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Newspaper Archive of
Shelton Mason County Journal
Shelton, Washington
August 13, 1959     Shelton Mason County Journal
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August 13, 1959
Newspaper Archive of Shelton Mason County Journal produced by SmallTownPapers, Inc.
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SEWING t&apos;or Children X From Your Pattern or Custom Designed Apparel X SHELTON-MA,q0N COUNTY JOURNAL- Ptlblished in '"C'h, rist;asto?r;i,, U.,.A.," TM e Sh lton, Wa,qhin -Social Even ts Society Editor • Jenny Knautz Phone HA. 6-4412 Mason County PTA Sets Fall Meeting 'I'he Mason uounty coundl of P.T.A., has lt,nlatively set Sq)- lellll)er 9 at  p.lll, ill ]*]verxreell school I'HI" lhe :lifl311;l] 11;111 IBPt21- |tiC. All officers of I'.T.A. grollps in ]le collnty al'tt expP(!tt!d [() [[[telld. If lhis dalo ix n-I sntisfaei-/T h any group, they re ;istwd I. (:all Mrs. ,hlhll Lenlz ItA /;-i,t'.!6, Jle- l'[¢e A1/gllsl 1S. Any Oitle;' ,,l'OtlpS itfleresled ill and Goodwin's Evergreen 00xa, O Serdce [I ( presentativc in Mason County for Wood PRODUCTS COMPANY Grade Fuel and Diesel Oils lit and Franklin Phone HA. 6-3031 PROMPT SERVICE Bdfair Club to Meet For l, iclfie Saturday l'4fnir Eastern Star Social club Illt'lllb(Ts filial falllilies will n]ee[ ;ll lilt' h(illle of Mrs. Carl Snlith al l'./'t ()rt:hard for tl pothlek pic- nk: Salmday at 6 p.m. All llll'lllllel'S are asked lo bring their own fable service. C(IffeP, l'lil[8, Sllg'ill' ,nlt el'can1 \\;\'ill I)(' fllrnished by the club. '[2. :ITTI,:N'r ION IVOMFN' l'reidenls of Mason C, mlnky B'omen's Club aro "Lslled to send their IRIIlIP, l)nblidty vhair- |nPn's IIll.lne, o r-anlgll.| iou, 11(I- dl'e, illlone IlllnllHq" 11110 nlont|l of year lhe now olfieers are Jll- sla,lh,d, to the soeh, ty editor at the Journal office. A previollS request Was made aJld this addl- liollal reque,t added. I Eagh.s Card Party Set Saturday Night A tin'hinder of the Eagles attxil- iary card party which is planned !'or Saturday night, August 15 at the airport hall beginning at 8 p.m. The public is invited to ar- t end. SEATTLE GUEST Here for a week to visit with relatives and enjoy fishing is Mr. E. J. Smith from Seattle, spending time with Mr. and Mrs. Donn Nelson and family at Islano La lle. 0000MART BIRDS / YEAR- END OVls, take notice! Our unprecedented '59 Mercury early cleanup Onl For two fabulous weeks, you can get your choice of beautiful Is at low, year-end prices. Now' style, any model of the dazzling car that's the quality leader in field. But hurry.., the news MERCURY Qnd the bargain-birds will be inl Fly in now.., and save! Jim Pauley, Inc. FIFTH and RAILROAD PHONES HA, 6-8231 q Tacoma Girl Visits Prior to E . . aehange At West Berlin Sha|'on Robinson, daugllle|, (f Mr. and Mrs. ,h)hn W, Robinson of Tacollla and Lilliwat/p, visited Hood Canal and Oregon rehtlives dm'ing the past week t) say good- bye before leaving for a yea|' in West Berlin, (]ermany. Sharon, 17, will be an exchange student |'e.p|'csenting Lincoln ttigh School, Tacoma. At ttleir partner school in Berlin, she will attend the Carl Von Fi'edviek Siemens Schule, studying sciende, matt1 and literature courses in a grade comparable to the Alneriean f|'eshman year in college. Between school periods, she will take class trips to various European ('ol|n- tries. During this past week Sharon visited witt] her uncle.s and aunts, M|'. anti Mrs. Riehar(I Addleman and :Mr. and Mrs. Lester Dickin- son, and cousins, Mr. and Mrs. Rodger Addleman of Hoodsport. On the weeken they took a trip to Swisshome, Oregon, to visit an- other uncle and aunt, Mr. and, Mrs. Jim Addleman. The Tacoma miss leaves Friday and will travel by trairLu, ships, aircraft and buses to reach her destination. She will Ca|Ty with her the key to the city ef Tacoma for presentation in behalf of May- or Ben Hanson to Willy Brandt, Mayor of West Berlin, Germany. Other relatives will be saying goodbye to Sharon at a "brunch" on the morning of her departure. District President Visits Local V.F.W. At their last meeting the V.F.W. auxiliary was honore0 by a sur- prise visit from fifth district pres- ident Margaret Casey of lonte- sano. She was accompanied by Ernestine Hughes, president of the Montesano auxiliary. Serving on her committee, Mrs. Casey will have three members from tbe lo- cal auxiliary. Mrs. Jessie Cox will be hospital chairman for the fifth district. Mrs. Sue Weaver will be membership chairman and Doro- thy Surratt will be in charge of youth activities. Final preparations were made for the annual picnic to be held at Maple Beach Auglst 23. The picnic will be pothlck with ice cream, coffee and cold drink be- ing served. Anyone needing transportation to the picnic may call president  Betty Godwin at HA 6-4386 and arrangements will be made. All members holding articles for tile run linage vale are reminded of the date, December 11 and 12. Date of the bake sale will be an- nounced later. The auxiliary will help sponsor a campfire group, voted on by the group. A very interesting report of campfire girl activities was made by Dorothy Surratt, a camp- fire leader. The group enjoyed a pic social following their meeting. 4-HNews SHELTON VALLEY CLOVERS The Shelton Valrey Clovers 4-H club held a meeting on August 6, at the home of Bob Brewer. The club has about 15 head of cattle in the Mason County Fair this year. The members will bring pies and chili tip serve at the fair food booth this year. The meeting was ,adjourned and refreshments served. The next meeting will he at the Little Skookum Hall on August 27, when members are to bring their record books to work on. ..... Dick Beers, Reporter Hood Canal Garden ChbHas Picnic ' The HOod  Canal Garden Club met last Thursday with the mem- bers enjoying a picnic lunch in the loyely yard of Mr. Tom Webb. A short business meeting was held, called to order by the president. Following the meeting, husbands of members modeled the hats made by the me;tuber& Those modeling hats were, Harry Maw- son, Karl Linscott, Steve Aht, Lud Anderson, John Shortsleeve, Er- nest Warl, Tom Webb and Nil Vance. Mrs. Christen Ahl's hat received the prize for first place gnd Jenny Heft, second. The next meeting of the Garden Club will be a picnic at' Twanoh State Park September 10. 4.Ht Held at Panhandle A four county meet of the old- er 4-H groups was held on Satur- day at Panhandle Lake from 2 p.m. until 10:30 p.m. There were discussion groups and entertain- ment, game and luare dancing. A potluck supper was served to members from Thuxton, Grays I-Iarb0r, Lewis and Mason coun- ties. A state grange youth camp will "be in session at Panhandle Lak¢ from'Sunday, August 16 through Flying to Nevada over the weekend were Bill Johnson, Harry Dtttman, Arne Cheney and Ray Cook. They visited Hart Dittman, Harry's son, at Fallon Falls, Nev- ada and spent time in Reno. Another Californian Mr. and Mrs. Norman Remme are the proud grandparents of g son born to Mr. and Mrs. R. W. Lethbrldge (R a m o n a gemme), Burbank, California, on August 5. The welcome arrival joltls a sis- ter, Kim and a brother, Brock. cxc svAi All forraeaidelita"6f Arcadia, Haratihe and Uiter Point Dis- triers are invited to a picnic it Keetand Park, August t6. WHAT'S COOKING IN WHOSE KITCHEN? Recipe Favorites of Coulity Residents A Danish little lady with a Danish dish is Mrs. Agnes Harl- son who callle to Mason Co||nly in 190,1. She was a resident of Allyn until 1919 and now lives at 312 North 5th. An interesting and tasty l)anish dish she makes is "Ableskiver"! USllally a h.lncheon ireat, it is sonletimes ilsed for Christmas, e%v YCflI'N, or special occasions. :Mdesktver 4 eggs 2 tablespoons of sugar 2 cups of flour 3 teaspoons baking powder !., teaspoon soda !., teaspoon salt 2 cups buttermilk DeMolay Chapter To Install Halbert Master SHERRY HALBERT Herds l)eMolny Chapter Public installation ceremonies this Friday night will seat Sherry Halbert, son of Mr. and Mrs. RoUa Halbert and a junior at h'ene S. Reed high school next month, as Master Councilor of Mark E. Reeh Chapter of the Order of DeMolay. The program will be held in the Masonic Temple starting at 8:00 o'clock, and will be followed by a dance to which visitors are also welcome. Other officers to be installea Friday include Ralph Hoard, Sen- ior Deacon; Kermit Livermore, Junior Deacon; Jan Norvold, Sen- |or Steward; Eric Coles, Junior Steward; Judd Tubers, Orator; Jerry Eby, Scribe; Dave Meissner, assistant Scribe; Evan James, Treasurer; Terry Osterberg, Sen- tinel; Joe Wingard, Chaplain; Harry Coles, Marshal; Rawlin Mc- Inelly, Standard Bearer; Gary Calkins, Ahnoner; and Dennis Htnton, Jim Sniith, Don Van Blab ieom, Norm Shel'ood, Morley Preppernau, Jim Brown, .and lean. Dewell, Precep[ors. wcru Picnic Held At Roy Eells Home The annual picnic of the Wom- en's Christlah Temperance Union was held in the gardens of Mr. and Mrs. Roy Bells, Friday, Au- gust 7. A business session was conduct- ed and plans were made for the "county convention which is to be held September 10 with state of- fleers in attendance. President Mrs. Roberts called the group's attention to the recent report of the large number of T.B. patients: who are alcoholics. Mrs. David Turner reviewed the las.t chapter i of the study book. # Beat eggs together with sugs.r. ift flour. Add the rest -f the in- gredients and mix t)gether. Bake in an Ableskiver iron pan (alum- inum has been usedl. Bake at ap- proximately nledilnl heal and aft- er bubbli|l.g np Oil one sl!te, tu|'n to the oi h;|'. Aside fr6m cooking, Mrs. Itan- son enjoys her flowers. Sewing of all kinds ranks high on her hobby list, with Crocheting o top. MrsiAlbertLuhm Honored at ShoWer Mrs. Albert Ll|hm was honoreel at a baby shower given by Mrs. Con Saupe and Mrs. Duane Rods- era m'Thursday, Augu.t 6. Flowers used for the occasion were pink and white carnations and gladiolas. A corsage of pink rosebuds anti white carnations was presented to the guest of hon- or by :Mrs. Will Gott. A large stork and baby bassinet, holding many gifts were placed in the center of the living room. Several baby games were play- ed during the evening. Those win- ning prizes were Mrs. Bill Mitz- gar and Mrs. Orviil Taylor. Those attending wore: Mes- dames Joe Kflbourne, III, Roger Ad(tlenan, Clarence (finn, Mel Morgan, Orvill Tayh)|', Lewis Ser- geant, Carroll Kelley. Richard Keeley, Dan Wiison, William M. Brown, .Bill Metzgar. Ralph Day|- son, Herb Nelson, Duane Rodgers and Con Saupe. Also Misses at- tending were: Candy Metzgar, Nanb.y and Janie Wilson and Gall Ritner. ThoSe unable to attend but sent ifts were Mesdames Don Quinn, orden Pearson, Leslie Allen, Roy Ritner, Will Gott, Ar|lold Benson and Misses Judy Pearce, Patty Quinn, Carol Allen and Gerrie Wilson. Mommy and Daddy v I Give lhrthday Party for Jackie Miss Ja:kie Ebiner was a imp- py, ox('.ited and h,)/lo|'ed litth' girl al t I)<i(:t/ party gi\\;'ell rlt:erilly al Wlli(h Siie ceLeb/:tted llt!r eigllth I)irlhday. 'Phe party \\;vtts givt!li b v her p;ironls. Mr, and Mrs. .]'tck l']l}illg e r. ller frit,nds etijlyed swi|rllllillg al the Island I,;|ke h()riw t)e;|dl tolt)ed off wil ll ix bfl'l]ld:ty cake and ice cl'ellll/. Stle received lilaliy gifts and also sev- er;tl birlh(tay sImnkings and a few ])ill(;]le. lq'iend. attending the party were Je|l|ly ttildeH)randl, (]ary and SLlsh' l)i(q,;ins(m, ])onlla .|() and Melody Shigly, Juicy PiLls. (]ary, Brad nnd Patly Slites, 'Per- i'v Clark, Sharon and Karen I 1-11t 'ns, Steven, L()l'en, "I'l•ll(]y L(.e Ebinger. Those unable to attetld Were Jlidy, Redgie, Larry and l)a- rid Bradley. REI'[:iIN IlOME Mrs. George ttildernfan recent- ly rettu'0ed fronl l ten day (:on- ference at the Firs Conference Pa: grounds in i, ellinghanl. Approx- "reparer i!nately' 800 peoph', atter|ded the (:onferen(:e. The cant l) fealures swimming, water skiing, canoeing, them with .............. SEATTLEG01NG TO ............. everything ,o,,,..., for back.t0 "|IST ASSUU Be,i school... • Cenkr ot Downbvm SaSe * Mocln, €omfY.ebb rooms-- TY, rldio ill Golden Egg Dhin! Room and Coffee hop • Oebn iktd I,ll * PeAlng Av,hbb e No harge foe Chdr Uder 14 • Honor All M,ior C Cedl '3" IS0 roon fNm G. L. Perry, h4gr. 1VRITE FOR ATTRATI¥| FOLDER ilu ii, m • RENTAL SEIIVI,...,r,,.,. LR OR SmAlL ........ : Edger and Vibrator Types FLO01H!AN D EllS FLOOR POLISHERS Hogan & Eacrett Lumber Co. Take home their complete Wardrobe N0W! The right sweater for sister's skirt.., the two pairs of shoes brother must have , .. that wonderful jacket value you saw. MAKE IT A ONE-STOP SHOP. PING TRIP :.. SAVE TIME, SAVE MONEY, DON'T LEAVE A SIN. GLE BARGAIN BE- HIND! Remember it doesn't cost you a single cent over our low cash prices if you pay within 30 days after billing. ,. and you can always ex- tend your payments over months and months with , just a small additional service charge on your unpaid balance. 00OW! CHARGE IT" AT PENNEYS I [llll Ill HIIlrest (Eleanor & Highway) Phone HA 6-4522 BEAT tl00e AUGUST ,, , ! . Eat delioious I)ARIGOL sweet way.. • FRESHER. beoaultll II'll LOGAL... Kitsap-Mason Dairymen's Assn. THIRD AND GROVE • • Phone HA 6-4473 SEWING t'or Children X From Your Pattern or Custom Designed Apparel X SHELTON-MA,q0N COUNTY JOURNAL- Ptlblished in '"C'h, rist;asto?r;i,, U.,.A.," TM e Sh lton, Wa,qhin -Social Even ts Society Editor • Jenny Knautz Phone HA. 6-4412 Mason County PTA Sets Fall Meeting 'I'he Mason uounty coundl of P.T.A., has lt,nlatively set Sq)- lellll)er 9 at  p.lll, ill ]*]verxreell school I'HI" lhe :lifl311;l] 11;111 IBPt21- |tiC. All officers of I'.T.A. grollps in ]le collnty al'tt expP(!tt!d [() [[[telld. If lhis dalo ix n-I sntisfaei-/T h any group, they re ;istwd I. (:all Mrs. ,hlhll Lenlz ItA /;-i,t'.!6, Jle- l'[¢e A1/gllsl 1S. Any Oitle;' ,,l'OtlpS itfleresled ill and Goodwin's Evergreen 00xa, O Serdce [I ( presentativc in Mason County for Wood PRODUCTS COMPANY Grade Fuel and Diesel Oils lit and Franklin Phone HA. 6-3031 PROMPT SERVICE Bdfair Club to Meet For l, iclfie Saturday l'4fnir Eastern Star Social club Illt'lllb(Ts filial falllilies will n]ee[ ;ll lilt' h(illle of Mrs. Carl Snlith al l'./'t ()rt:hard for tl pothlek pic- nk: Salmday at 6 p.m. All llll'lllllel'S are asked lo bring their own fable service. C(IffeP, l'lil[8, Sllg'ill' ,nlt el'can1 \\;\'ill I)(' fllrnished by the club. '[2. :ITTI,:N'r ION IVOMFN' l'reidenls of Mason C, mlnky B'omen's Club aro "Lslled to send their IRIIlIP, l)nblidty vhair- |nPn's IIll.lne, o r-anlgll.| iou, 11(I- dl'e, illlone IlllnllHq" 11110 nlont|l of year lhe now olfieers are Jll- sla,lh,d, to the soeh, ty editor at the Journal office. A previollS request Was made aJld this addl- liollal reque,t added. I Eagh.s Card Party Set Saturday Night A tin'hinder of the Eagles attxil- iary card party which is planned !'or Saturday night, August 15 at the airport hall beginning at 8 p.m. The public is invited to ar- t end. SEATTLE GUEST Here for a week to visit with relatives and enjoy fishing is Mr. E. J. Smith from Seattle, spending time with Mr. and Mrs. Donn Nelson and family at Islano La lle. 0000MART BIRDS / YEAR- END OVls, take notice! Our unprecedented '59 Mercury early cleanup Onl For two fabulous weeks, you can get your choice of beautiful Is at low, year-end prices. Now' style, any model of the dazzling car that's the quality leader in field. But hurry.., the news MERCURY Qnd the bargain-birds will be inl Fly in now.., and save! Jim Pauley, Inc. FIFTH and RAILROAD PHONES HA, 6-8231 q Tacoma Girl Visits Prior to E . . aehange At West Berlin Sha|'on Robinson, daugllle|, (f Mr. and Mrs. ,h)hn W, Robinson of Tacollla and Lilliwat/p, visited Hood Canal and Oregon rehtlives dm'ing the past week t) say good- bye before leaving for a yea|' in West Berlin, (]ermany. Sharon, 17, will be an exchange student |'e.p|'csenting Lincoln ttigh School, Tacoma. At ttleir partner school in Berlin, she will attend the Carl Von Fi'edviek Siemens Schule, studying sciende, matt1 and literature courses in a grade comparable to the Alneriean f|'eshman year in college. Between school periods, she will take class trips to various European ('ol|n- tries. During this past week Sharon visited witt] her uncle.s and aunts, M|'. anti Mrs. Riehar(I Addleman and :Mr. and Mrs. Lester Dickin- son, and cousins, Mr. and Mrs. Rodger Addleman of Hoodsport. On the weeken they took a trip to Swisshome, Oregon, to visit an- other uncle and aunt, Mr. and, Mrs. Jim Addleman. The Tacoma miss leaves Friday and will travel by trairLu, ships, aircraft and buses to reach her destination. She will Ca|Ty with her the key to the city ef Tacoma for presentation in behalf of May- or Ben Hanson to Willy Brandt, Mayor of West Berlin, Germany. Other relatives will be saying goodbye to Sharon at a "brunch" on the morning of her departure. District President Visits Local V.F.W. At their last meeting the V.F.W. auxiliary was honore0 by a sur- prise visit from fifth district pres- ident Margaret Casey of lonte- sano. She was accompanied by Ernestine Hughes, president of the Montesano auxiliary. Serving on her committee, Mrs. Casey will have three members from tbe lo- cal auxiliary. Mrs. Jessie Cox will be hospital chairman for the fifth district. Mrs. Sue Weaver will be membership chairman and Doro- thy Surratt will be in charge of youth activities. Final preparations were made for the annual picnic to be held at Maple Beach Auglst 23. The picnic will be pothlck with ice cream, coffee and cold drink be- ing served. Anyone needing transportation to the picnic may call president  Betty Godwin at HA 6-4386 and arrangements will be made. All members holding articles for tile run linage vale are reminded of the date, December 11 and 12. Date of the bake sale will be an- nounced later. The auxiliary will help sponsor a campfire group, voted on by the group. A very interesting report of campfire girl activities was made by Dorothy Surratt, a camp- fire leader. The group enjoyed a pic social following their meeting. 4-HNews SHELTON VALLEY CLOVERS The Shelton Valrey Clovers 4-H club held a meeting on August 6, at the home of Bob Brewer. The club has about 15 head of cattle in the Mason County Fair this year. The members will bring pies and chili tip serve at the fair food booth this year. The meeting was ,adjourned and refreshments served. The next meeting will he at the Little Skookum Hall on August 27, when members are to bring their record books to work on. ..... Dick Beers, Reporter Hood Canal Garden ChbHas Picnic ' The HOod  Canal Garden Club met last Thursday with the mem- bers enjoying a picnic lunch in the loyely yard of Mr. Tom Webb. A short business meeting was held, called to order by the president. Following the meeting, husbands of members modeled the hats made by the me;tuber& Those modeling hats were, Harry Maw- son, Karl Linscott, Steve Aht, Lud Anderson, John Shortsleeve, Er- nest Warl, Tom Webb and Nil Vance. Mrs. Christen Ahl's hat received the prize for first place gnd Jenny Heft, second. The next meeting of the Garden Club will be a picnic at' Twanoh State Park September 10. 4.Ht Held at Panhandle A four county meet of the old- er 4-H groups was held on Satur- day at Panhandle Lake from 2 p.m. until 10:30 p.m. There were discussion groups and entertain- ment, game and luare dancing. A potluck supper was served to members from Thuxton, Grays I-Iarb0r, Lewis and Mason coun- ties. A state grange youth camp will "be in session at Panhandle Lak¢ from'Sunday, August 16 through Flying to Nevada over the weekend were Bill Johnson, Harry Dtttman, Arne Cheney and Ray Cook. They visited Hart Dittman, Harry's son, at Fallon Falls, Nev- ada and spent time in Reno. Another Californian Mr. and Mrs. Norman Remme are the proud grandparents of g son born to Mr. and Mrs. R. W. Lethbrldge (R a m o n a gemme), Burbank, California, on August 5. The welcome arrival joltls a sis- ter, Kim and a brother, Brock. cxc svAi All forraeaidelita"6f Arcadia, Haratihe and Uiter Point Dis- triers are invited to a picnic it Keetand Park, August t6. WHAT'S COOKING IN WHOSE KITCHEN? Recipe Favorites of Coulity Residents A Danish little lady with a Danish dish is Mrs. Agnes Harl- son who callle to Mason Co||nly in 190,1. She was a resident of Allyn until 1919 and now lives at 312 North 5th. An interesting and tasty l)anish dish she makes is "Ableskiver"! USllally a h.lncheon ireat, it is sonletimes ilsed for Christmas, e%v YCflI'N, or special occasions. :Mdesktver 4 eggs 2 tablespoons of sugar 2 cups of flour 3 teaspoons baking powder !., teaspoon soda !., teaspoon salt 2 cups buttermilk DeMolay Chapter To Install Halbert Master SHERRY HALBERT Herds l)eMolny Chapter Public installation ceremonies this Friday night will seat Sherry Halbert, son of Mr. and Mrs. RoUa Halbert and a junior at h'ene S. Reed high school next month, as Master Councilor of Mark E. Reeh Chapter of the Order of DeMolay. The program will be held in the Masonic Temple starting at 8:00 o'clock, and will be followed by a dance to which visitors are also welcome. Other officers to be installea Friday include Ralph Hoard, Sen- ior Deacon; Kermit Livermore, Junior Deacon; Jan Norvold, Sen- |or Steward; Eric Coles, Junior Steward; Judd Tubers, Orator; Jerry Eby, Scribe; Dave Meissner, assistant Scribe; Evan James, Treasurer; Terry Osterberg, Sen- tinel; Joe Wingard, Chaplain; Harry Coles, Marshal; Rawlin Mc- Inelly, Standard Bearer; Gary Calkins, Ahnoner; and Dennis Htnton, Jim Sniith, Don Van Blab ieom, Norm Shel'ood, Morley Preppernau, Jim Brown, .and lean. Dewell, Precep[ors. wcru Picnic Held At Roy Eells Home The annual picnic of the Wom- en's Christlah Temperance Union was held in the gardens of Mr. and Mrs. Roy Bells, Friday, Au- gust 7. A business session was conduct- ed and plans were made for the "county convention which is to be held September 10 with state of- fleers in attendance. President Mrs. Roberts called the group's attention to the recent report of the large number of T.B. patients: who are alcoholics. Mrs. David Turner reviewed the las.t chapter i of the study book. # Beat eggs together with sugs.r. ift flour. Add the rest -f the in- gredients and mix t)gether. Bake in an Ableskiver iron pan (alum- inum has been usedl. Bake at ap- proximately nledilnl heal and aft- er bubbli|l.g np Oil one sl!te, tu|'n to the oi h;|'. Aside fr6m cooking, Mrs. Itan- son enjoys her flowers. Sewing of all kinds ranks high on her hobby list, with Crocheting o top. MrsiAlbertLuhm Honored at ShoWer Mrs. Albert Ll|hm was honoreel at a baby shower given by Mrs. Con Saupe and Mrs. Duane Rods- era m'Thursday, Augu.t 6. Flowers used for the occasion were pink and white carnations and gladiolas. A corsage of pink rosebuds anti white carnations was presented to the guest of hon- or by :Mrs. Will Gott. A large stork and baby bassinet, holding many gifts were placed in the center of the living room. Several baby games were play- ed during the evening. Those win- ning prizes were Mrs. Bill Mitz- gar and Mrs. Orviil Taylor. Those attending wore: Mes- dames Joe Kflbourne, III, Roger Ad(tlenan, Clarence (finn, Mel Morgan, Orvill Tayh)|', Lewis Ser- geant, Carroll Kelley. Richard Keeley, Dan Wiison, William M. Brown, .Bill Metzgar. Ralph Day|- son, Herb Nelson, Duane Rodgers and Con Saupe. Also Misses at- tending were: Candy Metzgar, Nanb.y and Janie Wilson and Gall Ritner. ThoSe unable to attend but sent ifts were Mesdames Don Quinn, orden Pearson, Leslie Allen, Roy Ritner, Will Gott, Ar|lold Benson and Misses Judy Pearce, Patty Quinn, Carol Allen and Gerrie Wilson. Mommy and Daddy v I Give lhrthday Party for Jackie Miss Ja:kie Ebiner was a imp- py, ox('.ited and h,)/lo|'ed litth' girl al t I)<i(:t/ party gi\\;'ell rlt:erilly al Wlli(h Siie ceLeb/:tted llt!r eigllth I)irlhday. 'Phe party \\;vtts givt!li b v her p;ironls. Mr, and Mrs. .]'tck l']l}illg e r. ller frit,nds etijlyed swi|rllllillg al the Island I,;|ke h()riw t)e;|dl tolt)ed off wil ll ix bfl'l]ld:ty cake and ice cl'ellll/. Stle received lilaliy gifts and also sev- er;tl birlh(tay sImnkings and a few ])ill(;]le. lq'iend. attending the party were Je|l|ly ttildeH)randl, (]ary and SLlsh' l)i(q,;ins(m, ])onlla .|() and Melody Shigly, Juicy PiLls. (]ary, Brad nnd Patly Slites, 'Per- i'v Clark, Sharon and Karen I 1-11t 'ns, Steven, L()l'en, "I'l•ll(]y L(.e Ebinger. Those unable to attetld Were Jlidy, Redgie, Larry and l)a- rid Bradley. REI'[:iIN IlOME Mrs. George ttildernfan recent- ly rettu'0ed fronl l ten day (:on- ference at the Firs Conference Pa: grounds in i, ellinghanl. Approx- "reparer i!nately' 800 peoph', atter|ded the (:onferen(:e. The cant l) fealures swimming, water skiing, canoeing, them with .............. SEATTLEG01NG TO ............. everything ,o,,,..., for back.t0 "|IST ASSUU Be,i school... • Cenkr ot Downbvm SaSe * Mocln, €omfY.ebb rooms-- TY, rldio ill Golden Egg Dhin! Room and Coffee hop • Oebn iktd I,ll * PeAlng Av,hbb e No harge foe Chdr Uder 14 • Honor All M,ior C Cedl '3" IS0 roon fNm G. L. Perry, h4gr. 1VRITE FOR ATTRATI¥| FOLDER ilu ii, m • RENTAL SEIIVI,...,r,,.,. LR OR SmAlL ........ : Edger and Vibrator Types FLO01H!AN D EllS FLOOR POLISHERS Hogan & Eacrett Lumber Co. Take home their complete Wardrobe N0W! The right sweater for sister's skirt.., the two pairs of shoes brother must have , .. that wonderful jacket value you saw. MAKE IT A ONE-STOP SHOP. PING TRIP :.. SAVE TIME, SAVE MONEY, DON'T LEAVE A SIN. GLE BARGAIN BE- HIND! Remember it doesn't cost you a single cent over our low cash prices if you pay within 30 days after billing. ,. and you can always ex- tend your payments over months and months with , just a small additional service charge on your unpaid balance. 00OW! CHARGE IT" AT PENNEYS I [llll Ill HIIlrest (Eleanor & Highway) Phone HA 6-4522 BEAT tl00e AUGUST ,, , ! . Eat delioious I)ARIGOL sweet way.. • FRESHER. beoaultll II'll LOGAL... Kitsap-Mason Dairymen's Assn. THIRD AND GROVE • • Phone HA 6-4473