August 13, 1959 Shelton Mason County Journal | ![]() |
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let ]3, 1959
Percy EPio
6017 S.E. 86h Ave
portland, Ore
]ntervd aa second else3 matter at the T)ost office at Shelton, Waahtngtoa.
lnder Act of Marrh 4, |ff79. Publlhe0 weeP|y at 107 South 4th Street
Published in "Christmastown, U.S.A."
]0 Cents per Copy
IS Pages ..... 3 Sections
BOBBY McKOWN, son of Mr. and Mrs. Charles McKown, is pic-
tured with his 4-H project Holstein which he plans to show at
the Mason County Fair, August 20-22. (Extension photo.)
County Children Looking Forward To Fair
ALICIA AHL AND LAURA DOWNER are working together
practicing to enter their 4-H cookie exhibits. They'll have them
ready for the Mason County Fair, August 20-22. Alicia is the
daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Frank Ahl and Laura's parents are
Mr. and Mrs. A. J. Downer of Isalnd Lake. Their 4-H Club is
Ko=y Kittens led by Mrs. A. Frank and Mrs. A. Tuson. IExten-
sion photo. )
JOE MESTROVICH will show his Ayrshire at the Mason County
Fair, August 20-22. He is a member of the Lucky Shamrocks
4-H Club and resides with Mr. and Mrs. Elbert Trexler. (Extension
photo. )
WN will be ready for the 4-H Fair circuit this
ow her Ayrshire, Belle Star, at the Mason
20-22. Her 4-H Club Is the Lucky Shamrocks
and father, Mr. and Mrs. Charles McKown
photo. )
To Eliminate
City Commission will ask some 36 prop-
land within the city in order to elim-
which they feel are a serious traffic
there are about 60 blind corners in the
>f them are on City property and the clear-
Will be handled by the city crews.
hope that the
and trees Boaters
have the
Into Canal
Lo do
mentioned in
the police
8th and
and Dear-
and Euclid,
and Thom-
B street
street and
and Wash-
will be
time this
his ma-
nn entry
Aug, 19,
of Natur-
on a
plan to
Five persons, one of them an
expectant mother, were thrown
into the waters of Hood Canal
Sunday a£tczoon near Sunset l
Iach when & power driven speed-i
boat dlqven by a 14-year,old boy
collided with a rowboat.
MR,. OI,IVER Parent, a visitor I
from Oregon, was in the rowboat
with her husband and three
youngsters when the speedboat
driven by Randy McIlraith, 14,
who was pulling Peter Farsje, 12,
both of Bremerton, smashed into:
the rowboat. All of the persons in
the rowboat were good swimmers
and made it to shore without dif-
Mrs. Parent was taken by the
Belfair ambulance to a physician
who said she appeared to have no
serious injuries.
The incident was investigated
by Deputies Dick Valley and Har-
old Brown of the Mason county
sheriff's office and patrolmen
Stun Souchak and Don Starry.
No meeting of the Shelton
hambcr of Commerce will be
held this evening.
Chamber officials decided to
cancel the monthly meeting for
August on the theory too many
members are on vacation, have
visitors or wouldn't attend be-
cause of the attraction of warm
evenings for summer activities.
Meetings are normally held the
second Thursday of each month.
next meeting will be Septem-
October meeting is already
shaping up and should be one ell
........ the most attractive in several
..... :.. years -- a trip to Camp Grisdale.
Date is October 8.
:. A. K. Ekern, director of training
is shown on the right with Sgt. Joe
going over a list of the courses which
their 10-week training program. Among
the cadets are traffic law enforcemgnt,
i Public relations, laws of arrest, rules of
vet training and many more. The cadet
400 hours of class instruction during his
The state patrol academy at Shelton is
and has been in operation since 1948.
Their Lot h Not A/ways a Happy One
BITTEN POSTMENThese four Shelton post- ers will cooperate with them In an effort to
men have been bitten by dogs in town in recent correct this situation. Postal regulations give
weeks. They are from left to right, Chuck the office the ri£1ht to deny home service where
Smith, Emil Matson, Vernon Howe and Bruce dogs molest ma0,cn. (joarnal photo, Ziegler
Daugherty. The postoffice hopes that dog own- print.)
5helton Postmen Don't Enjoy Being Bitten
By Dogs Whether They Mean it or Not/
Sixty years ago Gilbert and'Sul-
livan wrote a comic operetta de- $220 In "Who's Who" Prize Fund Now
pictingthe problems of policemen 12 YEAR OLD HIKE McHENRY
and came to the conclusion that = '
their lot was not a happy one. -- "
of the victorian era were living in HISSES 2 CL
Shelton today they well might
write another musical production - :
explaining the difficulties encoun- A nifty ncst-effg of $220 awaits!
tered by mailmen who not only! contestants entering the 8th week;
have to fight the rain, snow and'
sleet but must also fight off vic-
ious dogs. In the last couple m
weeks six incidents involving the
biting of mailmen by dogs have
been reported to the de'partment.
"My dog. would never do any-
thing like that" or "tf my dog did
bite, he didn't mean it" are two
replies that are almost standard
answers from thc owners of the
aaimals who have bitten maihnen.
Chuck Smith, Emil Ms,son,
Vernon Howe and Bruce Dougn-
erty are four mailmen who have
felt the sharp teeth of Shelton
dogR sink into various part o
their anatomy in recent weeks.
SMITH, %VHO has been deliver-
ing mail in Shelton for the past
13 years and who is also a com-
bat veteran of the second World
war feels that dog owners should
realize that hot weather causes
the animals to be more irritable
than usual and pet owners should
(ConIJnued on Page Three)
$fO For Bicycle Parts
of the JomaPs "Who's Who in
Mason County" competition, be-
cause 12-year-old Mike McHenry
missed two of the 29 clues identi-,
fying the 7th mystery character!
this week.
Youthful Mike "thought
win," he said after pocketing the
$10 he earned by correctly iden- i
tifying Rocky Henhbroff as the l
mystery character.
MIKE LIVES on the Panhandle I
Lake road out past Dayton and:
is going to put his $I0 into parts
and acceauories for the bicycle
which he is building to ride the
country roads around his home.
Mike's entry listed 27 chins cor-
rectly, but he missed "Hey, Ros
coe" in the 20th Century Thrift-
way ad and "Liberaee Facsimile"
in the Johnny's Music Box ad last
week. He has attended Mt. View
grade school, enters Shelton jun-
ior high's seventh grade next
(Continued on Page Three)
Historical Society Say They Need
Space and Want Memorial Bm'lding
The name of Witsiers Funeral
Home has bene changed to Byrne
and Batstone, funeral directors,
effective as of Augnst 3.
The firnt was purchased from
W. A. Witsiera by Edgar Byrne
and Bill Batstone on January 1,
1952. and has operat( under that
name since that time.
Edgar Byrnc has worked at the
establishment since 1938 and Bill
Batstone since 1947. No change
of policy is planned.
Lawrence Gosser suggested to the Mason county board
Fu al Home of commissioners Monday that the War Memorial Building
ner be used as a headquarters for the Mason County HistoricM
Name -= = .. 0000=rhan""'4 Gosser told the commission that room is needed by the
society to store its historical material or el thcy will be
forced to turn it over to the state historical society because
Roof Burned Monday
At Arcadia Home
A fire believed ca,teed by an
electrical short burned the roof
.gf.U! home of John Bennett, Rt.
3, Arcadia road about 9 a.m. Mon-
The district f,mr vohlnteer fire
department, of Arcadia Loop an-
swered the call and kept the bhtze
from spreading throughout the
The state department of natural
resources also assisted the Arca-
dia firemen. District four ex-
presed thanks to the state de-
partment for their help.
Rural Schools
To Open September 8
Mason county rural schools will
open on September 8 With the
Shelton school starting the fol-
lowing day.
Two new teachers have been
hired by the rural schools.. They
are Eugene C. French who will be
the new superintendent of district.
311 and Donald L. Rogers who
will be the new principal of the
Southside school.
Modern Law Enforcement Requires Work and Study
THIS TIMEJT'S JUST PRACTICETed Reynvaan of Vancouver
is pictured here doing some practice first aid work on Ray Durham
of Tacoma at a class in f,rst aid at the state patrol academy.
Cadets spend six weeks at the academy and then are sent out on
the road to work with veteran patrolmen for three weeks. After
the training at the academy and their experience on the road
they come back for one final week when everything they have
learned is revlew:l, (,,10,"ZZ p;d;o, ll' print.)
Fire Ghief Warns
On Present Danger
Fire Chief T. D. Deer wishes
to warn Shelton residents that
they should be very careful wlth
fire= either inside or outside of
their homes.
The chief wished to emphasize
that starting fires outside in a
barrel is particularly dangerous
since the wind can carry sparks
out to the dry grass. At the
present time the department is
not issuing any fire permits.
HITTING THE BOOKSCadet patrolman Johnny Loy of Che-
halts is shown here typing up notes taken in class. Cadets have
a long day at the academy starting at 6 a.m. and ending at 11 p.m.
After a busy day the cadet patrolman spends his evenings pre.
paring notes on all of the course's taken during the day. The
modern state patrolman is well schooled on all phases of police
work before he is allowed to go into the field without supervision,
(JumP1 photo, r Jeg pt.)
350 Taxpayers
Plan Appeal
County Auditor C. Nolan Mason
has received petitions from :;50
n,,rth Mason cotlilty taxpayers
who have formally protested their
1959 property valuation assess-
rnents to the st te tax costa]les-
All of the protests were made
through E(tst)n Case, s Puyallup
attornt'y, who i',.!)rse]ted the
property owners before the equal-
ization boa.rd,
petition will be ent to tlu state
tax commission. Slate law pro-
vid(' t hnt any p:'<)p,:rty )wuc, r
who feelg hJ.s va,Lttion i tmjus:t
may appeal to the conlmission,
If the taxpayers do not get sat-
isfaction from the tax commiss-
ion they can take their case to
Boy Suffers Arm Burns
Wh u Gas Explodes
Twelw,-year-old John Miller
suffered btll'ns on him arms M:cm-
day at his home at 1325 Railroad
Ave., when a earl of gs,soline
caught on fire and then exploded
about 9 a,m.
ACCORDING TO the Shelton
Fire Department, the boy found
the can of gasoline and placed it
.lear a stove. The heat eatl(,d the
gas t) ignite. The boy picked up
the can to throw it outside when
it exploded.
John received medical treatment
at the Shelton (,eleral Hospital
for nlinor burns and was released
tile same day.
Four legged Ghick
Hatched Near Brinnon
A, four legged New Hampshire
Rcd chicken was hatched last
week at the William Duesing
!place near Brinnon.
The animal died shortly after
birth but is being preserved so
that it can be studied by the high
school biology students.
'----------"i ..................... Vi"i .......... i .............. i ..........................
of the lack of storage space.
"Tills TILING is toc) big for
a, ny ()lie organization. The "wllolt
t!t)Linty lntlst {et beJlilld it.," sabl
(10S:4C F,
tie expluined that tim society
feels the War Memorial building
wollld nlake ;tll illettl ,-;ite ft)l' tile
histol'ieal lllatt,ri;l} sillc(' it is lo-
cated (:lose LO tile shny h)cmlotiv
which is ilself a, host,)rieal dis-
play, Gosser was of the opt)lion
that many service organizations
in town would i)e willing to ba,ck
this mov(, inelu(ling Áhe Chamber
of Conn)eree. He feels tirol the
building ('(mid be put t() its max..,
inlunl t|se if it vca: Ii;l*le rote a
historical IllllH(llIll ;IS well as a
nteetmg pla(',(' for the veterans or-
ganizations anti the Slloltou
Chalnhl?v ot; COIIIllleI'CC.
The commission advised Gosser
:r) t:)hc' hi::; c;:;(' It) th(" V'J:}' Me-
nol'ia3 btlildilg cvuumttce who
have the final sa.y in rega)'d to the
buihling. Tim bldhl.irg ('.onlmittee
is composed of lllen3bers of t,le
v(t:*l!allS oy,;aniza, l[()llS itH 9,'(;11 as
the city and county.
JIM PAI!LEY, chairman ot the
PoI't; Conll)liSSioIl, asked the C, OILII-
ty commi,sione)'s if his grollp
could use space in the com:thouse
to hold meetings. Pauley said that
at the present time tt*W have no
official phtee to mect and some of
their meetiluJs make it necessary
to provide chairs for timse who
wish to attend.
The conlntiusioners tohl Pat)try
that in the past they havc had
tl'otlble with organiza.tions who
iised cOlll'thotls(} facililies and
Icave eigarett.c butts and ashes ail
own' the place when Limy are
through. The ('ontmission agreed
to alhlw th(' Port Comlllission to
use the courthouse provided they
pay something for the clemin K of
the room. l)auley agreed with this
but added that he tlmnght the
other organizations who nee thc
COllr|hollse shonld also be expcvt.-
ed to pay something. In the past.
the courthouse has been uged frec
of charge by various groups to
hold meetings.
'llERilel e ,ll!(i Potter suggest-
ed that the speed limit on ,Alca-
di;t road be increased from 3
MPH to 45 MPH since it has re-
cently been fixed up and is one of
the better roads in the eolmty.
The commission went along with
(C,)ntinued on I)aze Thr,',9
-s-Jo-K-ED .................................................................................................................................
iLi00i, 49:00
o ss,00, .79,
411 RAILROAD * HA 6-6243
i°iE'WlNG HENS... 37,
let ]3, 1959
Percy EPio
6017 S.E. 86h Ave
portland, Ore
]ntervd aa second else3 matter at the T)ost office at Shelton, Waahtngtoa.
lnder Act of Marrh 4, |ff79. Publlhe0 weeP|y at 107 South 4th Street
Published in "Christmastown, U.S.A."
]0 Cents per Copy
IS Pages ..... 3 Sections
BOBBY McKOWN, son of Mr. and Mrs. Charles McKown, is pic-
tured with his 4-H project Holstein which he plans to show at
the Mason County Fair, August 20-22. (Extension photo.)
County Children Looking Forward To Fair
ALICIA AHL AND LAURA DOWNER are working together
practicing to enter their 4-H cookie exhibits. They'll have them
ready for the Mason County Fair, August 20-22. Alicia is the
daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Frank Ahl and Laura's parents are
Mr. and Mrs. A. J. Downer of Isalnd Lake. Their 4-H Club is
Ko=y Kittens led by Mrs. A. Frank and Mrs. A. Tuson. IExten-
sion photo. )
JOE MESTROVICH will show his Ayrshire at the Mason County
Fair, August 20-22. He is a member of the Lucky Shamrocks
4-H Club and resides with Mr. and Mrs. Elbert Trexler. (Extension
photo. )
WN will be ready for the 4-H Fair circuit this
ow her Ayrshire, Belle Star, at the Mason
20-22. Her 4-H Club Is the Lucky Shamrocks
and father, Mr. and Mrs. Charles McKown
photo. )
To Eliminate
City Commission will ask some 36 prop-
land within the city in order to elim-
which they feel are a serious traffic
there are about 60 blind corners in the
>f them are on City property and the clear-
Will be handled by the city crews.
hope that the
and trees Boaters
have the
Into Canal
Lo do
mentioned in
the police
8th and
and Dear-
and Euclid,
and Thom-
B street
street and
and Wash-
will be
time this
his ma-
nn entry
Aug, 19,
of Natur-
on a
plan to
Five persons, one of them an
expectant mother, were thrown
into the waters of Hood Canal
Sunday a£tczoon near Sunset l
Iach when & power driven speed-i
boat dlqven by a 14-year,old boy
collided with a rowboat.
MR,. OI,IVER Parent, a visitor I
from Oregon, was in the rowboat
with her husband and three
youngsters when the speedboat
driven by Randy McIlraith, 14,
who was pulling Peter Farsje, 12,
both of Bremerton, smashed into:
the rowboat. All of the persons in
the rowboat were good swimmers
and made it to shore without dif-
Mrs. Parent was taken by the
Belfair ambulance to a physician
who said she appeared to have no
serious injuries.
The incident was investigated
by Deputies Dick Valley and Har-
old Brown of the Mason county
sheriff's office and patrolmen
Stun Souchak and Don Starry.
No meeting of the Shelton
hambcr of Commerce will be
held this evening.
Chamber officials decided to
cancel the monthly meeting for
August on the theory too many
members are on vacation, have
visitors or wouldn't attend be-
cause of the attraction of warm
evenings for summer activities.
Meetings are normally held the
second Thursday of each month.
next meeting will be Septem-
October meeting is already
shaping up and should be one ell
........ the most attractive in several
..... :.. years -- a trip to Camp Grisdale.
Date is October 8.
:. A. K. Ekern, director of training
is shown on the right with Sgt. Joe
going over a list of the courses which
their 10-week training program. Among
the cadets are traffic law enforcemgnt,
i Public relations, laws of arrest, rules of
vet training and many more. The cadet
400 hours of class instruction during his
The state patrol academy at Shelton is
and has been in operation since 1948.
Their Lot h Not A/ways a Happy One
BITTEN POSTMENThese four Shelton post- ers will cooperate with them In an effort to
men have been bitten by dogs in town in recent correct this situation. Postal regulations give
weeks. They are from left to right, Chuck the office the ri£1ht to deny home service where
Smith, Emil Matson, Vernon Howe and Bruce dogs molest ma0,cn. (joarnal photo, Ziegler
Daugherty. The postoffice hopes that dog own- print.)
5helton Postmen Don't Enjoy Being Bitten
By Dogs Whether They Mean it or Not/
Sixty years ago Gilbert and'Sul-
livan wrote a comic operetta de- $220 In "Who's Who" Prize Fund Now
pictingthe problems of policemen 12 YEAR OLD HIKE McHENRY
and came to the conclusion that = '
their lot was not a happy one. -- "
of the victorian era were living in HISSES 2 CL
Shelton today they well might
write another musical production - :
explaining the difficulties encoun- A nifty ncst-effg of $220 awaits!
tered by mailmen who not only! contestants entering the 8th week;
have to fight the rain, snow and'
sleet but must also fight off vic-
ious dogs. In the last couple m
weeks six incidents involving the
biting of mailmen by dogs have
been reported to the de'partment.
"My dog. would never do any-
thing like that" or "tf my dog did
bite, he didn't mean it" are two
replies that are almost standard
answers from thc owners of the
aaimals who have bitten maihnen.
Chuck Smith, Emil Ms,son,
Vernon Howe and Bruce Dougn-
erty are four mailmen who have
felt the sharp teeth of Shelton
dogR sink into various part o
their anatomy in recent weeks.
SMITH, %VHO has been deliver-
ing mail in Shelton for the past
13 years and who is also a com-
bat veteran of the second World
war feels that dog owners should
realize that hot weather causes
the animals to be more irritable
than usual and pet owners should
(ConIJnued on Page Three)
$fO For Bicycle Parts
of the JomaPs "Who's Who in
Mason County" competition, be-
cause 12-year-old Mike McHenry
missed two of the 29 clues identi-,
fying the 7th mystery character!
this week.
Youthful Mike "thought
win," he said after pocketing the
$10 he earned by correctly iden- i
tifying Rocky Henhbroff as the l
mystery character.
MIKE LIVES on the Panhandle I
Lake road out past Dayton and:
is going to put his $I0 into parts
and acceauories for the bicycle
which he is building to ride the
country roads around his home.
Mike's entry listed 27 chins cor-
rectly, but he missed "Hey, Ros
coe" in the 20th Century Thrift-
way ad and "Liberaee Facsimile"
in the Johnny's Music Box ad last
week. He has attended Mt. View
grade school, enters Shelton jun-
ior high's seventh grade next
(Continued on Page Three)
Historical Society Say They Need
Space and Want Memorial Bm'lding
The name of Witsiers Funeral
Home has bene changed to Byrne
and Batstone, funeral directors,
effective as of Augnst 3.
The firnt was purchased from
W. A. Witsiera by Edgar Byrne
and Bill Batstone on January 1,
1952. and has operat( under that
name since that time.
Edgar Byrnc has worked at the
establishment since 1938 and Bill
Batstone since 1947. No change
of policy is planned.
Lawrence Gosser suggested to the Mason county board
Fu al Home of commissioners Monday that the War Memorial Building
ner be used as a headquarters for the Mason County HistoricM
Name -= = .. 0000=rhan""'4 Gosser told the commission that room is needed by the
society to store its historical material or el thcy will be
forced to turn it over to the state historical society because
Roof Burned Monday
At Arcadia Home
A fire believed ca,teed by an
electrical short burned the roof
.gf.U! home of John Bennett, Rt.
3, Arcadia road about 9 a.m. Mon-
The district f,mr vohlnteer fire
department, of Arcadia Loop an-
swered the call and kept the bhtze
from spreading throughout the
The state department of natural
resources also assisted the Arca-
dia firemen. District four ex-
presed thanks to the state de-
partment for their help.
Rural Schools
To Open September 8
Mason county rural schools will
open on September 8 With the
Shelton school starting the fol-
lowing day.
Two new teachers have been
hired by the rural schools.. They
are Eugene C. French who will be
the new superintendent of district.
311 and Donald L. Rogers who
will be the new principal of the
Southside school.
Modern Law Enforcement Requires Work and Study
THIS TIMEJT'S JUST PRACTICETed Reynvaan of Vancouver
is pictured here doing some practice first aid work on Ray Durham
of Tacoma at a class in f,rst aid at the state patrol academy.
Cadets spend six weeks at the academy and then are sent out on
the road to work with veteran patrolmen for three weeks. After
the training at the academy and their experience on the road
they come back for one final week when everything they have
learned is revlew:l, (,,10,"ZZ p;d;o, ll' print.)
Fire Ghief Warns
On Present Danger
Fire Chief T. D. Deer wishes
to warn Shelton residents that
they should be very careful wlth
fire= either inside or outside of
their homes.
The chief wished to emphasize
that starting fires outside in a
barrel is particularly dangerous
since the wind can carry sparks
out to the dry grass. At the
present time the department is
not issuing any fire permits.
HITTING THE BOOKSCadet patrolman Johnny Loy of Che-
halts is shown here typing up notes taken in class. Cadets have
a long day at the academy starting at 6 a.m. and ending at 11 p.m.
After a busy day the cadet patrolman spends his evenings pre.
paring notes on all of the course's taken during the day. The
modern state patrolman is well schooled on all phases of police
work before he is allowed to go into the field without supervision,
(JumP1 photo, r Jeg pt.)
350 Taxpayers
Plan Appeal
County Auditor C. Nolan Mason
has received petitions from :;50
n,,rth Mason cotlilty taxpayers
who have formally protested their
1959 property valuation assess-
rnents to the st te tax costa]les-
All of the protests were made
through E(tst)n Case, s Puyallup
attornt'y, who i',.!)rse]ted the
property owners before the equal-
ization boa.rd,
petition will be ent to tlu state
tax commission. Slate law pro-
vid(' t hnt any p:'<)p,:rty )wuc, r
who feelg hJ.s va,Lttion i tmjus:t
may appeal to the conlmission,
If the taxpayers do not get sat-
isfaction from the tax commiss-
ion they can take their case to
Boy Suffers Arm Burns
Wh u Gas Explodes
Twelw,-year-old John Miller
suffered btll'ns on him arms M:cm-
day at his home at 1325 Railroad
Ave., when a earl of gs,soline
caught on fire and then exploded
about 9 a,m.
ACCORDING TO the Shelton
Fire Department, the boy found
the can of gasoline and placed it
.lear a stove. The heat eatl(,d the
gas t) ignite. The boy picked up
the can to throw it outside when
it exploded.
John received medical treatment
at the Shelton (,eleral Hospital
for nlinor burns and was released
tile same day.
Four legged Ghick
Hatched Near Brinnon
A, four legged New Hampshire
Rcd chicken was hatched last
week at the William Duesing
!place near Brinnon.
The animal died shortly after
birth but is being preserved so
that it can be studied by the high
school biology students.
'----------"i ..................... Vi"i .......... i .............. i ..........................
of the lack of storage space.
"Tills TILING is toc) big for
a, ny ()lie organization. The "wllolt
t!t)Linty lntlst {et beJlilld it.," sabl
(10S:4C F,
tie expluined that tim society
feels the War Memorial building
wollld nlake ;tll illettl ,-;ite ft)l' tile
histol'ieal lllatt,ri;l} sillc(' it is lo-
cated (:lose LO tile shny h)cmlotiv
which is ilself a, host,)rieal dis-
play, Gosser was of the opt)lion
that many service organizations
in town would i)e willing to ba,ck
this mov(, inelu(ling Áhe Chamber
of Conn)eree. He feels tirol the
building ('(mid be put t() its max..,
inlunl t|se if it vca: Ii;l*le rote a
historical IllllH(llIll ;IS well as a
nteetmg pla(',(' for the veterans or-
ganizations anti the Slloltou
Chalnhl?v ot; COIIIllleI'CC.
The commission advised Gosser
:r) t:)hc' hi::; c;:;(' It) th(" V'J:}' Me-
nol'ia3 btlildilg cvuumttce who
have the final sa.y in rega)'d to the
buihling. Tim bldhl.irg ('.onlmittee
is composed of lllen3bers of t,le
v(t:*l!allS oy,;aniza, l[()llS itH 9,'(;11 as
the city and county.
JIM PAI!LEY, chairman ot the
PoI't; Conll)liSSioIl, asked the C, OILII-
ty commi,sione)'s if his grollp
could use space in the com:thouse
to hold meetings. Pauley said that
at the present time tt*W have no
official phtee to mect and some of
their meetiluJs make it necessary
to provide chairs for timse who
wish to attend.
The conlntiusioners tohl Pat)try
that in the past they havc had
tl'otlble with organiza.tions who
iised cOlll'thotls(} facililies and
Icave eigarett.c butts and ashes ail
own' the place when Limy are
through. The ('ontmission agreed
to alhlw th(' Port Comlllission to
use the courthouse provided they
pay something for the clemin K of
the room. l)auley agreed with this
but added that he tlmnght the
other organizations who nee thc
COllr|hollse shonld also be expcvt.-
ed to pay something. In the past.
the courthouse has been uged frec
of charge by various groups to
hold meetings.
'llERilel e ,ll!(i Potter suggest-
ed that the speed limit on ,Alca-
di;t road be increased from 3
MPH to 45 MPH since it has re-
cently been fixed up and is one of
the better roads in the eolmty.
The commission went along with
(C,)ntinued on I)aze Thr,',9
-s-Jo-K-ED .................................................................................................................................
iLi00i, 49:00
o ss,00, .79,
411 RAILROAD * HA 6-6243
i°iE'WlNG HENS... 37,