August 12, 1971 Shelton Mason County Journal | ![]() |
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Wearing a lovely wedding
gown of heirloom lace designed
and made by hand by her mother,
Nancy Fitch became the b~de of
James Watson in a double-ring
ceremony on August 7th in
Brinnon, Washington.
The bride is the daughter of
Mr. and Mrs. Waring Fitch of
Brinnon. She is a graduate of
Western Washington State College
and taught at the Grapeview
School last year.
The ceremony which united
the couple was held in the garden
of the Brinnon Community
Church. The church pews were
arranged in a half circle around a
lovely garden of lillies and daisies.
The panoramic view of Hood
Canal and the Olympics made an
impressive setting for the simple
ceremony, with the vows spoken
directly to each other. A friend,
Jody Weed, sang and played on
his guitar two selections that are
favorites of the bride and groom.
Linda Johnston, the bride's
attendant, wore a dress of green
and carried yellow flowers. The
bride's mother wore a suit of pale
green silk shantung.
The three sons of the groom
were important members of the
wedding party for Bob Watson
was best man, Richard was usher
and Todd was ring-bearer.
The bridal theme of yellow
and green was carried out at the
lavish buffet served in the garden
after the ceremony. The tables
were lovely with silver service and
a crystal punch bowl filled with
lime punch. The five-tiered
wedding cake was beautiful with
yellow roses.
The couple will make their
home in Olympia. Mrs. Watson
will teach again this fall at the
Grapeview school.
I had seen the sign at the
Baker Art studio in Allyn for
several years that said "v/sitars
welcome" so I stopped in the
other afternoon and had a
delightful visit with the Bakers.
They showed me their studio and
even had a lesson on how to mix
the oil paints. Over the last few
years, they told me, they have
sold several thousand paintings.
We were talking about how much
we enjoyed the wild animals and
they told me when they first
moved here from Los Angeles to
their remote home on a hill above
Allyn they would put out bones
for a cougar and every day at the
same time it would come and wait
for its dinner.
Have good news for the 4-H
girls. Pattie Pettitt started a
farewell letter and before it ended
she had decided to be a leader
again for the next year. The girls
are delighted and plans will be
made soon for the next year's
program. There will be a meeting
Aug. 24 and it is suggested the
girls bring swim suits. The record
books must be turned in. Please
bring a sack lunch. The meeting
will start at 11 o'clock. Pattie has
a list of questions that she wants
the girls to answer that the
parents can help on, and since
parents are a vital part of the 4-H
program the questions should be
talked over with them.
On which day would you like
the meetings?
Would you like a new project?
How can we improve the
Will you still be in 4-H next
The same questions will be
sent to the boys next week, so
thanks to the Pettitts, there will
be an active program for our
Mrs. R. Wymouth andLouise youngsters in Grapeview.
Ewart and family were wedding
guests from Grapeview.
August 7 was a very busy day
for Grapeview for the Fair Harbor
Grange summer picnic was held in
the lovely garden of Marge and
Clem Hall, and the Fireman's
picnic was held the same evening.
My son John and his partner
in the Monarch clam business
were on Howard Hall's TV
program Thursday morning. They
did a good job showing how to
cook geoduck and telling how it is
farmed from Puget Sound.
I was impressed with John's
ease of manner and I had to laugh
when I thought of the last time he
was on TV, in Boise Idaho. He
was 1 1 and had won the regional
yoyo contest and was playing
against the other runner-up. He
was doing all sorts of tricks when
his string broke; he just stood
there and watched the yoyo roll
off and the look on his face sent
his dad and I into hysterics that
lasted all day.
Nancy Ewart arrived home
from her trip to Europe Tuesday
night and we talked till dawn. She
had a wonderful time and is glad
to be home again in Grapeview.
Mrs. P. E. Porter has moved
into her new home on Orchard
Beach. Mrs. Porter retired
recently from the Boeing
company in Seattle. Her home
had been in Redmond for several
years before moving to
Fashion Wagon of Minnesota
Woolen has part time
openings to show beautiful
fashions. No experience
necessary, must be over 21. If
you can work 3 evenings a
week, have transportation,
and would like a high income
and free $400 wardrobe, Call
Mary Ann ....
CR 5-6751
Richard Squires of Belfair was
arrested and a juvenile companion
taken into custody following a
complaint received by the local
Sheriff's office August 6 at 2:30
a.m. The caller complained of a
blue Volkswagon racing up and
down South Shore near Happy
Hollow, with two occupants
apparently under the influence of
alcohol. By the time a deputy
arrived, the car, belonging to Tim
Bunting of Allyn, had been
wrecked and it was uncertain
which of the two had been
A report was received by the
local Sheriff's office August 6 of a
female Beagle and a black male
Lab, belonging to two Tahuya
neighbors, both missing for three
days. Finders are asked to contact
the Sheriff's Belfair office.
During the Summer vacation
from her teaching position at
Coontz Junior High School, Mrs.
Susan Peterson and son Jeffry left
for a visit in Palmer, Alaska with
her sister and brother-inqaw, Mr.
and Mrs. Robert Seems. Mrs.
Seems is the former Janice
Mrs. Seems and Mrs. Peterson
are the daughters of Mr. and Mrs.
T. L. Halbert of Mission Lake.
Mr. Seems is remembered from his
teaching at North Kitsap before
moving to Alaska.
When Mrs. Wilma Just's
grandson, Randy, says he is going
fishing, she is well aware these
days that he means it.
The lack of bait eggs when
Randy wanted to fish didn't
matter. He cut small bits of
cheese to bait his hook. A quick
call to the house from the lake
float confirmed that Randy had
really tied into a big one.
A towel was needed to wrap
around the big one that was on
Randy's line. Only this big one
was a duck that had found the
cheese bait tasty until the hook
and line became evident.
Just like all fish stories about
the big catch, Randy, too, lost the
big one.
Combining business with
pleasure made a pleasant vacation
trip of the one week work
assignment at San Diego for Mr.
Ivan Davies. With Bonnie and the
family's younger set of Barbara,
Steve, and Doug packed in the
camper, the budget costs were
kept well in hand for extra things
they wanted to do.
One day was spent at Tijuana,
Mexico bartering for presents and
souveniers to bring home. The
family was surprised at the living
conditions and the people of the
city area.
One week was spent at Chula
Vista renewing the friendship of
friends who had visited the Davies
here last year. On meeting some
of the retired navy people, the
topic of conversation about Puget
Sound always included the word
The 'Disneyland tour was
enjoyed with special favorites
visited twice that included the
Pirates of the Caribbean, and the
Haunted House. Mrs. Davies
appreciated the many flowers and
arrangements as well as the
spotless condition of the whole
The trip home was made by
Highway 101 up the coast with
stops to visit several wineries and
the Redwoods. They saw many
young people hitchhiking toward
the Hippy colonies near
of this Ad
- OR -
Page 8 - Huckleberry Herald section of Shelton-Mason County Journal - August 12, 1971
A stop for several days with
Mrs. Davies' father was made at
his home at Medford, Oregon for
just swimming and relaxing in the
cool of the hills. Their arrival
home was welcome after the
crowds of California.
The Davies do like it best in
the Belfair area.
I was invited to spend
Thursday in Seattle at the time
trials for the Seafair unlimited
hydro races. (My driving of our
car had a bit to do with the
Our arrival was planned for 10
a.m. in order to not miss anything
going on in the pits. My
impression at In'st was that the
whole idea was sort of a dollar
days event.
It took one dollar to park the
car, one dollar for a Seafair pin,
one dollar for the Seafair book,
one dollar for the pit tour; I was
afraid to buy a can of pop.
I was amazed at the color and
the size of the boats, and the
beehive-activity for the changing
o f the engines. When the
Budweiser boat went out on the
course to qualify for the race, the
roar of the engine was deafening.
On viewing a huge Rolls Engine
later that is used in these boats, I
understood the why and
wherefore of the noise.
I went the whole route, pit
tour included. 1 even had the fun
of being given a souvenier
Budweiser pin by one of the crew.
I di.d feel a bit self-conscious,
especially when the TV cameras
zeroed in on the spot where I was
standing for a bit of observing.
A small business-like area is
taken over by young people with
arrangements of pins from tl~
many boats in the races of the
past and the present. Prices varied
according to the salesman or the
scarcity of the item. I was
approached many times to buy a
pin, even last year's Seafair pin
for the small sum of $2.00.
If you want to live an exciting
day, visit the unlimited
hydroplane time trials, and don't
miss the pit tour
Congratulations are in order
for a former resident of the Old
Belfair Highway, Mrs. David
(Renee) Mosier of Quilcene who
gave birth to a baby boy, David
Lanning, Jr. on August 3. The 7
pound 10~A-oz. boy was born in a
hospital in Port Townsend. He
joins 23-month old sister
Proud grandparents are Mr.
and Mrs. Tex Whitchurch of
Lynch Cove on North Shore and
Mr. and Mrs. Edward Mosier of
Sunnyslope. Renee is a North
Mason graduate.
Requests for 8 m.p.h.
speed on Benson lake
Two requests to limit speed to
8 m.p.h, on Benson Lake were
received by County
Commissioners last week.
Walter McCrady appeared
before the Board at their regular
Monday meeting to present his
request which he felt was
necessary to make swimming safe
in the small lake. Chairman Bill
Hunter told McCrady that the
commissioners feel that
revamping of the present County
Boat Ordinance will soon be
undertaken and such a change will
be considered. When Ordinance
changes are ready for
consideration notices will be
inserted in the newspaper to allow
interested citizens to attend a
public hearing.
At least one other owner
agrees with McCrady, for a letter
was read at the meeting, received
from David R. Pearce; with the
same request. He also asked that
water samples from the lake be
taken to determine the bacteria
count in Benson Lake.
Free Estimates Call CR 5-2196 Col|ect
Cole law
:alloped Potatoes
Food Served 1-6 p.m. Dance 9-2 a.m.
Live Music MBC Club, Mason Lake
Follow the Signs
Adults $1.50 Children $1.00
Mason County Journal
Thursday, August 12, 1971
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By now, I hope, all Herald subscribers who didn't quite believe our
paper would continue as a separate supplement inside the Journal, who
were afraid North Mason news would be spread all through the Journal
wherever space permitted, have been reassured with delivery of the first
two issues.
1 was glad I had asked for a three-week hiatus on publication of the
Herald to assure a full two-week vacation for myself, because all the
little details of the changeover took longer than expected. ....
The Wednesday our last edition under the old regime came out 1
p er
came to the Belfair office to get out the post office report and tie up
loose ends. On Thursday I again came to Belfair to meet with Mr. Gay
to decide what supplies I would need by the time I came back from
vacation, like a camera, typewriter, furniture to replace that removed
by the previous owner, etc. When we completed a rather long list he
asked if there was anything I hadn't had before that 1 would like and
quick as a wink I said "Yes, a restroom!" He couldn't believe it when I
showed him the backroom facilities, one wash basin which drains into a
bucket and faucets on one wall for showers which were used by loggers
coming to town in the old days when this was a barbershop, i've never
tried those faucets to see if they work but I've been tempted on some
of the hot, hot days we've had lately when the office is hotter than the
inside of my car which is parked in the sun.
While Mr. Gay was here on Thursday I offered to go to Shelton the
next day to help match the Herald subscription list against that of the
Journal to remove the stencils of those already taking the Shelton paper
before my stencils were filed with theirs. He accepted my offer, saying
that his wife had planned to do that job but it might help if I assisted
her. It sounded like maybe it would be five-hour job for one person, or,
if I worked with her, maybe 2% hours.
When I left for Shelton the next morning I told the kids 1 might be
home early. There were a few little odds and ends to go over with the
Journal office staff before Fern Gay and 1 got down to the
subscription-matching job.
By 12:30 when we stopped for lunch we were through with the A's;
by 5:30 p.m. when we called it quits for the day, we were half way
through the D's.
The three-day July 4th weekend followed so it was Tuesday when
we got back on the project, and with Mr. Gay planning a big
announcement for Herald subscribers in that week's issue of the
Journal, we knew we had to finish everything by Wednesday night
when the Journal was to be mailed. Once we finished matching the
subscription lists there was still the job of filing all the Herald-only
stencils in among the Journal stencils according to destination, and
writing the names and addresses by hand of all the new Journal
recipients in a notebook from which the post office report could be
made Thursday morning.
At the rate we were going it didn't look like we could get
everything done without help so I showed up Tuesday morning with
daughter Cindy and her friend, Lore Durand, who had spent part of the
weekend with us, to suggest that they be put to work writing the
thousand or so names and addresses in the notebooks. They were put to
work at a table in the ladies' lounge (the Journal not only has A
restroom, they have TWO) and spent the whole day writing. Lore ended
up with a blister on her finger but they got all the new names in the
By not taking time to transfer names and addresses to Journal cards
on Tuesday, we got all the subscriptions matched by quitting time and
the Journal office staff came back after dinner and worked till after
midnight to file the stencils. On Wednesday Fern and 1 made the new
cards for the D through Z subscribers and the job was done!
Just out of curiosity, i kept track of the number of subscribers who
took both papers. There were 113, so the Journal ended up with a few
over a thousand new readers. For those who already took the Journal,
we figured out how many months of the Herald they still had coming and
added that many months to the expiration date of their Journal
1 only ran into one small problem in getting out the first issue; a big
hole on page one where I had planned to run a picture of the three
Belfair Scouts on their way to Japan. Their pictures were the first two
taken on the first film I loaded in my new camera. I don't know what
happened but when we looked at the film, their pictures simply weren't
on it. Three phone calls to Belfair followed as I tried to get the boys
together for another picture that night which could be hurriedly
developed and inserted at the last minute, but one of the boys couldn't
be located.
So I promised them l'd take their picture when they return, with
their souveniers. Which could be more interesting, anyway, if one
should come back with a Geisha girl.
Anyone who had hopes of
tying their boat up to a brand
new Port district dock on North
Shore this summer had better
forget it. Maybe next year?
Permission to repair the old
dilapidated pier has to be obtained
from the Army Corps of
Engineers and since the Corps
received a petition signed by 41
North Shore residents objecting
to the Port Commissioner's plan
of doing the project in two stages,
instead of all at once, this
permission has been withheld.
In an effort to find out why
the residents were objecting so
that objections could be
overcome, the Port
Commissioners sent individual
invitations to all 4 1
petition-signers to attend last
week's Port Commission meeting.
About 17 persons showed up at
the meeting and before it was
over, according to Commissioner
Bill DeMiero, they all had agreed
to cancel their objections to the
Corps if the project would be
completed in one stage, as
pictured in the May 26
Huckleberry Herald•
"We believe the job should be
done well or not at all," said Leo
Livingston, one of the North
Shore petition-signers. He said his
• group felt that repairing just part
of the pier and leaving eight old
pilings sticking up out of the
MINI-CUSTOMER LOOKS over some Mini-Art which caught
her eye at last Saturday's Flea Market. Little Jean Staudt was
intrigued with the art-work of Vernabelle Rice of Shelton.
water would be dangerous for
boats coming in to use pier
facilities. He said they also
wanted to be sure sanitary
facilities ~ould be provided, litter
barrels placed on the premises,
and that rules and regulations
would be posted to insure some
control of problems which might
arise when the pier goes into use.
DeMiero said that the
.Commission had already made
plans for placing two sanitary
"outhouses" and litter containers
and arranging for garbage pickup
service at a previous meeting.
Citizens who attended last
week's Wednesday night meeting
were invited to offer suggestions
for rules and regulations to be
observed. Suggestions from other
interested persons also will be
gladly received by the three
commissioners, DeMiero, Roy
Mitchell and Harold Hillman.
Cotton Corporation of Port
Townsend, which had been
awarded the contract for repairing
the first stage of the pier, has
agreed to finish the job at the
same per footage rate of $4 a
foot, which will add about $2,500
to the firm's bid of $12,459.
It is expected that all 41
objectors will withdraw their
objections, which will have to be
done in writing, addressed to the
Army Corps of Engineers. The
Commissioners plan to contact
each objector who was not at last
week's meeting personally to ask
them to write the letters so repair
of the dock can proceed.
DeMiero said that the
Commission had planned to
complete the whole job
eventually, but had planned to do
it in stages to see just how many
people used the facilities before
spending the money to do the
whole job.
In other Port business, Larry
Osborne of Ruskin-Fisher,
designers of the North Shore pier
repair, was asked to inspect the
Allyn dock owned by the district
to offer recommendations for its
At the June Port district
meeting it had been mentioned
that the adequacy of the septic
tank system of the North Shore
house owned by the district,
which is being rented, was under
questmn. At that time it was
voted to write to the
Thurston-Mason County Health
department to request a dye test
of the facilities to see if it was
operating properly. The letter was
written, but to date, no action by
the Health department has been
taken. It was decided at last
week's meeting to write another
letter requesting the test, which
the Commissioners hope will get