August 12, 1971 Shelton Mason County Journal | ![]() |
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What are you doing at 7 o'clock tonight?
If the weather is hot most readers in Huckleberry Herald
territory will probably be sitting on their beach or floating on
an inner tube or diving off their dock to cool off.
By taking just 30 minutes of your time to forsake your
water activities, gather up the kids, visiting relatives and
summer neighbors, to pass out paper and pencils and watch
the "National Water Safety Test" on Channel 9, you may
learn some life-saving fact which may save the life of
someone dear to you.
In this part of the County almost everyone lives on the
water; either Hood Canal, Puget Sound or one of the many
lakes of the area. During the summer months most recreation
centers around water-oriented activities, whether it be
swimming, fishing or water-skiing.
As more and more people move into the area each year,
the number of close calls increases and one never knows
when he or she will find themselves in the spot of having to
help out in an emergency.
The emergency may involve total strangers whose boats
hit each other as they pass your house. Or it may be a small
relative who hasn't learned to swim who falls off your dock.
From the story sent out by the American Red Cross, found
elsewhere in the paper, it sounds like the film tonight should
give you an idea of how to act when an emergency arises.
And with Pat Paulsen as the star, it would be entertaining as
well as educational.
Wouldn't you feel more relaxed during the next busy
holiday weekend when 15 people you didn't invite join the
20 you did to enjoy your beach to know that in case of an
accident, your family will be prepared to do the right thing?
A PILOT CAR was busy in Belfair last Thursday and Friday
as it led cars down one side of the highway while the other
side got a new coat of asphalt. Last weekend's summer
residents and tourists were happy to find the State Highway
department had widened and smoothed out the bumps from
the road through town.
A section of the Shelton-Mason County Journal serving as the
voice of Belfair, Allyn, Grapeview, Tahuya, Mason Lake,
South Shore and North Shore.
Post Office Box 587, Belfair, Washington 98528
Telephone CR 5-6680
LOU DONNELL ............................. Editor
BARBARA NELSON .......... Advertising Representative
Published by Shelton Publishing, Inc., Post Office Box 430,
Shelton, Washington 98584; telephone 426-4412.
Subscription: $5.00 per year in Mason County; $6.00 per
A new auto parts store
opened for business in Belfair last
week with three members of the
Belfair Pack Rats, a search and
rescue group, as co-owners.
Besides furnishing auto parts, for
which they have the North Mason
franchise for Mopar products,
they will specialize in parts for
4-wheel drive vehicles. Each is
owner of a Jeep which they have
used or~ rescue missions and they
know how hard it has been at
times to find replacements for
parts broken on trips over some
of the local back roads.
Ray Sage, Barry Snorer and
Gene Triplett are the three to join
the growing list of Belfair
businessmen. All three are
keeping their regular jobs for the
time being, at least, and Sage's
wife, Bev, will be on duty to run
the store when one of the owners
is not available.
At present Sage is working
graveyard shift at PSNS, Snover
works dayshift at Bremerton
Bottling and Triplett, also on
dayshift, is employed by North
Shore Service.
With the new shop to be open
six days a week, from 9 to 9,
there will be lots of opportunity
for the men to be on hand during
their off-hours from their regular
jobs. Emergency calls will be
handled on Sundays. Boat trailer
year elsewhere.
ANOTHER NEW BUSINESS in Belfair opened last week as
three local men opened an auto parts store next to the Belfair
PUD Building Owners of the new enterprise are Ray Sage
Barry Snover and Gene Triplett Seen above are Ray Sage and
his wife Bey who will work at the shop looking up some
information in the large parts catalog while Triplett carries
on some business on the phone
enterprise is the building next to
Belfair PUD which was formerly
occupied by Belfair Electric.
Last week most of their
business was from local service
stations who were finding it
convenient to let SS and T furnish
parts needed for car repair jobs,
but the three owners hope that
they can serve individuals in the
area, too, as they learn of the
availability of their service.
An open house is planned for
the near future.
Lee Lopriore--BUILDER
CR 5-2021
Next to PUD Building At Belfair
4 x 4 Parts and Accessories
9 to 9 Weekdays and Saturdays
Sunday Emergencies
News around Bald Point -
Lynn Tally, eldest daughter of
Dick and Mona Gebow, has been
visiting her parents here at their
summer home and with friends in
Lynn was married last fall and
now resides in Atlanta, Georgia
where her husband is employed
by a local radio and T.V. station
there. Hubby was unable to make
the trip but thank goodness for
week in Redo ditto the lira
Reynolds, the latter having spent
two weeks in the fun cityH
Lillian Moyer is home after
spending two weeks visiting
relatives in England and Scotland.
Thanks to the Alexanders of
Maggie Lake for "Operation Deep
Freez" when our ice cream
machine flipped it's lid over the
recent heat wave!!!
o4 the reeertt hrtothe~ sto9 ~.e "t~.a&e mas a
disappearance of the much
lamented Chalet, it may be timely
to mention the original Belfair (or
Clifton) school which still stands
at the beginning of the North
Shore Road just east of the Union
It was built sometime around
1900 and served as a two and
lat er three-room school until
1937 when the Chalet was built
and put into use. Mrs. George
X-&ax~c,~ Xast "l"kx, ax~s&a-,j rto't h&~.t~
/k. Nnell, g'], ,~e~l-knomn
delig~tivl ,&sit with the Re'~erend benefactor o[ the North 10tason
]ohn ttaugan in Missoula, School district. Mr. Snell died
Montana. The Reverend HauganAugust I in Harrison Hospital in
was a Belfair minister for seven
He was born in Osceola,
Missouri and moved to Belfair
from Shelton in 1946. He was a
retired electrician and was also
employed by St. Alban's Girl
Scout camp just south of Belfair
as caretaker for several years.
tA "National Water Safety In 1955 Mr. Snell donated ten
"ma bell"!! (Alice) Pope was baptised in the Tes produced by the Americanacres of land, followed later by a
Lynn was on hand when her old building in 1905 and taught Red Cross and featuring comic donation of 44 more acres, to the
younger sister, Sue, returned from Accidents involve there sometime later. Alma
California. Sue spent three weeks Sundstrom and Frances GladwinPat Paulsen and sports personality North Mason School district,
Bud Wilkinson will be shown which gave the district a good
at Whittier College in Whittier urea teenagers also taught there. August 12 on KCTS-TV, Channel start on its present 80-acre school
whereworkshopShe there.Was a Jr. Counselor at a Three local teen-agers were The buildings, including a 9 Seattle, at 7 p.m. site housing the high school,
K athy Oman, youngest involved in two separate accidents principal's cottage, were sold to The test, transmitted upper elementary school, gym,
daughter of Carl and Pat Oman, is in North Shore August 7, with the Rudy Sundstrom by the School na tionall yb" the Public cafetorium, football field and
home after visiting friends in El driver of one car receiving a deep District in 1939. Recently the ~ • -
Broadcast System, is a visualtenms courts. The tenms courts
Paso, Texas. shoulder laceration, property was sold to Perry exam of the viewer's knowledge were named m his honor.
Kathy found food in Denver Around 12:30 p.m. Mark McDonald who has been of action to take in water Mr. Snell had beenaresident
rather expensive on the tripMcLean, 1?, of Allyn, with a remodeling the school building accidents of Allyn House for the past four
down. When hunger pangs younger brother as passenger in into four apartments and it is
dictated a sandwich she his car, entered North Shore Road looking very modern and trim. The half-hour program yea~. . .... on W
presents Paulsen and a bevy of ~urv]vors mcmae two.s s. -
responded to the tune of missing from Sand Hill Road and was The principal's cottage will be female comnanions in a numb-rEarl Snell of Tacoma ana Kooert
her flight to E1 Paso, resulting in struck by a car driven by James given to the Historical Society if - ~ •
of water accident situations. Each I. Snell of Monterrey, Calif.; a
an overnite stay there $$$! Then W. Fencl, 29, of Vancouver, they can move and use it or torn incident is followed by three daughter, Mrs. Louise M. Vail.oi
to top it all off she got homesick Wash. who was headed west. down. So the original Belfair
before her aH, otted stay in the According to McLean, who School still lives, though in a possible courses of corrective Tacoma; a stster, Mrs. Ethel
"Yellow Rose ' state was up and received the shoulder cut, he had different form, and has become a action. The viewing audience then Bailey of Wichita, Kansas; four
to be best great-grandchildren.
home she flew! , stopped at the stop sign, looked functional ornament to the selects the response they believe gra n d children and five
Karla, the Oman s eldest, left both ways, determined there was community. ;qiewers should have pencilPR M
Sea-Tac a week ago Sunday no traffic, made a left turn onto The former Pat Beard, now
morning for Evanston, Illinois. North Shore road when the other Mrs. Gary Aune of Imperial, and paper handy to score A MISSING
California, with husband and two themselves on the test. An 8 foot light blue pram was
Filmed at Cypress Gardens, reported missing from the Dupree
Karla is attending a three week car came around the blind curve sons, Martin and Eric, aged five Florida, the test presents Paulsen summer home at Tiger Lake on
workshop in 'Critical Thinking ' and hit him.
sponsored bythe National CollegeThe second accident which and seven, is visiting her mother as the accident-prone bumblerAugust 2 according to a report
occured in the evening, was Mrs. Jeanne Beard at the family who gets into all sorts of from the Belfair Sheriff s
of Education at Northwestern caused when a car driven by farm during themonthofAugust.
Univ. ,
David Reedy, 18, ofBelfair, failed Gary's parents are Mr. and Mrs. swimming and boating troubles, substation.
Don t know which she was to negotiate a curve near Lynch Arthur Aune of Gorst. _ ~ X . . z I
most excited about - the A hydroplane pit was ) BELFAIR BUILDERS SUPPLY (
workshop or her first journey on Cove and rolled over. When
Reedy left the car on the roadway established on the Scott-Mattus
a 747!!
I must say the Omens and t° ph°ne t° rep°rt the accident' beach at Pleasant C°ve last week ~ ~ ~ /'/
Gebows must find Sea-Tac his car was struck by a car driven for Brian Hendry's wee
familiar grounds by now! by Pamela Alien, 17, of Belfair. thunderboat. Young Hendry, 14,
and his father, Bob Hendry, have k~ ~VA~CDkl[|01~ - ~.L~.
Marg McSwain, now a resident just finished building a three-point, ~ \ \ / /
of Danville, Calif., spent two UNDERAGE DRIVER 8-foot hydro. Young Hendry cut a ~ ~OPEN FOR INSPECTION / HOURS:
~) ,_,~ S~T~KaD2y3s0~SAT a - 2:30
weeks at thefriendsMCSwainincabin. Now A fifteen-year-old girl, driving dazzling figure in a crash helmet I WEEKOA S
visiting eastern ~ t.~ ~~. r~,~ % ~..3o- s:ao ~[
Washington she will return next a pickup truck, lost control and and flashy jacket. He hit 37 mph
roiled over a bank in the Victor on the straightaways with an old
week for another two-week stay
on the canal. Hubby Ed is area Sunday night. The only
expected up about the middle of injury she suffered was a
this month for a few days of nosebleed. Her parents were
fishing before driving the family contacted by the local Sheriff's
back south, office and they came and picked
Babe and Bud Gordon spent a her up.
CR 5-6155 Belfair, Wash.
parts will also be handled.
Location of the new business =" ~'D"m" 7 =T"~"7~T'~" ~b "~''=~e''' "=" l
Rort Sh, e El ,ct 'on c:r
NM library offers I TV Service-Color or B/W * HI-FI I
story hour for tots i MARINE * A RCRAFT * 2-WAY RADIO '
children, ages three through S LICENSED
kindergarten, is being held in the
North Mason Library, located in
the rear of Belfair TV, each ~ DAN BERISH CR S-66S4
Friday morning at 1 1 : 1 5 through i..,. ~ ~.. ~t
the month of August. ~ ~ "~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~
Custom Work
Easy Lift Trailer
Hitch Installed
Electrical Repair
Engine Overhaul
Transmission repair, all kinds
I Front End Alignment
Radiator Repair
Portable Gas & Electric Welding
Heliarc Welding
Mrs. Laura Boyle has been
conducting the story hours since
the program started in July, with
Mrs. Sue Fulmer substituting the
last two weeks while Mrs. Boyle
took a vacation.
An attempted break-in of a
summer cabin near Sunset Beach
on South Shore was reported by
owner Leland Pike of Bremerton
to the local Sheriff's office on
August 5. Putty had been
removed from a rear window, a
picnic table had been moved
under another window which had
been broken.
(Formerly Wold's)
4 Miles from Belfair on South Shore
Phone CR5-2784
By The
Graded Good Steer
Lb 1/4
Cut, Wrapped, quick Frozen
We Have Cured Ham and Bacon
Page 2 - Huckleberry Herald section of Shelton-Mason County Journal - August 12, 1971
]/e Mile West
Belfair State Park
92--Day or "m"I
t 24 Hour Towing--Call CR 5-21 Nite
souped-up 10 hp outboard. He's
already talking about a bigger boat
when he gets the wrinkles ironed
out of this one.
The North Shore
Homemakers Club met for the
month of August at the home of
Olive Griffith near Millwood
where they spent the day playing
pinochle as a relief from the
unrelenting duties of
Mr. and Mrs. Arthur McKaig
of Pleasant Cove spent four days
last week cruising in Canadian
waters with friends. Son Robert
caught his first salmon. Earlier,
without children, the McKaigs
spent six days sailing in the San
Back in 1908 Ada Lincoln
Miller, alone and single-handed,
developed a homestead near
Bison, South Dakota. This
summer she attended an annual
celebration of pioneer days in the
community. It was there that she
was later married and there where
her husband died in the terrible
"flu epidemic of 1918."
Mrs, Miller's six-week trip
took her to Spokane, Big Timber,
Montana, and finally to her
former home, which she still
owns, in Decorub, Iowa, where
she visited her cousin.
A carload of teenagers went
through a frightening experience
on North Shore around noon
August 2 when another car
I tailgated them off and on,
accelerating and then dropping
back, until finally, the driver must
have misjudged the distance and
the car struck the car ahead in the
rear. It then took off before the
driver could be apprehended. The
teenagers' vehicle was damaged to
the extent of $100 in the trunk
Z itk Color/B & W TV-Rodies-Hi.R's
Have Tubes - Will Travel
CR 5-6244
HOURS: 10 - 6:30 DALLY -" SAT. ONLY: !0 - 1:30
Clearing Earth Moving /load Building
Days CR 5-2837
Eves. CR 5-2152
CR 5-2235
Shop Belfair And Save
Plumbing and Electrical Supplies
We Cut and Thread Pipe ½" to 2".
Fresh and Salt Water Fishing Tackle.
Hunting and Fishing Licenses Sold Here.
CR 5-2031 8:30 -- 6:00
August 12, 1971 Huckleberry Herald section of Shelton Mason County Journal Page 7