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Shelton Mason County Journal
Shelton, Washington
August 12, 1971     Shelton Mason County Journal
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August 12, 1971
Newspaper Archive of Shelton Mason County Journal produced by SmallTownPapers, Inc.
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bedroom fenced close in $19,950. and 426-8227. laterfront In Mudflats Terms Evenings: CR5-6379 TR6-4035 NG FOR home; view of 3 acres. =rge lot. View Area. PROPERTIES For Rent For Rent 2 BEDROOM unfurnished duplex. Full basement, oil furnace, no pets. Contact Ken Rose 1024 E. Ellinor 426-6548 or 753-5030. R8/12-19 FURNISHED 2 bedroom 60 ft. mobile home, waterfront," dock, $125 per month, lease, deposit. 1/z mile left from end of Arcadia Rd. Shelton, G Kramer. Shown Thursday through Saturday. K8/12 HOLLY HILL Apartments, 900 Olympic Ave., 426-6593 after 5:00 p.m. ONe and two bedroom units. B6/17tfn TWO BED ROOM unfurnished house. No children or pets. Call 426-3242. B8/5tfn SMALL THREE bedroom home, unfurnished, $98.00. per month. Call 426-1209. D8/5 10x55 MOBILE home expando living room, lovely location, furnished. Surprisingly priced. No house pets. 426-3215. W8/12-19 FURNISHED APARTMENT downtown, Carlon Apts. Call 426-3011 or Inquire at apt. 3 or 10. C8/12tfn FO R R ENT 2 bedroom unfurnished house. References $85. Call 426-4000. W8/12tfn MOVE IN One and two bedroom apartments, with carpet, drapes & appliances. Jefferson Apts. 2329 Jefferson St., Mgr. Apt. 11 or phone 426-8663. 2 BEDROOM furnished A-frame chalet, fireplace, large deck, attractive beach location, 5 minutes from town. References, $135. 426-4000. B8/12tfn FURNISHED ONE bedroom cottage. All electric, w/w carpeting, carport, $85. Union 898-2722 or 898-2270 after 6 p.m. L8/12-19 FOR RENT" Trailer space close to downtown. Call 426-4426. ANNOUNCES NEW MANAGEMENT Any Size Lot Available Carports, pleasant surroundings. 10/9tfn One block from public swimming .......................... pool. 2 BEDROOM duplex, 642 Dearborn. Washer, dryer, stove and refrigerator furnished. Fenced yard, near store. $95.00 per month plus $25.00 clean-up deposit. Call 426-4506 after 4 p.m. $7/29 2 BEDROOM mobile home. $75 per month -- plus. Adults only, no pets. 426-2577. M8/5 FAMILIES WELCOME! Take 102 north just past airport, turn right at grocery store, go one block, turn left or call 426-4560 for more information. Union ~- ~v~%~%~--~- Real Estate Real Estate Realy State Says: l rOU. Call 426-2646 for directions. JCED baths gleside )art at just ou can r~cing. le Grade nd 2]/2 )ed can tEA OWing land. Ins just easy look PT. by and. 00. rolling inlet. Iding !!! [his 3 save sed as & if ~" it's be a 30.00 ISLAND LAKE - The lake is just across the road from this spacious 3 bedroom rambler. This is that "country-oriented" newer home you've been looking for. Two fireplaces & room for your pool table too! Priced only $21,500. Good financing available. A MONEY MAKER With the large, solid, 4 bedroom home on a downtown location are 2 duplex units. Always rented, located a very short walk to downtown shopping, it's a whale of an opportunity for $22,500. Get financial details from us & you'll see why it's captioned a money maker. Renters will more than make payments for you. WATERFRONT LOT- $107.00 PER FOOT This 68]/2 foot lot is right across the bay from the Shelton waterfront. Spot cleared for camper. Water in. Terms. CLOSE TO SCHOOLS - Mt. View is just a "Stones Throw" away from this large 3-bedroom rambler. A large family room and nice fenced yard are just some of its outstanding features. Better arrange to see it today, before someone beats you to it! DREAM HOME!!! Imagine your family sitting on top of the world, in a year 'round wonderland. It's as easy as picking up your phone & arranging to see this wonderview dream house. Two levels, two bath, three bedrooms, two decks on a l/z acre overlooking Hood Canal & the Olympic Mountains. See it to believe it. IMPRESSIVE COUNTRY HOME Over 2000 square feet roofed over with thick shakes and nestled into the almost 4 acres of garden, woods & yard area. A creek too -- It's real nice. $29,950 worth of nice in fact. See it! NEW CARPET Here is a very comfortable 2 bedroom on Mt. View with garden tract, fruit trees & a recent face lifting paint job that really sets it off. Try to beat it at $12,000. They've done a nice job! AN OLDER TYPE HOME! For those who prefer an older home you'll find this Angleside home to have a lot going for iL Can be used as 2, 3 or bedrooms; a full basement; newly carpeted; fireplace; big lot -- & only $18,900! Check it out ! ! DOWNTOWN SH E LTON This neat and trim 2 br. home we know will please you. It's right downtown yet in a nice quiet location. The owner has transfered out of town so he says "sell it. $12,500. NEW, NEW, NEW Three bedroom Woodland Manor Colonial, with many extras inc!uding .worKmansh p that is missing In many new homes. Close to new high schOOl, a steal at $19,500. ON SALTWATERFRONT Here's a real sturdy and pleasant 3 br. home located on 100 ft. of Little Skookum Inlet. It's only 6 miles from town. There's southern exposure and a good drilled well. Let's show YOu this for a comparison of values at just $19,500. Good financing available. nice )out 5 GOod road NORTHCLIFF Outstanding executive-type 3 bedroom in fine location. Beautifully landscaped yard & immaculate house makes an outstanding package to move up to. Ask about our trade in plan. 15 + ACRES Just four miles out Railroad Avenue toward Dayton. Excellent soil. Good county road frontage. Entire tract for only $8,500.00 and the best terms. "SKIP" NESS 426-3049 DICK KNAUF 426-8110 -- CARL JOHNSON 426-8407 ~)AVE THACHER 426-8635 -- DICK BOLLI NG, Closing Broker 426-8162 • • • MINCE HIMLIE, Broker 426-6501 MORLEY PREPPERNAU "- 426-8676 1717 OLYMPIC HIGHWAY NORTH For Rent MT. VIEW Elwood Manor Apartments 2 Bedroom Unfurnished Available NOW No Pets CONTACT MANAGER 426-3100 t,n %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%~ %%- - m Cards Of Thanks We would like to take this opportunity to thank all of our friends and relatives for helping make our Silver Anniversary celebrationsuch a wonderful success, and to thank every one for all of the beautiful cards, gifts and the money tree. It couldn't have been nicer. Sincerely, Wayne and Fae Robinson Legal Publications NOTICE OF SURFACE WATER RIGHT APPLICATION No. 23174 STATE OF WASHINGTON DEPARTMENT OF ECOLOGY, OLYMPIA. TAKE NOTICE: That JOHN C. BRIDGER of Shelton, Washington on June 7, 1971 filed application for permit to divert the public waters of Island Lake, in the amount of 0.05 cubic feet per second, subject to existing rights, from May 1 through September 30 each year for the purpose of irrigation that the approximate point of diversion is located within Lots 28 and 29, Block 3, of the plat of Correction Plat of Island Lake Shorelands of Section 6, Township 20 N., Range 3W.W.M., in Mason County. Any objections must be accompanied by a two dollar ($2.00) recording fee and filed with the Department of Ecology within thirty (30) days from August 19, 1971. Witness my hand and official seal this 4th day of August, 1971. Glen H. Fiedler Department of Ecology 8/12-19-2t Lost & Found MISSING -- FEMALE dog, black with brown markings, part lab, one year old, Agate-Shorecrest area. Disappeared Aug. first. Answers to Heidi. Call Larry Knudsen 426-4502. K8/12-19 CALL FOR BIDS NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that sealed bids will be received by the Board of Commissioners of Public Utility District No. 1 of Mason County, Washington until 8:00 p.m. Tuesday, September 7, 1971 at their office in Potlatch, Washington, for liability insurance for the forthcoming year, the specifications for which may be secured at the District office. Dated this 9th day of August, 1971. Public Utility District No. 1 of Mason County Harold Hunter, Secretary 8/12-1t ~%%%%%%%%%% Real Estate Real Estate Noah, lets sell the animals and buy Canal Country." HOLIDAY BEACH -- 2 nicely wooded level bldg. sites $6,000 will buy both. HOODSPORT -- 1/2 acre homesite --close to shopping area -- $5,400. AGATE -- 160 ft. w/f site on Timbers Lake -- $10,900. TRITON COVE -- 60 ft. w/f -- Level, no bank beach. Ready to build on $15,000 Terms. HOODSPORT -- 3 B/R home + 2 car garage, nice yard & terrific view -- $22,500 terms. NEAR UNION -- 2 B/R brick home on 1+ acres -- 190 ft. river frontage --Whatta buy $35,000. Terms. POTLATCH -- Summer home in good condition with community beach $15,000. Terms. TRITON HEAD -- Large 2 B/R summer home on Saltwater lake --community beach $17,500, terms. JORSTED CREEK-- 3 view acres + 130 ft. beach frontage $16,500. Terms. MATLOCK -- 20 acres -- $15,000. ARCADIA -- 160 acres -- $136,000 DAYTON -- 160 acres -- 35 acre lake $160,000 SKOKOMISH Valley 135 acres -- river frontage $89,000. COU OH Dick Endicott, Broker Jim Shumate - Bill Smith - Mike Kirk PH: I I I 77-5 Phone Phone 426-1654 426-1654 124 N. First HOMES • ,,eR 250 Three bedroom home in downtown Shelton. Concrete foundation, good condition. • Owner will carry contract. $8,950 $8,950 Spacious 2 bedroom rambler and both bdrms, are large. Free range, refer. & curtains, carport and gently sloping fenced lot. It's priced to sell quick. Easy payments. A charming work saver describes this Cape Cod style 2 bedroom home on Hillcrest. Just right for the newly married or retired couple. 600 Neat older 2 bdrm. bungalow with carpeting, concrete foundation, dining room & • fenced yard right in Hillcrest. A real rent-beater. Call now. $11,500 Located in the Country. Large 2 bedroom bungalow. Farm size kitchen. Nice view of water -- year around sprinq. Owner contract on easy payments, no loan costs. -- Partly furnished. Includes half acre -- more available. Here's another basement home with 3 bedrooms & garage. It's on sewer, paved streets $131950 Oil heat -- Buy on any Government-type loan -- FHA or VA. Easy payments. Four bedroom home with a big kitchen -- 12x28 living room 5 piece modern bath, dlDql I ~il~ ~llI JlI~IU automatic gas heating and attached garage, nsde of town -- New kitchen & bath, fireplace & carpeting. ~Iera,dr ?vv(ll~lall/1 Angleside rambler with 3 bedrooms & family room plus double carport on double size well landscaped corner grounds. Terrific for growing family, kids & pets. EZ terms. $16,500 In town! Large 4 bedroom family home with full basement. Nice big level & partly fenced lot. New automatic oil furnace & finished rec. room in bsmt. Quiet dead end street. Easy terms too! $17,950 S19,soo Mt. View -- 5 yr. 3 bdrm. rambler with garage. Nice dining room, vanity bath & loads of extras. Carpeting etc. Easy terms on FHA or G.I. -- Existing low interest loan can be assumed at only $]17 total per month. Room for 2 more bedrooms. Double wide modular home on 5 acres. 4 bedrooms, 2 baths, large 15x24' living room. Also a barn built to accomodate 30 cows with a meat cutting shop attached to the barn. Cost of living & building prices still going up. Better buy now. ~llJ[I 7~U~I~/I|I/IF/I Your search is over when you see this immaculate 3 bedroom house on Hillcrest. Teakwood dining room, large kitchen, partial basement and new doublegarage. Lots of furniture included. Owner wil carry a low interest contract with a moderate down payment. NNIMi'i 1jVl~t)llOl~/I -- 10 ACRES with large rambler featuring two baths & 2 fireplaces plus out-buildings. Perfect for a growing family. We'll trade or EZ terms. Perfect for kids & pets. Home with a view of the canal. I bedroom on the ma n f oar, 2 bedrooms upstairs. qw=,--= ,,w_il~lgAiQIrilnl Rec room includes a pool table. Furnace w th an electronic filter & air conditioning. Beach access with dock & clubhouse privileges. $26,000 Ultra-Modern contemporary 3 bedroom with family room finished ]Vz baths, plush carpeting & range built-in. This beauty is just a few years old on over a half acre with seclusion yet located in town. Trade up today! Rambling 3 bedroom on 6 acres So. of Shelton. 1400 sq. ft. on one floor, bath and a half, wall to wall carpets, barn, fruit trees & some timber. $28,500 -- Spacious contemporary split level home in Angleside. Nice view, 3 bedrooms, full daylite basement, rec. room, log fireplaces & big corner lot. Vacant now for fast possession./'.:r conditioner. ~pOa VVV(~i~ AAiI~ Five acres off Olympia freeway with four bedrooms, mammoth living room, dining • room two baths & dream kitchen & loads of built ins. Thousands of dollars in dxtras - " : 8i owner is selling to retire I~o smaller.home. "~" ..... 5 br. brick beauty with a large 18' x 25' living room, fireplace, sewincj room, 3 bedrooms and 2 full baths on the main floor. 2 bedrooms and bath upstairs plus a full basement. Call for an appointment for a private showing. ASK ABOUT OUR GUARANTEED SALES PLAN NEW $200 total costs moves you into this 3 bedroom rambler -- wall to wall carpet, range & hood, stone fireplace, and carport. One catch! Only those with incomes under $7,500.00 yr. can qualify. This is a complete home with a third acre lot. FOUR OTHERS PRICED $20,000 to $24,000 COMING UP 2 Lots -- Lake Limerick $2,400 -- $2,600 -- E-Z terms. WATERFRONT -- NO BANK -- Owner will finance this choice 75 ft. tract on Hammersley SALT-S131500 and it's right at the end of county road- Buy now, Leve low bank 100 ft. frontage and over 500 ft. to road. Best waterfront lot SALT-S21,950 in Mason County. Can subdv de. SALT-$29,950 3 bedroom basement, double garage and shop on 90 ft. low bank waterfront with fabulous view. Raised hearth fireplace, sundeck, d n ng room, kitchen with modern built ins and large breakfast room. All this plus wall to wall carpeting and drapes. Easy assuml: ion with low payments. Finest 80 ft. beach front low bank plus tidelands X 300 ft. deep. Contemporary SALT..qlw_,~ vv.,il~-~rl•II~O0 rambler, 2 big bedrooms, fireplace, separate utility room, appliances, double garage plus drilled well. Will finance at 7% interest. We trade!! LAKE..$15,500 Waterfront lot on Lake Limerick with best unobstructed view. Brand new rambler -- 3 bedrooms &2 baths. You finish the inside. Water &septic tank in. Outside is complete. Perfect for handyman. LAKE-S35,000 Fabulous permanent year 'round home designed &built by master craftsmen. Huge living room, cozy fireplace, 2 bdrms., 2 baths plus guest cabin. Landscaping in natural state with tall firs & cedars, all built ins included. Truly an artists & models hide-a-way!! SHELTON OFFICE - 124 N. FIRST PHONE 426-1515 OR 426-1654 BRANCH INS. MCCLEARY JAMES W. HODGES I EVENINGS CALL; REALTORS: Tom Savage ........................ Asso. Broker 4Z6-8584 Ken Kuronen ........................ Associate 426-6582 Tom Townsend .Asso. Broker 426-6597 - i i i i i ii McCLEARY OFFICE: 495-3398 OLYMPIA OFFICE: I I I I Thursday, August 12, 1971 - Shelton-Mason County Journal - Page 21