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Newspaper Archive of
Shelton Mason County Journal
Shelton, Washington
August 12, 1971     Shelton Mason County Journal
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August 12, 1971
Newspaper Archive of Shelton Mason County Journal produced by SmallTownPapers, Inc.
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Red h te Services Se ices Services Legal Publications Legal Publications ~" "-..-~v~v~ " -~v~-~-~-~-..~v~. ~"~ Legal Publications CHOICE 4 bedroom home on one GET YOUR chimney cleaned ft.~ Ikl'l'lkl/"~ .... --= .= NOTICE OF BOND SALE telephone buried cable upon a DELAYED fenced acre one mile from town. now, before you have a fire. r~ll~/llNIlt~,7 Writer PrnhlAmc? SHELTON SCHOOL DISTRICT portion of State Route No• 3, in CALL FOR BIDS Reduced from $26,500 to Phone 426-2582• N8/5-26 =,=P~,~,. .... • , ==wwv= umvmevmeuoe No• 309 MASON COUNTY, Mason County, Washington. $23,900. Full basement, separate ~ UI~Y WAIl ~= == WASHINGTON WHEREAS, the PACIFIC SEALED BIDS FOR dining, 1/~ baths, den, sewingCUSTOM H ............... La|| GENERAL OBLIGATION N O R T H W E S T B E L L FURNISHING Mason County room. Lots of storage, garage,h~le A~ l~lT~u~taKe'ale Residential And Commercial BONDS SERI ES 1971-B TELEPHONE COMPANY, a with the necessary equipment for • f ....... v',,.-v., • ,~mllU-~,7 , pOOl, fruit. Ready or immed,ate ~ TYEE WELL $400,000 corporation, has filed with the the installation and operation of a possession Call 426-8527 ....... • • CHAIN SAW sharpening, speedy, Je E-HAI~IRI% NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN Washington State Highway UHF Communications network ~/o-zo accurate. Precision grinding• Now ............ ~-gnn==n~ ~A that Shelton School District No. Commission, under the provisions including -- but not necessarily at Saeger Motor Shop, Hillcrest Bonded & In- I, IKli.I.II~III,~ 1~qleilPe 309, Mason County, Washington, of Chapter 47.44 RCW and limited to--the following: ANGLESlDE THREE bedroom Phone426-4602• 1/15tfn " we -, ..... proposes to issue under date of amendments thereto, an Control Station (With 6-station home, family room, fireplace,~ ~ Call 426-11773 C.nll,,r÷ WellS- rumps September 1, 1971, its general application for a franchise to control capacity), Two (2) Mobile carpetinlg0, 100'x120' lot, TREE TOPPING, falling and ............ Pump Service obligation bonds in the principal construct, operate and maintainRelay Stations, Mobile equipment $16,500.0 . Phone 426-6288. clean-up. Phone 426-3532. hAvJ[ C~Me , ~ sum of $400,000. telephone buried cable lineupon(4-frequency operation), P7/29"8/19 Mc8/6tfn ..~lS~=l. water Said bonds will be in the a portion of State Route NO. 3,Installation of all equipment, Conditinn' denomination of $5 000 each in Mason County, Washington, for Service on all equipment. _ .......... in . . , , 80' x 300' low bank w/tideland 2 ~S~ ROTOVATING g will be designated Series 1971-B, a period of twenty-five (25) years, O R I G I N A L I_ Y s e t for jlll=l p AAqNp will be numbered 1 to 80, at the following locations: opening at 11:30 a•m., Monday, bedrooms electric heat, fireplace, model 15 ft backhoe 15 years Lawns, Gardens Farm work -- 2 m inclusive and will bear interest at patio, 2 car rage, guest houseex erien e• " • ' .1 ., Beginning at a point on theAugust 16, 1971, HAS BEEN ............. , p c Also sewage systemsmachines no "ob too I r v0ew 42~.~bzb~.. r, .-. ,~.. an effecztve rate of not to exceed easterly sideof SR 3 as now • • . • J a ge or DELAYED UNTIL 11:30 a.m., K//z~-~/]~ Top workmanship. Earl T. Marr,small 4"- r'.u. I~OX .~ 6% per annum, payable locatedand of recordin the Monday, August 30, 1971. Said 426-3053. 6/11tfn " 26-8750 4/9tfn AIIvn. Wn semiannually on the first days of Office of the Director of delayed opening will take place in [ I - " " March and September of each Highways at Olympia, said pointthe office of the Mason County li~lly WO I YOUR SINGER Representative p r'Lnrm^, u^,n.,*,r, year from date of issue, will be be|no OPDosite approximate Commissioners in the Courthouse / I -- _ _ I will be in Shelton on Tuesday and u~uvrnp~LnP~uLH~u NOTICE payable both principal and H.E.S. 568+43.8 located in theat Shelton, Washington. | ~lf~fO YOU~ J Thursday for Sale and Service. Top Dirt I"1 " - interest at the office of the Mason So u thwest Quarter of the Specifications are available at the / n contact locally Kay s Draperies, Sand-- P, TO ALL MUS L. County Treasurer in Shelton, Northwest Quarter of Section 29, Mason County Sheriff's Office. The County Commissioners |-- Our business is Hood Canal, I 129 Railroad Ave., Shelton, o•Yara lump/ruck Why wait until school starts to Washington, and wilt mature inTownship 22 North, Range 1 reserve the right to reject any and / so we havetoknow itwell. I 426-6207. Singer Center on the and Loader have your band and orchestra order of their number on the first West, W.M.; thence in a l-- Over 21 years experience I Mall, South Sound, Lacey, Wash., Tel.- FRANK--426.3153 instruments repaired? Free day of September of each of the general Northeasterly direction at all bids, and to accept only those | with 2 offices at Union and I 491-3400.8/12 also Light Clearing 3/4tfn check-up on all instruments. Wefollowing years: a point 45' East of and parallel to bids deemed most advantageous / Hoodsport. | ~ have expanded and can furnish all ~A=+, ~÷, the centerline of SR 3 to a point to the County• l--10, profess!onal rea! estate I EXTERIOR HOUSEPAINTING _ _ _ your musical needs. Huffner Bond Nos ~"ear"''7 Amount opposite approximate H.E.S. DATED this 10th day of I sales ..people• to.assist you: I by qualified college student. HOUSE MOVING guitars instock. Savarexstrings. " 573+80; thence Easterly to a August, 1971. |-- ~peclallzlng in l-looo L;anal / Reasonable rates. Call 532-7284 H R ' " F _ .. 1-2 1973 $10,000 p~nt 60' East of the centerline ofBoard of County / ~'roperties - h, / or 532-3904 or write G. South ouses alseQ, ounQatlons 3-5 1974 15 000 s 3 opposite approximate H.E.S. Commissioners of Mason ROBERTS MUSIC 68 1975 15:000 756+00; thence continuing in a County, Washington | waterfront, recreat.lon J Box 1113 Aberdeen, Wa. S8/5-26 and Leveling ] 9-11 1976 15,000 general Northeasterly direction atBy Ruth E. Boysen / parcels or every aescrip£ion I ~ 822/~ Park, Phone ES 3-6116 12 14 1 77 Clerk of the Board / e- .... I WILL BABY sit any hours Phone426-8147 - 9 15,000 a point 60' East of and parallel to /-- c us ve bales ~gents for: I ,,,,,,-,,i, r~tes call4"~ onT~,' . -^~ ,,. Bremerton 7/29-8/12-3t 15-17 1978 15,000 the centerline of SR 3 to a point 8/12-19-2t ..... . ...... ~u-o...., .[/z ..... 18-20 1979 15,000 opposite approximate H.E.S. --~--~---- / Alderbrook Go f & Yacht / ........ , Club "Hood Can I' anyume ~-//o-.'~ 584+40; thence in a westerly a s " NOTICE OF Prestige Address " / 21-24 1980 20,000 ~~'~---~--- 25-28 1981 20 000 direction to a point 45' East of ELECTROLUX SALES 29-32 1982 20:000 SPECIAL ELECTION r t " • BATHROOM AND kitchen /-- La ges volume office on / .... f .... HOMELITE the Centerline of SR 3 opposite / ~ntir~= r'~n~l I remoael~ng. ~oo rag, pa(ios, Sales -- Service -- Supplies 33-36 1983 20,000 approximate H.E.S. 584+90; KAMILCHE VALLEY SCHOOL / ........ / carports. Smaller jobs also. Call CHAIN SAWS CAL 44 37-40 1984 20000 thence continuing in a generalDISTRICT No. 401 MASON We Can Sell It~ Osborne's 426-6241. 10/15tfn ...... L 426-35 41-45 1985 251000 I ,,=w u~u Northeasterly direction at a point COUNTY, WASHINGTON Tuesday, August 17, 1971 1--Clients ready and waiting to / (1:1 A(3 (31~ For freedetivery- Jack Manley46-50 1986 25,000 45' East of and parallel to the NOTICE IS HEREBY I obtain various properties. / U~l'~ P ALnAI ~1 a~7".7~p _ f 51-55 1987 25,000 centerline of SR 3 to a point GIVEN: That onTuesday, August /-- "Hot Line direct to Seattle In~li~tl~ ~llFil= ~/20t n 56-61 1988 30,000 opposite approximate H.E.S. 17, 1971, a Special Election will / for no-toll service to all of / ==.,, =.=,~ I~Al~ll~l~le 62-67 1989 30,000 786-80: thence in an Easterly be held in Kamilche Valley Greater Seattle residents. / ~,,~=~,=; SWIMMING POOLS 68-73 1990 30,000 direction and leaving the School District No. 401, for the .- ~- , 74-80 1991 35000 r i g h t - o f - w -- LISTwITHYOURouRPROPE~/YoFFICES l/ {~l~ll~ £ ¢,.ru|e= at Bolfaw" beptic lank ' opposite approximate H•E.S.a y electorsSUbmissi°nof thet° districtthe qualifiedof the / FOR BEST COVERAGE l ,,,,,,,, ~ ~l~,=,~v ........ The school district has /. POSSIBLEH t DUllOOZlng, bacKnoe reserved the right to redeem any 587+10; thence commencing following propositions: and dum se th PROPOSITION No. 1 /~,s your Agent" we aim to I Glass Replacement -- n truck rvice or all of the outstanding bonds of again at the West right-of-way line ~O ; B ...... is issue at par in inverse °f SR 3 °pp°site appr°ximate GENERAL MAINTENANCE /t/ °pryt°eCtn!Y°ur °nterests as /C°mmercla/l&Residentia Kg Jo burge water conQltooners, numerical order on any interest H.E.S. 595+ 15; thence Easterly to & OPERATION LEVY "Shall AnPL m ~/~lp~ payment date on and after ten a point 22' West of the centerline a tax of approximately 6.40 mills I L¢INI I AKK years from date of issue, of SR 3 opposite approximate be levied for the district's General I r ?;NNeOUNCEM E;t : I sCta rRRtS= 2Bo6x21 436 The sch°°l district' as H'E'S" 598+90' and cr°ssing t° Fund up°n all the taxable 428-6539 Shelton. authorized by law, vote of the the East side of SR 3 to a point property within Kamilche Valley ~ R/6 tfn qualified electors, and resolutions 30' East of the centerline of SR 3 School District No. 401, Mason of its Board of Directors duly and at approximate H.E.S. 598+90 County, Washington, in excess of I a°nd° al2d n°UeP eatt lPlear rgo°lkf / • Belfair regularly adopted, has irrevocably located in the Southeast Quarter of the annual tax permitted the -----------~------~------_-_-._-._-v-_--~-- pledged that it will make annual the Southwest Quarter of Section district without a vote of the las our guests: | Pile Driving -- construction _ levies of taxes without limitation 30, Township 22 North, Range Ipeople, such levy to be made in / / Land or Water " " Free qolf and dinner BOB OGDEN . • •.. Leaal Pubhcatmns as to rate or amount upon all of West, W.M., in Mason County, 1971 for collection in 1972 for MIKE H~/T Bulkheads -- Marine Faclhtles v the property in the school district Washington. the purpose of obtaining funds ICall our office toarrange date / Insfollofion Service Dragv C,am She,,-- Loaders subject to taxation in amounts NOW THEREFORE, NOT,CE ,S for maintenance and operation of NOTICEOF sufficient to pay the principal of HEREBY GIVEN: the district in amount land time, or bring this ad with / H y q p. Hauling PUBLIC HEARING and interest on the bonds of this That a hearing will be he d on $16,000.00, for one year only, all lYOu, and watch for your name / Carnetin-- I::~rm;,,~ tfn .......... issue as the same shall becomesaid application by the as more specifically provided in a Ito appear! / r- = .......~'~ -- NOTICE IS HEREuY L=IV~P~ ,~, i / Ceramic and Linoleum that pursuant to R.C.W. ~"~'NOTICE I~ FURTHER Washington State Highway resolution of the Board of 70 05 060, on the 2nd day of .. . Commission at its office in theDirectors adopted the 29th day of / HANDSAWS - ". " .......... GIVEN that sealed bids for theHighway Administration Building, June, 1971?" __(~k & ~eptemDer 1~/1, a~ Iu',u a m • . HOOD CANAl | Licensed, Bonded & TABLE SAWS .... .,.;: p;,. ,,.,, ~,. ~:~" purchase of sa,d bonds w,II be Olympia, Washington on the a{ uly,,,~, ..... x ..... ' "'x'"~"='r ...... ,~ ~,, ÷~= T .......... ~ 16th day of August, '1971, at TAX LEVY, YES [] li: ~1 ashlngton the Thurston-Mason Ma on " n ........ 1:30 p.m•, or as soon thereafter as "~ .......... I & Insured SHARPENED • ' - S {.OU ty, wasnlngton aria Counties Board of Health will the -ire "or f t .... " - - hearing may be had. TAX LEVY, NO [] KI~AL t)IATIE / • • • a Ct S 0 ne scnoo! o,stroct consider for adoption Article XI~÷ ÷h. ~e~o ~ ~;,~ P,~. ~+,, l IndlnlurcJnceA nc / R. ....... 1714Jefferson (Mt. View) DATED at Olympia, of ..... the Thurston-Mason Hen th /reasurer~" ...... .,~. Win me .... courmouse~'-'~ ..... in~Washington,this25th day of l lie y / r'none ~EO-~lll~ Ph. 426-6687 6/11tfrl ÷r~ o,,i .... ,4 o .... 1~4.;A~, :~nelton, wasnlngton, until lL:uu District Sanitary Code perta n ng ............ .... June, 1971. PROPOSITION No. 2 3/6 tfn ............... ~ .......... cl .... f ...... S C H O O L L U N C H / Union Hoodsport / w.M. Foster lime, on tne ~tn oay OT "rhurston and Mason Counties .............. Highway Development approximately 1.60, mills be l 898-2581 877-5211 J aoverning ambulance service in o. OCK a.m:,_t-acl.!C u. ayulgn~ Assistant Director for LEVY "Shall a tax of • " - .................. ~------------'-------------------------------" 7/29-8/5-12-3t levied for the districts General /Live Where Others Vacation J ..... Rui-E;tll;O ..... R Anyone, desirinn= to .~.,neak or bidsbep~emoer'will bei~/i'publiclyat wnnCnopenedUmeby [, _ ed Estate give testimony for or against the .......... Fund upon all the taxable adoption of this Article Xl should me ~.reasurer and see ooaro OT property within Kamilche Valley Cllrectors • J SON COUI ITY REALTY appear at the ab°ve time and c~ k"~ "' ~'--;* ........ NOTICE TO CREDITORS School District No. 401, Mason i . , ...... : ..... ,,,, ..... ~,:r, , .... ,,,,,,,%" ,,' , place. Copies of the Article are .~ ~T~e'ior TM meni'"~'l~~ r''°''. No. 4216 County; Washington, in excess of availab e as follows: ;prow o pay t. o acc leo Thurston County " interns111• . of eel|very and IN THE SUPERIOR COL~T.~F the annual tax permitted the Heal h e shall spec~*Y either (a) the lowest THE STATE OF WASHINGTON district without a vote of the t D partment rate or rates of interest and FOR MASON COUNTY IN people, such levy to be made in Thurston County . 1971 for collection in 1972 for ('~_nllrfhnH¢l= ~nn~v premium above par at which thePROBATE. ................ i r w'l • -.o.... t-^, .... u^., bdde II purchase said bonds,IN THE MATTER OF THE the purpose of obtaining funds SHELTON OFFICE ............ " ...... or (b) the lowest rate or rates of ESTATE OF WILLIAM H. for the School Lunch Program in U=laa,L,,,=,,~ r,.~,, O* ~'' " r t " " amount $4,000.00, for one year .......... inte es at which the bidder will GILBERT, Deceased• ~ne;ton, wasnlngton -urchase said bo ~ " 4, 186 107 RAILROAD .,,o ,oi~ n,s at par. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN only, all as more specifically u~...-... One or more rates of interest that the undersigned has been provided in a resolution of the may be fixed for the bonds, appointed and has qualified as the Board of Directors adopted on .... ~ ~,,-,T,,-~ ,-,~ ~, ...... which rate or rates must be in a Personal Representative of the June 29, 1971?" I~U/l~,r~ ~/r rnlv~/~ • 0 c~ac c~ Dr^. c¢'r,~'rc multlp!e of 1/8 or 1/10 of 1 Vo No Estate of William H. Gilbert, TAX LEVY, YES [] 1/2 ACRE 2BR.-FAM. DJLA ..... ,N,,,~,~7,-~ ...... interest rate shall exceed 8%.'The deceased; that all persons having "" " interest rate shall be the same on claims against said deceased areTAX LEVY, NO [] 2 lIDRM HOME OR 3 liD- IN THE SUPERIOR COURT OF all bonds maturing in any onehereby required to serve the same, THE STATE OF WASHINGTON year, the same for each year on duly verified, on the undersigned FOR MASON COUNTY IN any bond, and represented by one or her attorney of record at the The Polling Placefor said PROBATE. coupon for each installment, address below stated and file the election will be theKamilche 2-1/2 ACRES IN THE MATTER OF THE There shall not be a difference of same with the Clerk of the said Valley School. Said Polling Place ESTATE OF O. JACK morethan 2% between the lowest court, together with proof of such shall be open from 8:00 o'clock OWNER CONTRACT WEIRAUCH, Deceased. and highest rates bid. service within four (4) months a.m. to 8:00 o'clock p.m. of said after the date of first publication day, except that any persons in ONLY $11,950 JUST SO. OF TOWN $22,950 TERMS Trade up today -- we'll take your smaller home paid for or not. Circular drive-in to this huge remodeled rambler with lush carpet, sparkling modern kitchen, bath & Vz - huge covered patio, small barn and drilled well. Be the new proud owner of this country home. A real spacious older home with "country kitchen", huge living room, 3 appliances, furniture & extras included. Nice garden & ½ acre grounds. Owner will carry the contract with low down payment to responsible party. Extra acreage available too! Call today. Just a few miles out of town. $17,950 -- New homes inside city to be built• Built-in range, 3 bedrooms, brick fireplace, family dining area plus att. garage. Builder Eugene Luz has one lot left. We can start on credit approval. Pick your colors now! $19,200 -- Large rambler ,with double garage, bath and one-half spacious floor plan, log fireplace & built in range & hood. Full price loans for G.I., low down pymt. for FHA buyers. Will be completed soon. $34,950 SALTWATERFRONT -- 1100 square feet of one floor living in this large 2 bedroom rambler-- Patio on the water side & only a few steps to nice gravel beach & tidelands. All appliances, dream kitchen separate utility room, double garage & drilled well. Located on PickerinQ Pass on mainland -- view to Harstine & Squaxin Island. We will trade!! $3"/,95t:) -- LAKEFRONT Easy contract terms as owner must move to Seattle due to ill health. Custom built full basement home -- 2 fireplaces, 3 bedrooms, low bank 65 ft. lakefront. Color coordinated appliances -- Beautiful garden, good water. Deep lot, less than 9 miles from Shelton. WATERFRONT HOMES - FARMS - HOMES -ACREAGE 107 W, RAILROAD PHONE 426-4486 R. "Cal" Hopper Asso. Agent-426-3582 REID L. MITCHELL, REALTOR MEMBER WASHINGTON STATE BOARD OF REALTORS Page 22 - Shelton-Mason County Journal - Thursday, August 12, 1971 NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN It is requested that each bid that pursuant to the Order of the state the total interest cost over of this notice or the same will be the Polling Place at closing time Court entered in this estate on the life of the bonds, less the barred• who have not voted, will be August 5, 1971, the undersigned premium, if any, and the net Date of first publication: allowed to do so. will, on or after the 26th day of effective interest rate of such bid. August 5, 1971• Ruth E. Boysen August, 1971, at Shelton, Such statement shall not be /s/Shirley G. Hansen County Auditor W a s h i n g t o n, s e I I t h e deemed to be a part of such bid. Personal Representative & Registrar following-described property: All bids shall be sealed and, Glenn E. Correa for Mason Real estate situated in King except that of the State of Attorney for Estate County, Washington 8/12-1t County, Washington, described as Washington, shall be accompanied Bell Building follows: Tract 36-A, Sunnydale by a deposit of 5% of the amount 121 South Fourth Street NOTICE OF Gardens, Division No. 1, of the,bonds either in cash or by Shelton, Washington WARRANT CALL according to plat recorded in cashier s or certified check made 8/5-12-19-3tNotice is hereby given that the Volume 25 of Plats, page 50, payable to the Mason County ~ following Mason CountyWarrants records of said County; SUBJECT Treasurer for the credit of the NOTICE OF APPLICATION are called for payment at the TO right of the public to make school district, which amount or FOR LETTERS office of the Treasurer of said necessary slopes for cuts or fills check will be returned to the OF ADMINISTRATION County, and that interest will upon said premises in the bidder if the bid is not accepted. NO. 4221 cease August 12, 1971: reasonable original grading of If the successful bidder sha fail IN THE SUPERIOR COURT OF CURRENT EXPENSE FUND streets, avenues, alleys and roads or neglect to complete the THE STATE OF WASHINGTON Warrant Nos. 2365 to 2631 as dedicated in the plat; purchase of said bonds within FOR MASONCOUNTY. inclusive; ^ SUBJECT TO all easements, thirty-five days from the In the Matter of the Estate ofEQUIPMENT RENTAL & restrictions and reservations ofacceptance of his bid, the amount A R T H U R L E R O Y REVOLVING FUND Warrant record, so deposited shall be forfeited to DUNSWORTH Deceased. NOSe 6112 to 6127 inclusive; The undersigned may reject the school district. A petition has been filed in SCHOOL DISTRICT No. 311 -- any and all bids. All bids must be The school district reserves this Court asking that Letters of GENERAL FUND Warrant Nos. in writing and must be delivered the right to reject any and all bids Administration be issued to Anna 7442 to 7461 inclusive; to the undersigned or the received" . and to waive any D. Dunsworth in this estate. It SCHOOL DISTRICT No. 401 -- attorney for the estate at the irregularities therein, will be heard on September 3, GENERAL FUND Warrant Nos. address below or be filed with the Printed bonds will be 1971, at 9:30 a.m. in the 4412 to 4419 inclusive. Clerk of this Court before 9:30furnished by the school district. Courtroom of the Court. John B. Cole a.m. of the date of sale. The opinion of Preston, Lodge Fields Treasurer of Mason County Chas. Weirauch Thorgrimson, Star|n, Ellis & Mason County Clerk State of Washington Personal Representative Holman, bond counsel of Seattle, Glenn E. Correa Wa.s.hingt°n, approv ng the Ethel Hufnail (Seal) Attorney for Estate mgau.~Y ot the issuance of these Deputy Dated at P. O. and Office Address: bonDs, will be fu ..... Robert L. Snyder Shelton,Washington 121 S. 4th successu bidder ~nd ~,,ll h~f rnlsnea the Attorney at Law ~ August 12, 1971 8/12-1t Shelton, Washington 8/12 it a,, tri'ct" r 'eP r°d Ul~ :d ;xnpeena sc; °~' i~ ed ~°hny~ P.O. Box 396 . Shelton, Washington 98584 dis • 8/12-1t NOTICE OF SURFACE The customary Signature WATER RIGHT NOTICE TO CREDITORS identification and Nonl t,,~H,,~ APPLICATION No. 23251 No. 4210 Certir cate w II be inc ,,.~--,'~'~':~" NOTICE TO CREDITORS STATE OF WASH INGTON • ,-,~u in me No. 4214 IN THE SUPERIOR COURT OF c oslng documents. DEPARTMENT OF ECOLOGY It is understood that if, prior IN THE SUPERIOR COURT OF OLYMPIA. THEFoR MAsoNSTATE OFcouNTy.WASHINGTON to othm% drt~c;e;Yb?: the bonds, the THE STATE OF WASHINGTON TAKE NOTICE: In the Matter of the Estate of inc f shal oy the holdersFOR MASON COUNTY. That LAYTON STALCUP of E V ELYN LUC I LLE PACE, thereo or i, become taxable, In the Matter of the Estate of Olympia, Washington on July 19, Deceased. directly ma0rectly, bv the D A N I EL W. EM E RSON, 1971. filed application for permit The undersigned is the terms.or any tederat inconle t~ Deceased. to divert the public waters of Mill law, tne successtul bidd .... -•: The undersigned is the Creek (Gosnell Creek), tributary representativeapp°inted and qualifiedof saidPers°nalestate, his option be relieve;" o~aYh~,~ appointed and qualified personal of Hammersly Inlet, in the Persons having claims against the obliqation topurchase the bonds, representative of said estate, amount of 0.25 cubic feet per and in sucn case, the do,-,,o;, Persons having claims against the second, subject to existing rights, deceased are required to serve the n in -" -~,,~,L same in duplicate, duly verified, accompa !y:,,s .bid. will be deceased are required to serve the continuously each year for the on the undersigned or the ~eturneo,wj~uu~ m~erest, same in duplicate, duly verified, purpose of fish propagation, that attorney of record at the address " OATP-U .at Shelton, on the undersigned or the the approximate point of shington, mlS 10th -'- - attorney of record at the address diversion is located within NV~ stated below and file the same Wa . ,,~-~ lay ot with the Clerk of this Court, AUgyoS~l'n'~:Cole stated below and file the same NEV4 SEV4. of Section 30, with the Clerk of this Court, Township 20 N., Range 3 together with proof of such service within four months after Mason County Treasurer together with proof of such W.W.M., in Mason County. 8/12-19-26-9/2.4t service within four months after Any objections must be July 29, 1971., or the same will August 5, 1971, or the same will accompanied bv a two dollar be forever barred, be forever barred. ($2.00) recording fee and filed Leonard Q. Pace NOTICE OF HEARING Martha Clark with the Department of Ecology 2212 Walker Park Road FRANCHISE APPLICATION 608 Bellevue Street within thirty (30) days from Shelton, Washington 98584 No. 5353 Shelton, Washington 98584 August 19, 1971. Robert L. Snyder .- the Matter of the ApPlication Robert L. Snyder Witness my hand and official AttorneY1251/= N. 5thf°r Estate 2:/ephOc~e Operate ar~ nmc ~tX mf p a c/f ~_ ~o_r~n.w:st IBelI AttorneY125V~ N. 5thf°r Estate seal Glenthis 4thH. Fiedlerday of August, 1971. Shelton, Washington 98584 Shelton, Washington 98584 Department of Ecology 7/29 -8/5-12 -3t 8/5-12-19 -3t 8/12-19-2t Lega SUMMONS~ THE sUPEI WASH I NGT COUNTY. E I_Vl N R. ELIZABETH wife; and R. ELYNOR ! wife, Plaintil BELL; Est SHOREY JACQUELINI BROOKS PL OTHER UN~ LAW OF A. TOM C RO DOE ROTT living, and unknown heil ROTTRUP; a WASHINGT( persons or claiming an! lien or inter described in Defenda nts. THE STATE TO the said at law of /0 TOM C. R( DOE ROT' living, an( unknown he ROTTRUP; or parties ur right, title, e in the real complaint he You an( hereby su~ within sixty date of the this summon: (60) days _a August, 19~ above-enti! superior ¢ answer the plaintiffs and answer uP a torney fol u r ce belO~ of your failU will be re according to complaint in been filed court• . The obje quiet title estate in Washington, PARCEL A That pol County R.0 3 of Sect North, Rat Meridian Secondary 14-B. B PARCEL That por County RO 4 of Sect~ North, Rar Meridian SecondarY. ]4-B. Aga~ oefendants /S/Johr Attorn( John C. R~ Attorney a l Shelton, w~ Telephone' NOT OF RE~ NOT GIVEN: Books fo~ lying wh School 13 closed registratiC and the following held on• 1971, bY HOW remain ONLY, 197~)'A-I Aug Mason Washir Plea Officer beloW: 16 sheltC County Hse; ,&" Edge Arcadi Bx, Col Hse.; Rt. 1 Vivian Dayto~ Rt. 1, 2, Nor Shelt( Bedell, Mr. ~ Office, Moran, Westsi( Bx. Patricl Andrew THE wASH coUN1 IN TI" ADOPT McMIL McMILI TO: R[ to all wl you there h~ a petiti( above-n be an consent will be August, a. m.,, courtl when H Att