellow daisies
and topped with two white bells
was cut by Mrs. Arthur Bakke and
Mrs. Frank Wolf.
Coffee and tea were poured
by Mrs. Stanley Blanchard, the
bride's grandmother, and Mrs.
Today, Thursday, August ! 2
Rotary Club luncheon, noon,
Ming Tree Cafe.
Toastmasters Club, 6:45 a.m.,
Ti,nbers Restaurant.
Slimette Tops, 7 p.m., court
house annex.
St. Edward's Woman's Club,
7:30 p.m. board meeting; 8 p.m.,
regular meeting, at the church.
Antique Show & Sale, St.
David's Episcopal Church; hoOrl
to 9 p.m.
Rummage Sale, 9 a.m. 4
p.m., PUD. Eagles auxiliary No.
Friday, August 13
Ruby Rebekah Lodge, 8 p.m.,
IOOF ltall.
Antique Show & Sale, St.
Picnic Held
Effie Avery of Effie's Beauty
Shop hostessed her annual shop
picnic on August 3 in Kneeland
(;athering at noon for potluck
and a social afternoon were
approximately 75 friends and
relalives including Mrs. Essie
Rebman, Effie's n|other. Four
generations of her family
Card Party Set
Twanoh (;range will sponsor a
pinochle card party at 8 p.m.
Saturday in their hall located on
the Victor ('utoff Road, Belfair.
The public is welcome.
Family Convenes
Thirty five family ulembers
gathered on August 1 at the
Hammersley Inlet home of Don
and Mace Wiss for an all day
picnic and an afternoon of
Potluck Planned
The Pickering Homemakers
Community potluck supper will
be held at 6 p.m. Saturday at the
Phillips Lake home of Ann
Wheeler. Guests are Welcolne.
[larry Mosher, her aunt. Mrs.
Louella Cowles poured punch,
and groom's cake was passed by
Holly and Sherrill Mosher, cousins
of the bride. Mary Wahnsley was
in charge of the guest book.
The bride was graduated from
Western Washington State College
and her husband from Central
Washington State Cllege. Both
attended Shelton High School.
The couple honeymooned in
Food To Be Sold
Hamburgers, hot dogs, soft
drinks and other items will be
sold at the rodeo grounds during
the fair in a food booth sponsored
by the Mason County Kidney
David's Episcopal Church, 10 a.m.
to 6 p.m.
Pinochle party, Twanoh
Grange hall, Victor Cutoff Road,
Belfair 8 p.m.
Saturday, August 14
Salty Sashayers, 8:30 p.m.,
fair grounds.
Pickering Homemakers
Community Potluck Supper, 6
p.m,, home of Ann Wheeler.
Sunday, August 15 .... ..... "
Shelton churches invite you
to attend the church of your
Monday, August 16
PUD NO. 3 commission
meeting, 1 p.m., PUD conference
County commission meeting,
10 a.m., court house.
Shelton bridge club, 7:15 ......
p.m., PUD auditorium.
Goodwill truck in town.
Phone 426-4847 for pickups.
It's Aoout Time Tops, 7 p.m.,
County Health Office.
Simpson Pinochle Club card
party, 7:30 p.m., Memorial hall.
Tuesday, August 17
Kiwanis Club luncheon, noon,
Timbers Restaurant.
City commission meeting, 2
p.m., city hall.
American Legion, 8 p.m.,
Memorial Itall.
Jaycees, 8 p.m., airport
[ions Club dinner & board
meeting, 7 p.m., ttallmark inn.
Wednesday, August 18
('hristmas Town Tops, 7 p.m.,
Multi-service Center.
Chamber of Conlmerce board
meeting, 7:30 a.m., Timbers
Thursday, August 19
Rotary Club luncheon, noon,
Ming Tree Cafe.
Toastmasters Club, 6:45 a.m.,
Timbers Restaurant.
Slimette Tops, 7 p.m., court
house annex.
Port commission meeting, 8
p.m., court house.
Shelton Nimrod Club, 8 p.m.,
Mason County Democrat
Club, 8 p.m., PUD auditorium.
Multi-service Center board
meeting, 7:30 p.m., at the center.
ART IS the imposing of a
pattern on experience, and our
esthetic enjoyment in recognition
of the pattern.
Alfred Whitehead
00 ,1~p,O OO OOo00qmlbqlmb~'~bQ
You Should Know... !
Lifetime Shelton area resident
William S. Valley, born January
30, 1896, retired after full and
active years of employment to
make his home on a five-acre tract
on ltammersley Inlet.
There, on park-like premises,
he grows more than a hundred
hybrid roses plus dahlias,
rhododendrons, azaleas, sweet
peas, vegetables and a profusion
of flowers both perennial and
Bill Valley remembers his
school days in the Matlock area,
where 40 pupils and one teacher
shared a one room building,
"In those days," Bill declares,
"when one asked permission to
leave the room, one left tile
Matlock was then, according
to Valley, a thriving community
of some 500 persons. It was the
junction of the Port Blakley
Railroad. Machine shops were
there, Jacobson's small store and
the general store owned by the
Lumbermen's Mercantile
Company; a Post Office; and a
building wherein one danced on
Saturday night and on the next
morning attended Sunday School
and church.
In 1907 the John ('. Valleys
moved from Matlock to a farm
near Deckerville, and Bill recalls
the baseball team whose games
were played following morning
church services.
"The team was called 'The
Shamrocks', Bill reminisces, "and
we even had uniforms."
One of Valley's first jobs was
"whistlepunking'" for Foreman
Crosby at Sampson's Camp 7; he
worked for Will Grisdale at ('amp
I; he ran a gas pump for Frank
Fieser, foreman on construction;
he was employed on the railroad
by Bert Callow.
lie fired a steam donkey for
Bill Callow in the Oxbow
country, also yarding cedar
shingle boltsfor him in the
Beevitle area; he was a night
watchman for the Fort Blakley
Show me a man who owns
adequate Life Insurance and knows
why he owns it, and I'll show you a
man who's happy.
Railroad at Cloquallum and later
fired a locomotive there; still later
he performed the same task for
George Simpson at Lake
"This was years before the
dana was built," Bill explains. "We
fired with oil and I had to get up
at 4:30 in the morning to "keep
the locie hot'. Therefore I was
always first in line when the
breakfast gong sounded."
"'I found time to do some
fishing there, too," he added.
tie was next employed as
timekeeper for the Wynooche
Timber Company, 46 miles out of
Aberdeen, and after that as
timekeeper for Mason County
Logging Co.Bordeau Brothers
at old Camp 6 near Dayton.
In 1 916 William Valley
accepted a job with Lumbermen's
Mercantile Co.
"Mark E. Reed was president
and C. S. McGee was manager,"
he recalls.
lie volunteered in April of
1917 and during World War I
served in both Army and Navy.
lte re-joined kumbermen's in
1920 and worked in the grocery
department until 1948 when he
transferred to the credit
department, holding the position
of credit manager until his
retirement in 1961.
"Unlike the young people of
today," Valley remarks, "1 didn't
buy my shiny black Ford coupe
until 1923 when 1 was 27 years
old, and 1 avoided matrimony
until 1924."
tte and his wife Verna, have
three children, all graduates of
Shelton lligh School and of
Washington State University.
Marjorie Ann is Food and Fashion
editor of the Oregon Journal;
William K. is an Air Force Major;
John (;. is a retired Air Force
William Valley is a charter
member of the American Legion.
He was Past Commander in 1936,
and has been awarded life
membership. He is a member of
1717 Olympic Highway North ,
I~ Ph. 426-8139 .o., o.,c~ . -,N.~..ot,~. -,..==o~.
BILL VALLEY specializes in roses.
Madrona Barracks No. 1462
Veterans of World War I. At the
age of 14 years he served as
secretary of Lincoln Grange No.
His enthusiasm for fishing is
shared by his wife, whose catch,
Bill admits, o[ten surpasses his
"So far this year," he says,
"we've caught 170 trout."
The Valleys prefer lake fishing
and make frequent trips into
Canada. They enjoy steelheading,
but tend to avoid rough weather
more than they did in their
younger years. Bill also likes
hunting; but most of all he enjoys
his garden.
The perfecting of his lawns
and flower beds involved hard
work. Much fertilizer was
required, and not the least of his
problems have been the deer
against whose forays he has built
"in January of 1965," Bill
Valley says, "'I was warned by the
great Creator to slow down 1 had
a stroke followed in October of
the same year by a heart attack. I
spent 44 days in the hospital, and
since then I avoid over-tiring
In spite of his restriction, he
sprays his roses every week or ten
days and after each rain if
possible; he uses a systematic rose
fertilizer every six weeks and if
the plants are not healthy he
makes additional monthly
applications of another good rose
"Even so," he lamented,
"black spot seems to appear."
An eight-foot-tall tree
geranium is among the rare
specimens on the Valley
landscape. Many branches bear
rosy-lavender blossoms in sprays.
Although the plant will winter-kill
in severe weather, it self-Seeds and
blooming trees will be produced
in two years.
There are trees, both
fruit-bearing and ornamental;
maiden-hair ferns flourish in
sheltered areas, and a strawberw
bed is begun.
An especially showy rose is
the climber "Joseph's Coat", the
blooms of which vary from
orange coral to deep rose red. A
delicately beautiful single is
"Dainty Bess". "First Love",
"Tropicana", "Aquarius".
"Queen Elizabeth", Montezuma",
"Irish Gold", - the list of glorious
roses goes on and on.
In addition to the large and
well-established bushes are the
numerous cuttings propagated in
a special bed. A record is kept of
all plantings.
"It's a lot of detailed work,"
Bill Valley acknowledges, "but
one is well rewarded."
OI Guild
To Present
,hion ,how
The Olympia Opera Guild will
hold its third annual Fashion
Show and Dinner on Wednesday
at the Red Bull Restaurant in
Lacey. Proceeds from the Fashion
Show will go toward a special
project of the Opera Guild, the
Youth Program.
Preceeding the Fashion Show
will be a 6:30-7:30 no-host
cocktail hour and dinner at 7:30.
Tickets must be reserved in
advance of the event. Anyone
wishing to attend may call Mrs.
Bernice C. Smith at 357-8202,
Olympia, or Mrs. James
Sutherland in Shelton 426-2365
for further information and
reservations. The public is invited.
TUES. -- WED. -- THURs.
2 "X" rated adult shows!
No One Under 18, I.D. required.
Teri Wiss
"When the creative impulse
overtakes me,'" Teri Wiss declares,
"1 drop everything and turn nay
entire effort toward the
completion of nay project."
Although she sculpts, paints
and writes Ted finds the nlost
satisfying of her artistic outlets to
be music, the field in which she
has received the least training.
"I just barely know where to
find middle C," she admits, but l
can hear and feel and think music.
My mind is full of it."
She has composed
approximately 25 songs, mostly
folk tunes. She plans her melodies
on the guitar, and her music is
recorded rather than written.
"l've always appreciated
music," she states, "and I've
enjoyed it as a listener; but not
until I entered college did !
experience this intense desire to
write songs. I now regret my lack
of knowledge in the field."
Miss Wiss was graduated in
June from Trinity University in
San Antonio, Texas, where she
majored in education and
minored in art. She has a deep
feeling for friendship.
"For years," she declares, "'1
had thought i knew the meaning
of the word. Not until 1 actually
acquired a true friend did I begin
to realize thedepth or the
She feels that a nlere
acquaintance is alltoo often
mistaken for a friend.
"1 doubt," she states, "that
one gains more than one true
friend in a life time."
As a result of her first
awakening awareness on the
subject, she felt impelled to
express in music her thoughts
about friendship. In a stairwell of
a college building at midnight she
combined vocal melody and
guitar chord into an outpouring
of her emotions.
"1 had just found a friend,"
she says, "and this teriffic elation
was uppermost on my mind."
It was 4:30 a.m. when she
finished her composition, and
although she had tests scheduled
in two classes her exhaustion
forced her to cut them both. Her
teachers were very understanding.
"Many of my songs since
written have dealt with this
subject," she continues. "Perhaps
I am obsessed with it, but 1 think
it is important."
She sees a parallel between
friendship and the trusting
affection of a child who will
• return to his loved ones
repeatedly after punishment or
disappointment, in titter disregard
of a possible repeat of his hurt.
"Few adults can do this," she
notices. "They are far too fearful
of being hurt to give of
themselves; and without the
ability to place the other person's
interests beyond one's own,
friendship cannot exist."
Teri Wiss was born in
Pensacola, Fla., but left there at
the age of two months and has
returned only one time since. The
military life of her parents, Cmdr.
and Mrs, Don Wiss, necessitated a
change of residence on an average
of every two years.
tier four-year stay in Corpus
Christi as a high school student
and her following four years at
Trinity University gave Ted an
opportunity for knowing people
that she had not previously
"Now i must start all over
again," she says.
As a sixth grade student,
Teri's talent for art was
"Prior to that time," she
confessed, "1 was a poor
student." One of my teachers was
determined to convince me that I
could draw. When l found that !
had an ability in this direction,
my entire outlook w~,s changed. I
developed coufidcnce and began
to earn good grades.
"As a teacher," l'eri
emphasized, "1 shall be more
concerned with the development
of a child's self confidence and
assurance than 1 shall be with his
academic achievements."
It was her own experience as a
sixth-grader that led her to the
desire to train for a teaching
"1 hope," she states, "'that l
may be able to do for others what
this one teacher did for me.'"
Miss Wiss prefers to paint in
water colors, but uses any
material that may be at hand.
While attending.a math
convention during her high school
days, she fell in love with a
Thurwell painting upon the wall
and copied it in intimate
accuracy, duplicating with lipstick
and eyebrow pencil the intricate
drawings of horses and riders
assembled for a hunt,
She is very enthusiastic about
tennis and played on a team for
all four high school years and for
one college year.
"After that 1 dropped out,"
she laughed, "because the college
team intimidated me. Too many
outstanding tennis players had
come from Trinity, 1 guess." But
she still enjoys the game.
Upon the retirement of Cmdr.
Wiss, Teri's parents moved to the
area two years ago. She spent her
three-month vacation with them
last year, and looks forward to
another year at home.
you save
It all begins on Friday at 5 P.M. The
low weekend Long Distance Rate on all
calls out-of-state. And it lasts until 5 P.M.
on Sunday. Just dial the call yourself
anytime during that period. And you'll
save. Complete Long Distance dialing
information is in the Call Guide section in
the front of your phone book.
Pacific Northwest Bell
Thursday, August 12, 1971 - Shelton-Mason County Journal - Page 19